OMG... Blues is so [tornado fang]ing GAR.
Is it just me, or Was Light trippin when he made such an overpowered robot?
I can tell Blues pawnch is going to be the next big meme now.
Jesus, Wily. He really steals the show there. Emmy material for sure. Unfortunately, I didnt quite like Light's acting. The guy who plays him is perfect, no doubt, the look is fine, but.. His acting isnt so great. He comes off very monotonous... and actually, at some times, seems a bit of a dick.
But then again, Dr. Light is a douche, so it fits!
Rock and Roll. Very good acting both of them. Roll is uber adorable.
I loved that line, "Does my hair look fake?"
And Then the RM's. great acting all of them. They followed the Iceman thing from PU, which was interesting, and at least they made Elecman awesome, and not the flaming uber ghey he was in PU. Actually reminds me of Ariga Elecman actually.
Im really surprised they didnt add the flame on Fireman's head though! That was all it was missing! I mean, he had it when he was activated, yet never again after...
As for Cutman... Its funny how Light made them human like so that people would be more... "comfortable" around the,. And yet... Cutman is the SCARIEST looking mofo ive ever seen. I mean really. He has RED PUPILS. Id be pretty scared of him.
But yeah. very great film. Copy Megaman could have used more screentime IMO though...
Im really gonna see if I can make the screening...