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Reply #6800 on: April 29, 2016, 01:46:18 AM
After Fugo got permission from Vixy to use the communication system Fugo booted it up to try to contact Fxeni.

“Ugh I really don’t want to give Fxeni that headache of a woman but it’s not like I can say no.” Fugo sighed as the main screen turned on.  However Borock-bot was the one who picked up, who was one of the last people he expected.

“Mr. Fugo can you please make this quick, we have a situation here!” Borock-bot shouted frantically.

“Yeah I can kind of see that with that red alert signal wailing.” Fugo winched a bit “So Bathair Mc Baldhead II Esquire is attacking the ISS?”

“And the Sexstation!”  Borock-bot cried.

“So a 2 prong assault, that’s just wonderful.” Fugo facepalmed. “What’s your status?”

“boforte showed up and killed some of his own units, and the others destroyed the few more before then, but there’s still 2 units trying to get through the shield and one is hounding Sakura!” Borock-bot reported. "Asch is being chased by one of his arms and Fxeni is incapacitated by the other!"

"How's the shield holding up?" Fugo asked.

"It's still in working order but if those Zakus aren't taken care of soon it's not going to look pretty." Borock-bot reported.

“Right, and you’re not out there fighting because….?” Fugo questioned as he knew Borock-bot was a good pilot.

“I couldn’t get my Vic Viper here, so I’m stuck here maintaining the shield unfortunately.” Borock-bot sighed.

“Okay that makes sense.” Fugo nodded. “Well I was going to bug Fxeni about something that came up but it looks like he’s not in a position to respond to my request.  Keep me posted on your status okay BB?”

“Will do I guess.” Borock-bot replied hastily as he cut off communtications.

“Welp I better inform Captain Bitchstrider of the bad news.” Fugo sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck beginning to head back to the Mess Hall.  “What a rotten day.”

(Okay I'm going to start writing the fight but I just wanted to get this out of the way since it turned out a bit longer than expected.)

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Reply #6801 on: May 01, 2016, 07:15:47 AM
Meanwhile at the Fxenodrome, Lami awaited Arche's return and was rifling through her closet for dresses and undergarments.

"Hmm, what would my Archy-boo like? Maybe something that says 'shy, but fiesty'?" She sifted through racks of clothing and compared a couple of dresses side by side.

"Oooh, you're bad, girl!" She snapped her fingers and placed a hand on her hip when she came across a skimpy purple bikini. "What's that, Arche? You'd like to skip right to the main course? O-Oh, goodness...! Should we really... in a place like this?"

Lami fantasized and squealed to herself, continuing her search.

(Now you can post, Sakura. 8D)

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Reply #6802 on: May 01, 2016, 07:20:03 AM
(... Lovely. XD)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6803 on: May 01, 2016, 07:20:15 AM
(Okay then I'll just post both parts at once. >0<)

Asch was struggling against the Ice Arm from boforte’s mech since the Magmarock wasn’t built for speed.  Sections of the Gundam’s arms and shoulders were somewhat frozen as well as the chest area.  Asch tried desperately to shoot it down with his Vulcan and Beam Machine Gun but it was too fast for him.  The thing also punched him in the head and chest occasionally which also annoyed him to no end.

“Dammit how the hell can a [tornado fang]ing remote controlled arm be such an annoyance?!” Asch exclaimed exasperated. “There’s got to be another way……”

Asch then remembered that his mech was equipped with Flamethrowers which he can use to coat his weapons in flames. 

“Fxeni had doubts it would work….but I know Sakura wouldn’t put something in if she didn’t think it would work.” Asch muttered “Not to mention if Wily can figure out how to make Flamethrowers work in space Sakura probably can too.”
Asch pressed the button to activate the flamethrowers hoping it would work.  Luckily for him the Flame throwers did ignite melting the ice around his arms and somewhat grazing the Ice arm despite properly aiming at it.  The Arm was still functioning but the movement wasn’t as smooth and there were notable delays in its firing rate making it easier for his slower Gundam to dodge.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say that the Flamethrowers actually work.” Asch smirked.  “I think it’s finally time to stop being Defensive and start going into the Offensive.”

Asch once again activated the Flamethrowers in order to get the flames to envelope the Cross Crusher on his shield and charged towards the arm.  The arm tried to fire Ice Waves at him but while they connected the sheer heat of his charge melted any ice that would have stuck while a huge amount of steam was created from the opposing temperatures clashing.  Eventually he reached the arm and proceeded to crush it creating more steam around him.

