I am far more interested in why the bosses are so pitiful compared to their levels? This game feels like Megaman X6 in many ways. Very strange ideas, kind of a rough cut, takes multiple tries to figure some things out (some WAY too many tries), and it's only fun when you already have everything. The level design in and of themselves aren't too difficult. The main difficulty from my experience were far too many deaths revolve around spike traps or getting knocked back into a hole. Generally in Megaman the deaths come from inexperience so that's fair enough. It's a little more frustrating when the checkpoints were a last second thought and haphazardly placed.
It's okay if a checkpoint sends you back before a mini boss. I recall that happening in the official games once or twice though I can't remember which game or where. ( I might not be correct so forgive me). But as long as you had killed the mini boss it wouldn't re-spawn! >.<; Another irritant is in the form of the default controls, I am using a wired Dualshock 3. After I had set up the controls through the options I went to play a stage and found out two VERY obnoxious issues. I had no diagonal support! Now i don't know if I am alone in that issue but I have already dealt with it. It may have been my D-pad but i honestly don't know. If I held right while jumping but then help up and right trying to catch a ladder it wouldn't work. Well not unless I had released right and only held up. Same issue with trying to slide but that is a moot point because thankfully you have a slide button which this game made me very thankful for!!
Other than those issues the control is fairly tight and for the most part Mega moves and acts like he should. Once or twice though he turns around for no reason just standing there until he gets hit, then he acts fine. (assuming I didn't die!)
Right now I am dealing with Wily stage 4 and now that I have played more of it and learned how to deal with it I have a better opinion of the game as a whole. It's not great but definitely not terrible. And while it has some intense (and unwarranted) hikes in difficulty it still manages to be a little fun. If only you didn't have to suffer so much before it become enjoyable. At least that's my take on it.
The weapons are completely useless or crazy useful! Comet Dash reminds me of the weapon you get after you defeat Pluto (is it Break Dash?) but also usable mid-air. Very useful! But then you have the awful Jet Missile. Neither strong, fast, clever, or helpful. Locking on? Never really works.
It's a shame really, I can see a lot of hard work went into this game, and along with it some very clever and unique ideas! Which, unfortunately, is marred greatly by the fact most of the issues I have with this game are more of oversights then poor choice. I honestly feel like if they tweaked with it a little bit more it could be truly great! The graphics are decent. The bosses aren't any better or worse than we have already seen. (Except maybe Glue Man)
It's hard and in the way that's kind of cheap and kind of legit, but is also kind of fun. I really don't think it's a bomb, just needs some more work. Feels like a beta that's mostly there.