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Reply #2475 on: July 14, 2012, 05:51:06 AM

Well, there's no actual chasing involved.

Early this morning (VERY early) or late last night, I was compelled to draw some Amy Rose instead of sleeping like I should have.

T/N Manga-Amy's normal outfit probably has a different colour scheme; she reminds me of Roll, if only because she's yellow and has a green ribbon.

Careful, Ariga-Rock, you just threw your counterpart off-bala*CRASH*

Better be fast on those poorly-drawn controls, Auto.

edit: 100 PAGES WOO

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2476 on: July 14, 2012, 06:19:48 AM

Also, those E-Tank drinks taste like orange and grape mixed together... Way too sweet. >.>

Manga Amy has some rad hair... o:

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Reply #2477 on: July 15, 2012, 04:27:56 AM
Also, those E-Tank drinks taste like orange and grape mixed together... Way too sweet. >.>

Ah, I see.

Proto, you're saying that in a continuity that has ancient lion men who can turn humans into more lion men with their lioning eye beams.

Still, you're in bad shape when your entire species could be listed under God Mode Sue, back when TV Tropes allowed examples in their Sue pages.

I don't dislike the basic idea behind chakats: a race of cat-taurs who were engineered to be durable explorers (at least I think), and are generally amiable. Unfortunately, chakats appear to be emblematic of everything that makes the bad part of the furry community bad. Referencing 1d4chan's vitriolic article on chakats:

* They are not just durable survivors and explorers, they're the absolute freaking best, no matter which universe they're in (they started life as a fan-race for Star Trek);

* They're psionics with flawless empathetic skills (which also happen to be ridiculously long-range, apparently), and are perfectly psychologically stable despite the issues that could bring;

* Anyone who doesn't like them or want to copulate with them is an ignorant twat who will either be shown the "error" of their ways or--assuming 1d4chan's article is correct--be forcibly turned into a chakat;

* They appear to be universally inter-gendered only because it makes them more "special";

* They are all hyper-intelligent and have a "great aptitude for the sciences" (TV Tropes would define that as a trait of the Einstein Sue);

* They possess super strength and speed;

* There are no inherent negatives in being a chakat.


The chakat that Megaman and Protoman got stuck riding, by contrast, is just an usual robot. She has an affinity for exploration, but is frustrated by terrain that her body is not suited to traversing. She also doesn't appreciate how difficult it is for her to hack up snarky passengers.

(Originally this was going to be Warhammer 40K-related, but I couldn't think of any good dialogue for Blood Angel!Proto, who wouldn't be riding the chakat because chakat spines are not made of titanium)

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Reply #2478 on: July 15, 2012, 04:47:57 AM
That's a lot of traits...

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Reply #2479 on: July 17, 2012, 01:35:03 PM
And apparently, only a few relatively-minor flaws to balance it all out. (It's possible for them to suffer empathetic overload, but I'm not sure if that was in an official story or not)

Semi-quick doodle of Iris and X-era Rock, drawn on the TMMN oekaki. Poor Rock's still a bit confused about this OTP.

Hey, remember the chakat? I drew some full art of her the other day.

Altaica (whose name is derived from the scientific name for the Siberian tiger) is about a head taller than RS-Rock (which I guess would make her terrifyingly massive, but even with evidence to the contrary, I just can't see RS-Rock as being that tall), and can carry up to two fully-armoured robots on her back, at the cost of slowing her down quite a bit.

As mentioned before, she loves exploring, but hates it when she comes up against the limits of her unusual form (and when she has to carry snarkers).

how do i tiger anatomy

I miss the Colour Balance option. (Photoshop 3.4 has it; Elements 7 doesn't)

"When Worlds Collide" won't be out 'til 2013 and it'll run through the normal issues of Archie-MM, StH, and Sonic Universe, but I'm still excited for this, 'cuz I love me some crossovers and Ian Flynn is a competent writer (Iron Dominion arc aside). The interaction between the casts is going to be interesting to witness.