Meanwhile a lone Zaku Joe was attempting to gun down Sakura while her the Zettaireido Sakura Wing Gundam was still in Bird mode.  Sakura tried to shake it off but while Bird Mode was faster Sakura could not make tight enough turns and maneuvers to actually get into position to shoot it down and if she switched modes she would leave herself open.  To make matters worse Asch and Fxeni were occupied so they couldn’t assist her.

While she was dodging most of the Zaku shots she would occasionally get a few grazes and if it got a few direct hits on her while she was in Bird Mode the Gundam would not be able to keep its altitude and go down.

“Jeez boforte screwed up things for himself that we aren’t still outnumbered and over powered, but he didn’t screw up just enough to screw himself over.” Sakura thought as her Gundam shook a little from another lucky graze.  “I still can’t believe I can’t take care of this stupid Zaku Joe because I don’t have enough precise control, it’s humiliating!”

Sakura then noticed another blip on her radar as a sense of dread filled her that another Zaku Joe was coming after her when a lazer shot past her and shot down the Zaku Joe without completely destroying it.  Sakura then took the opportunity to shift back to Gundam mode and proceeded to riddle it with Machine Cannon fire.

“Finally the freaking Zaku Joe is down.” Sakura sighed “But who the hell was that?”

“Sakura you okay?”  A voice asked coming from her comm system.

“Arche you’re awake!” Sakura cried happily. “Thank goodness.”

“Yeah looks like I had perfect timing there.” Arche nodded “What should I do now Sakura?”

“Get those other 2 Zaku Joes attacking the Shield; I’ll get boforte off Fxeni’s ass!” Sakura ordered as she began to arm herself with the Buster Rifle separated from the Buster Rifle Custom.

“Understood!” Arche saluted and sped off to the last 2 Zaku Joes.

Sakura aimed her Buster Rifle at the Flame Arm incapacitating Fxeni and fired a powerful narrow beam at it.

(Okay now I'll just wait for Ammy and Wily now.)

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Reply #6804 on: May 01, 2016, 07:27:06 AM
(Just to confirm, was the Ice arm incapitated by Arche's attack?)

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Reply #6805 on: May 01, 2016, 07:29:09 AM
(No a Zaku Joe was destroyed thanks to Arche, the Ice Arm was either destroyed or incapacitated by Asch, as in a stray flamethrower and a Crush Claw attack.)

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Reply #6806 on: May 01, 2016, 07:40:28 AM
(OK, I'll take the incapacitated route.)

The concentrated beam connected with the Heat arm crushing Fxeni, causing it to spark and release its grab on the Fxenscythe. boforte was getting a bit restless at the sheer amount of resistance being put up by the... Resistance.


On cue, the Ice arm and Heat arm, even though sparking everywhere, opened up and tried to fire their beam attacks again... Only to explode spectacularly. boforte was left wide-mouthed, as his eyes glowed an eerie red.

boforte - NO!!! THIS IS NOT OVER YET!!!

The mobile armour began to glow in a reddish aura, and the skull eyes on its chest started to charge energy, unleashing a wide sweeping laser blast throughout the battlefield.

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Reply #6807 on: May 01, 2016, 08:57:44 AM
Ammy pouted. "I really don't need bodyguards, seriously!" He chuckled at Bell's joke about CQC training. "I'll take a raincheck on that one, thanks Bell." Leo's input only served to confuse him more, however. "Calling...? N-Never mind. As for the insults, I don't think that'll be an issue."

"T'would be an issue, so I must ask you keep your subordinate in check, Captain Mallory." Vieri interjected, eyes closed as if what she just said was just common sense.

Ammy almost reflexively held out his arm in front of Bell. He shot her a look saying he'd sort this out himself later. He cleared his throat. "Erm, Captain Galestrider, Leo said she'd rather not be addressed like that."

"Yea, 'tis only proper, not as if a savage as thineself would understand." She replied.

Ammy sighed in frustration. "Right, of course." He stood up from the table. "Well, if I may be excused... I'm going to go find Fugo. I'll be back." He decided as he set off to track down his employer.

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Reply #6808 on: May 01, 2016, 09:09:47 AM
Fugo was walking down a hallway, at one point hearing some squeals that he didn't want to know about, and rounded a corner when he saw Ammy coming towards him.

