Rockman X is Over

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Offline Ladd Spencer

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Reply #225 on: September 24, 2012, 09:10:33 PM
Seriously? The fonts are different.

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Offline Flame

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Reply #226 on: September 24, 2012, 09:15:39 PM
They are close enough that I'm not gonna notice at whatever AM in the morning it was.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #227 on: September 24, 2012, 09:26:35 PM
You know what they say, early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #228 on: September 25, 2012, 09:02:51 AM

Offline Joseph Collins

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Reply #229 on: September 25, 2012, 09:09:04 AM

Source: SamusMMX at Tumblr

Even if the game tanks (which it probably will), at least OVER-1 is loved.  :3


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Reply #231 on: September 25, 2012, 10:52:58 AM
Well, this isn't good.
And here I was worried before I clicked the link.

I really find it hard to say... But this is just about the first time I am actually just... apathetic towards this game being cancelled or not, or failing or not. I just cant bring myself to give a [parasitic bomb] about it. I like the design of Over-1, and the concept of a massproduced Mega Man, but the rest of th game itself just, y'know...

And I really doubt this one game tanking will have any effect on whatever they plan to toss together for the 25th anniversary. I mean it's a cheap iPhone game. Not a costly console release. This thing will hardly cost Capcom much if it fails. It's chump change compared to saaaaay, the money invested into the Legends 3 project that they just flushed down the toilet without even trying to collect some back through the prototype's pricetag.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #232 on: September 25, 2012, 06:16:50 PM
Wow its nothing

Well, these days Mega Man really hasn't amounted to anything.


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Reply #233 on: September 25, 2012, 06:19:14 PM

Offline Treleus

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Reply #234 on: September 25, 2012, 11:13:20 PM
The problem is they ALWAYS play it safe. ALWAYS. They have played it safe with Mega Man long before this. It's why we got X8 the way it was after X7 bombed as a 3D X game, and Command Mission, different genre aside, most likely didn't sell enough units to warrant trying 3D again. It's the reason they never wanted to go back to Legends. Because it failed them and they just didnt want to take the risk despite ever increasing fan demand for a Legends 3.

It's the reason they went for a retro revival too. They know for a fact that hardcore nostalgic gamers who played the original NES games growing up will definitely buy a new NES game. Especially if it tries to emulate Mega Man 2. The fan favorite.

Capcom has done nothing but play it safe for a long time. And it's done nothing but cause the franchise to suffer. So people dont buy the games as they get worse, and therefore Capcom plays it safer still. But if we support one of their mediocre products, they will IMMEDIATELY jump at the chance to cash in on that one specific thing, since in their eyes, that is what people want.
It's such a ridiculous lose lose situation.

I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100%. That's exactly what has been happening to Mega Man since the beginning. The developers are the biggest reason Mega Man has gotten as far as he has.

If any kid under 12 owns their own iPhone, their parents should be smacked. Hell, I'd go as high as 16 for a freakin' smart phone, especially one as expensive as an iPhone.

Kids don't need to own the iDevice to play it. They just need to ask their parents to play on it, or sometimes it'll be shoved into their hands to shut them up.

If by "cool" you mean "apathetic". What's worse, he expects the rest of the MM fanbase to be just as apathetic, and never want Capcom to treat the series with respect. A series that many of us grew up with in some form or another, and if we feel even the slightest indignation over its current treatment, we're "entitled".

He never said any of that. You're putting words in his mouth. Here's the breakdown of what he said:

-Xover is unimpressive, not thrilling, and forgettable.
-Xover could turn out to be better than the demo
-He's not apathetic towards Mega Man, but he's not enraged at them either over Xover because it's a free to play iPhone game and raging is generally fruitless in that case
-He also takes the view that as a fan, Capcom doesn't technically owe him anything, and that emotional investment doesn't come with voting rights

You're mischaracterizing his stance at point 4. This isn't him dictating what the fans should or shouldn't want, this is him explaining why it's pointless to go into knee-jerk ragefests. I don't entirely agree, since fans can and should influence company behavior with their own response, but only to a point. Once you get into blind ranting and raving, you end up twisting or ignoring observations to serve that emotional stage, and you're really serving no greater or useful purpose than mutually angry masturbation, which is fine if you don't assert an important pretense of outrage and activism.

