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Protoman Blues · 426632

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6750 on: April 03, 2016, 05:14:28 AM
(Just waiting on someone to push onward.  8D )

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6751 on: April 09, 2016, 09:24:00 PM
Fugo and Ammy finally arrived at the Fxenodrome and exited the car.   However they both noticed something very peculiar close to the entrance, a tall young woman with long blond hair and armor looking at the Fxenodrome intently with a slight glare.

Fugo raised an eyebrow at this and carefully approached the woman to address her.

“Excuse me Miss, is there something wrong?” He asked her.

(Sorry this took so long to get up and for something so little but I had to do some thinking for some of the other parts of the RP, specifically the Space Battle at the ISS. 

I firmly decided not to involve Borock-bot in the current battle because it would make it much more cluttered if I do so, it would make it easier on me if I don't get him involved, and I think Arche can take care of the other mooks left since there aren't so many, especially since boforte destroyed a significant number last I checked.  So a lot of my time went to thinking how to approach that situation despite this part being so short.  I'll go back and check that battle to see what I can do with Asch and Sakura, I have an idea but I need to check back to see if it's viable now or if I should wait later on that action. 

Another part of that decision was because for those who didn't read the Supplement thread Xhaiden decided to pull yet another retcon/hiatus in both RPs to do some serious fine tuning of his characters for an indefinite amount of time, which I respect and understand how he feels.  So all the Ky and Ruby sections in the Tower officially didn't happen and the events in Manaverse are gone too.  He'll reintroduce himself again once he figures out how he wants to do things again.  While it's not the main driving reason why I decided not to involve Borock-bot there it did help me come to the conclusion that I did.

Of course I also have school to worry about as usual since I am getting closer to graduating, and I will hopefully be done at the beginning of next Winter, so it makes it hard to concentrate on RPing at times.  So sometimes I may be infrequent depending on what's going on and my mood. 

I once again apologize for the inconvenience.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6752 on: April 10, 2016, 12:51:54 PM
A gleaming flash of silver passed by the two companions' fields of vision, stopping at Ammy's throat. "Wh-"

Behind the blade stood the woman Fugo had called out to. Faster than they could process, she had closed the distance and taken Ammy hostage. "Who art thou?! What is thine business here?!" Ammy choked out half-a word, then she pressed the steel closer, against his throat this time. "Speak, or thine life is forfeit!"

The hostage swallowed hard, and answered. "My name is Ammy! I know, weird right? I can't actually rem-" "Quit thine stalling!" "A-Ah, right! I'm here with my friend Fugo looking for the resistance!"

He shot an apologetic glance to Fugo. Saying that out loud to a stranger... Probably wasn't the best idea. With a sword to your throat though, it was probably the wiser choice.

The stranger pointed her blade at the other one. "Are thine companion's words true? What is this... 'Resistance'? I seek thine knowledge of machine thither!" She thumbed back at the Fxenodrome. For the first time, they had noticed something odd about her. She was missing an arm and a leg. "Ah, hey... Are you okay?" Ammy asked. "Your... Uh... Accent is kinda strange?" He followed up with a measure of awkwardness. The sword went back to him and he shut up.

"Answer me, fiends, lest I slit thine throats. What is this machine?!" She ordered once more.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6753 on: April 10, 2016, 08:51:41 PM
Fugo sighed and pinched his nose as if lamenting it was going to be one of 'those days'.

"Well to answer your most frequently asked question this is something of a Mobile Base, though I don't know the finer details about it since I didn't create it and I'm not exactly the most techie person around here." Fugo shrugged "For right now we're using it as a shelter for refugees since in case you didn't notice this entire city has been completely destroyed because of a major disaster as a result of a major war going on right now.

As for what the Resitance is why don't we go inside so I can explain that you better.  I honestly don't really feel like standing around here because it isn't exactly safe to be out here like this you know?"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6754 on: April 11, 2016, 09:18:59 AM
The young woman's gaze flickered between the two, as did the point of her sword. Finally, she seemed satisfied with their response, and sheathed the blade. Ammy's hand instinctively reached towards his knife, but he relented, and relaxed. "Yeah, lead the way Fugo."

He awkwardly followed at the rear of the three as Vieri kept a keen eye on Fugo in front of her. "I am known as Knight-Captain Vieri Galestrider. Thou art to address me as Captain Galestrider, understood?" Ammy rolled his eyes. "Sure, cap. I'll be sure to remember that." Once again, the sword was at his throat. "Dost thou jest? Are thine ears deaf? Thou wilt address me with the utmost respect, lest I end thine life!"

