The Gonzo has art.

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Reply #2425 on: April 28, 2012, 05:23:03 AM
Thanks! :)

"B-but I haven't swam in ages!"

Don't worry, Rock, Dr. Light wouldn't remove that subroutine (even if you only used it in the DOS games and MM8). You should be more concerned about Ika Musume getting distracted whilst helping to fend off an aquatic RM.

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Reply #2426 on: April 28, 2012, 05:30:34 AM
Then again, I think Ikamusume is a bigger threat than any aquatic RM. 8D

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Reply #2427 on: April 28, 2012, 05:49:15 AM
Finally, a new page! :P

nice artwork

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Reply #2428 on: April 29, 2012, 01:34:36 PM
Thanks. :)

Megawoman and Iris.
RS-Rock and Proto.

Wait, there's only one penguin there.

Suddenly had the urge to draw Rock and Proto in the Arctic, with a penguin. Rock would enjoy playing with them or just watching them waddle around; Proto'd just waiting for it to yack up a half-eaten fish or something.

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Reply #2429 on: April 29, 2012, 01:40:11 PM
And then suddenly Chill Penguin!

Such a cute penguin. :3

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Reply #2430 on: April 29, 2012, 03:20:23 PM
B: Why are we in the Arctic?
M: We came to visit Iceman?
B: Iceman doesn't live here...
B:.....point taken

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Reply #2431 on: May 04, 2012, 11:48:45 PM
Heh. XD

On the right, my art. On the left, pseudo-manga disasters.

Got Archie-MM #13 today; it's not yet clear what happened to Tempo (I'm guessing they'll reveal that at the end of the arc), but so far she's less "tough tsundere" and more "watching you fap dead inside". My theory is that she got too close to Ra Moon's bug zapper.

Tempo and Kalinka don't interact at all in that issue, but I still wanted to draw the former's outfit. (Also turned out that I got Tempo's colour scheme completely wrong. I liked mine, but then, her armour's primary colour is green, not purple, so...)

Posted on: May 02, 2012, 04:29:13 AM

I'm not sure if I can finish this, but I might as well upload what I've got before the art becomes too outdated; drew this in the beginning of the year.

* The factory in the back is based on the one from MvC1.

Hey, it's the unusually-small Omniscient Council of Vagueness. At its head is Mr. Xanatos, Marche, Armyman (from somewhere in Megamix), Harmony (from Mr. Ishikawa's alternate universe poster), and a currently-unnamed female commander. Oh, and a ceiling Protoman.

Useless fact: I put this page off for months and only just now finished it. >.>

Posted on: May 02, 2012, 02:49:32 PM

Selph was a boss cut from NiGHTS into Dreams; no official artwork of them exists (apart from an icon on the official site, but that might not be them). My design used to be essentially a recolour of NiGHTS; I hope I fixed that.

Selph is trying to remain as neutral on NiGHTS's defection as Wizeman will allow, but he still has mostly-negative views of it. He's not too interested in Reala being the one to reel her back in, either, so he keeps an eye on both of them (well, mostly on Reala). Selph's an incredibly dangerous Maren, and neither NiGHTS nor Reala want to tangle with him.

Based on one bit of official art, Quickman was going to be in Megaman Universe. I don't think it's likely that he and Megaman (pick one) would've interacted much, but that didn't stop me.

Uni-Quick was mostly based on my armourless Classic Quick. It seems that everyone I draw inevitably ends up in a jacket at some point.

(Maybe Uni-Quick would be that sort of imposing attractive guy that Uni-Rock sorta wants in his life but shoves away at the same time because PERSONAL SPACE)

Quote did my fanon!RS-Rock end up so squishy, anyway?

I don't think the process of Tempo and Rock possibly becoming an item would go like this, since Tempo would most likely have to stop being dead inside first, but hey.

Posted on: May 03, 2012, 11:29:00 PM

The dialogue on this page gave me some trouble; I don't think this'll be the last time I run into that problem.

Posted on: May 04, 2012, 03:08:09 PM

Since I'm working on Blackburn, I thought I'd finalize the design for someone who'll probably appear in it--Doropie, a.k.a. Fransesca (don't know if I'll utilize her US name).