"Oh Ammy, sorry I took so long." Fugo greeted him.  "I have to be honest this is only the second time I've been to this place and it's kind of easy to get lost.

So anyway you doing okay, Captain Bitchstrider didn't try to kill you again while I was gone I hope?"

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Reply #6809 on: May 01, 2016, 10:01:39 AM
Ammy ruffled his own hair trying to formulate an answer. "Well, no. She was fairly... Civil? We did meet a couple'a space cops, though." He said nonchalantly, as if that wasn't anything unusual. "They didn't notice the space... Places... In space... On their way here, that is."

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Reply #6810 on: May 01, 2016, 10:33:40 AM
(Oh boy.....)

Bell scowled as Vieri referred to her as a subordinate, and Leo's eyes flashed dangerously as well. Once Ammy had left, Bell leant forward to "express her concerns", looking more pissed off than she had when she'd first wandered in.

"Okay, I was willing to try and put up with your "holier-than-thou" crap for the sake of the job, but I gotta draw a line somewhere."

Vieri's expression darkened, and she opened her mouth, but Bell cut her off before she could speak. "No. You sit there and shut the [tornado fang] up, I got some things to say to you." Vieri then shot a look at Leo, demanding she intervene, but the spectral knight merely stared back impassively, something akin to disapproval etched on her features.

At that, she got up from her seat, strode around the table and got almost nose-to-nose with the knight before continuing. "First off, I am nobody's "subordinate", got that? Me and the Spook-" - she broke off just long enough to flash an apologetic glance at the spook in question, who waved it off - "are equals. The only person that gets to refer to me in any other manner is my boss. And that's not you. Second, and no offense, Spook, but keeping me "in check" is a lot harder than you're making it sound. You think I got these scars by playing nice all the time? And lastly, where the [tornado fang] do you get off talking down to people? All this "thee, thou, thine" crap is starting to [acid burst] me off, but so far in the....what, 15 minutes or so since we had the displeasure of meeting each other, you've insulted me, completely ignored Leo's request to not be addressed by her title, and continually treated that Ammy kid like he's something you've scraped off your shoe."

She stepped back, face contorted in an angry scowl that only served to highlight just how badly scarred she was, and took a final deep breath before finishing, her tone low and dangerous. "Let me make this as clear as I can for you. I don't give a [tornado fang] who you are, where you came from, or what sort of fancy titles you hold. You keep treating everyone you meet like some sort of lower life-form, I will knock your teeth down your throat without a second thought." She paused for a moment, before a mocking smirk formed on her lips. "I'm amazed you can walk at all, given the size of the stick that seems to be wedged up your ass. Might wanna get that looked at. Y'need me, Spook, I'll be over in the corner. Need to calm myself down before I do something Captain Bitchstrider disapproves of again."

With that, she walked straight past Vieri and picked out a table at the far end of the room, dropping into the seat and slumping over the table, face hidden by the arm she was resting on.

Vieri stared at Leo, and again opened her mouth to demand something, but the spectral knight spoke first. If Bell's tone was dangerous, Leo's was positively glacial. "I do not know how things are done where you come from, Captain Galestrider, but in Chailon a knight is a benevolent protector of the peace, and sworn to be polite and respectful to everyone they meet. That I am struggling to maintain such an approach speaks greatly about your personality. I will say this once for your benefit, and I will be as clear as I possibly can. Please do not call me "Captain" Mallory. I no longer hold the rank, and this outburst has only proven that I am no longer worthy of it regardless."

At that, she too rose from her seat and moved to join Bell at her table, where the two began to converse in hushed tones, completely ignoring the gobsmacked Knight Captain.

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Reply #6811 on: May 01, 2016, 10:45:35 AM
(*standing ovation*)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6812 on: May 01, 2016, 08:47:00 PM
"Well I doubt that she meets a normal person's definition of Civil but I guess not being physical is all we can ask for the moment." Fugo shrugged "And we have space cops here now huh?  Well as big as the Main Base is I think it's possible to miss it if you enter the planet at a certain angle.   As for the other one it's closer to Earth than Websitia so they could easily miss it.....especially since it's a Love Hotel in space.

I really didn't want to mention this to Bitchstrider, because I know she would give me an earful of Forsooth, but the Resistance Bases are owned by a man who really has a passion for all things sex and since he was the only one rich enough to have a couple of Space Stations the Resistance uses them as their bases.  In fact the main base is called the Sex Station and the ISS stands for Intergalactic Sex Shack.   Don't worry they both have some good weapons systems and they both have facilities that should fit anyone's need for Combat or anything else not related to sex, I can assure you of that."