Apparently there's going to be some sort of altercation between Megaman and Sonic early on; perhaps this pic takes place after they've gotten it sorted out, but not before Megaman trusts Sonic (or something). Don't worry, Mega; you won't have to sit in the spiky void forever.

Rock Lichblitz is merely a jerk; Rock Landon is...well...look at him.

This Megaman and Roll are from the dimension that Genesis fled from at warp speed. The higher-ups are homicidal maniacs, and the lower-downs are apathetic sociopaths; the few who weren't either ran for their lives (Genesis) or were "removed" (everyone else). The physical world reflects how awful its inhabitants are; in short, it's your worst grimdark nightmares made manifest.

Rock Landon a.k.a. Megaman is tasked with keeping it that way--he was the best sadist for the job, after all. He's aided by his sister Roll, who prefers knives over busters.

Their dimension is nice and all, but there's far more challenge in subjugating one that wasn't dead on arrival. You know, like the one their older brother now lives in.

Elements of Rock Landon's armour were borrowed from some early MMX1 concept art; Roll Landon was already designed. The pic itself required some editing in Elements 7, since the original Photoshop 3.4 version turned out to be WAY too dark.

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Reply #2480 on: July 19, 2012, 08:45:31 AM
awww i missed the break to page 100.

great artwork :3

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Reply #2481 on: July 21, 2012, 06:49:34 AM
Thanks. :)

I can't help but feel that Dr. Ramano doesn't spend a lot of time with her semi-creations.

(Photoshop 3.4; edited in Elements 7 because that monitor downstairs is really bright)

Coloured in Photoshop 3.4; edited in Elements 7. Drawn whilst somewhat tired.

Almost every RS-MM detractor goes out of their way to rant about how that continuity's Protoman is a bad guy and that Bass should've filled his role instead (which would require the staff to have super future-predicting powers). These people tend to be fans of Ariga's mangas, from what I've seen.

Problem is...Ariga-Proto is very morally dubious. Even worse than RS-Proto and his jackassery, at times (see: Copy Megaman, that incident with Kalinka). WHOOPS.

(Well, assuming I'm remembering things correctly)

I don't remember if this point came to me as I started drawing Ariga-Proto; I just wanted to draw him since I don't do that often.

Posted on: July 20, 2012, 01:34:30 PM

Forgive me if some things look wonkier than usual; my sleep schedule's been disrupted again.

* Not long after I drew Robo-Sally, "When Worlds Collide" was announced.

* Gutswoman, RS-Rock isn't really "pudgy".

* It took me a while to realize who Isufje's Firewoman reminded me of, and it eventually hit me: she's Doris, after she got some contacts and dyed her hair bright red.

* I recently beat Crash 2: Cortex Strikes Back on 100%. Crash 3 is slightly less complete...

* We don't yet know if "WWC" will have lasting consequences in Archie-MM, StH, or Sonic Universe; as far as I know, no other Archie crossovers have.

* My only problem with female space marines is that (apparently) a lot of people give them armour that shows off their forms. No bra-plate for Seraph!

* For some reason, my helmetless RS-Vile came out looking a lot like Lacey's helmetless RS-X.

* I coloured Pivot's jumpsuit correctly(?) this time.

* I hope that if Quakewoman gets her emotions restored, that she does not automatically forgive Lalinde for removing them in the first place. I don't mind Lalinde, but there's a hell of a character arc just begging to be written, methinks. If that makes any sense.

* Proto Cross Ranay I'm happy with, though Roll might need some work.

* The CTR trophy girls seem to be named after members of the Naughty Dog/Sony staff, which I didn't realize until after I'd drawn them.

* Maybe one day I'll post that old Tron the Rabbit pic.

* The three characters in-between Liz and Juno are from "Rockman Dash Pixiv", which I think was an event started back when MML3 was alive.

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Reply #2482 on: July 21, 2012, 11:26:32 AM
Seriously, I want Sonic and Megaman to duke it out on each other. >.>;

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Reply #2483 on: July 25, 2012, 07:19:42 PM
I kinda hope there'll be some cuddling involved afterward...

