All of this criticism will be useful to Phil once we get beta testers trying out the game, I think changes to some terrain palletes etc will be simple enough for Phil to do. Lets wait until the beta is out and you play the stages to see if the colour schemes are bad or not, that'll be the right time to express such concerns.
I've now updated the first post with videos too. Here's what I've added:
The video that started it all, MegaPhilX submitted this video to Capcom-Unity in January 2009, a flash animation of a hypothetical Mega Man 10. He did it for a competition and won! This video features an early version of Tank Man's stage. Many things have changed since this video, Hammer Man was replaced and the title obviously changed.
This is a demonstration of Rainbow Man's stage, made a month later. He still hadn't decided to make it a real game yet, and just made this a flash animation. Gives you a good idea as to how tough our bosses can be.
Finally some in-game footage. This was made 5 months later in May 2009, after I had managed to get N-Mario and MegaPhilX together to try and turn this into an actual fangame. It features an early version of the N-Mario Mega Man Engine, playing through an almost empty Nail Man stage.
Finally in July 2009, Phil had put together cutscenes and a title sequence in-game, inlcuding all the Robot Masters Stage Select poses.
Here is a list of videos where MegaPhilX answers fans questions about Mega Man Unlimited.