The Top 10 Topic

Da Dood · 12353

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on: January 15, 2009, 03:34:01 PM
Inspired by and the GameFAQs feature where users post their Top 10 lists. Since I'm always curious about RPMers' opinions, I thought it'd be an interesting idea!

Basically, the sky is the limit. Post your personal Top 10 lists about anything, as long as it's related to videogames. It can be Top 10 Best or Top 10 Worst.

For example, I'm starting with...

Top 10 Worst Levels (In Great Games)

10. Aquas - Star Fox 64 [N64]
Frankly, the only reason this isn't "higher" is because we may skip it. Still, the more interesting paths in the game involve this stroll, so I couldn't ignore it. Aquas is an underwater level in a Star Fox game. That alone should bury the concept, but the new vehicle and [as always] the dialogue would be enough to keep things exciting. The problem is that these waters are incredibly busy, so the framerate is reduced to a crawl. The scenery is dull, the submarine itself is slow as heck and there are targets everywhere. Since we're dealing with a rail shooter, this level takes about eight years to finish.

9. Desert of Lost Souls - God of War [PS2]
I know the Sirens are always located in the exact same spots. I still have trouble finding them and I still don't see the point. Very short segment that manages to ruin the flow, so it's #9.

8. Dynasty - Mega Man X8 [PS2]
The symbol of X8's mixed level design. I don't personally consider Dynasty as awful as most haters out there, but this level ignores the game's huge power-up buffet in exchange for an underwhelming 40-second ride, so it fails.

7. 5-2 Stalling - Resident Evil 4 [GC]
The Island segment as a whole is a bit stretchy, but 5-1 and 5-3 were able to find their mojo in non-stop action and boss fights. 5-2, on the other hand, is a weird limbo. Some of the best combat scenarios in RE4 are those where you're trapped in a big area and must face many enemies while manipulating your surroundings, like the Pueblo and Mike's cameo. In 5-2 there are two of those, but not only they happen in very small rooms (the wrecking ball and the bulldozer switch), you must also pay attention to the ballistics-equipped piece of meat behind you.

6. Underground Passage - Silent Hill 3 [PS2]
I guess no one would care to understand some generic-looking buried facility as long as there are lots of enemies to face. The confusing layout of the place adds another reason to rush for the game's more detailed environments as soon as possible.

5. Rank #5 - No More Heroes [Wii]
This is not about the cutscene! I love what they did there. The section leading to it, however, is a bore. No More Heroes already is a kinda repetitive game, and the combat rarely shines against individual thugs. Fighting one enemy at a time in that long corridor marks my save-and-quit-for-now point in the journey.

4. Poisonous Pipeline - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble [SNES]
This is the level I chose to represent DKC3's exaggeration in gimmick design. If not for them, I could have placed this along with DKC2 as my favorite 2D platformer ever. Poisonous Pipeline in particular is a level where your left and right controls are inverted. Now with 100% lazy.

3. Temple Grounds - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes [GC]
Aether's hub plays one of the most out-of-place songs in gaming, has zero visual identity and even pukes at our sense of scale with those rushed pixelated backgrounds. It's also tedious. This area is the main reason I don't play Echoes as often as I wanted, so that makes it a solid #3.

2. Labyrinth Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog [GEN]
Okay, so Marble Zone isn't exactly a race, but Labyrinth takes Sonic's speed and laughs at it. Not only the water makes gameplay slower, we have to worry about that devious countdown that gives me nightmares since 1991.

1. Water Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64]
Perhaps the king of frustration in any given category. To be honest I didn't have a lot of trouble figuring how to beat the Temple, it's just an unbelievable chore. Its appeal drowned somewhere between opening the menu to equip the Iron Boots way too often and flooding the place way too often. You could say it's an acceptable evil for a worthy climax, but... sadly, Morpha sucks just as much.

Post away!

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Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 03:44:59 PM
OK, this topic seems interesting enough, so I'll try and give it a shot sometime.

EDIT - RAGE at some of those picks though, seriously, Labryinth Zone and Aquas?

Offline Da Dood

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Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 03:55:01 PM
Hehe. I don't hate it or anything, it's just not nearly as fun as the crack thrill of loopdeloops. My main criterion for this list was how much of the fun I have with the game these levels end up sucking away. Since my favorite part of Sonic is speeding, Labyrinth is just a huge road block.

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Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 07:46:50 PM
Satoryu's Top 10 of 2008

10: Mario Kart Wii
Princess, Mario, and the Toad
Does it beat Mario Kart 64? [tornado fang] no. The randomness to skill ratio is still way too icky. But comparing to Double Dash and DS, this is probably better than them if only slightly. The cast of characters has been expanded a lot, from dispicable inclusions like Baby Daisy, to really nifty things like your Mii, to flat out surprises like Funky Kong. Bikes are very fun to use, and actually obsolete the karts. The stages and music are also pretty good. If you can't get a hold of a better Mario Kart, this is your best alternative.

9: Soulcalibur IV
Voldo will be naked in the next game
I loved SCII, but I hated SCIII. SCIV is definitely a step up from III, but is still a ways off from matching II. The cast is very good. The fighting is rather fluid, and has an appropriate difficulty. The Story mode is nice. Custom characters are very fun to make. Not much else to say, except the Star Wars people are really unnecessary and broken.

8: Rosenkreuzstilette
They can't speak German worth shitte
Technically, this game came out in 2007. But it was December 31, 2007, and there's been revisions since then, so this is an exception. I was disappointed to learn MegaMari was more bullethell than Mega Man clone. RKS still has some bullethell moments, but not nearly as much. It's a much more faithful Mega Man clone, almost feeling like a real Mega Girl game, just with different female archtypes/fetishes in place of robots. It even has a playable Zero equivalent. A very nice surprise. Can't wait for the interquel.