(Yeah I think it would be a bit too awkward to mention that the bases are being attacked at the moment with this expositon so I'll mention it after Ammy responds.

Anyway I checked PB's GoRPM and confirmed that the ISS is closer to Earth and I think that he mentioned that the Sex Station is closer to Websitia's Moon so there we go.)

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Reply #6813 on: May 01, 2016, 10:56:43 PM
(exposition? don't you mean sexposition)

"I don't mind so much. Then again, I don't mind anything. Including the outfit can I ask about the-" Ammy started, then relented. "Uh, never mind. Anyways, space cops, yeah. Leocadia Mallory and Bellona Valcadash. One of them's a cute ghost and one of them's a... Uh... Also kind of cute, I guess." He cleared his throat. "Anyways... Sex Station... Intergalactic Sex Shack. I- Actually, never mind." He rubbed his head. "Anyways, I'll pop the news to Captain Gal- Vieri. I'll just... Twist the details a little bit. Let's go let them know."

Ammy and Fugo returned to the mess hall just in the middle of Bell and Leo's tirade against the Knight-Captain. The former groaned. "I tried to prevent this..." He tapped Fugo on the shoulder. "Ghost is Leo, one-arm is Bell." He briefly explained, then opted to just watch, only half-amused.

As the argument came to a close, Vieri stood up, palms glued to the table, ready to say something. Then she froze, and a dark look covered her face. She bit her lip and briefly fingered the scar on her cheek. She huffed and took her seat again, this time alone. She crossed her arms and thought for a while, then slammed her face on the table.

"That's my cue!" Ammy declared valiently, pumping his fist in the air. He stayed like that for a minute, shrugged, then stuffed his hands in his pocket. He strode over to Vieri's table, and stared at her for a moment. "Aaaah, that was-"

"Leave me be lest I cleave thee in twine."

Ammy burst out laughing despite the likely fact that her threat was serious. As it died down and his organs, in fact, where not leaking all over the floor, he wiped a tear from his eye and leaned on the table. "For what it's worth Captain, I get that you speak that way naturally. I also legitimately - and take this literally - legitimately do not care what insults anyone has for me. If you have anger, take it out on me. It doesn't make a difference." He crossed his arms. "I do have to add one thing to Bell and Leo's argument, though. We're all on the same side. We have to get along. If you can't respect us, if not as equals then at least as people, then there's no place here for you. Can you agree to that, Captain?"

Vieri glared at him, then bit her lip in thought once again. "Very well. I shalt... Reconsider my actions. Alone." She finally decided. "I must... Think."

Ammy nodded, then beckoned Fugo to follow and joined Bell and Leo. "I spoke to her. She won't be an issue." He leaned on the table and twiddled his thumbs for a while, before glancing over his shoulder at Bell. Particularly something resting on her hip. "Uh... Bell...? How can I put this delicately...?" He cleared his throat. "Can I see that beautiful beast more closely?" He asked, pointing at the pistol.

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Reply #6814 on: May 01, 2016, 11:32:18 PM
Fugo shrugged and rolled his eyes when he passed Vieri when he was sure she couldn't see his actions. Fugo really hoped she seriously reconsiders her attitude, he was sure some Resitance members wouldn't be so consdierate with her high and mighty persona.  He was surprised that Ammy was able to keep a relatively cool face this time but he had a feeling he may have seen some [parasitic bomb].  Like pretty much anyone now a days.

He then walked over to the table with the others and listened to the conversation slightly smirking in mild amusement when Ammy refered to Bell's pistol as a beautiful beast under his mask.

(Would seem kind of rude to interject at this point.

EDIT: Made some minor edits due to a small misunderstanding.)

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Reply #6815 on: May 02, 2016, 10:33:24 AM
(Gonna split this in two for simplicity's sake, first half covers the "hushed conversation" they had after ditching Vieri, and the second'll be what's happening now. If that's confused you, I apologise.)

Bell looked up as Leo silently took a place opposite her at the new table she'd picked out. She hadn't been paying enough attention to catch what was said, but from the look on her companion's face it wasn't too hard to puzzle out.

"You too, huh?"