In my fanon, RS-Rock doesn't want to mess with his hair (mostly likely because it's impossible to comb and he won't admit it) and will usually resist any attempts by others to do so. He still wound up with a ponytail, somehow.

Proto's inevitably going to tease him about it later. Or take it out.

Sketch commission for ~Benji-Blacksky; at least, I assume she's a mage.

Is it just me, or is Mado taller than usual?

Tumblr and Homestuck resulted in this. (Mario's class, Monk, was designed by Seyvee, with some modifications made to the hood; Rock's robes were redesigned)

Even though Madotsuki is a "Master" of Space, the Master class isn't any more important than the other classes; it can only be obtained by chance and the new Master must decide on their own what role they'll take, if they haven't already. (If that makes any sense)

Rock becomes a Knight of Versatility, because he uses his VWS to defend others; I'm not sure why Mario became a Monk of Light, other than that I didn't want two Knights.

Uh, guys, might wanna look behind you...

I had an idea--Rock using ~Carol-das-estrelas's version of Needleman's armour--but didn't know where to start until she mentioned that her Needleman has no problems with Rock (unless he's carrying out a plan of Wily's and Rock intervenes, presumably).

(Sorry if some things turned out wonky; I may be half-asleep)

Posted on: July 23, 2012, 03:59:55 PM

Early-morning doodle of Protoman and Rock (outfits made in Mandi's KiSS doll-thing, slightly modified); it seems that their bus stop transformed into a featureless blue void.

Fake semi-screenshot time!

I found this tutorial by Baruyon and tested it out with a pic of Roll in her Rockboard outfit* and Rock looking a bit confused (Roll's pose somewhat referenced from Megaman's "Win" animation in that poker game); I'm happy with the result.

* which I suspect was not meant to be a unique outfit, but hey, 8-bit sprites.

Posted on: July 25, 2012, 12:19:24 PM

This took longer than it should have.

Also, I noticed a really obvious continuity error that I'm going to have to go back and fix--namely, adding windows to the sides of the group's fighter. (I can't wait to get them on board the Hive so I can stop drawing that thing)

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Reply #2484 on: July 28, 2012, 06:14:22 AM
Needle Man is a suit of armour... *breaks*

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Reply #2485 on: July 28, 2012, 10:41:56 PM

Drawn not too long after finishing Crash 2: Cortex Strikes Back with 100% completion.

Seems Coco is in one of those "race the firefly's attention span" levels.

Grafx2 was a program I downloaded and lost when one of my hard drives imploded; I recently re-downloaded it and tried to make something presentable. (The result was screencapped and cropped; trying to save it normally resulted in a mostly-blank .PNG)

'tis RS-Rock, looking somewhat worried.

Second proper pic done in Grafx2; as good for pixel art as that program is, I am still not used to working with pixels.

Fanon: Rock Landon's Earth is in the same universe as the version of Mobious upon which Duality (formerly ASADAE) takes place.

Rock Landon probably enjoys working with Darkie because he hasn't gotten any Black Emerald goop on him yet.


Think I'm more than halfway through the sketchbook.

* Lara Cruz did have a ponytail, at least in one or two sketches; I just didn't have room to draw it here.

* First time drawing Crash; sorta based off manga!Crash.


* Careful, Rock--Crash might compact into nothing if you squeeze him too hard.

* Has anyone else given their version of Robo-Rouge jet boosters in place of wings?

* That weird outfit on Jupiter came from my pitiful attempt at making something resembling a Sailor Jupiter plush (made out of paper...) when I was a little kid. Think I made a Mars one, as well.

* If that line of Sailors in their school uniforms doubles as a height chart, then I think I made Usagi too tall. (Note: Fem-Zero is not a Sailor)

* SM-universe Blues is a non-Sailor ally who cracks open the skulls of Daemons (Daimons?) with her baseball bat; she's a bit at-odds with Tuxedo Mask.

* Jota's actual name seems to be "Meduoer"; s/he addresses Adagio as "Zook", and I'm not sure if it's meant to be a generic name or not since Rockman and Crystal is also known as "Zook Hero 3".

