You don't follow. You propose that society finds a place for the robots Wily made. So, after MM2, Woodman (for example) is put to work. Suddenly RaMoon comes around and makes another Woodman for his purposes using Wily's brain chips. That makes 2 Woodmen. One made by RaMoon, the other salvaged from MM2.
But what Ra Moon did was use the brain chips Wily was carrying. Given Wily's emotional attachment to them, they're the originals Wily created. In terms of society, I don't see them putting the likes of WoodMan to use as they have no purpose to begin with, only those originally part of society would be given a job.
But, when it comes down to it, certain robots are still Wily's property, even if he's an evil mad scientist that steals other's robots, what right allows the UN and the World Robot Union to take his robots away from him? You could define such as theft, piracy and copyright infringement. They would be no better than Wily.
Furthermore, even if they're forcedly taken away from Wily during his times as a wanted man, you really ought to take note of the fact that Wily had their brain chips handy when he was actually working for the UN, so he could have access to even the brain chips the governments took from him. No matter what happened to the originals, we can be sure of the fact that what Wily carries with them are the originals.
So what? The only difference between MM1 and MM7 is that three of the robots were turned on.
I'm saying, there might be more than one robot of each type, since even such a robot as HeatMan (who was with Wily at SAR's end) could be found in the Robot Museum, but during the plot, we only should encounter the original as an actual character. Such copies should not be involved with any of the Wily incidents as actual characters, due to strong developer and character favor for the original to be used instead.
As for MM7, I'd say that's the closest thing to an activated copy we got, GutsMan that is. The other two are conjecture until proven otherwise. But GutsMan got converted into something only derived from GutsMan, effectively making it a separate character from the original GutsMan.
So you don't think a museum of technology would actually have technology in it? I would disagree.
I would think it have displays that depict the workings of the separate parts of each robot, mock ups of each robot to show their design in relation to functionality. Keeping actual working copies of the robots seems to be asking for trouble. Yet they did, the Robot Museum is quite the enigmatic thing in that regard. We simply don't know those robots are, only that they work. If I had to choose, I'd consider them spare bodies without a personality, mindless drones.
And Launch Octopus is the X series and does not apply. Different type of robot in a different type of series.
It applies completely, since Repliroids can be copied just as easily. Remember Zero? IHX went to the trouble of depicting that these rematches aren't the same characters, just mindless drones. After Octopuld got established, the rematches continued without any conversation coming from any of them. In Rockman Rockman, it's quite similar, every single boss confrontation gets a conversion, yet the robots at the rematches have no lines whatsoever. In sharp contrast to their lack of lines, we have each different Copy Robot and even CWU-01P established as a character. Rockman Rockman heavily favors the fact that those are just mindless drones and therefore, even if they're copies, are not actual characters like the original CutMan.
What I'm getting at is the following, whenever they're depicted as actual characters, they should be the original. (Unless otherwise established that there is a copy as in Rockman3) At any other time, such as the museum and maybe such games as Rockman World and Battle and Fighters, we must not consider any copies as actual character, they'd just be drones carrying out their intended function.
Applying that to Rockman9's Concrete Man, the one chasing Wily is the original repaired by Right, the other at the teleporters is a mindless copy. Otherwise, why is not destroyed from the recent rematch with Rock?
Robots in a museum of robots is such a case. Because the reverse would mean Light went to great lengths to make sure there would only be one Cutman in the entire world ... to the point of even shutting him down and putting him in museum ... just to have one Cutman in the world. And that Wily intended to play hot potato with Gutsman's brain chip in MM1 when he has a legion of Gutsmen at his disposal.
I'm just saying, in the case of this CutMan, which has a personality, memories of previous battles, we should consider it the original real thing, even if that means he's going from good to evil to good to evil again. Concidering anything else should only be done when we have explicit reason to believe it isn't the original. Only for things like the museum and rematches should we consider copies, and then just as drones incomparable to the actual character that is CutMan. The GutsMan army therefor would just be a bunch of drones with the body and strength of GutsMan, but not GutsMan himself.
I know that this is a different series, but X5 shows that there are 2 Lifesavors.
Ceetain robots might be massproduced depending on their line of work.
and two active Fakemen!
I think there is a key distinction between robots such as Rock/X and FakeMan/Lifesaver. FakeMan for instance is a mass produced fake of a mass produced police robot. Again I emphasize, there is only one unless there's a reason to think otherwise. In other words, FakeMan has multiple versions and there's no way to confirm which is which, whereas Cutman from his first appearance to SAR to mm8 is still the same robot, not a copy. The rematch is a copy as it does not speak whilst it should and Right recovered the originals beforehand.
Whether the ones from World and Battle and Fighters are the real thing? Who knows, I never heard them say a thing, it could go either way.