The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)

Started by Solar, April 08, 2010, 01:31:14 AM

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I don´t read comics so I have no clue about the Marvel canon


Quote from: Blackhook on May 28, 2010, 05:49:31 PM
I don´t read comics so I have no clue about the Marvel canon

See? You're exactly the type of end-user I'm talking about! You're probably interested in this game, certainly, but do you know and/or care about what's going on now? The answer is no.

So therefore, Marvel has to realize that there are plenty of potential buyers who don't know and more likely don't care. More likely, this is going to be marketed as yet another separate product until itself. Not unlike the movies, cartoons and toylines that are out there...

Protoman Blues

I would certainly hope they use Brock-Venom, because I'm not a fan of Gargan-Venom.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: HokutoNoBen on May 28, 2010, 06:04:49 PM
See? You're exactly the type of end-user I'm talking about! You're probably interested in this game, certainly, but do you know and/or care about what's going on now? The answer is no.

So therefore, Marvel has to realize that there are plenty of potential buyers who don't know and more likely don't care. More likely, this is going to be marketed as yet another separate product until itself. Not unlike the movies, cartoons and toylines that are out there...
Yeah, but Marvel is also gearing for some sort of acceptance into the new Heroic Age system. Since they pretty much rebooted everything, I'm thinking they should probably push forward the new status quo as the absolute one, I guess. For people to see it as the new default one.

Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 28, 2010, 07:29:58 PM
I would certainly hope they use Brock-Venom, because I'm not a fan of Gargan-Venom.
Current Anti-Venom, then.

Protoman Blues

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Protoman Blues on May 28, 2010, 07:40:19 PM
Ehhhhhhhh......I suppose so.
(tries to find that one page where a stereotypical gang member goes "[parasitic bomb] boy, that's White Venom!")


Quote from: The Goshdarn Flash on May 28, 2010, 07:37:49 PM
Yeah, but Marvel is also gearing for some sort of acceptance into the new Heroic Age system. Since they pretty much rebooted everything, I'm thinking they should probably push forward the new status quo as the absolute one, I guess. For people to see it as the new default one.

Only thing that goes away from that notion is that there are movies, direct-to-DVD features and other cartoons out there. All of which, are different yet viable means for people to come to know and love Marvel's properties. Comic books, comparably speaking, are definitely on the lower end of the spectrum. So, when it comes to it, if you were the marketing team, who should you be trying to cater to the most? The general public who is more likely to remember/know about the movies and toons, or the comic book fan minority? The answer should be clear.

This is a different era from during the original Capcom-Marvel game run, where the only sources that were out and about were the 90s cartoons and comic books. Onslaught was able to slide right into MvC, because well, the comic books were the only other viable means to pull stuff from beyond the cartoons. Now, we've got a slew of different sources for people to know and love Marvel. Why alienate any one of them, when you could use a game like this as a nice means of attaining a "common ground"?

I mean, even on the Capcom side, they seem prone to doing the same thing. Dante is reportedly going to be based more on his DMC3 design, more than anything else, and it likely has completely to do with the fact that DMC3 was a fondly remembered and well-loved game (which is a bit more than what can be said for DMC4). If Capcom is up to doing likewise on their side, for the sake of fanservice, surely, Marvel will see the wisdom in doing likewise for what should be brain-dead easy things like Brock-Venom and Rogers-America.

Quote from: The Goshdarn Flash on May 28, 2010, 07:37:49 PM
Current Anti-Venom, then.

No problem with that, as like I said, the comic book fans can get their love through maybe the likes of skins that can be unlocked, or at worse, DLC content.

I mean, if they want to go for things like that, then surely they could things like Spider-man a Noir costume that doesn't change the character, but is a nice bit of a fanservice all the same. And that's the most that we should expect.

Protoman Blues

I think alternate costumes are the way to go.  Again, especially if they put in Firestar like they're going to since I've deemed it so.  I always liked both of Firestar's costumes, but I'd probably go with her New Warriors outfit.

But yeah, that way you could have the BuckyCap outfit, Symby Spidey, and so on.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: HokutoNoBen on May 28, 2010, 08:08:44 PM
Only thing that goes away from that notion is that there are movies, direct-to-DVD features and other cartoons out there. All of which, are different yet viable means for people to come to know and love Marvel's properties. Comic books, comparably speaking, are definitely on the lower end of the spectrum. So, when it comes to it, if you were the marketing team, who should you be trying to cater to the most? The general public who is more likely to remember/know about the movies and toons, or the comic book fan minority? The answer should be clear.

