Wilypocalypse NOW

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Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #1500 on: May 08, 2013, 12:17:11 PM
"What I would like you to do is try to get them to apologize for destroying my home..." Sapph answered, nodding at the amount of food they had. "Or, at least clear up any misunderstandings."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1501 on: May 08, 2013, 05:00:07 PM
After fiddling on the keypad, the door finally slid open as Dr. Wily II and Tron rushed into the control room.

DWII - Accursed intruder!! WHERE ARE YOU!?

Tron - *looks around* Seems that whoever that was, isn't here anymore.


As Dr. Wily II scrambled to the main console to see what damage had been done, he noticed something unusual. The console was totally spotless, as if he bought the console on day one. Overlooking the apparent renewal, Dr. Wily II noticed on the monitor that the emergency teleportation module had been activated.


Tron - What now?


Throughout the WDS, all 9 generations of the DW2 numbers are hard at work, searching every nork and cranny. Whether they will find what they are looking for, is a question only the intruder would know...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #1502 on: May 08, 2013, 10:47:50 PM
"What I would like you to do is try to get them to apologize for destroying my home..." Sapph answered, nodding at the amount of food they had. "Or, at least clear up any misunderstandings."
"I'll do what I can... but if I do that, we might have to fight each other sometime down the road..." Taylor said with a pause.

"Are you sure that's okay with you?"

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Rin

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Reply #1503 on: May 08, 2013, 11:28:31 PM
An intruder. Could it be one of the Resistance after all? But at the same time, he didn't feel any presence he recognized of them nearby.

Tron - "Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but if everything seems to be mostly, online... why not try to snoop out the intruder with some kind of scanner? Surely there must be some way where you can identify an intruder? Since most of your army consists of machines you've build, can't you run a scan for organic life forms... or machines created by someone else? Can such a thing be done?"

Wily II - "Hmm..."

Wily seemed to be focused deep in thought, as if trying to remember something.
Just then, Tron heard a familiar voice in the back of his head... which mortified him. Because it wasn't Kharaxel, but...

The Maiden - "Hello again, Th'R'Onn."

Tron had to stop himself from cursing out loud.

Tron - "Get out of my head, Maiden!"

The Maiden - "Oooh. Don't be like that. Wait, I know. Will this help?"

A transparent image of The Maiden appeared before Tron. However, Wily who was still thinking, did not see a thing.

Tron - "Great. You've merged with my soul."

The Maiden - "Indeed. Just try to talk in your mind when you're speaking to me, and your new ally will not notice a thing."

With that said, Maiden began waving her hand before Wily's face.

The Maiden - "See? He cannot see me."

Tron - "Lucky him."

The Maiden giggled.

Tron - "Okay, enough. What is it that Observer wants?"

The Maiden simply shrugged in response.

Tron - "Figures. That bastard was always super secretive. I hate him. A different question then, what do YOU want?"

The Maiden - "Some entertainment. Regardless of The Observer's objective, I simply want to be entertained. And right now, you seem to be the most likely candidate. Candidate of eventual entertainment, I mean."

Tron - "Whatever. Just don't get in my way... and try to keep talking to me when I am conversing with somebody else to a minimum. I can't really multitask."

The Maiden - "Fair enough."

(Okay. This is somewhat earlier than I wanted it to be, but eh. Anyway, I'll leave the rest up to you, Wily. I hope all that thinking during Tron's conversation with The Maiden pays off. : P )

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #1504 on: May 08, 2013, 11:49:00 PM
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, but now..." Sapph said to Taylor, pausing as his digimon started flooding in. "It's time for eatin'!"

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #1505 on: May 09, 2013, 02:34:12 AM
Fxeni was just finishing up the final touches on his new device when PBPB walked back into the room.

"What's that thing?" PBPB asked as she leaned on the doorway with one arm up on it.

"Oh hey PBPB... this should help me hack into the systems of the ISS once we get there. Hopefully." Fxeni said with a slight tinge of reluctance in his voice. "I'm basing my design on the security that I remember the ISS having, but I don't know if it's been upgraded at all since my absence."

"Well, even if it doesn't work right away you'll figure something out, I'm sure of it" PBPB said with a smile.

"I guess so..." He replied, still a bit reluctant. "Oh hey, how's PB holding up?"

"[ray splasher]-me's being a bit hard on himself, but I'm sure he'll be fine soon," PBPB responded nonchalantly, "Oh yeah, he says hi."

"You're right, PB's tough so he'll be fine. Even if he wasn't, I'm sure you'd smack some sense into him" Fxeni replied with a grin.

"Well of course I would! And you better damn well help me if I need to!" she responded.

"Well yeah, although I'd leave the more... forward... scolding to you." Fxeni said while gesturing his hand towards her.

"Good! Are you ready to go?" PBPB said as she looked around the room.

"Yeah, I've got everything I'll need from here. Shall we?" Fxeni responded with a smile as he gestured for her to walk ahead. They left the room and headed to the teleporter room.

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Reply #1506 on: May 09, 2013, 12:58:24 PM
Hearing the announcement blasting through the hallways, Hierophant grit his teeth nervously while Death lets out a disdained tsk.

"And all this could have been avoided if you'd just use your Teleport spell instead of messing with the old man's machine," she grumbles.

"You try thinking in the midst of being spotted!" Hierophant nearly snapped, though barely keeping calm enough to keep his tone to a hissing whisper, "Besides, there's only a few places other than outside I could have teleported to, and I'm not in the mood to spend another hour in wet clothes."

"I hear voices coming from the broom closet!"