7: Bionic Commando Rearmed
You're going to make my head explod
I'll admit, I'd barely even heard of the original BC when this came on my radar. But the bit of footage I saw was all I needed to fall in love with it. Rearmed is a very faithful enhanced port, making appropriate stylistic changes along the way. A kickass soundtrack, drop down funny moments, and the opportunity to blow Hitler's head into at least 27 different fleshy pieces.

6: Mirror's Edge
And I ran...
The whole concept of the game was a selling point. A first person platformer with an emphasis on speed. It's hands down really fun to play. Also, though it's set in the future, it's colors are bright and vivid. A breathe of fresh air from the grays and browns of every other game today. Also, there's DLC levels on the way that look even better than the core game. I can't wait.

5: Banjo Kazooie XBLA
Bear and bird goodness
I could have had this for free. $15 is too much for this. Nevertheless, actually playing this game again was so refreshing. The jump to HD was seamless. The game plays just like the original, and sometimes even better. And getting the Stop n Swop items without having to put in a code feels awesome.

4: Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
Looks delicious
Shanoa is a terrible character, I can't deny that. But does the story really matter? Gameplay is definitely up to snuff with the other Metroidvanias. The Glyphs handle very well. The new enviroments are kinda nice. The music is the best on the DS. And Albus is really fun to play as. I don't think it quite tops the other DS games, but it's still a very strong game.

3: Mega Man 9
I fired a C Shot
Hands down the biggest surprise of 2008, and the best downloadable title of the year. Who the hell needs charge shots or sliding? The game is incredibly fun and addictive without them. The addition of time attacks, the shop, and DLC is pretty nice, although the DLC could be better. The weapons are top notch; none of them are useless. Music is great. Overall, execution is top notch. Is it better than the NES games? Too early to tell. But it sure gives MM2 and 3 a run for their money.

2: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
As I expected, Brawl beats the pants off of Melee. The level of fanservice has risen exponentially, and so has the shear amount of content crammed into the game. It has one of the biggest and best soundtracks ever to grace a videogame, almost everything is 2 players, and it's like 2 games in one, considering how extensive Subspace Emissary is. Snake and Sonic are really nice treats too. We'll be playing this for a long time, and I bet even tourneyfags will stop bitching after a while.

1: No More Heroes
Mister Sir Henry [chameleon sting]er
No More Heores is easily the best 3rd party game on the Wii, and to me, even beats out Ninty's own. Combat can be repetetive, but it still remains fun, and it has a level of complexity to it. The oddjobs are kinda limited, but that con is outdone by bosses. They're all fun to fight and feel like life or death situations. The writing and characters are top notch. And it's just so stylish. I want to see more games like this.

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Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 08:52:11 PM
Aw, I wanted to do that one too, but I only got to play... seven 2008 releases. My list would end up like this:

1. Mega Man 9
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3. World of Goo
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. No More Heroes
6. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
7. Wii Fit

4, 5 and 6 are a shameless tie, I just ranked 'em according to how much time I spent with each.

Also, even though it's last, Wii Fit is actually pretty good... :o

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Reply #5 on: January 19, 2009, 05:37:38 PM
1. Water Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64]
Perhaps the king of frustration in any given category. To be honest I didn't have a lot of trouble figuring how to beat the Temple, it's just an unbelievable chore. Its appeal drowned somewhere between opening the menu to equip the Iron Boots way too often and flooding the place way too often. You could say it's an acceptable evil for a worthy climax, but... sadly, Morpha sucks just as much.
Better make that a top 11, because the Fire Barrier in Ganon's Tower from Master Quest EASILY upstages the Water Temple of old.  What's funny is that it's only a single room, but it just pisses me off that damn much.  The first Silver Rupee to grab is atop a platform that jets into the air, and even though it OBVIOUSLY intersects with your chest/face, you can evidently only collect items that hit your lower torso, so you need to Backflip (Jump Attack doesn't even work).

SO MUCH FUN figuring out that one!!! (was trying to do Master Quest guide-less) For quite a while I was wondering if they just decided to throw in a fake that the Lens of Truth couldn't pick up.  And if you happen to be a Hover Boots fan its fairly likely to backflip and still fail to grab it, until you learn where to stand.

All this over a pit of lava that costs you a heart per screwup.  I haven't died that slowly since Roll slapped me to death in L2.

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Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 10:12:53 PM
Satoryu's Top 10 Video Game Babes

This one's going to be tricky, just cause there's so many womens out there. And this isn't a beauty pageant. I'm taking other aspects of the character into consideration just as much as the looks. So if I don't actually know about the character, I can't put her on my list. Sorry Morrigan.

10: Rikku (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
Rikku's a cute character, both in looks and personality. She was the more interesting girl in FFX. Yuna was plain, and Lulu was just boobs. Rikku's spunkiness is just better. That got carried over into X-2, and was even amplified. She also shows more skin for no real reason. I'll admit I never used her much in FFX, though. I'm all about power, and i never really fooled around with Mix.

9: Leviathan (Mega Man Zero)
Speaking of spunky, Levi always gave me that vibe. Of the Big 4, she was definitely the most playful, and maybe even the most level headed. I just wish her character was developed a little more. The fights with her were alright, and her Dark Elf mode in Zero 2 didn't look ridiculous. Though Model L can't do much, at least it is pretty strong.

8: Millia Rage (Guilty Gear)
I like the whole premise of using her hair as a weapon. It shows a lot of creativity and limitless potential. The fact that the hair's blonde just sweetens the deal. (In case you couldn't tell by this list, I do have a thing for blondes.) I always liked her design as well. Simple, yet effective. And it does allow a lot of panty shots. Her backstory is admittedly not the best; she's really just revenge driven. But I really like playing as her. Considering I suck at GG, I could maybe put up some sort of fight with her.