Ammy nodded wordlessly, wide-eyed. "A-Ah... Fugo, how do we... Get in? You wanna just... Y'know..." He moved up to the front of the group and leaned in near his employer-to-be. "She's kinda scary I want backup."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6755 on: April 11, 2016, 09:42:09 AM
"I got a password from the creator of this place when I was last here, let me just input it real quick." Fugo replied as he inputted the password but made sure his 'companions' didn't see since the password was....a slightly embarrassing one.

The door opened and he motioned them to come in.

"Now then why don't we head for the Cafe so we can talk Captain Galestrider." Fugo stated "Plus I think Ammy here needs to calm down a bit before we head to the Main Resistance HQ."

(I'm not sure if Fugo really needed the password but I think that's how people would get in when the Resistance isn't looking for Refugees or something.  That and it helps to move on quicker.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #6756 on: April 11, 2016, 07:02:17 PM
(Not to be picky, but don't you also have a space battle to work on as well! XD)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6757 on: April 11, 2016, 07:09:05 PM
(I know, I mention that in my first post over there, I just need to figure out what to do.  Mech battles are infinitely harder for me figure stuff out than ground battles.  Doesn't help that Fxeni seems to be ridiculously busy too, since he hasn't been online for a while.  I think the bottom line is I need some help, again. :\)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6758 on: April 12, 2016, 08:39:54 AM
Satisfied with the response, Vieri this time contently followed Fugo, a suspicious eye on her surroundings, as if still under the impression she were inside some kind of beast. Ammy - on the other hand - was relatively unimpressed. "I'm... Kind of hungry." He realized.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6759 on: April 12, 2016, 08:44:46 AM
(Ammy shouldn't know that the password is embarrassing since it wasn't mentioned by him, it's more like Fugo entered it as quick as possible so that neither of them could read it.)

"We're almost to the Cafe." Fugo stated as they went inside and started looking at the menu.  "So do you 2 have any preferences?"

(I also realized it was a Cafe inside the Fxenodrome and not a Mess Hall.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6760 on: April 12, 2016, 10:51:02 AM
(OH WHOOPS for some reason I unconsciously interpreted that as dialogue. Fixed.)

"Coffee. Just... Coffee. And food. Food in the general sense." Ammy answered. He stole a glance at the other companion, who seemed... Rather indifferent. "I would meet the leaders of this resistance with haste, if thou would please." Ammy's eyes narrowed, but he didn't object, mostly for fear of his own life.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6761 on: April 12, 2016, 04:31:58 PM
"Okay coffee and a Sandwich it is, think I'll get the same.  To be honest I was about to get lunch myself when you showed up." Fugo replied "As for meeting the leaders I'm afraid I'm going have to ask you to be a little more patient on that Captain Galestrider.  Like I said this mobile base is currently more of a shelter for refugees at the moment and the person stationed here probably wouldn't be able to answer your questions but we'll get you guys to the main base soon.  You sure you don't want anything to eat Captain?"

(I mean Vixy is here but Fugo's thought process is like he doesn't want to cause a panic if Veiri gets mad and points her sword at Vixy.  That and I can't write Vixy for the life of me.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6762 on: April 13, 2016, 11:30:37 AM
"I am quite alright." Vieri answered firmly. Ammy on the other hand was very intrigued. "If this is a refugee shelter, how come most of the city was abandoned? You'd think we'd see, I don't know, the odd vagrant. Where... Is the main base anyways?" He inhaled half the sandwich and raised a finger. "Not that it really matters to me. This bi- Err, Captain Galestrider seems more concerned with the whole thing." The Knight-Captain didn't seem to catch onto Ammy's venom, but instead nodded. "He is correct. I would ask of thine leader about this world's technology. I am here on a mission." The younger man made a face, but dispelled it. "Well, whatever. Long as I get a bed to sleep in and pay. Or food. I don't know. Just the privilege of subsisting without starving to death. I'm fine with that."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6763 on: April 13, 2016, 04:55:31 PM
"I think most of the refugees are on the other side of the city, we're trying to get as many people as possible out of here since it's not safe to be out there like I said before." Fugo sighed "As for where the main base is it's somewhere in Space, they actually have 2 bases in Space the main one and a smaller one.  That's why I brought you here in the first place, while people from the Main Base can teleport to the Survival Shacks we can't teleport to the Base from the Shacks.

