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Reply #1525 on: May 12, 2013, 04:36:20 AM
Unity grinned at the two people which quickly appeared before him. Though the distinct lack of the ones he wanted to see the most, disappointed it.

Unity - "Hello... since you are asking who I am in such an angry tone, not unlike a savage beast, allow me to introduce myself. I am Unity. And I suggest you abandon all thoughts of attacking me this instant, lest I'll be forced to pry open your skulls."

PBPB - "Oh-ho!" Aren't we [tornado fang]ing smart?! How about I just..."

Unity - "Oh... but I simply came to talk. Besides, with what I currently have, I could blow up a large portion of this station and have you all easily die... but now, why should that happen?"

Fxeni - "You damn bastard!"

PBPB - "Fine. You want to talk, freakshow? Then talk. But you better make it snappy, because it's not like I'm afraid of your stupid threats."

Unity cackled.

Unity - "Very well. Although I hoped to see little Sakura and Protoman Blues... but I suppose I must work with trash. Oh well."

PBPB and Fxeni glanced at each other.

Unity - "I came here to make an offer. This war, which torments you all so, can be ended ever so swiftly."

PBPB - "What do you mean?"

Unity - "The old mad scientist, believes me to be his ally... just like my, predecessor Tron was. But I honestly could not care less. So if you wish, I could bring the old man to you.... destroy all of his toys and thus the world would know peace once again."

PBPB - "Is that so? But what do you want in return?"

Unity - "A simple thing... you will give me little Sakura for a bit. I am merely interested in the abilities she poseses and would like to run a few... tests. I promise to deliever her back in one piece... how about it?"

PBPB - "You must be out of your [tornado fang]ing mind! If you think any of us will ever agree to something..."

Unity - "Is that so? That is a shame. I could even go and destroy old man's toys right now. Free of charge. But since you are obviously refusing my offer... it will not happen. In fact, let me tell you something you poor little Protoman Blues-like girly... I will get little Sakura. And once I do, you will wish you have accepted my offer."

PBPB - "You..."

Unity grinned maniacally.

Unity - "Because once I'll have her in my grasp, I will defile her mind and body so much, that once you'll see her again you will not be able to recognize her!"

PBPB - "That's [tornado fang]ing it!"

PBPB fired the spell she was preparing for some time now but Unity simply dodged it and teleported behind them both.

Unity - "More than that, perhaps I even send her out to attack the poor people of the city? You know what?! That is a good idea!"

Unity cackled loudly and disappeared in a white light.

PBPB - "[tornado fang]! Where did it go?! ADA!"

ADA - "It appears the intruder has left the SexStation."

(Okay, I'll wait for Wily now till Unity teleports back to him. After this I'm focusing finally on Kharaxel more. I'm kinda tired of super-evul beings for now.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1526 on: May 12, 2013, 04:39:29 AM
(That's so [tornado fang]ing creepy! :o)

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Offline Rin

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Reply #1527 on: May 12, 2013, 04:50:11 AM
(Sorreh. Did i overdo it?)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1528 on: May 12, 2013, 04:51:57 AM
(Yeah you kinda did, it sounded like Unity wanted to Mind [twin slasher]/maybe actually [twin slasher]/out right torture her! :o)

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Reply #1529 on: May 12, 2013, 04:57:37 AM
(Yeah you kinda did, it sounded like Unity wanted to Mind [twin slasher]/maybe actually [twin slasher]/out right torture her! :o)
It was supposed to be more mind-[twin slasher], than physical [twin slasher]. Though it was all mostly just said to [acid burst] off PBPB. Outside of her powers and abilities, Unity holds no actual interest in Sakura at the moment. I'll clarify it in the future post. In fact Unity holds little interest in anything at the moment. It just wants to see how much more miserable people can become. So yeah, sorry again.)

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Reply #1530 on: May 12, 2013, 04:58:31 AM
(Oh okay then.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1531 on: May 12, 2013, 04:58:55 AM
(Seriously, Unity reminded me of PPG's Him. XD Also shi-)

After Unity left with renewed information about the intruder, Dr. Wily II began to blast into the intercomms again.


With that ended, Dr. Wily II finally found the time to sit back into his evil spinning chair, after he picked it up and repositioned it back. While spinning, a few things didn't feel right at all... However, he needed the momentum... Wait.


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Reply #1532 on: May 12, 2013, 05:27:37 AM
(I'll think of something to do later. For now if anybody chooses to come into contact with RMZX the artifact he's wearing on his jacket is glowing, so maybe inquire about that or something.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1533 on: May 12, 2013, 06:14:05 AM
Without a moment's thought, Hajime's monitor activates, showing him monitoring the progress of the Wily Star II.

"I noticed your station went dead for a while," Hajime immediately spoke up, "I wasn't sure if you'd be around if the Resistance decides to come banging at the Star's door."

He was looking nonchalant, as usual, but WilyII knew he was hiding something that may or may not jeopardize his chances of world domination.

"I've been getting some odd reports of magical, animated cards lingering around my WDS," WilyII said, trying hard not to grin eagelry, "And I seem to remember you having a robot built around cards....  You wouldn't happen to...know about this, would you?"

Hajime remains silent, but not disturbed or distraught at what WilyII was getting at, "If Tarot Cat's cards are running loose somewhere around the station, its only because they have their own reasons for not wanting to get involved in potentially life-threatening jobs that would more than betray their Tarot Energy."