* One of Tron's old designs strongly resembles Roll (Classic or Legends); maybe that's why it wasn't used.

* Remember that old (and shamefully poorly-drawn) pic of mine where Tron hits on Rock all sinister-like? This is probably how it'd actually go.

* Antiwoman there looked a bit like Lady Kale (Jewel Riders) in that dream.

* With the exception of Proto, everyone's grunge outfits are derived from results for "grunge fashion 90s" from Google. (Kaitlin's shirt is see-through)

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Reply #2486 on: July 29, 2012, 04:05:58 AM
>Felt pen doodles 35
>Think more that halfway through

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Reply #2487 on: July 29, 2012, 09:26:08 PM
I'm sure there's another usable sketchbook around here somewhere...

Not official yet; just a concept. Isufje mentioned wanting to add a JP Roll outfit to the game, and I soon thought of this; based on her MM attire, though hopefully not a carbon copy of it.

Coloured by ~Carol-das-estrelas; she suggested that I post it in my gallery, since I was the one who thought of what to draw.

The horse anatomy was troublesome, but not as much as I thought it'd be; it was actually Ranay's bow that I got stuck on. At first I couldn't make it symmetrical, so I copied the left side and promptly ran into another snag: rotating the layer it was on via the Layers option (IIRC) wouldn't put it in the right angle. Turns out I needed Transform for that (which pixelated the layer, requiring some touching-up).

Originally, Centaur Cross Ranay was bipedal; I suggested giving her the lower body of a horse, to parallel Rock's version of the Cross. Translating her regular boots to horse legs was a bit difficult. (She's pulling that arrow out of the aether, by the way; presumably, she gets the Centaur Arrow whilst Rock warps time)

I think carol-das-estrelas did a decent job on the colouring.  As for my lineart...I really hope that horse anatomy is passable.


I don't remember if Rock commented on Roll's preference in music in "Cold Steel", but something tells me he prefers less thrashy stuff.

(Those are vuvuzelas Rock's equating Roll's music to, BTW)

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Reply #2488 on: August 03, 2012, 05:36:50 PM
Makes you wonder how Centaur Man feels looking at those Crosses.
Also makes you wonder how Knight Man fares. 8D

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Reply #2489 on: August 04, 2012, 12:08:18 AM
Who knows? XD

Long story short, Liz and I were talking about RP-related things, and we eventually came to the subject of Proto's reception of other people's emotions (or something along those lines).

In those six years he spent at Skull Castle, Proto avoided the other RMs whenever possible; now that he's at home, though, he has to interact with people on a daily basis. He's very careful not to offend anyone, since he thinks the slightest slip-up would get him thrown back out (or if not, he'd still be alone), and tends to panic if he thinks he dun messed up, which sometimes results in him shutting himself in his room for a while.

And as glad as Proto is to be around Rock, the latter's very outwardly emotional, and Proto isn't used to dealing with that, possibly leading to some misunderstandings that would've been taken care of much sooner (namely, Rock wouldn't hate Proto for a one-off cynical remark) if Proto wasn't afraid of making things worse (i.e. if he'd come out of his room).

This could be chalked up to Skull Castle-induced emotional damage, if Dr. Light hadn't remembered that before his abduction, Proto wasn't very talkative and tended to avoid interacting with the doctors as much as possible.

Proto doesn't take the possibility of his emotional issues being at least partially physical very well.

('course, all this pertains only to our RP; regular fanon Proto still has issues, but isn't quite as twitchy.)

'nother Photoshop 3.4 pic, with some minor edits in Elements 7.

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Reply #2490 on: August 04, 2012, 03:19:30 AM
I feel for Proto...

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Reply #2491 on: August 08, 2012, 02:12:08 AM
Group hug?

Sometimes these pages only require one scan; sometimes they keep coming out all lopsided.

* I don't think Clockwoman, if she makes it into Roll Boss Rush, will keep that cape.