Both irked and looked towards the door as the sound of rockets and missiles pierced their ears.  Hierophant panics as he grabs Death and holds his staff into the air.

"VANISH!!!" he shouts, causing the blue orb to glow white as crystal-shaped entities circled it before trailing around him and Death, causing them to blink out of sight just as the entire room explodes from the projectiles launched outside.  Both remain completely unscathed as debris fell right through their invisible beings before two bulky robots blocked the hallway lights.

"You idiot!" Teach Man shouts as he whacks Tanker Man in the back with his Whipping Cane, "When Dr. Wily II said bring that intruder to him alive or dead, he meant bring back a piece of it!"

"For a teacher, you're really ignorant to the laws of physics!" Tanker Man grumbles, "I may have obliterated everything in this room, but I used only half of my ammo just to make sure there's at least a finger or two to present to Dr. Wily II!"


Teach Man and Tanker Man were pushed away from each other as Swiffer Man scrambles into the room, trembling everywhere as he looks at the splinters, fiber and metal that was once the tools used for cleaning.


Just seeing the debris scattered around the closet room causes Swiffer Man's eyes to widen as his glitch ran itself into overdrive.

"CLEAN!!!  I MUST CLEAN EVERYTHING!!!" he shrills as his left arm turns into a Swiffer vacuum and he begins running it all over the room.  Teach Man freaks and rushes in to try and stop him while Tanker Man ignorantly wanders off to find something else to blow up.

"No, you idiot!  Wait until we find the remains of that intruder, then you can clean your precious closet room!" he shouts while fighting against Swiffer Man's entranced Swiffer Sweeping.

While this was going on, Hierophant walks out of the room, completely untouched and unseen by the entire fiasco, and heads off towards the control room to check and see if Emperor had snuck his way back in.  He stops near the entrance, poking his head in to find WilyII in deep thought and the guy with the Dark Crystal seemingly arguing with something unseen.

Emperor was nowhere to be found, but given he was still in his ninja form, he could have used a more potent vanishing spell to ensure he is unseen by anything that could bypass general invisibility.  His best chance of knowing was to use his staff to uncover Emperor's card, but his Vanish spell is limited, and the mere flash of his staff could expose him to the very people he didn't want spotting him.  Not to mention the mystical properties of the crystal held by the newcomer could also dispel his invisibility, leaving him open to be captured without even given WilyII's robots the glory of doing it first.

Still, he couldn't go anywhere else until he was certain his vanishing act was mistaken for an accidental annihilation from the tanker robot and the OCD malfunction of their cleaning robot.  He sneaks to the other side of the door so as not to accidentally press himself against the keypad and peeks in to see what happens next.

Vixy flew around the city in her Super Heart Vixy form, looking for anymore survivors she could rescue and cure of their traumatized experience.  She had sensed a negative presence somewhere in a desolate neighborhood that seemed to have caused a reaction almost similar to the Frenzy Waves unleashed by Frenzy Man and decides to head there to see what was going on.

Upon arriving, she sees a beat up caravan plowing through a mess of terrified citizens, most of whom charged at the vehicle with no other consideration than to see the drivers and whoever else accompanied him either driven out of the city or slaughtered by their blindly justified hands.  Thinking they were ruffians ruining the restoration of the city, she flies down for a closer look.

Unfortunately, the citizens exposed to Chariot's Blood of Swords were still in a rage due to their lack of understanding and overcoming its negative sensation, and upon seeing Vixy landing on top of the trailer, immediately remembered PB's rampage through the city and all but forgotten her efforts to fight back his Frenzied rage.

At that moment, the Chariot saw the tower-shaped aura surrounding the neighborhood shattered into bricks of fear and anguish.

"Ah, crap!" he growls as the entire neighborhood swarmed to intensify the rocking and bashing of the caravan, all in a raged bid to knock Vixy off the trailer and tear her to shreds.  The Berbils began to panic as the increasing swarm slowly started to fight against their pursuit to escape the neighborhood, leaving them sluggishly trapped and vulnerable to the increasing mob's uninvestigating vengeance.

"No good," the panda Berbil exclaims monotonously, "Citizens coming on strong.  Caravan unable to continue further."

Chariot looks towards the walkie-talkie where the panda Berbil's voice came from, then the windows just as their Plexiglas material was beginning to bend and crack from the savagely vengeful citizens beating and throwing whatever they could carry at them, before looking towards the hatch at the top of the trailer.

"That's it!  I can't take this anymore!" he shouts before using the back end of his spear to knock down the ladder blocking the valve controlling the hatch's locks.

"Vixy can quell citizens," the red panda Berbil protests, "Chariot should not interfere while still bleeding from injury."

"The only reason those citizens are attacking at this magnitude is because they remember what kind of energy I was giving off when they threw that rock at my face," Chariot retorts, "In their frenzied state, they won't stop attacking until they either rip me to shreds, or witness me give off an energy that will wash away their terrified assumptions!"

He then marches over to the ladder and starts climbing towards the hatch, "Besides, I still need to maintain the neutral energy of my Blood of Pentacles, and sitting here, letting someone else rescue us from this mess isn't going to make hiding my Blood of Swords any easier."

The Berbils stood their ground and watched in worry as Chariot turns the valve until an audible click signifies the unlocking of the hatch which he then pushes upwards, startling Vixy out of the way as she turns to see him climb onto the roof of the trailer.

Upon seeing his appearance, the citizen's outrage intensified as they scrambled to get onto the roof while those nearing the edge reached out to grab his legs only to have him inconsiderately kick them back down.  He quickly glances towards Vixy, seeing three transparent swords hovering around her as an indication that she was beginning to realize he was the cause of the neighborhood's batshit savagery.  He had to hurry before the swords take advantage of her tiny sliver of distrust and slide in unison through her ever loving heart, poisoning her into seeing him as the newest major threat to the still recovering city.