WilyII slammed his fist on the computer, "Bah!  You backstabbing brat!  If what you say is true, than I can safely assume that they were the reason for the second blackout and the destruction of the Robot Masters scouring this floor for that intruder, who I seem to recall has the same card sticking out of his back as the rest of that cat's deck!"

"You sure are quick to pin all of this on me when, according to the two robots you sent up here to help with the Wily Star II's repairs, there were others trying to get into your system, and could equally be responsible for the station going black."

"That still doesn't excuse the fact that your robot's cards are running loose and distracting me from complete domination of this world!  You built those robots to obey you without question and this is how you run business!?"

Hajime merely frowns in offense, "Those robots were also programmed to protect me, my business, and each other if they find enough reason to overstep my boundaries.  And some of them harbor secrets and obligations so world-shattering and devastating in any hands even I'm not allowed to know about them.  So if you don't want anymore sides fighting against your chances of world domination, or worse, you'd do best treat the cards you do manage to capture fairly and keep your observations at a safe, no-touch distance."

As this was going on, one of the monitors picked up another glowing orb of light turn into a bright-white cherub and float down to another mangled Robot Master, reactivating his auto-repair functions and mending the damage caused by the projectiles launched during Random Man's panic.


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Reply #1534 on: May 13, 2013, 08:46:17 AM
"Dammit. We don't have time for this!" PBPB scowled.

"What do you want to do?" Fxeni asked.

"I'm going to have to trust that Sakura and her band of fun can take care of themselves for a while. You and I have to retake the I.S.S. to prepare for the reactivation of the Wily Star II. If Bathair McFuckhead gets that thing back up and running, we won't have to worry about whatever Unity is planning. Wily II will just do away with us anyway." PBPB looked at Fxeni. "I just hope she'll be okay!"

"She's tough, that one. Heh, she had a good mentor!" Fxeni smiled. "Now, we should get going. The Fxenodrome isn't unlocking itself after all!"

"Right!" PBPB said as Fxeni and her started back towards the transporter room.

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Reply #1535 on: May 13, 2013, 08:52:08 AM
(And like magic the next part is already done.)

Sakura and Asch were heading towards Sickbay 2 with 3 Pokemon in tow.

One of them was Yin who had fully recovered from her injuries from her pervious battle and following behind.

Riding on Yin was a somewhat unusual Pokemon.  It was a Raichu however he was much smaller than a normal Raichu and about the size of the average Pikachu.  He is carrying a bag with him that seemed to be bulging.

The last Pokemon was being carried by Sakura.  It was a Cyndaquil with sunglasses and a scarf much like the ones PB wears.

Asch was also wearing some of the new clothes he got the other day because he started to notice that his jacket had a horrible stench due to lending it to PBPB while she was still stinking from swimming  in the sewer.  He was now wearing a black shirt, dark red jacket, his black scarf and dark blue jeans.

"I hope Purity will be okay, I have no idea what happened to her." Sakura lamented.

"Me too, the poor thing didn't look so good." Asch nodded. "But are you sure you want to go to the Sickbay to take care of PB?  You may not have a fever anymore but you're still pretty sick."

"I'll be okay Asch it's just a cold." Sakura sniffed "Besides I can't rest knowing that PB is suffering.  I have to do everything I can to help him."

"Okay okay I get you." Asch sighed "I'd say you're stubborn but everyone on this ship seems ridiculously stubborn."

"We can be." Sakura giggled "But no one is more stubborn than Pyre Heart here."

"Why's that?" Asch asked.

"He refuses to evolve despite how old he is.  He thinks he's the strongest Pokemon in the world." Sakura smiled as she pet Pyre Heart on the head.

"Cynda!" Pyre Heart cried.

"I'm guessing he agreed with that sentiment." Asch smirked.

"Yeah his Ego is just as big as PB's, you can say he's PB in Pokemon form." Sakura laughed.

"Absol ab." Yin sighed.

"So what's with him and Yin then, she doesn't seem to really like him." Asch observed.

"It's nothing really, it's just their personalities kinda clash." Sakura explained "They sorta have a rivalry with each other, especially since Yin beat him in the tournament when they first met."

"That reminds me, you haven't finished that story yet but I suppose we can pick that up later." Asch noted "So these guys can evolve?

"Uh huh a vast majority of Pokemon can evolve, some of them can even evolve twice." Sakura nodded.

"There's just so much about these guys to understand.  I don't think I get it all." Asch sighed.

"Just take it a little bit at a time, this sort of thing takes years to learn." Sakura recommended.

"I guess you're right about that." Asch agreed.

The 2 eventually arrived at the closed door of Sickbay 2 and opened it.  The room was dark and they saw a bumpy outline of PB sleeping on his side.

"Huh that's odd Zeta should be in to room somewhere, and I could have sworn that PB was sleeping on his back when we left him." Asch questioned quietly.
"I wonder..." Sakura drifted off as she quietly walks into the room with Pyre Heart in tow.

"Sakura what are you doing!?" Asch whispers furiously before the Raichu goes into the room as well.

Sakura makes it to the foot of the bed and looks at PB's and Zeta's sleeping form.  The Raichu makes it to Sakura but can't really see anything beyond 2 pairs of feet because of his height.

"Raichu Rai?" The Raichu asks

Sakura merely nods with a small smile on her face before she and the Raichu quietly exiting the room and closing the door.

"Why did you do that!?" Asch asked completely flustered.

"I wanted to see if Zeta and PB were sleeping together." Sakura explained.

"Oh." Asch started before doing a double take "Wait what!?"

