Time for litle update:D
We are getting very close to relase. 4th demo gonna enter RelaseCandidate stage soon, what left is adding few more chips, viris, plot-wise stuff, NPCs(that's why the screenies looks soo empty without other characters, but it's much easier and faster to add them as the last thing) and of course hard beta testing.
(Spriter's APP submission is still open, so who haven't send the email yet, should do it soon!)
Guitar Duel!! Who gonna win?!
What's wrong with Mayl?
Tab's store. Wonder what chips tooks Lan's attention?
What's this? Some kind of basement? Maybe Lan got lost?
Floating cubes o-o!
MegaMan got angry at poor Mettaurs! xD
Also, all status/AI messing(Trumpet) chips are done as well!