I don't think her design was all that consistent--the JP boxart and advert designs seem to be the same apart from the skirt, but they're both different from her in-game appearance (game-Doropie does not have green eyes, for example). I tried combining elements from her in-game and ad designs (the latter I had a better image of than the boxart).

Also, her blood's still blue in NINE (though I'm fairly certain it's actually red. Kagemaru's is, anyway).

Well, they both use drills as weapons...

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Reply #2432 on: May 05, 2012, 03:47:09 AM
I'm seriously very interested in your Blackburn series.
Can't wait for your next page. :3

Also, Quake Woman has a drill weapon too...

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Reply #2433 on: May 08, 2012, 03:24:23 AM
Finished the next page today! :)

First, this:

No she does not, Chelsea. (Tempo why are you dressed similarly to Daphne Blake)

About the only things these two have in common is brown hair, green eyes, and the status of being comic-exclusive characters. Chelsea's from Dreamwave-MM, which incidentally, Archie-MM is not allowed to make any sort of reference to for legal reasons. Those reasons were not specified, so my guess is that it's because Pat Lee thought paying his employees was for squares.

(Chelsea's outfit is official, Tempo's isn't)

Admittedly, the first panel was referenced from the introductory MM9 cutscene, except there it didn't look like [parasitic bomb].

And there's Dub. He was built sometime after MMnB, and this probably isn't the first time he's begged Megaman to take him along.

Posted on: May 06, 2012, 09:16:07 PM

Not my version of armourles Top, though. (I don't know if he washed out that brown hair dye at some point, or was merely redesigned)

Maybe it's just the way I draw ~Carol-das-estrelas's version of Needleman (here, a regular humanoid robot piloting a "shell"). I don't think the two interact much in her fanon, if at all.

Up to 28 already?

* Good references of what's-her-name from Pinobee are hard to come by. :/ At any rate, I'm not the only one to notice her similarities to NiGHTS.

* Since when was RS-Proto a werewolf? (Never, but Vampire Rock won't enjoy biting him)

* There's not much to say about Mashina Cossack right now, except that she used to be blonde.

* Turns out I'd been colouring NiGHTS incorrectly. >.>

* An alternate universe where Roll is the daughter of Mario and Peach would be interesting to see...

* Tempo has her correct colour scheme, and Dr. Lalinde has her gray streak.

* I only saw one or two pics that gave Kaitlin those bangs.

* Unless I'm mistaken, that's not Rhythm Wily's normal casual outfit.

* Redesigned Legato and Toxman. Despite the presence of ~Tsuki-no-michi's Sonicman redesign, I'm thinking of leaving the rest of PC guys mostly unchanged (note: Legato is my character. Her old design was definitely junk-tastic, but...).

* Read on the Megaman Recut blog that Met (that fic's version of Doc the Mettaur) is the closest thing to a maternal figure that Rock and Roll will have. I imagine she spends a good deal of her time trying to get Rock to comb down his eternal bedhead.

* Like Bad Boxart Megaman, Bad Boxart Doropie/Fransesca's design is only tangentially similar to her in-game appearance.

* That isn't the first time I've seen someone interpret the longer solar panel of Megaman's helmet as more shorter ones.

* Chaosman, don't leave your right arm just lying out. Ew.

* I had an idea regarding Fan, the most superfluous MM character ever (in that he had no lines at all and was just sorta there...maybe he originally played a larger part but got it cut down?): maybe he looks like Rock a great deal, and knowing that Rock often has to deal with clones, is embarrassed by it and doesn't want Rock to think he's just another copy.

Apparently you have to will those into healing you, rather than simply touching them.

While looking back on some old-ass art, I noticed that I had replaced the black button-things on Roll's sleeves with screw heads. I sorta like how that turned out, but at the same time, it was probably just an attempt at "edge-ifying" her MM8 design (it was '05 or early '06 and I edge-ifyed everything I drew).

(Yes, that's my excuse for drawing this)

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Reply #2434 on: May 08, 2012, 05:58:44 PM

I guess Dub can go next time.
In a few years.

Hmm... Screws on sleeves...

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2435 on: May 12, 2012, 03:38:39 AM
I guess Dub can go next time.
In a few years.

I also need to design an armour for him that doesn't suck...