"Well I was curious because Zeta wouldn't leave in a situation like that and the bed obviously had 2 people in it." Sakura said as she sat down beside the door.

"Okay but aren't you put off by the fact that your best friend is sleeping with your mentor?" Asch raised an eyebrow while sitting next to her and Yin curled up in front of them.

"Zeta's never slept with someone before." Sakura pointed out "And they certainly wouldn't sleep together without a good reason.  Even if PB is known for sleeping around, he wouldn't sleep with someone he just met and Zeta would never take advantage of someone, so there has to be a reason they are now."

"I guess so still I'm surprised that you're thinking about this rationally." Asch commented as he put an arm around her.

"It didn't seem like a good idea to jump to conclusions without getting the full story and PB seemed so relaxed compared to when we saw him last so I'm grateful for that." Sakura smiled "Besides we slept together before so I can't really fault them both for that."

"That only happened because you fell asleep while we were hugging and I didn't want to move you!" Asch blushed in embarrassment.

"I know I was just teasing you." Sakura laughed "But my point still stands."

"If you say so." Asch sighed "But there's still one thing I'm confused about, why did that electric mouse go in with you?"

"Zeta is Narancia's trainer, so he wanted to know how she was doing." Sakura explained.

"Rai Rai!" Narancia cried in agreement.

"Makes sense I guess." Asch said understanding it a bit more.

Pyre Heart then wriggled out of Sakura's arms and waddled in front of Yin.

"Quil!" He said as Yin sighed and Narancia walked in front of them rummaging through the bag.

Narancia pulls out 10 Pecha berries and sets them in front of Pyre Heart and one big Pamtre berry and sets it in front of Yin who looks at it in disgust. He then pulls out a big Watmel berry and takes a bite out of it while Pyre Heart chows down on his pile of Pecha berries and Yin disdainfully ate the Pamtre berry.

"What was that all about?" Asch raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently Yin and Pyre Heart had a bet and Yin lost.  Narancia was pretty much the guy who held the prizes." Sakura observed.

"But what did they bet on and why did they all get something?" Asch asked.

"I think the bet was whether PB was sleeping with someone or not." Sakura guessed "As for why they all got something, it's because Yin hates those kinds of berries.  Pokemon have different tastes and Yin happens to hate particularly Dry berries like that one."

"I see." Asch understood.

"Ab Absol." Yin whined leaving the Pamtre berry half eaten.

"Don't worry I'll get you some Tamato and Spelon berries for you later okay?" Sakura said as she petted her on the head.

"Sol." Yin yipped feeling a little better.

"Pokemon sure are complex." Asch said as he joined in petting Yin.  "I wonder if I'll have one someday."

"You probably might." Sakura smiled.

"I guess I should try my best to try to learn about these guys then." Asch nodded. "Anyway are we going to be sitting here until they wake up?"

"Yep." Sakura nodded.

"Thought so." Asch replied.

The 2 of them kept sitting there watching the Pokemon waiting for PB and Zeta to wake up.

(Yay more Pokemon, I had fun characterizing Pyre Heart.  

The reason I gave a Watmel berry to Narancia and Pecha Berries to Pyre Heart was because Pyre Heart is unevolved I imagine he would prefer small berries and his nose is huge so eating what is essentially a Watermelon would be excessively difficult.  However a tiny Raichu with a Watermelon looks adorable.)

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Reply #1536 on: May 13, 2013, 02:26:08 PM
(I wonder if this Raichu is related to my Pikachu in the Pokemon RP. 8D)

Dr. Wily II grinded his teeth against it other, totally angry at how Hajime is batting away his accusations with the simplest of ease. Swallowing his pride for the moment...


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Reply #1537 on: May 13, 2013, 06:03:52 PM
(He actually wasn't, I thought of him way back while I was typing those massive 2 parts.)

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Reply #1538 on: May 13, 2013, 10:47:56 PM
Hajime remains nonchalant before looking back towards the Wily Star II, seeing some flashing going on inside that indicates Fix-It Man is already hard at work reconstructing the walls, stairs, and elevators making up a small percentage of the Wily Star II's interior operations.

"The robots you sent up here seem to be doing a better job than everyone else, I hate to admit," Hajime sighs, "If the Resistance doesn't come knocking, we should be finished a few hours before my mech's previous estimated time of completion."

He hopes, at least this tidbit of information simmers WilyII's temper; the last thing he needs is to have the once good doctor riled up and raring to blame him for everything that goes wrong should the Resistance find a way to get into the Star and rip it apart without so much as a single take from his robots.


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Reply #1539 on: May 14, 2013, 01:16:32 AM
Fxeni and PBPB arrived at the transporter room, and Fxeni examined the console in the room.

"Well, I'm going to have us teleport a bit away from the Fxenodrome... Hopefully the trek there won't be so bad," Fxeni said as he examined the area in the city around the Fxenodrome.

"What? Why the hell can't we just teleport in?" PBPB asked.

"There's a teleporter jammer in the Fxenodrome that covers a radius around it, precisely so I don't have any unwanted intruders in it," Fxeni responded as he input coordinates into the console.

"That didn't stop Baldy McBirdhair from getting in there, though" PBPB commented.

"Yeah well, he had 2 years to break into it... Never again! I'd rather it exploded in his face rather than let him have it again," Fxeni growled, "and that's precisely what I'm going to program it to do."

"Isn't that a bit overkill?" PBPB asks, a bit worried that her partner was taking things a bit too far.