7: Amy (Soul Calibur)
I don't like the gothic lolita look. At all. I don't have a thing for little girls, either. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying Amy. I didn't care for her in SCIII, mostly cause she didn't do anything. But SCIV immensely improved her. She's still quiet, but at lease she doesn't only say her name. Her quiet dememanor is appealing, if not moe. I really enjoy using her moveset in SCIV. I've actually won a few games with her. Oh, and her story mode ending is the best.

6: Faith (Mirror's Edge)
Best New Character of 2008. Much like how the game is a departure from the norm, so is her design. She's pretty, but she's not drop dead gorgeous with a EEE bust size. It's a more respectable beauty. She's sporty, but not butch. The tattoos are an interesting touch. I'll admit having to rescue a sibling has been done before, but it's kind of interesting that a woman has to save a damsel in distress.

5: Sophitia (Soul Calibur)
MILF Alert! Seriously, Sophitia's design never fails to be ultra revealing. In SCIV, she's down to just a toga. Going to the M in MILF, she's devoted to her family. It's the reason why she fights Soul Edge in the first place. And it also explains her rash actions in SCIV, which was an interesting change of pace. I always liked playing as Sophie and her clones, Cassandra and Lizardman. Their style feels very fluid. I like Sophie the most cause one of her unblockables has her floating in the air for a while, one of her throws involves her sitting on people's faces, and she has one of the few good looking Critical Finishes.

4: Alia (Mega Man X)
Does she not shut up in X5? Yeah. But X6 definitely improved that. X6 also improved her character. Or rather, gave her one, cause she didn't have anything going for her in X5. Her history with Gate was interesting, and it brought some actual emotion into the story. Her design was always good, but I really like how she let her hair down in X8. She's pretty good to play as in X8 also, even though she can't use the Neutral Armor. X's default buster is strong enough anyway.

3: Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
When I first saw Rosalina, I thought it was Peach in a different getup. The fact that she also goes the title "Princess" is bad enough, but why keep that dinky little crown? Miyamoto needs to diversify the Mario women. But there's more to Rosalina than that. She takes care of the young Lumas on a space station/rocket until they mature into galaxies. In short, she creates the universe. She's God. She's also my preferred character to use in Mario Kart Wii. Dunno why she's heavy class, though.

2: Dizzy (Guilty Gear)
Goddamn, look at her design. It's a hodgepodge of a lot of things, but they all combine into an almost original concept. She's got blue hair tied in pigtails. She wears next to no clothing. She's got a white wing and a black wing that harbor shape shifting spirits within them. She's very polite, even when fighting. And she's cute as a button. Oh, and cause she's a Gear, she's really frickin powerful. I like her pirate look too.

1: Samus (Metroid)
Admittedly, her personality hasn't been fleshed out all that much. Metroid Fusion does offer quite a bit, though. And I really enjoyed her inner monologues there. It gave her human characteristics absent from other games. Most of the time, she's portrayed (or at least interpreted) as a lone wolf with a tragic childhood and enduring adolescence, which is kind of interesting too. Once her suit comes off, you can see Samus is beautiful. And I use that word specifically. Beautiful is much more respectable than hot. Though many will use hot to describe her, probably cause she leaves little to the imagination. I'm sick of the Zero Suit, by the way. Show some more skin, woman!

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Reply #7 on: January 21, 2009, 11:17:45 PM
1: Samus (Metroid)
Admittedly, her personality hasn't been fleshed out all that much. Metroid Fusion does offer quite a bit, though. And I really enjoyed her inner monologues there. It gave her human characteristics absent from other games.

Read the Metroid manga, you'll get to know her better, and not to mention that it's canon too.

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Reply #8 on: January 22, 2009, 03:04:14 AM
Read the Metroid manga, you'll get to know her better, and not to mention that it's canon too.

I wish if i could remember the site that had the entire manga translated. I was really enjoying the backstory and Samus' "cute" persona for lack of a better word.

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Reply #9 on: January 22, 2009, 03:23:38 AM
Onemanga? That's where I read it even if it's not complete (I don't know if it's been completely translated somewhere else though :/)

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Reply #10 on: January 22, 2009, 03:49:08 AM
Slash Man's Top 10 NES Accessories
10. Power Glove (hey, it looked cool enough)
9. Acclaim Double Player
8. Original controller (although it was rectangular, it was still revolutionary!)
7. NES Satellite
6. NES Max
5. Power Pad
4. Dog-Bone Controller
3. NES Advantage
2. Zapper
1. R.O.B. (don't tell me you've forgotten about him)

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Reply #11 on: January 22, 2009, 05:17:56 PM
Haven't played Master Quest, Hypershell! :-[ I wish! Speaking of, my next list (after the one in this post) will be about 3D Zelda dungeons.

Top 10 Mega Man Weapons (That Aren't Basically MM9's Entire Arsenal)

Since there are 10 main classic games, I made a rule to avoid the unavoidable MM9 flood: I will pick only one weapon per game. This is just how my favorite weapon of each game would compare to every other.

10. Super Arrow [MM5]
I had to cheat, as MM5's weapons are just crappy. Super Arrow is such a wonderful tool that it makes Rush pointless. Because this is not a proper Robot Master weapon, it's #10.

9. Noise Crush [MM7]
To be honest I'm torn between this and Slash Claw. Went with Noise Crush this time because charging it with slides is great fun.

8. Tornado Hold [MM8]
Fairly effective, and comes with a helpful mobility add-on in a game where mobility add-ons barely exist.

7. Top Spin [MM3]
I went there, and I have a case! Top Spin OHKOs 16 out of 40 enemies in the game, and it's the weakness or a weakness of 5 out of 21 bosses. In other words, Top Spin alone takes care of 1/4 of the game. It's not a friendly weapon by any means, but it's my personal most anticipated weapon in the game. Top Spin also owns the best boss gate transition ever.

