What Anime are you Currently Watching?

Started by Satoryu, November 08, 2008, 07:06:08 AM

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just reviving the thread a little.

my anime queue has been extremely light as of late. i've only been checking out La Blue Girl just to see what all the hubub was about.

i think i want to find a good rewatch. something like G Gundam or GaoGaiGar.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


I'm still kind of forcing myself through Zeta Gundam at the moment. While the series had a very cool start, it has been somewhat declining since they went down to Earth and only recovers little by little from it upon returning back to space. One of the main reasons why I'm still watching it is Jerid Messa. I just like this guy.

I'm not sure yet if I should really continue with ZZ after Zeta as I heard it's not that good. Maybe I'll just skip it and go directly for Char's Counterattack.

Protoman Blues

Ahhh Jerid.  I like Jerid too.  He's also fun to use in DW: Gundam.

I have yet to watch ZZ Gundam.  I've also heard that it's not that great.  My friend told me it starts off pretty bad then picks up towards the end, but by that time, it's too late.  I'll eventually get around to watching it. 

As for what I'm watching now, still just Casshern: Sins and Gundam 00.  Oh, and Zeta Gundam with my Dad on Ani-Monday.

Dr. Wily II

Currently watching the third Inuyasha movie.
Also, finally started watching Amaenaide yo!

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Police Girl

Im sticking with the Geass dub, and after that.. not much. :\


Almost done with Shakugan no Shana.

Would've been finished earlier, but I had to do over-time at work.


I'm watching a bunch of animes, but the ones I'm really focused on are Casshern Sins, and Gundam 00 Season 2.

I really need to get around to watching those other ones. >_>


Klavier Gavin

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Nekomata on November 08, 2008, 06:42:44 PM
ZZ is great, ho. x:

Elpeo Puru definitely peeked my interest in this series even more!


I haven't watched anime for awhile, so just to state my status:
Futakoi 1/13
Naruto: Shippuuden 82/-
Rizelmine 15/24
Toradora! 4/25

When was the last time I poked you guys...

Setsuna F. Seiei

Gundam 00.

Everything else ended and havn't bothered to start anything new. Maybe Cashern or what ever it's called.


Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on November 08, 2008, 10:36:33 PM
Maybe Cashern or what ever it's called.

Watch it. Casshern Sins is awesome. Casshern and 00 are the best series of this fall season.


Currently watching and waiting...

5D's, Casshern sins, Rosario+ vampire capu 2, rune soldier Louie, and Toradora.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Hajime no Ippo, certainly good! The boxing matches are well written and drawn, they never bored me. Some of the humor is funny too, especially when Takamaru san is part of it. Each boxer is quite unique as well, each of them having a trademark technique such as the Flicker or the White Fang.
Flok's favorites:


Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion Season 1.

I just finished To Love Ru a little while ago...

I swear, out of 26 episodes, 23 were fillers. ALL FILLERS.


Quote from: Saber on November 08, 2008, 10:43:18 PM
Watch it. Casshern Sins is awesome. Casshern and 00 are the best series of this fall season.
you forgot [chameleon sting]ing Hokuto.


Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Protoman Blues

I just started DLing some hot Raoh action myself.  I can't wait to see it.

Dr. Wily II

My weekly anime list:
[spoiler]Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - 5 episodes
Casshern Sins - 1 episode
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 S2 - 1 episode
Toradora! - 1 episode
Kyo no Go no Ni TV - 1 episode
Skip Beat! - 1 episode
Digimon Savers - 1 episode
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl - 1 episode
Bakugan Battle Brawlers - 1 episode
Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits - 1 episode

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I always wondered when I saw your list updates on my MAL panel, what version of DM do you watch? Sub, Bootleg or Dub? Because GX_ST is somewhat slow. Still waiting for further Battle City arc episodes.

Dr. Wily II

Ah, Yu-Gi-Oh! is dubbed, but it's not by 4Kids.
It's dubbed by my local tv network.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Just watched the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO 2 - Gravity of the Battlefront.

The concept is pretty interesting, not to mention that this series predates everything in UC. What sucked however, was that my PC wasn't capable of catching up with the video due to it's 720p nature. And those [gg] bastards no longer release any lower res subs...f*cking assholes...