"Nah... last thing I want on my conscience is my things being used to hurt good people" Fxeni glumly said, thinking about what had happened to PB. "Anyways, ADA! Teleport us to the coordinates I inputted!"

With a bright flash, they were sent down to St. Acidburg. They arrived some distance away from the Fxenodrome, which sat in the middle of a street. The buildings all around it were wrecked from the recent battles, rubble littering the ground all over the place. As they approached the Fxenodrome, the large eye on top turned to look at them. After giving it some time to analyze Fxeni, a ramp came down and the doors inside opened. PBPB and Fxeni walked in and headed towards the control room.

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Reply #1540 on: May 14, 2013, 09:35:51 AM
PBPB walked with Fxeni towards the control room, thinking about what he said about not letting Wily II having the Fxenodrome if it came down to it. She knew he was right, but she was afraid of the damage it could do if it exploded. "Still, it could do even more damage under his control." she thought to herself.

"Okay, I'm reactivating the main computer." Fxeni told PBPB when entering in the proper command codes.

"Roger that!" PBPB replied. "You head to the hangar and get the mechs ready to go. I'll be in communications. I need to make a couple calls before we proceed with Operation: Station Break!"

"Okay. I'll head down in a minute. First I'm going to create a hyper-static link between the 'Drome's computer and ADA. That way, if anything goes wrong, I can override the main computer functions from my lab in the SexStation." Fxeni stated.

"Good idea. See you in a few!" PBPB said as she walked towards communications. She looked around the place while walking and remembered all the fun times she had here simply hanging out with Hitomi, Vixy, Sky Child and the rest. Now this place was needed as a refuge for the citizens of St. Acidburg. Now this place was needed for war.  Finally, she reached the communications room.

"Vixy, come in. This is PB with tits!" PBPB said while touching the comm pad.

"Hey Pretty Bunny-chan. I see you're feeling better. Sorry I had to run off like that, but the city needed me!" Vixy replied.

"I know. That's actually why I'm calling. Fxeni and I are in the Fxenodrome and we're going to set it up as a refuge for the people of the city who lost their homes. He's going to give you the proper command codes and put you in charge of it while we head back into space to complete a mission." PBPB informed Vixy.

"Great idea. I'll start moving everyone there." Vixy replied.

"The Fxenodrome will be scanning for Wily II's robutt masters, so be careful!" PBPB stated.

"Roger wilco, Bluesy-Chan!" Vixy replied. "Oh, and how are PB & Sakura?"

"They'll be fine! Just focus on the recovery effort! PBPB out!" she said as she entered in another number. "Quickie? Quickie, it's PBPB. Do you read me? Come in, please!"

"Hmmmmmmmm, no answer. I hope she's okay!" PBPB thought to herself. "Oh well, we'll have to go without her!"

PBPB walked out of the communication room and headed towards the hangar to meet with Fxeni to commence Operation: Station Break.

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Reply #1541 on: May 14, 2013, 10:09:22 AM
Overhearing Vixy's communication with the Resistance, and faintly hearing something about a dome being set up to shelter the citizens, the five Berbils, who had since holed themselves in the trailer in order to better socialize and concoct a plan, look to each other while chittering int heir language over what to do about the situation.

They wanted to lend a hand to those who wanted nothing to do with the Resistance after watching their Sexcellent leader turn coat and attack them without thought or conscience, but their main goal was to find their friends before they succumb to the turmoil the rest of the city has been going through since that fiasco.  The panda Berbil looks down at the walkie-talkie a moment before picking it up and switching the frequency back to New Ro-Bear Village, speaking the same language to their elder and informing him of the situation and requesting more caravans to come and help the citizens move to this dome being set up.

As Chariot continued through the city, he noticed flashing in the distance and runs into one of the wrecked buildings, peeking through a partially destroyed windows to see two figures heading towards a large, white sphere with a half-as-large, human-looking eye sitting a top it.  He was aware of one of the Resistance's many personal mechs and vehicles and didn't expect to bump into one of them so quickly.

The figures were heading inside the spherical machine, indicating it belonged to them.  Chariot wanted to follow just to be sure, but because he was still bleeding from the nose, and his recovery is pitifully slow, he didn't trust his control over his Tarot Energy, and frets his mere presence will startle them into attacking him as a threat.

He quickly concentrates on his energy, reverting his positive Blood of Wands back to the neutrally undetectable Blood of Pentacles before staying behind the window and observing the goings on to see what the two were intending to do with such a giant golf ball-like vehicle.


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Reply #1542 on: May 14, 2013, 03:10:11 PM

Dr. Wily II slams on his console, cutting the communication line with Hajime. Fuming mad, Dr. Wily II screamed at the top of his lungs, releasing all the pent-up anger. Never did he feel so... "insulted". Screaming back into the intercomms...


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Reply #1543 on: May 15, 2013, 02:09:12 PM
Hearing the enraged announcement irked Hierophant as he was casting Arise on another misfortunate Robot Master.  Death, meanwhile muffles a frustrated sigh while leaning on her scythe.

"There's just no pleasing the old bat," she grumbles, "I doubt he's even paying attention to the monitors broadcasting our attempt to clean up this mess."

"Somehow, I get the feeling he wouldn't care either way...." Hierophant mutters worriedly as he leaves the glowing cherub to revive the mangled Robot Master before sneaking off to find the next one.

Rounding another corner, he finds Random Man laying dazed and undamaged on the floor with his miter still wedged onto his open lid while Teach Man laid a few feet from him, blanketed in smoldering ash and torn clothing.