Leo folded her arms, her expression troubled. "Yes, regrettably." She was silent for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before she turned her attention back to Bell. "Perhaps we ought to inform Captain Zabat of what we've learned."

Bell blinked. "You sure? Fine." She tapped the comm-bead in her ear. "Delmi, patch me through to Cap, would you?"

There was a brief moment of silence, before Zabat's voice echoed in her ear.

"Bell? Has something happened?"

Bell spent a couple of minutes giving him a basic rundown of everything that had happened. The lack of any notable evidence regarding the matter they were sent to investigate, meeting Ammy and Vieri, Leo outing the two as IPD members, the Resistance and their apparent enemy. She opted to leave out the spat with Vieri, and the grateful look Leo shot her when she realised that fact was a pleasant surprise.

Zabat was silent for a long time while he digested the information he'd just been given.

"Alright, I think I understand the situation. Please tell Leo not to worry about blowing your cover, I trust her judgement, and yours as well....mostly." Bell could almost hear the grin in his tone at the last part, before he became serious again. "More to the point, this "Resistance" you mentioned.....do you believe their enemy may become a threat in future?"

Bell relayed the question to Leo, and the knight frowned as she pondered the matter. She eventually found her answer, and Bell dutifully relayed it to Zabat. "Hard to say, Cap. Apparently this guy has space-travel capabilities, so I'd say he's probably not gonna stop at just one planet."

"Agreed. Alright, I'm officially altering your orders. The two of you are to remain there and lend the Resistance whatever aid you can until this problem has been resolved. Use whatever methods you deem necessary to accomplish your goal.....just don't go overboard, alright? Contact me if you need anything, and in the meantime I'll see if I can't muster up some reinforcements for you."

"Got it, Cap."

"Oh, and one last thing, Bell. Delmi informed me that you deliberately ignored a distress signal AFTER she informed you of it. Care to explain?"

Bell paled slightly. "Uh.....I was tired....?"

There was a muffled sigh from Zabat's end of the link. "Whatever, it's fine. I've got Caio and Saga looking into it. For now, help the Resistance. Zabat out."

He cut the link, and Bell recounted his orders to Leo. The knight's face lit up with a genuine smile at the news that her decision to stay and help was now officially sanctioned. She was about to respond, when she noticed Ammy approaching, along with a brightly clad man she assumed to be Fugo. To her shame, it was only years of training that stopped her from visibly reacting to his outfit, though a muffled snort from Bell indicated she wasn't the only one having trouble.

Bell took a deep breath just before the two men reached the table, and managed to compose herself before Ammy started talking.....

Leo blinked as Ammy relayed the news. "I see. I sincerely hope things change for the better, then."

A long silence reigned over the table (though Bell chewing on her knuckles - apparently deep in thought, actually an attempt to stop herself laughing at Fugo - indicated it might have been a bit of a strained one.)

Bell was broken from her musings at Ammy's question. "Eh? Beautiful....? Oh, you mean this thing." She unholstered the gun with practised ease, and with a slight flourish twirled it around to present it to him butt-first. "Mark XIX Desert Eagle, loaded with .357s. Heavier than I make it look. Careful, safety's off."

(Caio and Saga's misadventures will be chronicled in my personal thread whenever I have sufficient time to write them out.)

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Reply #6816 on: May 02, 2016, 11:09:22 AM
"Wow I'm impressed you can handle that with your handicap, then again you could probably rip someone's arm off with how strong you look too." Fugo whistled.  "Oh name's Fugo by the way, I work part time at the Survival Shack, though I kind of had to switch to full time now due to the current circumstances."

(Yeah I figured that Fugo and Niu usually work as part time employees but due to the War they switched to full time.)

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Reply #6817 on: May 02, 2016, 11:41:55 AM
Bell's expression briefly flicked to annoyance when Fugo mentioned her "handicap", but she burst out laughing after he'd finished.

"Rip an arm off? Christ, I didn't think I was that scary looking. Nah, I'm more of a "kick it 'til it stops moving" kind of fighter. I just carry a gun for emergencies. Had to find some of compensating for the fact that I'm.....damaged, and I figured bulking up a little'd be a good way to do it. Good t'meet ya, Fugo."

Leo smiled at the ninja. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Fugo. Please, just call me Leo. My full name is something of a mouthful, or so I'm told."

