Why does the Universe love screwing with me when I need something?
How do you say no to doubts that come up in your head? I always wanted to draw somethign and even took art classes in high school but it didn't improve my technique much and I felt discouraged from drawing again. After over the years seeing so much fanart and paintings, I wanted to try my hand in that and post some things on there but then I hear my mind, "You didn't practice for years" "there is no way you can do that!" "It is too late, you are not a kid anymore so you cannot possibly still consider fanart" or "You cannot draw humans right to do this." I was told to keep drawing and practice but I didn't see any results and that kind of discouraged me from drawing at all. Seeing my past "failures" and finding that kids half my age can draw amazing art or create websites and even if your motor functions aren't complete until you are an adult, the fact that kids can do that now is what frustrates me and ames me feel shame at the same time. I really want to try all that desing stuff but I cannot draw photorealistically, humans or not al all and all my website ideas are wpretty much borrowed frow what I see in other sites. How does it take to create to great art? What skills and mindset do I need to adapt to this? And how can I so no doubt and fear?