As for your concerns Captain I'm sure my boss, who is the acting leader of the Resistance at the moment, can answer your questions and if she can't Fxeni definitely will, he's also another leader in a sense."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6764 on: April 16, 2016, 08:22:18 AM
Ammy nodded in understanding. "So we'd be able to reach those orbital bases from here... Or... What is the plan anyway?" He asked as he began stuffing his mouth once more. Vieri crossed her arms. "The dunce is correct." "Hey!" "Whilst I do not believe thine claim of your kind walking amongst the stars, I simply must play along. Who is this Fxeni? Take me to him!"

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6765 on: April 16, 2016, 08:36:56 AM
"Okay so this chick is definitely not some kind of alien.  Still who the hell thought she would make a good Captain, if she really is one, talk about lack of diplomacy." Fugo thought.

"Oh it is true, Space isn't exactly the Final Frontier anymore, especially since I used to live on Earth before coming to this crazy Planet.  Anyway I need to talk to Fxeni to get his permission to see him at the ISS and we'll teleport there in a flash, I'll be back." Fugo said as he started getting up from the table.

(Fugo had a theory that Vieri was either an Alien or a Time Traveller who accidentally got sucked into a random portal. 

Anyway I finally got some inspiration for the mech battle so I'll update that soon.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #6766 on: April 16, 2016, 09:35:00 AM
(Good, Fxeni is "dying" in boforte's grip.)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #6767 on: April 16, 2016, 10:14:26 AM
Vieri nodded wordlessly to him, questioning just what this Earth that Fugo was referring to... Actually was. Ammy merely waved him off. Vieri took a seat across from the one remaining companion and glared at him for a moment, then took a napkin and began wiping away at her sword, as if she were cleaning something off of it. What - Ammy didn't want to ask. He sat in an awkward silence for some minutes.

"Er... Can I-"
"What dost thou asketh of me?" She cut him off without tearing away from her 'work'.
"I- Was gonna ask why you speak like that."

This time Vieri eyed him suspiciously. "Ah, 'tis how all folk speak, is it not? Thine language, however, is neanderthal. No grace nor poetry in thine words." The younger man made a face, but disregarded the insult. "That certainly isn't how everyone speaks, but fine. That's not what I was asking anyway. Just- Never mind."

With a 'hmph', Vieri focused back on her work. Ammy, finished eating, leaned back in his seat, slowly drifting off into a nap.

(Guess they'll be waiting a while eh?  8D)

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #6768 on: April 19, 2016, 09:20:32 PM
(So, um, I've been discussing things with some of the more active members of this RP over in the Discord channel, and I think I'm about ready to get back into things. For realsies this time. Most of the plot is happening in the old Resistance Base in St. Acidburg, right?)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6769 on: April 19, 2016, 09:22:53 PM
(No most of the plot is happening in the Space Battle at the ISS, the second most is in the Fxenodrome which is a shelter for refugees at the moment, even with the weapons.)

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Reply #6770 on: April 19, 2016, 09:26:16 PM
(No most of the plot is happening in the Space Battle at the ISS, the second most is in the Fxenodrome which is a shelter for refugees at the moment, even with the weapons.)

(Ah, yup. Just reread the posts that've been made recently. That's cool. Already know what I wanna do with regards to getting back into this, so, um.....should I come back?)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6771 on: April 19, 2016, 09:27:04 PM
(If you're ready go for it.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #6772 on: April 19, 2016, 10:39:27 PM
(Got it. Fair warning, typical SX Monster of an Intro post on the way. Oh, and I apologise in advance for Bell. She's got kinda a foul mouth on her.

Also,l I know the whole thing with Blue's Tower never happened, but it's as good an excuse as any to get involved. Oh, and I hope the Fxenodrome's not ghostproof, or this isn't gonna work at all.)

Skies over Planet Websitia

"Well that was a [tornado fang]ing waste of time."

Bell leant back in the seat of the I.L.E.S.A Scout Jet she'd hired for this mission and sighed, inwardly glad that Delmi, the 91st's AI helper, was handling the steering. Glancing down at the sword laying in her lap, she addressed her companion. "Remind me again what we're doing here?"