This is a different era from during the original Capcom-Marvel game run, where the only sources that were out and about were the 90s cartoons and comic books. Onslaught was able to slide right into MvC, because well, the comic books were the only other viable means to pull stuff from beyond the cartoons. Now, we've got a slew of different sources for people to know and love Marvel. Why alienate any one of them, when you could use a game like this as a nice means of attaining a "common ground"?

I mean, even on the Capcom side, they seem prone to doing the same thing. Dante is reportedly going to be based more on his DMC3 design, more than anything else, and it likely has completely to do with the fact that DMC3 was a fondly remembered and well-loved game (which is a bit more than what can be said for DMC4). If Capcom is up to doing likewise on their side, for the sake of fanservice, surely, Marvel will see the wisdom in doing likewise for what should be brain-dead easy things like Brock-Venom and Rogers-America.

No problem with that, as like I said, the comic book fans can get their love through maybe the likes of skins that can be unlocked, or at worse, DLC content.

I mean, if they want to go for things like that, then surely they could things like Spider-man a Noir costume that doesn't change the character, but is a nice bit of a fanservice all the same. And that's the most that we should expect.
All that's good and well, but Gargan and Bucky are actually being accepted really well into their new roles. Fans keep saying they like the new characters, it gives a whole new evolution the their legacy, and it allows for a whole new status quo, which is something really hard, seeing as no matter how many world-changing events there are, normally, comics always go back to the same reset button. So, yeah. I say Buckycap and Gargan are in.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Shinichameleon / Nayim on June 10, 2010, 02:18:36 PM

Nearly a year from now then. Hope that translates into pure quality.


Holy [parasitic bomb], Dormmamu!
I sure [tornado fang]ing hope this game will be better than the last two.
(not saying they were bad, but in my opinion... they were kinda meh).

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Forte on June 11, 2010, 12:50:43 PM
Holy [parasitic bomb], Dormmamu!
I sure [tornado fang]ing hope this game will be better than the last two.
(not saying they were bad, but in my opinion... they were kinda meh).
It'll most probably emulate the style of SF4 and TvsC. Dunno if you liked those or not.


Quote from: The Goshdarn Flash on June 11, 2010, 01:21:58 PM
It'll most probably emulate the style of SF4 and TvsC. Dunno if you liked those or not.
Never played them.
No one around me has them.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Forte on June 11, 2010, 01:26:18 PM
Never played them.
No one around me has them.
No way to get them yourself?


Quote from: The Goshdarn Flash on June 11, 2010, 01:28:45 PM
No way to get them yourself?
I don't own any current gen consoles(or any consoles right now, for that matter), if anything... I usually leech of my cousin or certain other people.
Yes, it's lame.
I'm saving up tough, so I can finally buy myself one.
I'm considering Wii and/or PSP.

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Lord Forte on June 11, 2010, 02:37:01 PM
I don't own any current gen consoles(or any consoles right now, for that matter), if anything... I usually leech of my cousin or certain other people.
Yes, it's lame.
I'm saving up tough, so I can finally buy myself one.
I'm considering Wii and/or PSP.
Depends on your game tastes. Wii's good for tiny few specs of light in a sea of shovelware. PSP's good for those games that take huge time to get anywhere in and to which you get needlessly addicted to.


Both of the consoles are easy to hack too. ^^b
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Quote from: VixyNyan on June 11, 2010, 03:57:30 PM
Both of the consoles are easy to hack too. ^^b

It's what i got MY wii for  owob

...Well that and Mario Kart >_>

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: VixyNyan on June 11, 2010, 03:57:30 PM
Both of the consoles are easy to hack too. ^^b
I love never having to buy anything unless to support the companies directly for specially good games.


Protoman Blues

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Fox McCloud on June 11, 2010, 06:37:17 PM
Nothing all that new, but here you go.
Never really thought about it, but... wow. Deadpool and Dante are pretty much evenly matched. Blades and guns, always with pointy stuff stuck in them through battles, cracking constant jokes...


Quote from: The Goshdarn Flash on June 11, 2010, 07:11:22 PM
Never really thought about it, but... wow. Deadpool and Dante are pretty much evenly matched. Blades and guns, always with pointy stuff stuck in them through battles, cracking constant jokes...
Yup... now all we need is Dante to break the fourth wall 8D

Bueno Excelente

Quote from: Fox McCloud on June 11, 2010, 07:29:00 PM
Yup... now all we need is Dante to break the fourth wall 8D
Hasn't he already? I mean... the theater scene from DMC4 is pretty much a given.