Chariot shuts his eyes and concentrates on his more reliable energies; the neutral Blood of Pentacles, and the positive Blood of Wands.

Believe....  Believe that my actions are voluntary and not forced....  Believe that I will do whatever it takes to achieve victory for myself more than those I choose to protect....

As he continues to concentrate on his own beliefs and desires, emerald-colored blood began pouring out of his injured nose, overlapping the citrine stain caked around his lower face.  From the emerald flood unleashed a flow of positivity left up to interpretation by those who gazed upon its crystalline glow.

This didn't stop the citizens from attacking the caravan, however, enough of the positivity had seeped through the minds to wash out the negative reaction caused by his Blood of Swords and their attack on the caravan had reverted back to simply driving them out of their neighborhood, though those barricading the front of the caravan quickly got out of the way upon gaining enough sense to realize their own idiocy.  Chariot looks towards Vixy one more time before leaping back into the trailer and running over to the walkie-talkie.

"Drive now, before they change their minds and start attacking again!" he shouts.  The panda Berbil nods in agreement before flooring the gas peddle, causing the caravan to careen through the rest of the neighborhood and into what appears to be a ghost town a few miles from where they were almost buried.

"We should rest and recuperate before continuing," the panda Berbil said, "No point finding friends and survivors if Berbils and Chariot are still overwhelmed by situation in neighborhood."

Chariot muffles a frustrated sigh as he slaps off another layer of emerald and citrine from his still bleeding face, "While you guys get your senses back, I'm going to go wander around this part of the city and look for something to do until my nose stops bleeding.  I don't want anymore people coming after me at the first sight of my Blood of Swords."

The Berbils in the trailer watched as he unlocks the double doors and hops out, looking around before wandering off to an area away from where they had just entered, not bothering to check and see what Vixy was going to do after being taken for an unexpected, and almost heart-wrenching ride.


Offline Mirby

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Reply #1507 on: May 09, 2013, 11:04:38 PM
"Okay then." With that, the feast was on!

There was quite a smorgasbord of various delicacies for everyone to dig into, and plenty to go around as well. The meal lasted several hours, and everyone ate quite heartily; it was a good night for the station, and afterwards everyone turned in for the night. Taylor and HeatGabumon mentioned they'd try to sleep for a more understandable amount of time unlike the previous instance, and everyone slept soundly.

However... this was quite possibly the last night the two would sleep under the same roof as Sapph and his team... Taylor knew what she had to do, and HeatGabumon would join her.

Tomorrow was the day that they'd choose a side.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1508 on: May 10, 2013, 05:58:33 PM
(I don't know. :P)

DWII - HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!! I could do that yes, but where's the fun in that!? *hears explosions* See!? So much more exciting!!

Tron - *snaps back* You do know your own robot creations are destroying the very fortress you are standing in.

DWII - Details. Plus it gives me an extra reason to charge someone!!

Somewhere in the WDS, Afro-Shroom sneezed.

Tron - ... If you say so.

DWII - Come on Tron! I'm a mad scientist, of course I know what I'm doing!!

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Rin

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Reply #1509 on: May 10, 2013, 09:15:24 PM
Tron decided to not argue with the "mad scientist" any longer. That, and The Maiden's giggling made it difficult.

Tron - "Very well. Then at least, Lord Wily, could you give me some kind of map of the complex so I can look for the intruder too? I would like to be of some use. And perhaps tell your machines to not blow me up while we're at it."

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Reply #1510 on: May 10, 2013, 10:01:46 PM
After PBPB ordered Zeta to stay with PB no matter what she decided to go to her room real quick and change into her pajamas. They were similar to Sakura's pajamas only Red instead of Peach.  She returned to the room to see that PB was just finishing his soup.  He was also now wearing a medical gown.

"Sorry, was I out long?" Zeta asked as she sat down on the bed

"Nah you came back really fast, I hardly missed you." PB replied "Are you sure you really want to stay here tonight though?"

"Of course I do PB." Zeta answered "I mean with the state you're in you most likely are going to get nightmares or something.  Plus I'm not going to leave you alone in your condition, no offense but you might try to do something stupid."

"I honestly don't really take it as an offense, and knowing me you might be right." PB sighed "Still you don't have to do this I mean I caused you a lot of stress, you should go relax."

"I'm fine really, I'd probably be more stressed if I wasn't here to be honest." Zeta replied.

"....PBPB told you to stay with me didn't she." PB said suddenly.

"It was that obvious?" Zeta asked.

"I know my sister pretty well." PB nodded.

"Well you are right, but that's not the reason I want to stay here.  I honestly don't want to leave you alone in this condition, I don't want to see what happened before I kissed you again." Zeta said honestly "I would have stayed here whether she asked me to or not."

"I had a feeling that's how you felt." PB laughed a little "Guess I'm not getting rid of you anytime soon, huh."

"Nope." Zeta smiled.

"Alright I won't ask you to leave then, it's obviously not going to do anything." PB smiled

"Good." Zeta replied.

PB  became quiet as he thought of something.

"Zeta?" PB asked.

"Yes?" Said Zeta.

"Did I scare you when I acted like that?" PB questioned

"When you we insane or hysterical?" Zeta asked.

"Both." PB replied.

Zeta thought for a minute before she gave her answer.