* Horrorman is fairy sarcastic, in contrast to his strong resemblance to a Predator. (At least, I think he will. Dunno if Megaman Triple Threat will have pre-fight dialogue)

* Thinking about it, it doesn't seem likely that RS-Rock, Roll, Proto, and Dr. Light would have such varying hair colours (at least, if we don't assume that RS-Proto is a redhead). Not that Roll dyeing hers would keep the neighbors off Dr. Light's back.

* Speaking of hair dye, was Magnetman's hair always like that?

* Not sure how Classic Farfalla feels about Gutsman.

* Aida always had a similar helmet shape to Splashwoman's, IIRC.

* Centaurwoman (aka Ikehara-Centaur"man") stands out to me not just because she's one of the first female RMs in the entire MM series (if not THE first), but because of the mild(?) controversy surrounding her back in the day. See, the concept of Centaurman pulling a Samus is exclusive to the Ikehara continuity, but the MM community used to think that the mangas (pick an author) shared continuity with the games--or worse, overwrote the games--and thus there was some debate over whether or not game-Centaur was female, too. I believe this led to a rumour/misconception that Ariga-Centaurman was female as well.

* Technically, Pipi is RS-Beat. S/he only appeared in Ice Age, IIRC.

* I see what Archie did there.

* No official art of Nightracer exists (at least, not to my knowledge), and her toy is a redeco'd Go-Bots Bumblebee, so improvisation was in order. Nightracer has the dubious honour of being half-official--the toy is official (was an exclusive at the 1995 BotCon convention), the character (created by Raksha) isn't.

* Was Chromia ever officially a Decepticon at any point in the TF franchise, or was it just for that TF doujin? Either way, I gave her some chest armour, because completely-human boobs on Tranformers make my brain tie itself into knots (shaddap, Decepticon Thunderblast).

* I think CN!Proto looks a bit too much like game-Proto...

* Quake Cross wasn't too difficult to design, despite Quakewoman lacking any known alternate designs with which to use elements of. I re-used that long solar panel I put on Quakewoman's helmet back when all I had of #15 was a fairly tiny .JPEG of the cover.

* Derpy didn't lose an eye; she just wears that eye patch when she's flying.

* Despite the face Proto is making, I think he wouldn't mind Vinyl Scratch.

* RS-Farfalla has a data belt (not pictured), which I guess means she's an info courier of some sort? (Kinda like Johnny Mnemonic, except she's not at risk of a head explosion if she goes over-capacity.)

Wait, where'd Rush go?

Finally done with this page; the events of it gave me some trouble.

Posted on: August 06, 2012, 10:14:48 PM

Dream-based; these five Links (or maybe just four?) briefly appeared in it as part of someone else's art.

'tis a crossover of OoT and Four Sword(s?), with all of the Links having slightly different features ("slightly" being the key word), and with two of them gender-bent. Blue Link's the one whose appearance I remember the most; she was shorter than the other Links, had black lipstick, dark brown hair, and a few more piercings (her stark-white face wasn't carried over to here, though).

Whether or not Yellow Link was originally present, he was added for balance purposes.

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Reply #2492 on: August 08, 2012, 06:20:37 AM
Why is Purple Link always so fabulous? :D

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Reply #2493 on: August 09, 2012, 02:07:08 AM
Who knows? XD;

Seems that Top Cross messes up Roll's gyro-stabilizer.

(also, how do i perspective)

Well, she's angelic until you notice that very sharp spike on her lyre.

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Reply #2494 on: August 09, 2012, 06:13:12 AM
Group hug?
If he does not punch me in the gut right after...

And I <3 Angel Roll... Even more for the spike. 8D

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Reply #2495 on: August 10, 2012, 09:00:10 AM

Crap, think I drew this before.

It was supposed to be an emulation of Jason Jenson's colouring (I don't think he works for Archie anymore, or at least doesn't work on books that I've read), but I just ended up mostly doing my own thing.

Humiliating fact: the last time I drew casual-Tempo digitally, I'd swapped her shirt and bow colours and didn't notice until I was extracting colours from that pic for this one. My original guess on Tempo's colour scheme had a yellow bow, which I suppose explains it.