I'm fairly certain that yes, they are. They're not stupid; if you try to give them garbage, they'll know, and they won't like it.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

When you're a kid, chances are you're going to be taken in by visuals. Once you're in, you'll be taken in further by easy controls. Xover offers both nice visuals and simple controls, so off the bat it's very approachable; especially to a kid who doesn't know Mega Man X or recognizes that the animation frames are off. I don't doubt that kids could get bored of Xover, but then again, maybe a decent amount of them won't. We don't know enough about the game other than how it pales in comparison to what it's based on. Plus, I'm not arguing they'll become diehard fans of the game; I'm arguing that they might have a nice time playing it.

This is all moot, though, if Capcom can't resolve to prioritize Mega Man and take more risks with the brand.

But in case I'm giving the current generation too much credit and they really are that gormless: do you really think that the kind of person who'd enjoy Xover (in which Luka is invincible to all but the stage boss, and even then he apparently can't lose) would care for any other MM title? Those games are actually challenging, but Hypothetical New Audience is too used to easier iPhone games to care about the rest of the series.

I consider Xover a plausible gateway to deeper, more challenging Mega Man games. This is more about hooking them to the look and feel than it is about hooking them to an easy game. It might not be the best gateway, but it may just end up being a serviceable one.

I can criticize Xover all day on the grounds of production value, timing, assets, and everything else, but if I can't recognize what kind of real impact it could have, then I'll just be puffing my cheeks in vain.

Try that logic on the Breath of Fire fanbase, or any fans of a series that Capcom has completely abandoned save for occasional re-releases, and see how well it ends for you.

What exactly do think people should do? What can they do?

I think they can make their voices heard, show their dedication, and try to drum up interest in an old, forgotten franchise; but without the organization, capital, and clout of a big company, how effective will they be? There's nothing they can logically boycott or purchase for the most part to show that the object of their fandom is a viable business opportunity. That risk has to be taken by someone inside Capcom. So yeah, what else can we really do besides either waiting at the edges of our seats or getting up and doing something else?

We're technically not being ignored in the sense that we're getting a dumbed-down iOS rail shooter for the 25th and virtually nothing else...but look at what Capcom's doing for Street Fighter's 25th. The SF fans get all that nice stuff, and we have to settle for Xover and an overpriced collection of music we already had for free.

That's just how the cookie's crumbling right now. I don't know what to tell you.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #235 on: September 26, 2012, 12:25:07 AM
You're mischaracterizing his stance at point 4.

Maybe, but still, he doesn't even try to empathize.

And of course Capcom doesn't technically "owe" us anything, but isn't compensation the smart thing to do after you've pissed off part of your customer base? Even if you think that part is too small to bother with, other people are going to notice how you treated them.

emotional investment doesn't come with voting rights

The only other place I saw anyone tell anyone else that, the person was basically equating "voting rights" with "any rights at all". So forgive me if that term doesn't sit well with me.

Once you get into blind ranting and raving, you end up twisting or ignoring observations to serve that emotional stage, and you're really serving no greater or useful purpose than mutually angry masturbation

"Masturbation"? Seriously?

And are you sure YOU'RE not twisting any observations either? How easy is it to dismiss everyone's frustrations to suit your point of "pointless anger pretending to be useful"? Very, I'd imagine.

When you're a kid, chances are you're going to be taken in by visuals. Once you're in, you'll be taken in further by easy controls.

You over-estimate kids' ability to tolerate rubbish.

Xover offers both nice visuals

until the game actually starts. Luka's running animation probably only has about three frames, tops.

We don't know enough about the game other than how it pales in comparison to what it's based on.