"Well I can't say that I wasn't scared." Zeta sighed "Though I was more scared for you than myself, especially when you were trying to pretend you forgot everything.  I still can't believe I fell for it at first, but I guess the shock of you being awake already kinda made it hard to see that.  Though I most likely would have realized it when I came back or BB might have helped or something."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that because of me." PB sighed as he went over and put an arm around her "That was pretty selfish on my part."

"Don't worry about what happened in the past, just concentrate on recovering okay?" Zeta dismissed

"You're right about that, it seems that those god damn Frenzy Waves must have some effect that makes you severely depressed." PB said as he looked down.

"And causing those affected to have terrible fevers." Zeta sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" PB questioned

"Remember when you said that I had no idea what those Frenzy Waves did to you?

Well everyone in St. Acidburg had a taste of what they did to you because Baldy II decided you weren't powerful and insane enough and decided to bring in Frenzyman to do just that creating more Frenzy Waves right in the center of the city.  Even before that he caused even more destruction and deaths by bringing in 5 huge Raptors. The entire situation was just one giant mess." Zeta explained

"My god all that happened while I was going crazy?" PB's eyes widened in shock "That's just horrible, but it made sense of something I was thinking about.

At one point in the battle I felt like I was losing even more of myself. There were times early in the battle that I was able to briefly break the control and talk to Vixy and Sakura.  

But after a while I found myself feeling weaker as the insanity grew stronger.  It wasn't until Sakura started singing that I was able to gain a little more of my sanity but I was so scared that I would lose it again and would keep hurting you, or even kill you.

That's why I asked you to kill me, I didn't want that to happen again."

"It's okay PB that's not going to happen to you again, we'll make sure it doesn't." Zeta said reassuringly

PB nodded as he became quiet again and thought something else.

"How..." PB gulped "How is Sakura right now?"

"I'm surprised you didn't ask that sooner."  Zeta said a little shocked.

"It's just, I know Sakura was the most hurt because of what happened.  

She and I are really close, she's like a little sister or daughter to me.  I practically raised her myself, well she was raised by Lucarios for the first 14 years of her life but I pretty much taught her almost everything she knows.  She looks up to me and we love each other like family.

But when I saw her after I regained my sanity, she looked absolutely exhausted.    She overexerted  herself because of me, suffered because of me.  I just feel horrible for what I put her through, I don't know if I can face her after what happened." PB finished very worried

Zeta held PB's hand understanding how much Sakura meant to him.

"Saki's fine she's just resting because of that nasty fever everyone got from the Frenzy Wave exposure." Zeta reassured.

"Everyone got sick?  But PBPB was fine when she came in her, a sick person can't hit someone that hard."  PB questioned

"Yeah I was just as surprised as you when she came in here completely healthy, she swam in the sewers for crying out loud." Zeta sighed.

"Why was she in the sewers?" PB asked trying to imagine PBPB in the sewer of all places.

"That's where Frenzy Man was.  Fexnini was there too, and apparently Frenzy Waves can also reanimate ninja turtle and mouser corpses." Zeta explained.

"That's just wrong." PB said feeling horribly disgusted "But back to Sakura, do you think she's over her fever too?"

"I honestly doubt that." Zeta shook her head "I think she would have caught that fever even without the Frenzy Wave exposure.  With the stress, fusion, and possibly that weird power she got before I fought you."

"Weird power?" PB asked.

"Yeah she used some weird power on Vix-Vix's sword to make it stronger or something." Zeta explained "She said it was similar to your Ego-Kinesis or something."

"I see." PB contemplated "Do you know how it works?"

"Well it seems to be able to affect objects, not people like yours can." Zeta remembered.

"That's good." PB frowned a bit.

"What's wrong?" Zeta asked.

"Well it's just that I never taught her how to use Ego-Kinesis, and I don't want to teach it to her to use it. " PB sighed

"Why's that?" Zeta prodded

"It's kinda personal, it's not something I like to talk about." PB stated with a far away expression

"Does someone know about it at least?" Zeta questioned.

"I told PBPB, Vixy, Hitomi, and Sakura about it." PB confirmed

"Okay I won't ask about it until you get better." Zeta decided

"I'm surprised you're letting that slide." PB raised an eyebrow.

"You already have enough to deal with right now, no need for me to prod you about your past." Said Zeta understandingly.

"Makes sense, I guess I shouldn't prod you about yours either yet right, about how you failed to save someone?" PB guessed.

Zeta looked away from him for a moment,let go of his hand and moved a little away from him.

"Normally I wouldn't mind talking about that, but it's just with all that's happened to you and those Frenzy Waves bringing it out from the deep part of my mind reminded me so much about what happen. I just can't talk about it right now, I'm just too stressed." Zeta sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry about that." PB apologized as he held her hand.

"It's okay, it's not really import-" Zeta began

"That's not what I meant." PB interrupted "I caused everyone so much trouble because I wouldn't let people help me or tell them something was wrong.  

Before I was kidnapped Sakura slapped me much like you and PBPB did for the exact same reason you 2 slapped me again.   Yet I did the same thing to both of you, despite the fact I knew that me and PBPB have a psychic link which meant she suffered part of the same trauma I did.

All my life I've pride myself for having this huge Ego, but what's the point of having it if I get into situations I can't handle by myself and refuse help? That I'm blind to those around me and they suffer because of it.  

I never once thought that my own Ego, my greatest strength could also be my greatest weakness.  

But it's the biggest part of me and I...I just don't know what to do anymore!"

As he finished talking he started to cry in anguish, and tears rolled down his face.  He was truly at a loss of what to do and trembled in despair.  