"Hmmm.... I just love the sight of a half-dead carcass," Death sighs amusingly, "It's such a shame we have to clean this all up to dampen some of the 'torment' we'll be getting if they ever manage to dispel our Vanish effect."

Hierophant stares at her uncomfortably before pointing his staff towards his miter, "Well....  Since we're here, I may as well get my miter back before someone else decides to mess around with it."

He kneels down and reaches over to his miter, but his hand keeps fazing through it, quickly reminding him that he can't touch anything unless he cast the same Vanish spell on it.  Muffling a frustrated groan, he points his staff towards his miter and concentrates on the Vanish spell, causing a gray glow to emit from its orb before separating into crystal-like entities and surrounding Random Man, causing him to disappear along with the miter.

"Ugh...great....  I was afraid this would happen," Hierophant grumbles in more frustration, "If something's latched on tightly to something else, the Vanish spell will affect it too."

"Eh...not to worry," Death shrugs, "All you need to do is pop the hat off and cast Dispel to return him to existence."

"That's assuming he doesn't wake up before then...."

Hierophant gulps silently before walking up to Random Man and placing one foot on his shoulder while grasping his miter with both hands, pulling with all his average strength until an audible popping sound sends him tumbling back a few feet.  He sits back up and looks toward his hands to find the miter back in his possession with little more than a widened lid from Random Man's inconsiderate wedging.

But as he was getting back up to cast Dispel on Random Man, said robot suddenly snaps his eyes open and springs to his feet, looking around as if he had just been activated for the first time.

"Ooooh....  What a thrill ride!" he gawks before squealing with delight, "I wanna go again!"

He then notices Teach Man lying on the floor.  Fuming at the thought of being yelled at for finding a hat, he rushes over and tries to kick him only to have his foot faze through his body, causing the momentum to toss him onto his back.

Hierophant grits his teeth on worry as he watches Random Man spring back onto his feet, scratching his lid in confusion before walking back over to Teach Man and stomping his foot onto his chest only to see it faze into him.

"Hey hey!  What's going on!?  Why can I step through you!?" he complains while moving to jump on Teach Man, causing nothing more than his feet fazing through his body, "Did Wily give you an upgrade while I was out!?  Why don't I have a cool ability like yours!?"

"Is that you, Random Man!?" calls a voice from the distance.  Random Man snaps his head towards it to see Clay Man wander into the area, looking around rather confusedly and not once gazing at his immediate area.

"Oh oh!  Are you looking for that intruder as well!?  I heard WilyII exclaim he must be brought back dead or alive!"

Clay Man suddenly snaps his head around, but continues to evade Random Man's general presence, "I can hear your voice, but I don't see you anywhere."

"What're you talking about!?  I'm right here!" Random Man pipes as he jumps up and down in front of Clay Man, who continues to look in every direction except where any normal person would be looking.

"Are you playing games again?  Dr. Wily II sent us to find an intruder, and judging by his tone, he'll want more than our undying apology if we let the intruder get away!"

Random Man stops bouncing, his lid popping open as steam flew out before waving his hands in front of Clay Man only to notice something only those affected by Vanish could see.

"What's this!?  I'm a white outline!" Random Man yelps as he looks at every inch of himself to find he can't see anything but the said outline making up his invisible being.  He then looks back to Clay Man, watching him look around the area for what could be the tenth time before sinisterly narrowing his eyelids and making a mad dash towards the control room.

Hierophant and Death look to each other exasperatedly before following after him, finding him standing right behind WilyII, rubbing his hands together in preparation for his sinister scheme.

"Oooh...the fun I'll have with this...." he snickers silently as he creeps closer to WilyII's ear, "What's up, doc?"

WilyII suddenly whips around to face Random Man, but finds nothing there, "Who's there!?  Are you the intruder!?  Show yourself!"

Random Man places his hand on where his mouth should be while hissing a Muttley-like snicker, then proceeds to poke his finger through WilyII's forehead, getting not so much as a reaction from the still oblivious doctor.

"I'm touching you!" he quips while pulling his hand out of WilyII's forehead, then bouncing behind him and jabbing his hand into his Evil Spinning Chair and out his chest, "I'm touching you again!"

Hierophant and Death stood at the entrance, flustered and annoyed at Random Man's pitiful use of his invisibility as he continues to bounce and prance around, poking his hand through every part of WilyII's body while monotonously spouting "I'm touching you", all the while flustering and aggravating WilyII further as he turns his chair around to try and figure out where the voice was coming from.

"They don't call him random for nothing...." Death sighs while rubbing her temple, for once not amused by this sight.  Hierophant sighs as well before nonchalantly pointing his staff at Random Man as he lands between the door and the back of WilyII's chair.

"Dispel...." he deadpans as the orb on his staff glows white and fires towards Random Man, causing a pillar of rainbows to surround him before disappearing to reveal his physical appearance.  But by the time he realized his tangibility, he had already thrust his finger towards WilyII's chair.

Due to his robot strength, his seemingly harmless jab dealt enough force to knock WilyII forward into the controls, causing no less damage than accidentally shutting off half the monitors fed by several cameras in the WDS.

"Too late...?" Hierophant squeaked upon seeing the surprisingly unscathed doctor laying half dazed against the console.

"I believe so...." Death half muses, "What's say we scram and get back to finding Emperor before the doc wakes up from his unintentional nap time...."

The two then rush out of the control room without even bothering to wait and see what fate befell Random Man.