An echoing sigh reverberated around the cockpit as Leocadia answered the question for what felt like the millionth time since they'd arrived on-planet. "If I am remembering the terminology that Captain Zabat used in his briefing, we are here to investigate a potential distortion in reality." The spectral knight fell silent as she pondered the duo's next move. She'd been incredibly confused at first, and it wasn't until Captain Zabat explained it in a manner she could understand that she knew why such a thing was a big deal.

Bell grunted in response. "And we did. We just came from the place that "anomaly" supposedly came from and we didn't find jack-[parasitic bomb]. What are we still doing here?"

Leo briefly toyed with the idea of attempting to strangle her squadmate, but fought the urge back. Why Captain Zabat had asked her to accompany such a lazy, foul-mouthed cretin on this mission was something she'd never claim to understand. He'd told her at the time that it was because he trusted her to keep Officer Valcadash on task and prevent any undesired occurrences. Leo was beginning to think what he'd actually meant was "Bellona has the attention span of a two-year old and the temper of an Elder Dragon, and I need you to babysit her."

Somehow managing to keep the irritation out of her voice, she responded again. "As I have explained to you already, our investigation is not finished. Since we could not find anything at the supposed site of the anomaly, we are now going to attempt to contact the inhabitants of this planet and see if they can provide us with any aid."

Thankfully for the knight's fraying temper, Delmi's calm, clipped tones cut off any response the blonde human could've made.

"I apologise for interrupting such a friendly conversation, but I believe I have located an inhabited structure. Shall I set us down?"

Bell gave a loose one-armed shrug, the apathy in her tone clear to everyone. "Yeah, sure, whatever."

The jet dipped into a steep dive and halted outside a large dome sitting in the apparent middle of nowhere. Popping the cockpit, Bell eased herself out of the seat and dropped to the ground. Planting Leo's sword point-first into the dirt, she stared up at the dome with a bored expression and adjusted the collar of her jacket. "What the [tornado fang] is this thing?"

Leo chose this moment to manifest again, plucking her sword from the ground with practised ease and silently walking over to what looked like a door of some kind. "Clearly some kind of shelter, though I see no way of entering..."

Bell walked up to the door and rapped her knuckles against it. After a long moment and no response, she shrugged and turned back to the jet. "Welp, nobody's home. Guess we're done here."

Pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, Leo strode across to cut her squadmate off and thrust her sword into the human's hands. "Hold this." Turning to look at the jet, she tried to recall the instructions Captain Zabat had given her for this situation. "Delmi, return to low orbit and conceal yourself. Continue scanning, but maintain radio silence unless absolutely necessary."

As the jet shot back into the sky and disappeared into the atmosphere, Leo headed back towards the dome and passed straight through the doors, leaving Bell to stare blankly at the sword she'd just been handed. Sitting down, she crossed her legs and cupped her chin with her hand, leaving Leo's blade lying in the dirt. "Oh yeah, that's fine. Just leave me out here alone why don't you? [sonic slicer]."

Inside the Fxenodrome

Leo cautiously advanced down the corridor, surprised to find herself thankful for her spectral form. Being able to pass through most obstructions was handy, and the fact that her movements were now completely silent was a benefit she hadn't considered before. While not entirely pleased to be unarmed - and not certain her hotheaded squadmate would do the right thing and actuallly stay put - she figured she'd be safe enough. Pausing, she tilted her head as the faint echo of voices reached her ears. It seemed this place was home to some form of life after all. After a brief moment to get her bearings and work out which direction the sounds were coming from, she opted to continue on foot, as introducing herself by walking out of a wall might give the wrong impression....

(So, ah, yeah. Hopefully this is good enough? I figure either Fugo or Vieri ought to be able to sense Leo's presence even if she isn't making any noise.

Leo's completely silent when moving. Benefit of being a ghost, I guess. Since her bio isn't up yet I should probably state she can force herself into a more corporeal form (hence the thing about her wanting to strangle Bell), but it's not something she can maintain for long, so she barely uses it.)

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Reply #6773 on: April 19, 2016, 10:51:21 PM
(Actually let me rephrase what I said, it's a mobile assault base that is being used as a shelter.  In other words the Technodrome from Ninja Turtles.)

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Reply #6774 on: April 19, 2016, 11:00:14 PM
(Yeah, I vaguely remember seeing it on the RPM Map a while back. Eh. Bell doesn't care enough to look for details and Leo's from a world where swords and sorcery are the norm, so she'd have no idea what she's looking at either.  8) )

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