Zeta let go of his hand and slowly embraced him.  PB was shocked about this action but as he felt the warmth from her body he started to somehow feel at ease.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Zeta soothed as she stroked the back of PB's head "You don't have to fix everything at once, just take it one step at a time.  Everyone here will help you if you need it, you don't have to go through this alone."

"Th-thank you." PB choked out as he continued to cry into her chest and relaxed into her arms.

They stayed like that for a few minutes and PB eventually stop crying while resting after the stress he let out.  It was really the first time he let so much of his worries out like this to someone.  He felt some of the weight on his shoulders get lighter, which was something he never really experienced before.

Sure he was a really open guy and could get people to talk about their problems with no effort but when it came to his own problems he always kept them to himself, even his closest friends and family sometimes had a hard time getting him to talk things out.

But even though he was able to help others, it seems not letting others help him made them feel horrible which made his efforts moot.  Zeta, PBPB, Vixy, and Sakura payed the price because of it which made him feel horrible.  He knew he had to change, for everyone's sake and become the Leader that they needed.

Eventually he started to notice that he was extremely tired.  He figured it must have been because of the mental and emotional strain he experienced along with his still somewhat weak body.  But before he went to sleep he needed to ask Zeta something.

"Zeta, are you getting tired?" PB asked after a while.

"Yeah I'm starting to."  Zeta answered "Are you getting tired as well?"

"Very, I'm completely exhausted in every sense of the word." PB yawned.

"You should go to sleep, you've been though a lot and need to rest." Zeta recommended.

"You're right about that, but before I do can I ask you something?" PB said a bit nervously.

"What is it?" Zeta said curious of what he wanted.

"Will you...." PB said but the last part was too quiet to be heard.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that can you repeat it?" Zeta asked.

"Oh sorry." PB said as he got out of Zeta's arms so he could be clearer "I asked if...if you...could...sleep...with me...tonight?"

Zeta was a little surprised and PB seemed really nervous when he asked.  She knew of his reputation of charming and sleeping with women constantly but the way he asked her made it unbelievable that he had such a reputation.

"Why do you want to sleep with me?" She asked after a while.

"Several reasons really." PB said as he shifted his position a little "The first one being that I don't really want to sleep alone tonight, I don't even want to imagine what kind of nightmares I would have."

"I can understand that, you seemed to have some pretty nasty ones before you woke up."  Zeta sighed as she remember her and Asch having to calm him down a few times.

"I can imagine." PB nodded "The second reason is that you can help me relax.  I don't know why, but I feel like I don't have to worry about anything with you here."

"I'm really flattered you think that way about me, but I never slept with someone before.  I'm kinda nervous since I have no experience with this."  Zeta said as she looked down.

"You don't have to worry about that Zeta, I understand your concern but I don't really mind."  PB said as he put a hand on her shoulder "Which leads me to the most important reason I want to sleep with you.  I want to help you relax."

"What do you mean, you don't have to worry about me I'm fine." Zeta said a little shocked at what he said.

"You may be right, but I owe you big time for the hell I put you through during and after the battle.  I feel terrible about that and at least want to help take the stress that I caused away.  It's the least I can do after everything you did for me."  PB explained honestly.

"Can I have a moment to think about this?" Zeta asked still shocked.

"Of course it's your decision and I certainly won't force you.  I don't mind as long as you do what you want to do." PB nodded.

Zeta thought about it for a minute and found she only needed to ask one thing.

"Uh if I do do this is it okay if we both keep our clothes on?  I'm not really comfortable being naked." Zeta asked while blushing a little.

"Of course you can, I'm not going to do something you're not comfortable with." PB assured.

"Okay then."  Zeta said as she got close to PB "I'll sleep with you tonight."

"Are you sure?" PB asked tentatively

"I am." Zeta nodded as she started to embrace him "I trust you and this would probably do us both some good."

"Thank you."  he said before he leaned in to kiss her.

The two kissed each other passionately and slowly moved to the head of the bed before they fell asleep together side by side.

(Well that sure was something.)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 11:09:23 PM by Sakura Leic »

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1511 on: May 10, 2013, 11:18:39 PM
(Indeed it was something.)

After a quick detour to the cafeteria, RMZX continued walking down this seemingly endless hallway as he ate an Ice Cream snack. Mildly oblivious to his surroundings, he smacks against a door, causing him to hit himself in the face with Ice Cream. He cleaned his face and saw that he had ran into the door of the busted Holosuite, he could hear the faint voices of the Holograms on the other side, but decided it wasn't worth his time to entertain them and left.

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Reply #1512 on: May 11, 2013, 01:45:59 AM
That was the last thing Hierophant or Death needed was someone with a mystical item they have little understanding of looking for them.  For all they knew, a mere brush past its dark properties could leave a mark, or completely dispel the Vanish effect.

He needed to find Emperor, and knowing he may have activated a more potent Vanishing technique that, while in card form, can completely conceal him from all known scanning devices or spells, using his inner Tarot sensing abilities was the only way to expose his whereabouts without actively revealing them to the still scouring robots.

As he was about to concentrate on his inner Tarot Energy to conjure up the best possible direction to start searching, Random Man suddenly dances across the room, wearing an oddly familiar green, white bordered miter.  Hierophant nearly gasped as he grabs for the top of his head only to grasp strands of his blue, slightly messy hair, realizing then that his miter must have fallen off when he tumbled to the disassembled mess in the closet room.  He rushes over to Random Man to get it back only to remember he was still invisible and unable to touch anything that wasn't affected by his Vanish spell, with the obvious exception of the floor.

Before he could use his staff to recast Vanish on his miter, Teach Man suddenly barges by, almost bumping into Random Man as he was about to enter the control room to deliver the seemingly grim news.