6. Flame Blast [MM6]
Not so much for its functionality, but because this weapon is strong against quite simply everything in MM6. Lesser enemies? 1-2 hits. Stomper? 3 hits. Mini-bosses? 4-6 fast hits.

5. Thunder Beam [MM1]
Or the precursor of own. Insane power, insane range. This is also the pause trick's best friend.

4. Ice Wall [MM&B]
Multi-use rarity. Horizontal boost, vertical boost, invulnerability to spikes, shield property, power, you name it!

3. Flash Stopper [MM4]
It was either this or Pharaoh Shot. I chose Flash Stopper because it's a more refined version of the already excellent Time Stopper, and ultimately this is useful in almost any situation in the game.

2. Jewel Satellite [MM9]
The best shield weapon in the entire series, Jewel Satellite is the answer to the whiny crowd defending less power for less responsibility. Shields don't often make me feel protected and ready to counter the way JS does, and more important, it's always fun to use this weapon. The trick, the way I see it, is to make as many enemies weak to it as possible somehow without turning the game into a snooze fest, and MM9 accomplished this very well.

1. Metal Blade [MM2]
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Carry on!

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Reply #12 on: January 24, 2009, 02:37:07 PM
top 10 3d plattformers

1. Banjo Tooie
2. Banjo Kazooie
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. Super Mario Sunshine
5. Super Mario 64
6. Ape Escape
7. Ratchet and Clank
8. Size matters
9. Super Agent Clank
10. Donkey Kong 64



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Reply #13 on: January 25, 2009, 09:58:14 PM
Top 10 Robot Masters:

10. Magic Man

9. Charge Man

8. Dust Man

7. Magnet Man

6. Cold Man

5. Pirate Man

4. Tengu Man

3. Search Man

2. Galaxy Man

1. Turbo Man

Top 5 Female Video Game Characters:

I compiled this list a while ago, so I guess I should post it. Can't think of ten yet, so I'll just make do with five.

5. Seung Mina (Soul Calibur series)
Spunky, sexy and carrying a kickass polearm spear. One of my best characters in the second game, alongside Nightmare, Yoshimitsu, Link and Mitsurugi.

4. Raine Sage (Tales of Symphonia)
I've always liked Raine. Not just because I find her good-looking, but also because of her personality: she can easily go from a caring maternal/big sister figure to a stern disciplinarian to a raving archaeology obsessive in no time flat. She's also very useful in tough fights, where healing is a blessing.

3. Beast Tamer (Disgaea 2)
Easily one of my favourite classes in this fantastic and quirky little gem, the Beast Tamer character really appeals to me for some reason (and not because of the fanservice bikini she wears). In my save data (my brother owns the game, so I have my own seperate slot), my "main" character is a Beast Tamer named Tabby.

2. Cham Cham (Samurai Shodown series)
I'm sure this is common knowledge, but I like catgirls. For whatever reason, Cham Cham stands out as one of my favourite (hell, probably my overall favourite) catgirls. As well as being oh-so-pretty, she's also one of my best characters in SS2.

1. Nana (MMX: Command Mission)
Well, anybody who knows me well enough knows that I like Nana. Ever since I started using her in RPs, she's become my favourite video game chick of all. Plus, the fact that she's not as popular as, say, Alia or Leviathan makes her all the more unique. =3

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Reply #14 on: January 25, 2009, 11:17:00 PM
1. Nana (MMX: Command Mission)
Well, anybody who knows me well enough knows that I like Nana. Ever since I started using her in RPs, she's become my favourite video game chick of all. Plus, the fact that she's not as popular as, say, Alia or Leviathan makes her all the more unique. =3

not as popular? no sir, she's immensely popular at least over here at RPM. everyone except me is fapfapfap over her. and i never really considered Alia or Leviathan that popular either.

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Reply #15 on: January 25, 2009, 11:18:06 PM
not as popular? no sir, she's immensely popular at least over here at RPM. everyone except me is fapfapfap over her. and i never really considered Alia or Leviathan that popular either.
Oh, here, yeah. I meant elsewhere. =P I don't many other people who like her.

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Reply #16 on: January 30, 2009, 05:54:13 AM
10 Games I Want to See Made in the Next 5 Years

Concerning games, there's a lot of ideas out there. Some are put into action sooner than others. And some are just so obvious, but never happen. Here are some of the ideas that haven't been put into action yet. At least, not to public knowledge.

10: PS3 Final Fantasy VII
Yeah, I went there.
Squenix will deny making it vehemently, but they know this would sell boatloads. Considering the PS3's falling further and further behind the Wii and 360, this would certainly undo a lot of damage. Only thing I ask, though, is that gameplay remain EXACTLY the same as it was back on the PS1. You can pretty up the graphics, fully voice the script, maybe a couple rewrites, an extra boss and/or dungeon, some new weapons. But touching the main gameplay will ruin it.

9: Mega Man Zero Collection
Ware wa messiah nari!
Forget about ZX for a little bit. I say MMZ should get one last hurrah in the form of a compilation. Include some artwork in there. Instead of the normal soundtrack, use the RTRZ tracks. Maybe put in some voice acting, too. Admittedly, that'd be a lot of data for a DS game. No one said it had to stay on a Nintendo portable, though.

8: Viewtiful Joe in a Devil May Cry
We've already got Dante as a secret character in a couple Viewtiful Joe games. I think doing the opposite would be genius. Joe would blend in very well with the DMC style, and his VFX powers would take the place of the Devil Trigger. Half of me wants to see Joe in a more realistic style, but the other half wants to keep the short celshaded Joe in a real world setting. Needless to say I'm torn, but I'll take either option.