(Gah, trying to find a way to draw attention to the gem attached to Leo's sword is hard)

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Reply #6818 on: May 02, 2016, 12:03:41 PM
Ammy looked over the pistol with interest. "I'm kind of impressed honestly that we happen to have the same weapon floating around on this planet too. I guess some designs just... Work." He picked it up, careful to keep his finger off the trigger. "Although maybe one floated off-world and the design got adopted. Or the other way around." He mused. "Anyways, I gotta echo Fugo, I'd break my wrist if I tried to fire this thing." He added somberly. "Spent a little too much time admiring the pretty little USP in a shop window a few weeks back. Just prefer the lighter stuff. Someday..." Finally, he placed the pistol back on the table and slid it gingerly back towards Bell. "I don't take you for a very careful type but that safety comment makes me very nervous."

Just then, a certain Knight-Captain approached the others, and bowed low. "I wouldst like to apologize for mine conduct. T'was inappropriate and a stain on mine own honor." She stuttered. Despite having the same pissy look on her face, her words were genuine. "I cannot guarantee thou my ability to maintain composure, but I shalt do all I can to lead you all in a manner befitting my rank."

"Lead?" Ammy wondered aloud. "I-..." He glanced at the others. "Personally, I'll take it, but I don't think the others would appreciate-"

"Fight... Alongside..." She mumbled. Finally, she cleared her throat and took a seat among the others.

"I think what Captain Galestrider is saying is that she's sorry and she wants this to work." Ammy translated. She just nodded.

"And... Ah... If thou wouldst prefer, though I would prefer my proper title, thou may call me by name. Vieri." She added.

Ammy silently prayed to whatever gods were out there in thanks, though he did make sure to mouth a 'thank you' in Bell and Leo's general direction. He cleared his throat. "All the same to you, I'll just stick with Captain." He decided with a smile.

Satisfied with this outcome, Vieri admired the pistol on the table for a moment. "I didst overhear thee, Ammy, that thou wisheth to wield a firearm such as that? I find them cowardly things, though I cannot dispute their... Effectiveness. Perhaps thou wouldst prefer a lesson in swordplay sometime?" She offered.

Ammy wondered on this briefly. "I- Guys, I don't need all this help. I can fight and I'm... Pretty sure I can shoot." He mumbled that last part somewhat ashamed. "I just wanna hold that muzzle break beauty in my hands..." He whined.

Vieri cocked her head, unsure what he was referring to. Opting to change the subject, she acknowledged Fugo finally. "You, strangely-clad man. Thou art Ammy's employer, hm? Dost thou bear news for the lot of us?"

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Reply #6819 on: May 02, 2016, 06:31:48 PM
Bell slid the gun back into its' position on her belt without a sound, and shot a significant glance at Leo once Vieri had said her piece. A wordless conversation seemed to take place between the two, and at length the spectral knight inclined her head slightly in acknowledgement.

Let bygones be bygones.

That matter concluded, the two focused their attention on Fugo.

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Reply #6820 on: May 02, 2016, 07:55:39 PM
"Yeah......I got some bad news guys."  Fugo sighed "Currently both of our Space bases are being attacked right now and everyone is engaged in a mech fight.  It be too dangerous to go to either of the bases until the threats are neutralized."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #6821 on: May 03, 2016, 05:23:06 AM
Ammy nodded. "So as it stands, we're SOL. That is, unless you two have a way of getting us there. Safely. Which, no offense, I'm not really confident in?" He beckoned to Fugo. "So what's our plan? Do we wait here?"

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Reply #6822 on: May 03, 2016, 05:30:33 AM
"We're not SOL, I've got faith in my Boss and her comrades, but yeah all we can do is wait." Fugo shook his head.  "Uh by the way I have to correct you Vieri, I'm not Ammy's employer.  I mean I don't really have a management position even after switching to full time."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #6823 on: May 03, 2016, 12:32:24 PM
(I might have a way to get everyone to one of the space stations, but it'll be tied in with the oneshot I'm currently writing. If you guys're fine with the plot progressing that way, I can go with it, otherwise I'm fine with whatever.)

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Reply #6824 on: May 03, 2016, 03:39:30 PM
(I at least know what to do with the next part of the Mech fight on my end but I don't know what's going to happen with Fxeni's Mech, I mean how damage is his mech from being squeezed?

I mean there's nothing physically stopping Fugo from using the Trans Server to teleport there at all, and it's probably much safer than actually going there, but I don't think it would be a good idea to go there when there's an attack is happening.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection