We all want the prettiest display we can get. Miyamoto himself wants his games to be in HD. But one needs to stop and think about what is practical.
In all its history Legends has always been underrated. HD development means higher cost, which Capcom would likely frown upon for what they at best see as a cult revival. They barely approved a development team of 20 for a Classic-series revival, for crying out loud.
And call this console fanboyism if you must, but I think trying to push MegaMan on the "stereotypically hardcore" crowd represented by HD consoles is an exercise in futility. Ever since the PS2 made gaming "cool", Capcom has been trying to push X, Classic, and Legends in their camp, both console and handheld, and it NEVER WORKED. No matter how good the games are they don't get the recognition they deserve. We don't need L3 turning into another MHX. I'm not saying this just so I can play it; if need be I'll happily buy an XBox360 L3 disc and camp at my brother's house. But I don't believe it's what's best for the series. MegaMan is oldschool, whether it has an NES can of paint on it or not, and Capcom needs to get that through their heads.
BTW, Objection Man, no offense, but it sucks to have your hands. I'm 6'4" and have never found a pair of work gloves that actually fit, and even I can play handhelds without cramping.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)