What happened?
Well I was sitting in my chair and I looked at the back of my computer to check how my broken keyboard was connected. Next thing I know I feel a bone in my right leg shift and it was hurting like hell, and it sure didn't help that I'm pretty sensitive to pain either. Weirdest thing is I know I didn't hit my knee on anything to make that happen either.
So I immediatly called my dad, since I couldn't move, and he woke my mom up and after a few minutes of talking, sweating, and pain my mom and dad helped me get to my room. I slowly inched myself to my pillow when my mom came in again tried to help me by lifting my leg then the bone suddenly popped back into place. I'm fine now but my mom is going to make a docter appointment on Monday so I can have X rays on my legs. My mom and grandma seemed to think that because I've always had weak muscles that it might have been the reason it happened, because this wasn't the first time it happened but it was never so serious before and I always seem to trip up on the same leg.
My mom says I probably won't need surgery for this thing, but I sure hope that isn't the case since I've never had surgery other than for my wisdom teeth removal. She said that the worst cae scenario would probably be a knee brace so I think I should be fine, but I won't know till I go to the docter.