"You like my new hat!?" Random Man quips...well...randomly, "I was just walking along, doing what I was told to do when I saw this strange light envelope the closet room and this strange hat rolled out."

"A WHAT!?" Teach Man exclaims before smacking the miter off with his Whipping Cane and getting into Random Man's face, "Why didn't you report this to Dr. Wily II!?  We could've had that intruder in his grasp before Tanker Man impulsively destroyed him!"

Unbeknownst to Teach Man, however, the miter had been wedged tightly onto Random Man's lid, and the mildly powerful slap of his Whipping Cane yanked it wide open.  And because of its traumatizing effects mixed with Random Man's...randomness, its very sound suddenly freaks him out.

"Oh...my...!" he whimpers as the inside of his head began to glow, indicating he was about to unleash every weapon he had been given since activation.  Teach Man suddenly panics at the sudden realization.

"Oh nonononononoNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOT NEAR THE CONTROL ROOM!!!" he yelps before hauling Random Man over his head and rushing off down the hallway.  The second he turned the corner, an explosion rang through the area as homing projectiles of all types zipped around the hallway, some chasing ten other Robot Masters that were still searching around the area, and at least one Berbil that supposedly strayed from the scrapyard seemingly in search of a part that rolled out of the room.  The ensuing random explosions and shaking foundation scared Hierophant into a defensive crouch, covering his ears despite knowing his Vanish spell makes him invulnerable to every weapon that was zipping through the room.

Death, meanwhile, blissfully circles around him, taking in the random explosions and terrified shrieks of the Robot Masters caught in their destructive paths, "I've never heard such pleasurable noises since that one time Ryuta uncovered a Reverbot hive while fending off a gang of Mavericks...."


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Reply #1513 on: May 11, 2013, 05:51:41 AM
DWII - Hmm, I guess that wouldn't hurt.

As Dr. Wily II reached for a spare PDA from his labcoat pocket, multiple explosions from outside rocked the control room. Dr.Wily II managed to transfer the whole layout of the WDS to the PDA, and handed it over to Tron. Just at that moment, several screams could be heard outside.

DWII - Oh my. Looks like so much money is needed for repairs! HAHAHA!!

Somewhere, Afro-Shroom sneezed even harder.

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Reply #1514 on: May 11, 2013, 07:19:20 AM
(Okay. I'm taking a huge gamble here. This is basically one of the routes I considered to take with Tron and The Maiden. I simply want to see how this plays out.)

Tron looked at the PDA, confirming he can actually use the thing, and nodded towards Wily.

Tron - "Very well, Lord Wily. I shall seek out the intruder."

With that said, He left the control room and set his sights on a certain location on the PDA.
Suddenly the Maiden squealed and clapped her hands three times.

Tron - "What now?"

The Maiden - "It's almost like we are detectives or something. So exciting."

Tron - "This is exciting to you?"

The Maiden - "But of course. You have no idea how boring it is to just follow Observer's orders all day, everyday."

Tron for a brief moment actually felt bad for The Maiden. He knew what and who The Observer was. Being around him was a maddening experience, because on the rare occasion he didn't speak in stupid riddles, he kept using a power which allows him to observe everything that exists on certain worlds. Anybody who experiences this power being used, is left with not even a scrap of his sanity. Although The Maiden, along with her brother The Destroyer were demi-gods and posessed certain levels of immunity against "The Observer's powers, it still didn't change the fact, they spent crapload of time with him. Certainly more than they both would ever want.

Tron - "Since I'm providing entertainment to you, then perhaps you can help me out with something?"

The Maiden - "Oh?"

Tron - "You posess Ability of Knowledge, right? So upon looking at my current body and the crystal... do you think I could enhance my powers more?"

The Maiden - "I thought you wanted to get a stronger body?"

Tron - "Yes. But at the moment I don't believe it will happen. So..."

The Maiden - "Well... upon closer inspection, it would seem that if you were to merge the crystal with your soul, just like I did with myself now... you could get a significant power boost, and who knows. Maybe something extra too."

Tron - "Wouldn't that put an extreme pressure on this body?"

The Maiden - "Not really. I can sense it, you have been inhabiting this body for so long, that now it doesn't even feel human. So I guess you could try it, if anything happens, I will eject the crystal from you. Since well, you know, I want you to entertain me and not die."

Tron stopped and began to consider.

Tron - "It's obvious The Maiden, no, The Observer is up to something strange. If he were to interfere with me, I will need to get stronger. Even though I have no real reason to trust her, I guess I can at least try, and if what she says is true then..."

Tron - "Very well. I'm counting on you, goddammit, so in case something happens you better help me out."

The Maiden giggled.

The Maiden - "Of course."

The Crystal began to shine and with one quick and swift move, Tron stabbed himself in the chest with it.
It slowly disappeared inside Tron's body, without leaving any kind of wound.

And then...

*  *  *

Wily who barely managed to sit down in his chair, suddenly fell down along with it when he heard a terrible scream. As the entirety of the WDS began to shake. That coupled with lights blinking got the scientist terribly worried.

Wily II - "What in blazes is going on now? The Intruder, or?"

*  *  *

The pain was horrible. Almost unbearable.

Tron kept screaming as his body emanated dark and light energies. But he wasn't the only one in pain.

The Maiden who was merged with Tron's soul, began feel the effects of, whatever was happening to Tron right now. Hence, the Light Energy.
The long hallway leading from the Control room began to slowly fall apart under the pressure of the coliding energies.

This lasted quite a moment, until finally The energies exploded, making a giant hole in the hallway and nearby rooms.