There was a prompt on Socially Unacceptable Art to redraw your old characters; I picked Nameless Random Green-Haired Girl from the early '00s.

Took a shot at :devrooty-the-hazard:'s forms meme; original can be found here:

* I think his Knight form (Sir Bucketobolts?) was inspired by Knuckles/Gawain, but mostly by Megaman's armour. Same goes for Arabian Nights (replace Gawain with Sinbad).

* Can Rock the Raccoon actually go Super, being a Robian and all?

* Robo-Rock's dialogue might not be that easy to read. :/ I guess that's how he'd look if he were a normal Robian.

* Riders Rock has no helmet, which you'd think he'd keep on when flying around at hundreds(?) of miles per hour...

* Anti-Rock is like Rock Lichblitz: a prick.

Oh look, it's Zero-pony. I imagine RS-Zero would be something of a blood knight (unlike game-Zero who would rather that the fighting stop, even if some people mistake him for a straight-up blood knight), and would like the idea of stabbing people/ponies with his super-heated horn.

And then he misses and gets stuck in a tree.

These two would probably have a very uneasy relationship. If Proto's ever going to be the center of attention, it'll be on HIS terms; letting Rarity put him in one of her outfits feels like it's going against that. Rarity, I think, would be very frustrated that Proto doesn't want her near him; it doesn't help that Proto, beyond a certain point, doesn't really care about his appearance or what others think of it.

He'd let her work on her once just so she'd leave him alone later, such as in this pic.

Princess Celestia has the finest suits in all of Equestria.

Oh, and currently halfway done with the sixth page of Blackburn.

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Reply #2436 on: May 12, 2012, 04:02:28 AM
lol the sonic forms thing


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Reply #2437 on: May 12, 2012, 06:41:50 AM
I wanna see Zero pony getting stuck in a tree. 8D

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2438 on: May 13, 2012, 11:37:38 PM
Heh. XD

Has to do with a theory on TV Tropes.

Rainbow Dash seems to have part of Rock's hairline, or maybe her hair just got a bit messed up when the dye was removed or something. Wonder if Proto noticed.

Trying something new/different, shading-wise. Sorta.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #2439 on: May 14, 2012, 12:15:34 AM
rock looks like he's wondering why his hair is so shiny

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Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2440 on: May 17, 2012, 09:17:50 PM
Too much shampoo?

I'll bet shadows don't work that way, either. Also I think RS-Rock's tiny shorts weren't that tiny.

Just in case you thought RADIX could draw ships or building interiors or proper perspective...

(Obviously, that deck is teleport-only; the conventional launch decks are located elsewhere.)

Posted on: May 15, 2012, 01:42:11 AM

I think I'm a little more than halfway through the notepad.

* As of this writing, Rockman Online's fate is up in the air; Neowiz is looking to transfer the project over to GAMEON Studio, but many of us are afraid that Capcom will bin it before that can happen. If the latter happens, then we'll never know whether or not Irene would prove that, despite her bio, she's not a Purity Sue.

* My human!Celestia was drawn here first, along with Luna (Season 2).

* Although I have no interest in either version of MvC3, I have the guidebook for Ultimate (well, sorta. It's a birthday gift), since I like collecting video game guides regardless of whether or not I actually own the game. That UMvC3-exclusive palette of Zero's really does make his hair look like engine coolant to me...

* One issue of Dragao(?) gave Roll that pink-and-white outfit, though her pose makes it hard to discern all the details. I've saved the pages of that issue concerning their Megaman/X RPG, but since I can't read Portuguese, I dunno how interesting it actually is.

* Hopefully I got Stacatto's colour scheme right.

* Next to Stacatto are the three female entries in Nintendo Power's MM6 boss contest; two of them (Megawoman, who's presumably good or at least not allied with Wily, and Megagirl, who's evil--demonic robo-dog not pictured) are robots, while the third, Weaseletta, is Wily's biological daughter. The way I drew her makes her took like a young RS-Protowoman...there's a potential can of psychological worms. (Funtastic fact: I Classic-ized MMBN's Yuriko partially because I felt bad about using those NP entires at the time)

* Flora's a former supercomputer (specifically, one created to research plants); idea; I never read her bio, if there was one. I think she was allied with Black T. (as was Flora, before she and Butterflyman jumped ship).