Even the most optimistic review couldn't bring up a single good point, and Sven mentioned "other elements" that concerned him. Two very big red flags right there (or maybe just one, but the series has had some godawful luck these past two years, so vagueness or not, I'm remaining cautious).

I consider Xover a plausible gateway to deeper, more challenging Mega Man games.

If only because Xover turns out to be so goddamn boring that finding a better MM game is the only way to preserve your brain cells.

We don't know if they'll ever change the gameplay up, which could go both ways. Capcom seem to have made Xover in a very short amount of time, so chances are, it'll be monotonous jumping and shooting the whole way.

but if I can't recognize what kind of real impact it could have

You seem to be assuming that Xover's impact can ONLY be positive. Even without evidence of its lack of quality, that's pretty naive.

What exactly do think people should do? What can they do?

I'm not sure. No one seems to be sure, and that's why so many people are as frustrated as they are.

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Reply #236 on: September 26, 2012, 01:53:07 AM
You over-estimate kids' ability to tolerate rubbish.
And you are underestimating the increasingly bad taste in gaming. (the reason games like Modern Warfare are hot sellers while real games will often get sames only within a fanbase)

Also, as a little kid? This might have gotten my attention due to the bright colorful graphics. I dont think I would have payed much attention to how many frames his walking animation has. I mean, it's a phone game. Even a kid knows not to expect PS3 level quality on a phone. The bright colorful visuals would be enough to draw them in. And it's Free to play, right? Even better.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #237 on: September 26, 2012, 02:06:12 AM
And you are underestimating the increasingly bad taste in gaming.

I'm just trying to give the next generation more credit than I did back in middle school. ._.

But still, they're going to realize how little there will probably be to Xover sooner or later, right?

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Reply #238 on: September 26, 2012, 03:57:57 AM
Gonzo, I get the feeling we're engaging in a pissing contest.

A few things: Why should Conrad be expected to empathize with Mega Man fans concerning Xover? There's nothing to empathize with there but the hate train. If you're talking about Legends 3, that's a different topic. His comment about it seemed more like a passing example made for the present topic, rather than a real conversation. You could argue that Legends 3 is a necessary background to understanding how bad Xover is, but if you make that argument, then you admit that Xover is as horrible as people make it out to be only because of Legends 3, and not because of what it is. Conrad and his preview were concerned with the latter, not the former. I think he would have written a very different article if he wanted to talk about Legends 3, but he doesn't seem interested at the moment.

There are no reviews of Xover. Only previews. This game isn't out yet.

Fans are individuals without organization, so their rights only extend as far as their wallets do. It is true that any majority will impact a company's decisions, but they are the company's decisions and not the majority's; they are only as influenced as they allow themselves to be. Plus, a majority isn't necessarily homogenous, especially in our case. Whatever the case, fans don't have rights. They either have enough power and influence or they don't, and in the end, it's the company's decision. Don't think I'm trying to say that we have no influence, though, or no avenues to exert that influence besides our wallets. I think it's clear that we do. We just didn't have enough for Legends 3 to seem like a safe bet, but is that really a problem with us, or a problem with Capcom's unwillingness to take bold risks? I think it's the latter.

I stand by my statement about masturbation. There's a fine line between being critical, disappointed, or casually sarcastic versus being obnoxious, disrespectful, and vitriolic. Do you think Sven or anyone else at CoA deserves any of the badgering they get over Mega Man? Or that people would say the same asinine garbage on the internet in person, and still expect to be taken seriously? Stuff like "Mega Man is dead" or "Capcom hates Inafune", when stated with a straight face, is just sensationalist bullshit when you condense it down, but the veil of the internet empowers ignorant sentiments like that, and it elevates them to a level of nerdy end-all be-all absolutism when they're really just overinflated emotions. They're not baseless, but they are paraded around to the point that people stop taking them seriously. It shouldn't be a huge wonder why people think Mega Man fans are a bunch of entitled dipshits, and it's because the vocal minority touts such outrage with blind pride and insufferable repetition.