*  *  *

Wily along with his robots arrived a bit after the explosion.

Wily II - "What the hell happened here?!"

The smoke and dust, hasn't yet fully settled, as such, it was hard to tell what exactly happened, but after a moment... a laugh was heard.
It was a laugh which didn't sound like it came from a human being. It was as if two layers of different voices spoke at once.

??? - "Behind you, Lord Wily."

Wily and the robots turned around. What stood before them now, was... someone or something, naked. It had the physique of a very curvy woman however, the chest seemed to be more like that of a man. It had a beautiful yet, vicious face with pitch black eyes and red pupils. Its hair was long and white on left side, black on the right side... and lastly, its teeth were pointy.

Wily II - "Who in the hell are you?!"

??? - "Did you already forget me, Lorrrrd Wily? It is I, Tron!"

Wily II - "What?! That is ridiculous! That guy doesn't look like... like... like you."

??? - "Is that so?"

The thing cackled maniacally.

??? - "I guess you are right. The being know as Tron no longer exists. I am his evolution, the next natural step... but... my powers are still not in their zenith. I still require your help, Lord Wily. Just as Tron did."

Wily II - "And why should I help you?"

??? - "The terms of your pact with Tron still stand. You help me get to my full power, and I shall help you win this war. By any means necessary."

Wily began to consider. On one hand, if what this... thing says is true, then he is better off having it as an ally. But, at the same time, he couldn't shake off the horrible feeling which this being's presence filled him with.

* * *

His head hurt and he felt like absolute crap.

Kharaxel groaned as he began to get up from the ground. After carefully examining his surroundings, he realized he's in a city very familiar to him. After a moment however, he also realized that he's actually in control of himself and his body.

Kharaxel - "What the heck? Is he... is he gone?"

(In this current state, mister/miss three question marks should have enough power to mess up some [parasitic bomb] in the future. So just in case it never gets its true power going on, it can now still hold its own against Sakura or PB or whoever. Also, I've decided to separate Kharaxel from that thing. There is a reason for the separation though...

Feel free to bash me for this.)

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Reply #1515 on: May 11, 2013, 07:30:55 AM
(Danm that sounds evil.)

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Reply #1516 on: May 11, 2013, 07:50:39 AM
Hierophant barely scrambled away from the hole that formed as he stares in shock and horror at what had transpired from the man jabbing his dark crystal into his body.  Death continued to float by his side, too amused by everything she had seen and heard to share some consideration towards the young priest's horrified experience.  She eventually snaps back some of her senses and leans closer to Hierophant to keep her volume low and unheard by the remaining robots that weren't caught by Random Man's frightful attacks.

"I think we move out of this area...just in case this guy has some kind of power to dispel your Vanish spell...." she mutters.

Hierophant grit his teeth and nods quickly flees towards the corner closest to the control room, peeking out around the corner to see what else was going to happen with WilyII's newly acquired companion.


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Reply #1517 on: May 11, 2013, 10:21:21 AM
Dr. Wily II decided to brush aside his relevant reservations about this new... Being.

DWII - Ehhh.. FINE! Welcome to the alliance!! Or should it be welcome back...

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Reply #1518 on: May 11, 2013, 11:31:24 AM
The being grinned viciously, giving Wily goosebumps.

??? - "I am ever so glad that this is settled... now..."

The thing snapped its fingers and in a white flash, clothes materialized on its body.

A long cape, boots with heels, long gloves, tight pants and a frilly shirt with puffed colar. Every piece of the clothes was of course divided into black and white, just like hair of the being.

Wily frowned. As strange as it sounded (even to him) he preffered when his new... ally... thing, was naked.

Wily II - "So you can, uh, create clothes. That's... great?"

??? - "Yes. Now... you shall refer to me as Unity, Lord Wily."

Wily II - "Unity?"

Unity - "Indeed. For my very being is the proof of unity between light and dark!"

Wily II - I-interesting.

Unity - "Yes. Yes it is. But nevermind that. I can feel it..."

Wily II - "What?"

Unity - "I can feel we are being watched, the intruder you seek is nearby."

Unity closed its eyes.

Unity - "Yess. He hides under a cloak of invisibility. Magic? Hmmm... he has a shape of a... card? Heh heh."

Wily II - "A card..."

Unity - "Now Lord Wily. You know what to look for... a little Magical Card. Now, if you excuse me, I have business to attend to. I shall be back soon."

With that Unity disappeared in a white light.

*  *  *

Unity reappeared upon the Sextation. Immediately upon its arrival, a security alarm went off. Unity cackled tilting its head a little.

Unity - "Well... this will save me some time looking for the heroes."

With that said, Unity leaned against the wall.

(I'm not planning a fight or anything. Unity came to talk and [acid burst] off the heroes a little. As for this whole teleportation thing, it has that from The Maiden. After this I am going to simply use Unity to interact with Wily until something finally happens in the story which will demand his active inclusion. After this I'm gonna focus more on good old weakling Kharaxel.

Also, White-Jet if you don't want it, I can erase/change that stuff about Unity sensing Hierophant's presence. Just sayian.)

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Reply #1519 on: May 11, 2013, 12:31:28 PM
(I don't mind; I haven't seen a whole lot of Final Fantasy games that use Vanish, but I can tell it isn't completely flawless beyond dodging physical attacks or detection.  Though I should point out that Hierophant is currently the size of an average 18-year-old, but then there are still secrets about Tarot Cat and its cards that I'm still straightening out and may reveal over time, so for now, I'll accept that he only sees Hierophant's card still glued to his back, and Death, who is still in card form)

Hierophant grit his teeth as the new entity acknowledged his presence, but was equally relieved that he didn't immediately point out where he and Death were hiding before disappearing towards the SexStation.

