The gentleman proceeds to run the kids over, turning them into perfect gentlemen while they sip tea and talk about where they got thier tophats which they bought with legal, hard earned money. The gentleman uses his car to then pull the moon down using good ol' fashioned rope, the gentleman cuts the moon and sets a slice of it on two pieces of bread. "Who wants some moon cheese, hm?" Said the gentelman, poking Afro's Afro with his lucky special cane of avocado.
Then from the slice of moon cheese, a flower sprouted. The breeze gently pushed the flower's azure petals.
However, this was no ordinary flower, for it had a familiar face.
Looking up at it's captor, with a warm, yet slightly eerie smile, it said to him: "...Bacon Hog"
After those words had pased it's non-existent lips, there was a large nuclear explosion somewhere in the city.
Suddenly, the flower wilted and transformed into a giant, mecha chicken.
It pointed towards the explosion and with a lust for justice it shouted: "Green eggs and toasted olives!! We must shave ze world, NOW!!"
So the giant, mecha chicken transformed into a ferry boat, and along with his food-based Power Ranger friends, flew into the sun, where they spontaniousy combusted, in SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCEEEE!!.
The world learned a very important lesson that day. NEVER RUN WITH SCISSORS.
Elsewhere, a caped man was pointing and the light post.
[EDIT: fixed some writting errors in the post]