7: Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles 2
It looks that way
The first RE: UC was great, and I'd love to see another one. And a sequel should have the stuff that the first UC left out. Namely, RE2, RE4, and Code Veronica. Maybe include stuff from Degeneration as well, seeing as this would be the Leon and Claire version of UC.

6: Castlevania: The 1999 Game(s)
What is a man, anyway?
Ever since Aria of Sorrow was made, a large chapter in the Castlevania mythos had been implied. The so called Demon Castle Wars would mark the final battle between the Belmonts and Dracula. Seeing as how fun Julius was to play as in Aria (not so much in Dawn), having a fully powered version of that, with a longer whip I hope, would be great. And he should have partners, like in DoS Julius Mode. Alucard, a Belnades, perhaps a Danasty?

I put a (s) at the end of the title cause two games were rumored to be in development before Order of Eclessia came about. Dunno if that still holds, though.

5: Mega Man X9
Cliffhangers suck
X8 guarantees that there's more to the Mega Man X story not yet told. Then again, so did Legends 2 and ZX Advent. Well, I see X9 having the best chance of actually being made, and that's before I learned of the X9 fansite. Seriously Capcom, explain what the hell happened to Axl's head. Does Lumine use Axl like a parasite? Will Axl turn out to be the final boss? Pretty easy story to come up with, really. Use a combination of the gameplay of X8 and Maverick Hunter X, don't have the characters ultra skinny, find Mark Gatha, and everything else should fall into place. Just don't leave with promising more.

4: A New Mega Man Arcade Game
The Power _____
I love The Power Battle and The Power Fighters. I think they work really well for a quick arcade fighter. I would love to see another one. Have like three times as many Robot Masters. Have a couple new playable characters, like Roll. Not much else to be said.

3: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal HD Remix
*insert Pokemon Johto theme here*
Just like how Red and Blue were remade into Firered and Leafgreen, I think the 2nd generation Pokemon games should get a remake as well for its 10th anniversary. Only thing, though, is to cram it all into one game on the Wii. It's time mainstream Pokemon got out of chibi sprites and adopted a look more akin to Colloseum and X D. True Pokemon gameplay I think would be great in 3D. Include many features introduced in RSE and DPP. Use Wifi Connection and maybe Wii Speak, trade with Wii users and DS users. Use the DS as a controller and an extra HUD. Include some voice acting for the story mode as well. They could add stuff, but really, GSC has so much on its own, there's no need.

2: A New 2D Metroid
Samus' good side
Really, do I have to say anything else? We haven't seen a 2D Metroid since Zero Mission. I don't care what it is, another remake, something after Fusion, an interquel, just make something Nintendo.

1: Castlevania 3 Chronicles
That moss I see growing on ya?
You know IGA wants to do it. And I want him to do it just as much as I want the cartoon adaptation to come out as well (I smell a marketing scheme). Take Castlevania 3, or rather Akumajou Densetsu because that's the superior version, and give it the same treatment Rondo of Blood got. New graphics, updated character designs, new remixes, a Boss Rush, and include the original (again, AD > CVIII) as a bonus.

But also, there are some changes that could be made. First, Trevor should be able to keep all three partners with him and be able to switch freely between them. Second, stages that share bosses with other stages (looking at you Cyclops) should get new bosses. Third, Alucard's fireballs should be turned into a subweapon, and his main weapon should be the Alucard Sword. Finally, the other three characters could use a new ability or two. For example, Trevor should be able to Item Crash, and Sypha could get a double jump.

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Reply #17 on: January 30, 2009, 06:04:34 AM
I see your list and all I can think of is "Yes. Yes! YES!" Specially CV3 Chronicles.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

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Reply #18 on: January 31, 2009, 02:00:40 AM
Top 10 Ladies of the Video Game Realm:
(based on overall appeal and impact)

Runner-Up: Princess Rosalina of the Mario series
~Dethroning the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom is a very hard task, if nigh impossible. For having just appeared in Super Mario Galaxy, though, Rosalina has quite a large fan following considering that she could have been another “one-shotter” like the countless other miscellaneous Mario characters before her. Rosalina was an unlockable character in Mario Kart Wii and was at one point strongly rumored to be an Assist Trophy for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. With a castle looming in the pages of her childhood past and a yet-explained crown, all we know for certain is that she’s got it going on and many hope to see more of her against all odds.

10. Kasumi of the Dead or Alive series
~Kasumi, a could-be leader and runaway ninja, is canonically the first winner of the 'Dead or Alive' tournament which she entered to take revenge upon a man named Raidou who crippled her brother, Hayate. Alongside Kasumi, you also have her sister, Ayane. In addition to the sheer amount of cosplay Kasumi has had, Kasumi also enjoys the honor of unofficially figureheading the series which has resulted in a number of Volleyball-themed spoofs all across the internet and being a top babe on the lists of many guys that happen to lay eyes on her.

9. Jill Valentine of the Resident Evil series
~As of recent years, Capcom's Resident Evil series has seen much acclaim, garnering plenty of excellent video game reviews and sales in addition to a few movie adaptations. Jill Valentine's name is known to many, and the popularity is not unearned; she was one of the first Resident Evil protagonists, arguable the main force against the legendary Nemesis, and her role in Resident Evil 5 is on the top of the mind of many industry-watchers. We may be teased with a tombstone with her name inscribed on it, but it's hard to believe that such a physical woman that even made it into Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 would just go away quietly.

8. Samus Aran of the Metroid series
~For the last time, no, that is not a man inside that Power Suit. If you just finished blasting a ton of aliens and escaped an exploding planet, you were more than likely playing the role of Samus Aran, the female bounty hunter with all the skill you might expect from a well-toned super-athlete that has to travel space, fight a number of physically intimidating foes with highly-rated combat prowess, and exterminate an entire species of life-draining parasites. Her Chozo Power Suit (an arsenal unto itself) can be upgraded, which is handy since Samus' frosty persona isn't enough to freeze Metroids into submission, though it does work on her colleagues.