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Reply #1544 on: May 15, 2013, 02:18:16 PM
(Not only am I violated, I'm knocked out. CURSES!! >0<)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1545 on: May 16, 2013, 01:21:19 AM
(Hey guys I'm still working on my next part but I do have something else.  I noticed that some people still want to join the RP but feel bogged down reading this entire mess so I took the liberty of plotting down an abridge version of bulleted plot points.

-Wily II starts his plans for world domination
-PB sets up resistance

-Kharaxel becomes member of resistance and tells PB a prophecy
-Wily II makes Robot of PB to confuse resistance
-Robot PB betrays Wily due to seeing that his purpose (being exactly like PB) is not achievable, makes friends with Sakura
-RMZX from another dimension shows up in the house of the RMZX of this dimension and activates Waifu bot that follows him everywhere.
-Kharaxel's malevolent split personality Tron beings to surface
-After Resistance blows up Wily Star II resistance celebrates with a party at the karaoke bar
-Before the party Sakura and the Clone PB realize that Wily let something to try to control Clone PB
-During the party Wily II sends out a Rabid Met Army to attack karaoke bar
-PB sees the Met Army thanks to his Sword of Omens and rushes in alone so that everyone can relax despite the fact that he is exhausted
-Borock-bot shows up at the party and Sakura senses that PB is in trouble and panics.
-Borock-bot and Sakura fuse to become Bosa Rokkura and goes help PB
-Bosa Rokkura and PB obliterate the Met Army but 2 Robot Masters show up and knock them both out.
-Robot Masters kidnap PB.
-Wily Plots to make PB brainwashed and insane by using Frenzy Waves.

-Sakura wakes up at the Sick Bay and finds out PB is gone and she is the leader of the resistance.
-Tron takes over Kharaxel's and attempts to kill Sakura.
-Sakura traps him because his body is weaker than his original body.
-Tron let's Kharaxel go and has a grudge against Sakura
-Sakura works on Robot PB to remove transmitter attempting to control Clone PB.  
-PBPB shows up, is disgusted by Robot PB, [sonic slicer] slaps Sakura, and challenges Sakura for control of resistance
-Sakura refuses due to being exhausted and helping Robot PB being more important
-PBPB says she passes the first test and the second test will be a fight with her.  She leaves but still doesn't trust Robo PB.
-Sakura succeeds in helping Robot PB but unknowingly activates another program.
-RMZX and Kharaxel names Waifu Bot Akai.
-Fexni returns to RPM after escaping a war torn dimension he was mysteriously sucked into 2 years ago
-Berbils want to help resistance some go undercover to WDS to try to uncover PB's wear abouts/save Berbil captives.  Berbil Joe goes to Sex Station
-RMZX treats Akai like [parasitic bomb] and disappears.
-Fexni and Berbil arrive at Sex Station, RMZX notice that Akai is gone.
-Akai tries to commit suicide and blows up the engine of the Sex Station
-Wily attacks Sex Station PBPB and Fexni defend the base due to the base having no power.
-Sakura and Robot PB have to get a part from the ISS which has been taken over by Robot Masters.
-Zeta arrives at Sex Station to give Sakura a hand.
-Robot PB grows his hair to disguise himself, decides to keep it so he won't look like PB without Sunglasses anymore
-PBPB goes to distract the Robot Masters of ISS
-Berbil Joe takes Akai to sickbay to fix her
-Akai survives but her personality is much different and hate RMZX for treating her like [parasitic bomb]
-RMZX tries to get out room and kill himself.
-Akai leaves room
-Tron takes over Kharaxel again and takes control of Berbeil Joe.
-Berbil Joe opens all windows
-Tron escapes Sex Station to find Wily for lulz and evulz
-Tron runs into boforte and powers him up in return for directions to WDS
-Akai and RMZX get sucked into space
-Berbil Jade shows up and saves RMZX and Akai.
-RMZX and Akai make amends and leave Sex Station to recuperate.
-Borock-bot and Berbil Jade find Berbil Joe and knock him out
-Berbil Joe is taken to RnD lab to find out what the hell happened to him
-Borock-bot decides to watch surveillance videos because things don't add up
-Sakura and Robot PB discuss PBPB's contempt for men and robots before finding the part to fix the engine
-Resistance fends off Wily II's attack. Fexni captures boforte.
-Engine gets fixed and Robot PB's name is now Asch
-PBPB orders Sakura to take a day off