With that corrected, I've just noticed another issue: Rock's turtleneck is missing the stripes. D'oh.

What's Roxy doing hanging around Troll-Roll, other than to try and share her drinks? Who knows; poor Roll probably has a low alcohol tolerance.

(Incidentally, I think this is the first time I've drawn Roxy)

This looked fine when I first drew it, but now I'll bet I got the light source all wrong.

Would've been another collab between myself and ~Carol-das-estrelas (what can I say; form/Cross comparison is interesting), but she declined; I was given permission to post the finished pic, though.

Megaman's version of the Shadow Cross was redesigned; Ranay's is mostly-unchanged from what I believe was the second design (the scarf is from the first, or at least the one that looked older).

(I think it's worth noting that Ranay's personality is more blatantly influenced by whichever Cross she's using than Megaman's)

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Reply #2496 on: August 10, 2012, 07:40:51 PM
Really like Mega's Shadow-Cross there.

As for Ranay...
So if there was ever a Burner-Cross for her, she's psycho?

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Reply #2497 on: August 11, 2012, 06:34:01 AM
Thanks. :)

And it's possible; don't think I've seen Burner Cross Ranay yet.

(Photoshop 3.4, with editing in Elements 7)

Consider, for a moment, all of the interesting ramifications MM6 would've had on the games before and after it if Mr. X hadn't turned out to be Wily in disguise.

Or a charge shot; either way, Proto's target better hustle.

(King Weasel Productions aka ~MSipher's site is no more, which is a shame since the section on MM toys listed the exact name of RS-Proto's weapon--or maybe the weapon name was fanon? Either way, I think it was something like "Proto Striker".

Also, mostly-Photoshop 3.4)

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Reply #2498 on: August 11, 2012, 10:52:10 AM
Your point on Mr. X... I did think of it once.
But the way how Mr. X looked... It was just too obvious. >.>;

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Reply #2499 on: August 13, 2012, 08:54:58 PM
Admittedly, I don't remember how much attention I was paying to MM6's intro (via Anniversary Collection)...

#37. Fnargle.

* Hey, it's Miku n' Rock again.

* There was this game I sorta played years and years ago, called "Victor Vector and Yondo the Dog in The Cyberplasm Formula" (I think the proper title is even longer); there's a Let's Play of it on YouTube (funtastic fact: Victor is voiced by Ian James Corlett). There doesn't appear to be any fanart of that series of games on dA...or anywhere, for that matter.

* Splashy, Tempo doesn't like it when people use her head as a table.

* I may have fudged some of Christina Bumblefly's details. And seriously, I don't know if the lady next to her was meant to be Liz or not (and I may have fudged some of her details, as well).

* Those two Crosses are the first time I've had Megaman get a Cross from fan-RMs, IIRC. Zaia Cross was based on some older designs of Zaia; can't really say the same for Seraph Cross. (Would Megaman even be able to acquire the first one, what with Zaia being a clone of him?)

* Proto does not yet know that Pinkamena is very violent (to say the least).

* RS-Rock doesn't squee often, but when he does...

* I have never seen an RS-Bass/Rock pairing that I didn't draw myself.

* Long time no see, Vaira.

* Maybe RS-Proto wears bulky jackets and sweaters and the like to cover up the fact that (in my fanon, at least) he's a twig.

* Zero Cross got redesigned/simplified, whereas the others (save for Gelato, as it's new) mostly didn't.

* On the subject of alternate Sailor Moon pairings, I believe that one of the first directors for the anime wasn't too fond of Mamoru and kept dropping hints of Usagi/Rei.

* That Punk Drunkers MM hoodie (and its variant) look fine, but those shirts...I dunno; I hear that they look fine to the Japanese skating culture, or something.

* I foolishly did not save all that really old "Rockman Neo" art of *AndrewDickman's...anyone wanna help?

* Jazz's armour did include a helmet; it's just not pictured here.

* Rockswoman's hair may not be drawn correctly; the only pic of her I could find had her falling in mid-air.