7. Princess Zelda of the Legend of Zelda series
~Damsel in distress? Sure. Often. To be taken lightly? Never. No, in fact, as the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom and part of the ruling power of the benevolent and thriving kingdom of Hyrule, she is always the first target of the holder of the Triforce of Power, the evil Ganondorf (whom is most recognizable in his pig-warlord form, Ganon). Even though most games are entitled the Legend of Zelda, you play as one of a number of young lads named Link, the holder of the Triforce of Courage, who always rescues the princess. Ganondorf never seems to go after him first, though, which would kill two birds with one stone. This should say something about the power Zelda has, and this story has resonated through the annuls of gaming for a long time (provided you can hear over the echoing "Hey! Listen!").

6. Lara Croft of the Tomb Raider series
~You might say that current gaming had its "formative" years when Sony officially entered the console war with its own device that was originally planned to be an add-on to the Super Nintendo, the Sony Playstation. Nintendo and Sega suddenly had some surprise competition, and in the wake of the confusion, Sony knew it had to acquire a mascot that could stand alongside the likes of Mario the plumber and Sonic the hedgehog. Lara Croft was Eidos Interactive and Toby Gard's shot at the spot, and the design seems to have paid off; this reckless, Indiana Jones-esque vixen has had the honor of having Angelina Jolie play her part, and was even awarded a Guinness World Record recognizing her as the "most successful human video game heroine." This could be argued by sales numbers, but if you want to talk about household names, you can always start off the list right by brainstorming up her name.

5. Misty of the Pokemon series
~Who could forget the day Ash Ketchum started off his rousing (and now long-winded) adventure to be the best trainer of Pokemon with Pikachu (given to him by his mentor Professor Oak)? As you might expect, though, not all goes well as the electric mouse accidentally fries an expensive bicycle! Enter Misty. Yes, this red- and hot-headed tomboy follows our hero all over the world in her signature, and decidedly open outfit consisting of very short shirt and shorts and a pair of suspenders. For all the brashness in her personality, you would think she's confident, but in reality, she's actually very shy and has a bit of an inferiority complex. As the show goes on, though, Misty makes great attempts to overcome these traits, though her feelings for Ash are as of yet unrequited. Though there have been 3 generations of Pokemon games since the original Red and Blue, the absolutely massive Pokemon following ensures that Misty has a cozy spot no matter where she goes.

4. Chun-Li of the Street Fighter series
~Hadoken, Shoryuken, Sonic Boom: you heard these, but then you also heard cries of defeat. You glance at the screen just in time to see a serious-looking, ornately-dressed Chinese female wearing bulldog spiked cuffs suddenly leap into the air and shoot the deuce at the screen with a smile that would melt Mount Everest. Yep, that's Chun-Li. An agent of Interpol, the "spring beauty" Chun-Li seeks revenge on the infamous and power-hungry M. Bison for the death of her father (the silk brocade and ribbons probably gave away that she was in mourning, though). After the events of Street Fighter II, she wishes to return to law enforcement and teach children the art of self-defense, and yet the streets and the forces of evil keep calling her back to fight once more. No matter; when that does happen, you can be sure she'll bring her A-Game, improbable leg strength and mobility, and pantyhose for her trademark thighs, and a righteous determination that makes even the strongest warriors of the world turn their heads.

3. Tifa Lockhart of the Final Fantasy VII games
~Heroes have to start somewhere, and the best place to start explaining the backstory of Final Fantasy VII is at the small mountain town of Nibelheim. Here you find a young, blonde teenage boy with nothing to lose. Except, of course, his pride and self-acceptance. And more than anything, young Cloud Strife desperately seeks the attention of Nibelheim's prized student and girl-next-door, Tifa Lockhart. With brown hair that just doesn't seem to stop, and matching proportions, Tifa often finds herself being the desire of a lot of men, willingly or otherwise. Cloud, however, goes so far as to join the SOLDIER army just to impress little Tifa, starting a chain of events that, by chance, had they not occurred, might have resulted in the end of the world. One crazy ride and a whole lotta plot twists and tears later, Cloud and Tifa stop the villainous Sephiroth and JENOVA. Just don't mind me if, along the way, I happen to take particular notice of her during cutscenes or drool at her victory pose a bit.

