... No comment shall be made so as to avoid conflict upon the forum premises and de-rail this topic.
That is your choice. As a moderator, since I started the debate you could gladly step up and try to allevate yourself beyond your folly here and now. Though it is a wise decision, my point is air tight. Further more, Debate is the point of Forums in the first place.
Regardless, I shall bother you no further, just give what I said some thought, as despite the irritation present there is some logic in what I stated.
*tilts glasses* As for the theory it's self, it was mind blowing. I thought it was gonna be some random troll deal, but it was actually very well thought out and while there are tiny holes here and there, it felt like it could be an actual telling of the story from a "what-if" standard that is appreciateable by different audiences.
tl;dr, it was [tornado fang]ing hilarious.