-In the middle of the night Pyro shows up and tortures boforte with Gangam Style
-Asch wakes up to find out what's going on and encounters Sakura's Lucario and Absol
-Asch goes to check up on Sakura
-Sakura has nightmares of PB being tortured and wakes up
-Asch suggests going to RPM city to relax
-PBPB has the same vision and decides to find PB
-Fexni tags along to find the Fexnodrome
-Sakura reminisces about when she first came to RPM city
-PBPB and Fexni fine PB trapped in Fexnodrome but before they can rescue him he is unleashed in St. Acidburg
-PB starts wrecking up [parasitic bomb] in St. Acidburg
-Sakura's flashback is interrupted as she senses PB's out of control Ego
-She and Asch go to the Weapon's Shack to get Asch a weapon
-Sakura calls Zeta and Borock-bot to show up and get some Pokemon
-Hitomi shows up to tell Sakura what exactly is going on and gives her the King of Hearts crest.
-Zeta reveals that she has the Ace of Clubs crest
-Vixy goes to fight  Insane!PB
-Raptors show up and attack PBPB and Sakura's group
-After 2 Raptors go down Sakura leaves to go help Vixy.
-PB tries to attack Sakura and Vixy loses her to help defend Sakura
-Another Raptor goes down and Zeta follows Sakura
-After RMZX and Akai return to the Sex Station Akai dies
-Wily decides to send Frenzy Man to make Insane!PB more powerful and weaken resistance
-Last 2 Raptors gets destroyed and PBPB and Fexni go to find Frenzy Man
-PBPB and Fexni find Frenzy Man and trick Insane!PB to destroy Frenzy Man
-Zeta finally finds Sakura
-Sakura unlocks a strange power and powers up Vixy's sword
-Zeta goes to fight PB while Vixy rests
-RMZX contacts Borock-bot and Borock-bot orders RMZX to teleport the team after the battle is over
-boforte plays dead and Pyro leaves out of bordom and eventually goes to the location where Zeta and PB are fighting.
-boforte escapes and returns to WDS
-Tron teams with Wily II to get crystal from Wildgun
-Asch and Borock-bot find Sakura.  Pyro messes around with Asch and Sakura gets an idea to help PB
-Sakura sings and PB's power is weakened
-Vixy gets powered up due to Sakura's weird power and Zeta retreats
-Vixy returns PB to sanity with a kiss
-Wildgun was in a bar during the entire fight and slips out unnoticed
-Tron attacks Wildgun and gets Crystal
-Higher beings take notice of Tron's deeds

-The Resistance returns to the base and are visited by a higher being known as the Maiden
-The Maiden tells them that Tron has joined Wily II.
-The Maiden says that PB, Sakura, and some others may be able to gain power to combat Tron and tells them to see Wildgun on a later date
-Everyone has fevers due to Frenzy Wave exposure
-Sakura wakes up and she Asch and the Berbils review events thus far
-PBPB gets nightmares of PB's emotional state
-PBPB goes to Vixy's room and Vixy heals her mind
-Fexni realizes that his weapon absorbed the Frenzy Waves and purifies it into a more powerful power source
-ADA tells PBPB that the Wily Star II is being repaired
-Zeta orders Asch to take Sakura to her room and PB wakes up
-PB claims he doesn't remember the battle but Zeta notices something is strange as she goes to get him dinner
-Zeta realizes that PB is lying and [sonic slicer] slaps him
-PB's traumatic fears get the better of him and Zeta kisses him to calm him down
-PB feels a little better
-PBPB catches them kissing and orders Zeta to stay with PB while she and Fexni plan to take back the ISS
-PB and Zeta sleep together
-The Maiden somehow merges with Tron's soul for the lulz
-Tron inserts Crystal into his body and he and the Maiden fuse to form a new being called Unity
-Kharaxel is somehow freed from Tron
-Unity teleports to Sex Station and pisses off PBPB for shits and giggles before returning to Wily II
-Asch and Sakura find PB and Zeta sleeping and wait outside with some Pokemon.
-Sakura still has a cold.[/spoiler]

Now I still need some other things, mainly White Jet, Wily II, Mirby, and Sapph shenanigans.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1546 on: May 16, 2013, 01:43:59 AM
(You forgot about the troubled mess that was RMZX and the mysterious Artifact.

I say troubled mess because its clearly going nowhere.  X( I get that people think I did better with Akai around but I can't have myself relying on a crutch like that.)

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Reply #1547 on: May 16, 2013, 02:27:50 AM
(Shenanigans get! 8D