My biggest problem with all this pent-up frustration at Capcom over the Mega Man series isn't that it exists at all, but rather where it's aimed at and how it's expressed. I identify with the feelings, but not the way they're exhausted or exploited. What I'm seeing now with Xover in particular is a load of premature ejaculations trying to make up for a year old case of extreme blue balls. The conversation could be a lot better conducted, or at least the energy better spent elsewhere. As this point it's just futile, furious circle jerking. I don't mind talking about how bad Xover looks, but I'm not interested in jumping the gun.

On that note, I didn't say Xover could only have a positive impact. I'm saying it could have some positive impact, without commenting on any other impact it might or might not have.


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Reply #239 on: September 26, 2012, 04:50:52 AM
This thread was cool, but now it sucks.


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Reply #240 on: September 26, 2012, 05:09:01 AM
Gonzo, I get the feeling we're engaging in a pissing contest.

Maybe. I figured we were just arguing.

I'd try to properly respond to the rest of your post, but at this point I think I'm just a broken record. I will say this:

There are no reviews of Xover. Only previews. This game isn't out yet.

I know, but all of the previews we've gotten indicate that the game is monotonous at best. Surely that can't be a good sign when it's apparently very close to release.

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Reply #241 on: September 26, 2012, 05:19:49 AM
This thread was cool, but now it sucks.
Aww but OVER-1 looks so much like Gate. It's almost like arts being released for a new 16-bit hand-drawn X game. Or any Mega Man game with hand-drawn graphics, lol

You see what I did there? I counted a blessing. Be glad we've gotten pictures these past years guys. I remember much worse gaps in my time.

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Reply #242 on: September 27, 2012, 01:48:05 PM
Maybe. I figured we were just arguing.

I'd try to properly respond to the rest of your post, but at this point I think I'm just a broken record.

Well, yeah, that's kinda my point. When you respond, it comes off less as arguing and more as repeating the same opinions more forcefully. That part where you suggested I was twisting observations came off with the same inflection as, "I am rubber, you are glue" or "NO U." You didn't actually explain how I was twisting observations or why.

I will say this:

I know, but all of the previews we've gotten indicate that the game is monotonous at best. Surely that can't be a good sign when it's apparently very close to release.

I agree. It is a bad sign, but not a conclusive one. For example, Jim Sterling's jimpressions of two games in recent memory--Sonic Colours and The Last Story--were passionately positive, but then he played the actual game and ended up being extremely underwhelmed. If that can happen with good games (both of which I think are very good), then there's a chance that could happen with games that get awful hype. Or not. Sometimes the previews accurately describe the final game experience. People were right about how Sonic 4 felt different, but that didn't necessarily mean it was an unfun game, just a mostly unrealized game. That's the impression I get from something like Xover, only 10 times more shitty looking.

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Reply #243 on: October 03, 2012, 05:50:35 AM
Well there's something good we can expect from this tho. Interesting remixed covers.



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Reply #244 on: October 04, 2012, 09:48:11 PM
It'll be even more neat when other tracks come out. Or is everything else recycled?

FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?

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Reply #245 on: October 12, 2012, 05:55:08 AM
It'll be even more neat when other tracks come out. Or is everything else recycled?

The first stage reuses X1's music, so probably.

Xover could be released as early as next week. Since we saw the TGS demo late last month, it's probably safe to say that Xover will suck like a black hole made of suck.

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Reply #246 on: October 12, 2012, 06:21:12 AM
But not for Droid, right? Too bad. Maybe I can convince my mother to let me download it onto her iPhone. Thank God for moms, right?

FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?


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Reply #247 on: October 12, 2012, 05:22:49 PM
Why would you even think about getting such a horrible game. It's self admittance that they are incapable of utilizing their own IP as a development house. What share holder would stick with such a spineless and self-defeating company?


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Reply #248 on: October 12, 2012, 06:21:39 PM
If it does come to America I'm getting it just to review the piece of crud.

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Reply #249 on: October 12, 2012, 06:55:52 PM
It doesnt deserve a review

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.