2. Princess Peach of the Mario series
~Though often mispronounced in the media, Mario is truly a household name. The one icon that has made his way squarely into the mainstream media, Mario games are the delight of children of all ages, from 2 to 92. Another classic case of damsel-in-distress, the fair Princess Peach is constantly being abducted by the beastly, but cunning Bowser, a spike-shelled, fire-breathing lizard with a bad attitude and an unhealthy combination thirst for misguided vengeance and unbridled power. Yet even though she's kidnapped time and time again, and imprisoned within castle walls, above lava, in claustrophobic rooms, etc., Princess Peach keeps her cool and either waits for the perfect escape or, the more likely scenario, her rescue by Mario. While her ornate dress and long blonde hair or many other traits are nothing out of the ordinary by themselves, Princess Peach manages all of these aesthetics and her duties in such a way that gives her the timeless quality that copies many "golden age" monarchs from our own reality. Oh, and I forgot to mention. Just when you think she's shallow and/or helpless, she surprises the skeptics with her own devious plans that rival Bowser's and defensive tools of war that far outshine anything any Mario brother ever had to work with.
1. Aeris Gainsborough of the Final Fantasy VII games
~I've already told the tale of Tifa Lockhart and Final Fantasy VII, but there is yet another female in the same game that while not often considered more attractive than almost anyone on the rest of this list, she was equally integral and had more impact on more people than her "rival" in love. Aeris Gainsborough was the daughter of Ifalna, one of the few remaining Cetra and a powerful race skilled in magic and the ways of the life of the planet. I say was, because, well, you know what happened. Yes! You know what happened! I do not have to spoil it for you, because I'd say there's an 85% chance that if you play video games at all, you know how Aeris was slain while praying in an attempt to cast Holy by the SOLDIER-experiment-gone-mad Sephiroth. And there's also a good many people that, believe it or not, actually cried when it happened. It's not a sign of weakness nor is it a sign of detachment from reality; it is empathy resulting from the temporary Suspension of Disbelief necessary to enjoy any work of fiction, level of realism regardless. Aeris Gainsborough lost her father, was adopted after arriving in Midgar where her mother immediately died, gained then lost her boyfriend Zack later on, and all the while was being hunted down by the Shin-Ra and Turk organizations to further their own scheme to drain more Mako (lifeblood) from the planet as part of an energy monopoly. Through all this, she remained sane, independent, and strong, while having maybe a little flirtatious fun with Cloud along the way up until her sudden demise. On top of that, she had an adorable frame and fashion sense that appealed to the other half that didn't like Tifa Lockhart's design (never mind Yuffie, :P), and strong Magic Attack, a high MP rating, and Limit Breaks that would make your party invincible. No, Final Fantasy VII isn't the most original, creative, or thought-provoking story ever written, but it stands out in peoples' minds, and so does Aeris.

Whew. There. Not my personal preference and line-up, but I think it's fairly solid, regardless.

Posted on: January 30, 2009, 02:32:42 AM

Just went onto Yahoo! to see my e-mail.
Top search for the day?
"Lara Croft"

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Reply #19 on: October 21, 2009, 07:25:33 AM
Yes, yes, Top 10 Games, and even Top 10 Video Game Songs, and even Character Polls, but what good is all that without the proper scenery, hmm? Time for the levels to get some love.

1. World 1-1, Super Mario Bros.
2. Black's Dice Palace, Gunstar Heroes
3. Green Hill Zone Act 1, Sonic 1
4. Broken Highway, Mega Man X
5. Casino Night Zone Act 1, Sonic 2
6. Quick Man, Mega Man 2
7. Bubbly Clouds, Kirby's Dream Land
8. Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
9. Quartz Quadrant Act 2, Sonic CD
10. Ricco Harbor, Super Mario Sunshine

In order of fame AND influence. The first level of Mario ever does score points, but Black's Dice Palace actually encouraged other games to use board game influences as part of the mechanics. Devil May Cry 4 even had a dice-tossing ordeal. 3-7 are influential within their own series; Green Hill Zone had many flavors afterwards, Broken Highway spawned Area D in Megaman ZX, Casino Night Zone had a similar effect to Black's Dice Palace, Quick Man's stage had tribute areas in MMNT and MMX5, and Bubbly Clouds' Hidden Door near the moon so captivated the dev crews that they repeated it in Kirby's Adventure Level 7-6 and in Kirby Superstar's Spring Breeze, Bubbly Clouds. 8-10 are stand-outs in design quality: Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy is an infamous stage that strikes cute, though honestly unwarranted fear into the hearts of those who play it, Quartz Quadrant for its addictive pacing and brevity combined with a variety of elements, paths, and background changes, and Ricco Harbor for being a large, realistically-structured and detailed stage without overwhelming the player.

Now I know I've left a lot out, just from the games I've played. SMB3, SMW, SM64, KSS, the entire Metroid series, S3&K, Pulseman, Goemon, I know I left out Chemical Plant Zone on purpose even though it's more referred to than Emerald Hill Zone; I've left out a great number of memorable areas. And even then, I've not played Mischief Makers, Pitfall, Rayman, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Klonoa, and some other lesser known platformers that could've made this cut. I'd put LoZ: OoT's Temple of Time on this list, but I'm focusing more on platforming.


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Reply #20 on: October 21, 2009, 11:36:13 AM
In no real particular order...

#1. Vascillia Air Fight Level - Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner
One of my all time favorite levels to play in any game.  Attacking a whole fleet, destroying said ships with the kick ass Vector Cannon, then after all that [tornado fang]ing awesomeness is done with, Zakat appears. 

#2. AirMan's Stage - Mega Man 2
The first level I always go to when I play MegaMan 2, due to my absolute love of the stage theme, plus my overall love of the stage too.  If I were to make a Mega Man stage for Super Smash Bros. Bitchslap, this would be it.  Oh hey, I should get around to doing that.

#3. Magna Centipede's Stage - Mega Man X2
This stage just shimmers with [tornado fang]ing awesomeappeal.  I mean, the music is probably only second to Flame Stag's Stage music, but the stage itself, with all the sensors, traps, and mid-boss robot fight is one of my favorites.  The music just helps get me even more pumped.  Easily one of my favorite stages.

#4. Melty Molten Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy
Visually one of the most beautiful levels in Super Mario Galaxy, which the music adds too with it's fantastic score.  I remember how wide my eyes got when Mario exploded out of the Volcano with this theme playing in the background.  Way to go, Nintendo!  Way. to. go.

#5. Stardust Speedway Zone - Sonic CD
Again, Sonic CD is my favorite Sonic game, and that's because I love the level design so much, as well as the time travel aspect to it.  To that, Stardust Speedway Zone was my favorite level from that game, without a doubt.  It's the stage I always remember most from playing the game.

#6. Death Egg Zone (Act 1 & 2) - Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Of course, I'm not saying that Sonic 3 & Knuckles had anything less in the level design at all.  Especially when it comes to final stages, and the Death Egg Zone is just one of the all time best for PB. 