  • Hajime collects remains of Arwing and brings them to a Robear refugee village in the Junkyard
  • Berbils consult him with plans to infiltrate WilyII's WDS and rescue PB as well as those who were unable to escape due to distrusting reasons
  • Hajime brings three willing Berbils to WilyII's WDS; through a negotiation debate, Hajime secretly unlatches the crate used to conceal and carry the Berbils
  • The three Berbils run loose, looking for ways to help their friends and find PB; while the latter fails, they manage to distract WilyII and Medic Man long enough to get all but a small handful of Berbils out of the WDS; Berbil Jane is spared as the remaining captive Berbil's moral supporter after convincing WilyII that her demise would drive them to turn to whoever chooses to rescue them.
  • When confronted by an irate WilyII, who thought Hajime had sided with the Resistance, Hajime tries to use monetary excuses to explain his choice of visitation, but in doing so is unwittingly forced to repair the Wily Star II in order to prove his disassociation with the Resistance.
  • Hajime enlists four of his first series and eight of his second series to help with the repairs, but shenanigans caused during transportation of fuel cells offered by WilyII caused some of Tarot Cat's cards to scatter from the deck.
  • Despite being spotted and attacked by Pixel Man and Medic Man, all but three of the scattered cards managed to escape and take refuge in the Old Ruined on the other side of the Bridge of Evil.
  • Upon finding out about the scattered cards, Tarot Cat, assuming the appearance of The World Tarot Card, uses her third eye to try and materialize the Chariot Tarot Card, who had jumped deck to try and gather the scattered cards; due to childish antics, however, she inadvertently materializes the Sun and Temperance card to their full, original sizes.
  • While hiding within the Ruined Lab, they encountered two abandoned robots designed purely to repair everything they find; they explain their existence as a ploy to drive the city into a state of panic and confusion by unleashing their older brother, who destroys everything they repair.
  • With the help of the abandoned robots, they were able to repair a desolate command room and use it to observe Hajime as he and his Robot Masters reach the Wily Star II and begin gathering its gathered remains, as well as the WDS, where they find the three remaining cards causing more unseen havoc with the Emperor card using his ninja abilities to sneak into WilyII's control room to spy on his authoritative control over all his creations.
  • World chooses to materialize the scattered cards in the Old Ruined Labs, but due to the Empress cards' stubbornness, she accidentally materializes the Hierophant card, who was in the middle of trying to retrieve Emperor from his own greed.
  • Hajime announces Plan B to his Robot Masters after being contacted by WilyII for a progress report; Plan B seems to have the entire cast worried.
  • Following the near destruction of St. Acidburg, the WDS suffers an unexpected blackout.  Hierophant tries to use this to his advantage as WilyII, accompanied by Gatling Man and Tron, head down to the Generator Lab to fix the problem, but Emperor stubbornly escapes his grasp.
  • As Hierophant was digging through the computer for commands to lift the console where Emperor retreated to, he spots the desolate aftermath of PB's blind Frenzy and takes a moment to send a telepathic message to Chariot to head over there and observe any remaining survivors.
  • Hierophant continues to dig through the control room's options to lift the console, but Reggae, who had been tailing them in the sinister scheme to expose their whereabouts for pure enjoyment, lands on top of the numbpad, causing the entire machine to crash through the roof.
  • Chariot arrives with the help of five Berbils whose friends were trapped in the city during PB's blind Frenzy, but a wrong turn into an overwhelmed and terrified neighborhood almost halts them in their tracks, made no worse when one of the citizens threw a rock at Chariot, breaking his nose and causing him to bleed the Blood of Swords, causing his Tarot Energy to release enough negativity to intensify the neighborhood's rampage.
  • Upon finding out that the Resistance has caught onto the repairs of the Wily Star II, Hajime realizes that WilyII's lack of presence will hinder their chances of executing Plan B.  He has World send a message to Hierophant to help regenerate the power in the WDS before they show up.
  • Though reluctant of the sudden change in plans, Hierophant acknowledges their current predicament and uses his white magic to offer light and increased restoration time to the Generator Labs.
  • Upon realizing the control room was in shambles, and WilyII may need it to monitor the continuing progress of the Wily Star II, Hierophant rushes back to the fifth floor and attempts to repair it, but is caught halfway through restoration by WilyII and Tron returning from their long, almost harrowing trip from the Generator Room.  Flustered, he activates the emergency teleportation immediately after finishing repairs, provoking WilyII to unleash a full search for his whereabouts.
  • WilyII contacts Hajime for a second progress report, all the while interrogating him for knowledge of the intruder; what he got instead were accusations concerning other duties and obligations even he couldn't be involved in, and his nonchalant attitude aggravates WilyII to wanting to torture the intruder upon capture.
  • Hierophant casts Vanish on himself and Death, but Hierophant's miter somehow winds up in Random Man's possession; his show and tell annoys Teach Man into using his Whipping Cane to knock some sense into him, but the traumatic effects scare him into unleashing his many weapons, almost destroying ten of WilyII's Robot Masters and costing Afro more unneeded debt.
  • Hierophant tires to get his miter back, but casting Vanish causes Random Man to become invisible as well.  Having a random personality, Random Man rushes into WilyII's control room and literally pokes fun at his inability to be spotted until Hierophant casts Dispel on him, causing one of his playful jabs to knock WilyII into the console, shutting off half the monitors and leaving him momentarily half-dazed.

Hopefully it makes sense as I've been trying to make the bullet points short and understandable.)


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Reply #1548 on: May 16, 2013, 03:47:16 AM
(From memory~
[spoiler]-Mirby appears on a hill overlooking RPM City, enters and heads to DarkWaltz's Karaoke Bar
-No one answers, so she heads to the outskirts of the city, sees Sapph and helps him to the bar
-DW shows Mirby the newly-found DigiEgg of her old partner HeatGabumon
-Digidestined and Digimon are reunited once again
-Mirby and Sapph need a base, decide upon abandoned Pokemon League orbiting space station
-They need fuel, go on a quest to find some; run into Hajime and the Berbils briefly who directs them to where some might be
-FUEL GET! (also Digivolutions)
-They head to the space station in Sapph's old mech, need to get main functions restored
-Mirby sees meteors heading for St. Acidburg from out a viewing window on the station
-Mirby and HeatGabumon take extended nap, wake up hungry some time later
-Sapph tells them they need supplies since there's nothing to eat
-Mirby and HeatGabumon take mech down to the planet
-They take a detour to the ruins of St. Acidburg, decide to join the Resistance to prevent Wily from destroying anything else
-Upon return to the station, they make food, have discussion with Sapph about possible future defection
-They go to sleep, aware that that night was likely the last they'd spend while on the same side as Sapph[/spoiler]

Hope that helps!

@RMZX: I have a friend who's an extremely talented musician, but a while back he stopped using synths. Why? He didn't think he needed to be relying on a crutch for his music. He released some songs but not too long after that fell into a musical rut and couldn't make anything. He didn't feel like it, and anything he tried making wasn't that good. Recently, he started using synths again, and as a result his productivity [and general demeanor] has improved considerably.

I'm telling you this because sometimes, even if you feel like you're using a crutch, that's not necessarily a bad thing. If it motivates you, and if it helps you out, then by all means go ahead. I'm not commanding you to do anything, just sharing an anecdote in the hopes that it might help you figure something out.)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #1549 on: May 16, 2013, 03:49:57 AM
(It does and I'm noticing that I'm missing everyone getting fevers and Fexni upgrading his weapon.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection