1up interview: Hironobu Takeshita says "whine moar for Mega Man X 9"

Jazz Shaking · 28865

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Offline Rodrigo Shin

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(how in any way do you expect an SNES-style Axl to be done well?)

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Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


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Offline Bag of Magic Food

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I wonder what Inafking would think about this.
We've already heard what Hypershell thinks about this, time and time again.

Offline Flame

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Boy, I take some downtime from the internet and look at what I miss? :|

On the original topic, no matter how many magic fish smacks and boots to the head I bequeath, the fanboy favoritism will never die.  The NES style, despite being technically limited, is still a worthwhile format in that they actually present a nice level of detail considering the technical limitations they're adhering to (that and the whole thing is cheap and easy, so it helps minimize development costs).  The Classic series also contains relatively simple designs no matter what technical limits are applied, simply because that's the atmosphere they built it on.

The SNES X-series style, on the other hand, is a different story.  It was made for the relatively simple armor designs of X1, and two sequels later it was all too obvious that the series character design had outgrown the visual style.  Zero's revised armor was never displayed properly on the SNES, and the X3 capsule upgrades were a complete mess of pixels.  I could accept this if it were a technological limitation, but it's not, it's a style flaw.  The SNES is capable of better.  The style chosen for X on the SNES was adequate for its conception but is too lacking in detail for the later evolutions of the series.  As the designs have grown even more complex since the series left the SNES, these issues have only been magnified further (how in any way do you expect an SNES-style Axl to be done well?).  Also, from a production standpoint, the relative complexity of the SNES as compared to NES lessens the development cost benefits.  Hell, it's the same number of colors to a character on the SNES as on PS1 or NDS, the extra processing power of later systems were merely used to add bells and whistles: more/larger objects, faster framerate, recorded audio clips, and a few spiffy effects like transparent dash shadows.  Take that away, and the only difference is that the SNES uses an inferior drawing style.  There's no reason to return to those shackles.
exactly. in fact, the SNES's ability graphically wise has been proven before by Megaman and Bass.
Agreed, but for another reason.  In an X-series RPG the party mechanic throws a monkey wrench into the story: You need something to tip the scales in order to justify single boss so blatantly overpowering X or Zero on their own, something which post-X1 always has fans raising eyebrows.  In XCM, it was Force Metal.  For Elf Wars, a possible factor such as that has already been established: Cyber-Elf abuse.
makes sense. Id also like to see them make Cyber elves something more than little balls of light. the GBA was limited, they  couldnt make sproites for something so small which also glowed, so they made them little glowing balls of light. the exeption being X, who actually IS a little ball of light. if they made it 3D, then they could possibly do a bit more with that. Especially Mother/Dark Elf. with her sheer size alone she could have her own model. it was a pity she was just a big purple ball in Z2 and 3. her design is rather interesting, as she is actually spherical, unlike other elves, who have actual humanoit(or animaloid) bodies.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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And each boss could have one of a few very powerful Cyber Elves. One of those bosses could have a cloaking defense, thus, Jackson is introduced.

Offline Acid

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They should just carry over the Dragongene system from BoF3. That was awesome.

Just replace the genes with elves and mix them to your desire, there you go: Overpowered.

Offline Flame

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Possible. theyd still have to explain Axl's absence though. thats one big thing. they have to explain a situation for him.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Gone fishin. Then deerhunting. Then he was game over.

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Possible. theyd still have to explain Axl's absence though. thats one big thing. they have to explain a situation for him.

Probably him resting up from X and Zero (or a diagnostics scan) eliminating Lumine's Virus.

And I'd prefer the LiveMetals evolve into MMZ's Chips; the Chips could be made out of the LiveMetal ore. Now we have an explanation for chips, and why X was limited to only one in X3. In MMZ, the new Reploids have higher tolerances.

The LiveMetals were as fun as Materia! Although I would like a little more freedom with them; you could only equip 4 max, and that's if your character had that many slots open.

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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Gone fishin. Then deerhunting. Then he was game over.
Hit by a maverick laundry van. I'd buy ten copies.

I'm confident, though, that I'm the only person in the community that doesn't want to see Elf Wars made as a game, and that if that game happens, it'll come around at the same time as the Castlevania game covering "The Battle of 1999".

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


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Offline Flame

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Gone fishin. Then deerhunting. Then he was game over.
He died the same way as Megaman.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline itoshinojjp

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I, personally, wouldn't want another X game.  They already admitted that the story ends in Mega Man X5 and 6-8 is considered to be non-canon. I'd rather a new classic series game that bridges the Classic and X series.

Offline Flame

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whoawhoawhoawhooa, whatnow? who told you this? the story most DEFINETLY does not end at 5. it was SUPOSSED to, but it didnt. 6 and on are still cannon, and always will be, especially considering the Zero series storyline was modified to support them.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Satoryu

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And who's tired about every boss have to be an animal?

*CLUSH Bomb to the [chameleon sting]ing face*

it's called tradition. if you don't like animals, go back to playing classic.

I, personally, wouldn't want another X game.  They already admitted that the story ends in Mega Man X5 and 6-8 is considered to be non-canon.

source or it didn't happen.

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Offline Flame

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SRSly. also, Some people rage on the X5 american names. personally, I think theyre [tornado fang] awesome. I mean, Duff Mc Whalen? thats the best name ever.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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Yeah, like having a non-animaloid boss for a change would BREAK the game. ::)

whoawhoawhoawhooa, whatnow? who told you this? the story most DEFINETLY does not end at 5. it was SUPOSSED to, but it didnt.
As in "supposed", "Inafune wanted it to". X6 was in production just as X5 was finishing up. If he sticked around he could have prevented all that.

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


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Offline Da Dood

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Split Mushroom, Tornado Tonion, Optic Sunflower...

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Humans are classified as animals, right?

Human reploid boss:MMX9::Splash Woman:MM9

Offline Flame

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Yeah, like having a non-animaloid boss for a change would BREAK the game. ::)
As in "supposed", "Inafune wanted it to". X6 was in production just as X5 was finishing up. If he sticked around he could have prevented all that.
well yeah, thats what I meant.
also, well... it would be like Classic hving a female robot master.

oh wait...

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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also, well... it would be like Classic hving a female robot master.

oh wait...
My point.

And I was hoping the X series would get a mermaid boss eventually, but Classic beat it to the punch.

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


Whenever it comes to "consensus" and things alike, always remember Tony Bullet-Tooth's sage advice:
"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."

Offline Flame

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well, Command mission has a few human bosses.
also, is psyche supposed to be any animal in particular?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Satoryu

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SRSly. also, Some people rage on the X5 american names. personally, I think theyre [tornado fang] awesome. I mean, Duff Mc Whalen? thats the best name ever.

define best. it's awesome in one sense, but [acid burst] poor in another.

Split Mushroom, Tornado Tonion, Optic Sunflower...

my answer to vegetarians everywhere: plants are living things too.

Humans are classified as animals, right?

Human reploid boss:MMX9::Splash Woman:MM9

seriously, do you people realize how stupid it would be to have a regular boss be just a humanoid? Splash Woman would be a better X boss than that. in fact, a mermaid would be completely fair. it is half fish.

also, well... it would be like Classic hving a female robot master.

oh wait...

that's different. as long as it's somewhat humanoid, there's a lot more freedom in Robot Master designs.

also, there hasn't been a female Maverick boss in a regular X game yet.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Offline Flame

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hey, well untill now there hasnt been a female robot master either.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Rodrigo Shin

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seriously, do you people realize how stupid it would be to have a regular boss be just a humanoid?
Sure. Define WHY it is inexorably stupid first, maybe then we'll agree or not.

I think you give him a good mythological motif or whatever, just for starters, you already have boss material.

To me that's like saying "Without Sigma as the final boss the X series is broken".

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


Whenever it comes to "consensus" and things alike, always remember Tony Bullet-Tooth's sage advice:
"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."

Offline Da Dood

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my answer to vegetarians everywhere: plants are living things too.

Uh... are you seriously gonna force me to say that plants aren't animals, and that the topic was referring to animals?

Also, mushrooms aren't plants... ;)

Offline HyperSonicEXE

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Just saying. Good idea, ehh, maybe, it'd have to be a really "themed" humanoid. There have been animals in charge of units, there have been humanoids in charge of units. Most main characters are humanoid, and the bosses have traditionally been animal, but still.

As far as female Mavericks, now wait a minute, wasn't Commander Yammark female? There was a female in X6, and I'm almost positive though not sure that there was one in X8.