#7. Freezeezy Peak - Banjo Kazooie
JINJO!  Ahem, one of the N64's absolute best platformers, if not the best, and with it came probably my favorite Ice themed stage in all of 3D platforming history.  Freezeezy Peak was my favorite level from the game, and would probably be my favorite song, if not for the sheer majesty that is Grunty's Lair.

#8 . Stone Tower Temple - The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Speaking of N64's awesome 3D platformers, I have to give a shout out to my favorite dungeon in all of Zelda, the Stone Tower Temple.  I mean, the music is already the best dungeon music in Zelda history, but the temple itself, with it's awesome inverted puzzle aspect, always felt so kick ass to me. 

#9. Funky - Super Mario World
Cause after all, YOU ARE A SUPER PLAYER.  Man, I remember jetting towards the end of this stage soooooooo fast! 

#10. Mining Melancholy - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest
Really really hard to choose my favorite stage from this game, as seriously, the whole [tornado fang]ing game is platforming heaven, but my favorite is most likely Mining Melancholy.  Heh, that could always change though. 

Man, this wasn't an easy Top 10 list.  I could probably throw a lot more in.  Haha, thank god it only applied to platforming.  If racing/flying were included, this would've been harder.

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Reply #21 on: October 22, 2009, 12:31:00 AM
Man, this *IS* hard.  But here we go:

1. Final Rush - Sonic Adventure 2
If there was ever a successful 3D Sonic stage, this is it.  It has it all; stunts, branching paths, jumps that are somewhat white-knuckle without requiring tip-toeing, shortcuts, environments that make your abilities useful without being necessary, and of course kick-butt music.

2. Gate's Lab 1 & 2 - MegaMan X6
More cannon fodder than any MegaMan game has ever seen.  The levels are challenging and require you to use your head.  Every "impass" has multiple solutions, which lets you change things around depending on your play style.

3. Toxic Seahorse - MegaMan X3
X3 may not be my favorite title, but I cannot deny that this level left an impression on me.  Climbing through raw sewage was never so badass.

4. Wily Stage 3 - MegaMan 3
This level really signified to me that you're getting "deep" into enemy territory.  The atmosphere change, both visually and musically, was excellent.  Both the stage traps and the bosses get a little more off-the-wall.

5. Tornado Man - MegaMan 9
It's no secret that I do not consider MM9's level design the best ever.  But if one stage came anywhere near worthy of standing in the ranks of the classics, it was Tornado Man.  Tornado Man did not force you to stop and analyze every lift and death trap, did not make a spectacle of how well you can snake your jumping path with an archaic physics engine, and did not blindside you with off-screen enemies.  Unique obstacles, good enemy placement, and a strong pace make this one of MM9's best segments.

6. Bowser In The Fire Sea - Super Mario 64
I could probably fill a top 10 list of Bowser stages alone.  But this one really stood out for me.  This level really showed off what a 3D Mario can do.  All manners of jumps, poles, gates, lava, and fire to maneuver through, this is perhaps my favorite "obstacle course" of any Mario game.

7. Storm Owl - MegaMan X4
Referring mainly to the first half.  Many have tried to do a stage riding on top of a fleet/convoy, most have failed.  But X4 nailed it.  Powerful arsenals on both the player and enemy sides, and lots of destructible ships, make this a great stage to wreak some havoc.

8. Flying Battery Zone - Sonic 3 & Knuckles
An excellent mix of challenge, stunts, and atmosphere.  Flying Battery never gets old.

9. World 9 - Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Mario stages are consistently good but on the flip-side that can cause a lack of stand-outs.  Not so here.  World 9 is so ludicrously off-the-wall that you'll never forget it.  If the rest of Lost Levels is throwing the kitchen sink at you for difficulty, then World 9 is throwing the water pipes at you just because they can.

10. The Last Way - Shadow The Hedgehog
The whole game basically should have been this with a less strict time limit.  No missions, no being punished for running for the goal by being told you're a robot ( o~O ), just move your butt, kill stuff, and when all else fails, CHAOS CONTROOOL!!!

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Reply #22 on: October 22, 2009, 01:29:11 AM
1: Super Mario 3 World 1
2: Super Mario 3 World 2
3: Super Mario 3 World 3
4: Super Mario 3 World 4
5: Super Mario 3 World 5
6: Super Mario 3 World 6
7: Super Mario 3 World 7
8: Super Mario 3 World 8

#1. Vascillia Air Fight Level - Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner
One of my all time favorite levels to play in any game.  Attacking a whole fleet, destroying said ships with the kick ass Vector Cannon, then after all that [tornado fang]ing awesomeness is done with, Zakat appears. 

#8 . Stone Tower Temple - The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Speaking of N64's awesome 3D platformers, I have to give a shout out to my favorite dungeon in all of Zelda, the Stone Tower Temple.  I mean, the music is already the best dungeon music in Zelda history, but the temple itself, with it's awesome inverted puzzle aspect, always felt so kick ass to me. 
those aren't platformers, you dumbass D<

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Reply #23 on: October 22, 2009, 02:27:00 AM
1. Final Rush - Sonic Adventure 2
If there was ever a successful 3D Sonic stage, this is it.  It has it all; stunts, branching paths, jumps that are somewhat white-knuckle without requiring tip-toeing, shortcuts, environments that make your abilities useful without being necessary, and of course kick-butt music.

2. Gate's Lab 1 & 2 - MegaMan X6
More cannon fodder than any MegaMan game has ever seen.  The levels are challenging and require you to use your head.  Every "impass" has multiple solutions, which lets you change things around depending on your play style.

Polar opposite, man, polar opposite.

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Reply #24 on: October 22, 2009, 03:18:14 AM
*gives Aldo ZEE UPPERCUT!!*

Keep practicing.

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