"Well, jig's up," Death sighs in annoyance, "I know there's at least one robot who can dispel our invisibility and expose us before everyone else, so our only choice is to flee this place before he shows up to unveil us."

"But Emperor is still in the station!" Hierophant hissed low enough for only Death to hear, "We can't just leave him here to save ourselves."

"I'd say there's one other way to find and pull him out, but considering how desperate the old man wants us captured, running there and endangering the other cards that got left behind may not be such a bright idea...." Death mutters equally low while scratching her large, bushy hair in frustration, "Well, I guess we have no choice but to fix the mess that Random robot caused so we can at least spare Hajime anymore unnecessary debts."

Hierophant compresses his lips before sneaking away from the hole and heads down one of the hallways until he comes to another desolate portion that clearly sets itself apart from everywhere else in more than just the now doughnut-shaped robot unprivileged enough to be caught in the flying projectile's trajectory.

"Ugh, geez, did one of those missiles blow up the doctor's personal bathroom!?" Hierophant almost yelps while covering his nose and mouth in an futile attempt to block out the rank stench.

"That, unfortunately, would only be possible if there was any plumbing sticking out of the floors," Death sighs, somewhat thankful that her card form negates the unbearable stench her materialized brethren had to put up with.

"Right..." Hierophant groaned before sauntering through the raunchy mess before eventually finding its intact auto-repair function.  He'd only deal with the healing in a quiet manner to avoid drawing attention from the remaining Robot Masters that hasn't crowded around Unity, but the smell was too overwhelming for him to even focus on the type of curing spell he wanted to cast.

"Just going to say it and run...." he mutters before pointing his staff at the auto-repair function, "Arise!"

The orb on his staff glowed brightly before lifting off and taking on the shape of a cherub fluttering down to the auto-repair functions and tapping its wand on its metallic surface, causing the entire hole left behind by the exploded projectile to glow and reform the robot to what it originally looked like.  Any cameras capturing the resurrection only saw a strange orb of light appear, turn into a cherub and fly into the robot, fully restoring him to what he originally looked like before the explosion that did him in.

Not wanting to stick around and see if his spell worked, Hierophant rushes towards another smoldering area of the floor hoping to find an equally repairable robot to cast his healing magic on.


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Reply #1520 on: May 11, 2013, 11:59:50 PM
"INTRUDER ALERT! LEVEL 14! CORRIDOR B! INTRUDER ALERT! LEVEL 14! CORRIDOR B!" ADA blurted out over the SexStation's intercom. PBPB and Fxeni were shocked by the alarm.

"...THE FLYING [tornado fang]? How did someone transport past the shields?" PBPB angrily yelled out.

"No idea, but it would be rude of us not to properly greet our guest!" Fxeni smiled while brandishing his weapon.

"Agreed!" PBPB used her magic to teleport her & Fxeni directly to the intruder. As they appeared, they saw him just leaning against the wall, as if he were waiting for them.

"WHO THE [tornado fang] ARE YOU?" PBPB angrily asked while getting ready to cast a spell.

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Reply #1521 on: May 12, 2013, 12:08:37 AM
(I thought Unity looked Different from Tron. Maybe I'm mistaken...)

RMZX - "Ugh... Intruder Alert? I'll let somebody else take care of it. They have powers and such after all."

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Reply #1522 on: May 12, 2013, 12:12:37 AM
(Could be she saw the FRESCA combination, though since she hasn't seen Tron before I don't know what to say.)

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Reply #1523 on: May 12, 2013, 12:31:45 AM
(No no, you're right. I fixed that!)

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Reply #1524 on: May 12, 2013, 12:51:59 AM
The alarms startled Berbil Jade and Joe as they ponder what new threat tried to get into the SexStation.  Jade had seen Strength and Hermit infiltrate earlier, but due to her attention being on Joe's recovery couldn't do much, not to mention she had no clue how to deal with such a situation despite Hajime's constant admittance to being treated like an enemy when the situation calls for it.

Joe, however, was visibly shaking, almost as if there were scattered remains of whatever controlled him still trapped in his systems, causing him to sense a threat similar to what he had gone through earlier.  Jade places her hand on his shoulder, speaking in the Berbil language before rushing off to figure out what was going on, Joe, seeming unsure, but equally unwilling to stop her, hangs his head in reluctance and rushes off to try and distract himself from the situation.

It took a bit, but the outer shell of the Wily Star II has been completely reassembled.  Fix-It Man confronts Paint-It Man as they search through the downloaded blueprints to see what to do next.

"We've got the shell restructured, next should be the walls and hallways making up the Wily Star II," Fix-It Man ponders aloud.

"Let's hurry then!" Paint-It Man proclaims, "We can't let Dr. Wily II or his friends down!"

Fix-It Man nods as they get to work on the next part of the Star's reconstruction.

Hajime observed from outside the star, seeming fascinated by how quickly the two ancient robots were fixing the Star.  If he could get his Robot Masters to help with the repairs, it could be back up and running a little earlier than he estimated.

But there was still the problem of reporting to WilyII.  Hierophant has managed to get the WDS back up and running, but it seems he may have caused something that is keeping the old doctor distracted and focused on his whereabouts.  He couldn't figure out what, but could only assume it had to do with the other missing cards and his inability to properly conceal himself without succumbing to the need to help those he feels sorry for.  Still there wasn't much he could do but hope WilyII loses interest and goes back to monitoring the progress of the Wily Star II.