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Messages - The Great Gonzo

General / Re: wrt: the new forum format.
October 08, 2020, 12:05:47 AM
Ah, I see. (And sa'right about the accidental PM'ing, btw)
General / wrt: the new forum format.
October 07, 2020, 02:01:14 PM
Was this something consciously decided on as a means of making RPM more secure (like what happened with another forum I'm a member of), or did it get updated from on high, so to speak?

Not gonna lie--as infrequently as I check the place these days, I really prefer the old look, and not just because 99% of mobile-friendly web design just looks sterile and lifeless to me. (Also, all the Servbot emoticons appear to be broken, at least in editor view.)
Fan Creations / Re: MM Fancomic Archives
September 23, 2020, 07:09:44 AM
Man, went down? I didn't go there too often, but I was at least aware of it. Nice to see that it's been mostly-archived.
We're holding together over here.
X / MMX4 Developer Interview, 1997
September 27, 2018, 07:31:26 PM
Shmupulations recently translated an interview with Yoshinori Takenaka (producer), Koji Okohara (planner), and Ikki Tazaki (designer), originally from Sega Saturn Magazine.

The most interesting bit, to me, is the suggestion that MMX is/was not actually the definitive future of Classic, just a possible one, and that the Light and Wily seen in MMX might not be their Classic selves. Which would explain some discrepancies and oddities, but this really needed to be made clear in-series if it stuck... (Also kinda questionable when you take The Power Fighters into account)
August 15, 2018, 08:27:44 AM
I'm liking the Doom Slayer's new duds (not that I had any issues with his earlier ones).
Maybe you have something different in mind, but it does make me think of how many complaints are that it's a "bastardization" of Classic MM and not a separate thing that borrows a lot of characters/visual cues from Classic MM.

I just hope that it won't be completely impossible to have honest discussions on MoA-MM when it airs.
New promo image featuring some RMs. Among the familiar faces is a mysterious angel-bot.

MoA-MM will appear in the MIPTV tradeshow in April; hopefully we'll learn more then.

(Don't read the comments unless you want to watch a bunch of entitled dipshits actively hope for this cartoon that's not even out yet to fail because it doesn't appeal to them.)
X / MMX1 Internal Design Docs
February 12, 2018, 06:10:48 AM
Via Protodude's Rockman Corner and Kobun 20, we have some old design docs about various relationships/events prior to MMX1, written in-between development of that game and MM5 in 1993. Highlights:

* The "Zero is a Wily-bot" thing was planned from the start.

* Wily used Protoman as a reference for the ZERO Project. (The document uses a dotted line to denote this; another leads from Megaman to the X Project, suggesting to me that Mega and X [still] aren't the same 'bot, either)

* Apparently Zero was already at the bottom of the morality barrel, so the virus that was intended to sink him lower got confused and turned him into a do-gooder. In other words, that bizarre comment from MMZ Official Complete Works wasn't pulled out of Capcom's ass after all.

If/when we get more historical goodies out of the 30th Anniversary event, I guess we would move/rename this topic.
"Some characters from previous installments will also be making a comeback."

Roll was kind of a given, so I have to wonder who else might be showing up. 'twould be great if XOver!Kalinka could appear in a mainline title.

Now to wait for them to unveil the new Robot Masters...
Gonna reserve any and all feelings about this for after the livestream concludes and the reports/summaries come in.

MM11 would be nice, but I'm not sure I trust Capcom to be smart enough not to spend all this hype on yet another compilation.
Gaming / Re: Sonic Forces ~Join the Uprising~
October 29, 2017, 08:01:32 AM
Quote from: Flame on October 29, 2017, 06:46:25 AMI have seen absolutely NO hype for this game whatsoever.

IDK man, I've seen lots of folks (including several friends) excited for Forces. Maybe people in the places you're looking in aren't, but to claim that there's "no hype" whatsoever strikes me as untrue.
Gaming / Re: Sonic Forces ~Join the Uprising~
October 29, 2017, 04:39:10 AM
Yannow what I'm worried about? Forces could turn out to be an enjoyable title and reviewers would still slam it because "weh weh modern sux".

i remember hearing that GameInformer penalized Generations harshly because it wasn't purely Classic-based, and outside of that it seems no one on staff can keep their biases wrt: Sonic in check. I don't trust them to judge Forces fairly.

So if they've got nothing planned but more merch, what else is that new Roll design (and unknown concept art in MMLC2) supposed to be for?
Gaming / Re: [sonic slicer] about Sonic
September 15, 2017, 03:01:49 PM
If Forces was going to be Generations 2, and Infinite is someone (or something) we've seen before, perhaps he's an aspect/avatar of the Time Eater? From what I know of Forces, Infinite tends to 'glitch out' as if he has trouble existing on the physical plane--an issue one might expect when your god/the rest of you exists out of time.

Knowing what I know of Mania (haven't gotten a chance to play it yet), that might also make the Phantom Ruby some kind of Time Eater-related artifact.
Gaming / Re: [sonic slicer] about Sonic
July 22, 2017, 03:44:50 AM
Infinite looks like he'll be a suitable threat.

In other news: Archie Sonic is dead, long live IDW Sonic. Following the former's cancellation, IDW has announced that it'll be producing new Sonic stuff in 2018. Whether it's an all-new series or a continuation of the reboot remains to be seen.

Almost everyone was hoping for IDW to receive the license should worst come to worst (and it did), so I'm guessing someone there was listening.
Metroid: Samus Returns will be getting amiibo--one of Samus, one of a Metroid. All I can think going over the promo images is 'MIGHTY NEED'.

I'm very glad that Nintendo still wants to do stuff with this series in a non-spinoff capacity (and I hope everyone who feared they'd abandoned Metroid is too).
Original / Re: Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
June 05, 2017, 07:34:45 PM
D'oh, beaten to it.

Anyway, Digital Eclipse isn't involved with this one, for whatever reason (probably for claiming the last LC was a recode when it was just ROMs on an emulator, IIRC...).
Gaming / Re: [sonic slicer] about Sonic
May 16, 2017, 10:26:44 PM
I like it! Seems like it'll be fun to mess around with.
General / Re: Why am I irgpie
May 06, 2017, 01:19:53 AM
Everything seems fine on my end.
Original / Re: Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
May 03, 2017, 03:24:15 AM
Well, the CD database might need touching up ('douchie', anyone?). I think the normal-game text should be fine.
General / Re: Why am I irgpie
April 30, 2017, 12:20:46 AM
I was Cirno until I came into this thread. (If the actual post says I'm Cirno, I'm Gonzo)
Gaming / Re: [sonic slicer] about Sonic
April 15, 2017, 12:26:32 AM
Hadn't considered that we might get Create-a-Mobian, but that'd be a good way to shake things up. (Though I dread the inevitable whining/mean-spirited 'jokes' about OCs if it turns out to be true)
You say that like Capcom had any plans to revive MML3 or start ZX3 to begin with. :U

Seriously--while it seems like Capcom's getting better, this is still the same company that dumped MML3 at practically the first chance they got. I'm not sure what it'd take to get that project running again.