I'm aware.
Read my whole post next time.
Don't get me wrong, I like X. But after playing X1-3 with just X (given playing Zero is a pain in X3) and finally in X4 they start introducing options? Yeah, I'ma [tornado fang]ing take my options. That and Axl plays better than X ever did in X8. So yeah.
Though, on that note... Command Missions did X some serious justice for a change. And people AREN'T funding this idea? Ugh... more people need to give Command Missions credit. It was the best X game I ever played, honestly. And that is saying something.
PLUS, it was also the first game in the entire Mega Man Franchise to have
GOOD English Dub. Mark Gathas as X, Lucas Gilbertson as Zero, It's awesome! X4 was godawful, MM8 was even worse, Legends was tolerable; it wasn't good, but there's nothing stopping me from wanting me to play it unlike the other PS1 Mega Man Games. X7 wasn't as bad, but it was still pretty bad. (Why the hell did they make Axl sound like Naruto? And not the good Naruto either; y'know, the one voiced by Junko Takeuchi? I'm talking about the bad one, the one done by Maile Flanagan.) X5 and X6 don't count because they didn't
have English dubs, but they
did have ridiculous mistranslations. Grizzly Slash? The Skiver? X6 didn't even translate their Maverick names, leaving many people scratching their heads as to what the hell a Mijinion was. Mega Man Powered up was also a decent game.
ZX Advent? [sonic slicer], please. That dub was terrible, and the worst part is that it's not even five years old! You'd think that by 2007, there would be some kind of quality standard in dubbing Capcom Games.