* In contrast to Protoman, Genesis is very outwardly emotional.

* I may have gotten some of Metallica's details wrong; for example, I don't think she regularly wore sleeves.

* So far, I think Rainbow Flash, Daisy Dreams, and Lily Blossom are the only ponies outside of the mane six, Cheerilee, and Celestia to get their own artwork.

* By the way, drawing ponies on-model should not be this difficult...

* Short-haired Chelsea was drawn before my copy of the Dreamwave-MM Pocket Book arrived (it was a library copy; new copies go for over $100 on Amazon. but my used one was $15~).

* I was going to draw Nameless Girl to the right in RS-Roll's post there, but it didn't really fit her.

* I also received the Megaman Battle Network OCW recently; really like those two unused Navis' designs.

RS-Plantwoman that I already posted in the Roll Boss Rush thread.

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Reply #2441 on: May 20, 2012, 12:13:51 PM
I know how you can explain the shadow!

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Reply #2442 on: May 21, 2012, 06:37:23 AM
What a twist!

Two things already posted in isufje's thread.

So there was this toyline, presumably from the 90s, featuring a bunch of female genies that doubled as magnetic fortune-tellers (if that makes any sense). A quick search on Ghost of the Doll confirmed it to be "My Magic Genies" (as opposed to what?), and that the one I have is named Cara. (Of course she's not as sinister-looking in real life; otherwise five-or-so-year-old-me wouldn't have gone near her).

I seem to have lost everything but the toy itself and her magic carpet stand, and I doubt I'll find anything but the bottle. There's no listing on eBay for this line, either...

Anyway, Cara. Phrase your wish carefully.

Quakewoman's helmet looks like her hair. D'oh.

Semi-quick drawing inspired by something I found on Pixiv; tried to use only three colours (plus a fourth for lineart). Roll has her Mettaur earrings from that bit of MM7 art that I might have once thought came from SAR; everyone else is jewelry-free.

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Reply #2443 on: May 21, 2012, 10:36:21 AM
Yea for Rokko~

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Reply #2444 on: May 21, 2012, 09:59:59 PM

Here's a fully-body shot of the old guy in the rocket wheelchair. He isn't too polite.

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Reply #2445 on: May 22, 2012, 07:34:08 AM
LOL, wheelchair guy has a valid point. 8D

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Reply #2446 on: May 24, 2012, 05:05:23 AM
Maybe. XD

My half of a trade with *lizsama. Glyde and Lex Loath picked the wrong police officer to gang up on.

Posted on: May 23, 2012, 03:18:51 AM


This was Liz's half of that art trade; I offered to colour it since it's been a while since I coloured someone else's lineart (think the last time was '07 or so?).

After laying the shades down (not on a multiply layer like I usually do), I copied them, filled them with white, applied a gradient, and set the layers to multiply--the original plan was to select and delete them and then add the gradient, but that didn't seem to work.

Seems that even with her emotions switched off, Quakewoman is fairly temperamental. (And Roll's buttons have been replaced with screw heads. I specifically asked for that; IMO, makes her look a bit more robotic when not in armour) There's only so many times one can make the same "poker face" joke, after all.

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Reply #2447 on: May 25, 2012, 03:55:20 PM
Awesome lineart, awesome colouring. :3

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Reply #2448 on: May 30, 2012, 06:36:01 AM
Thanks. :)

Drew this a few months ago and just now got around to colouring it in Photoshop 3.4.

Poor Rock currently has no destination (and that backpack must be hell on his back and shoulders).

RS-MM and Legends 3 have something in common--Capcom arbitrarily canned them both. Granted, RS-MM's situation wasn't quite as awful (it was actually produced and there was no stringing-along of fans that I'm aware of), but it had good ratings, and still got tossed out because some of Bandai's other toylines weren't selling well enough for them or Capcom.

At least Trigger's in good company.

Coloured in Photoshop 3.4; it was on this pic that I realized that this version apparently doesn't have the ability to merge layers.

Posted on: May 26, 2012, 10:07:03 PM
Very quick Megaman doodle.


* I dunno what Mermaidwoman's actual colour scheme was, since the book those RM contest entries were in was printed in red and black (or at least, that section was).

* IIRC "Oceanman" was Splashy's original name; I had an Oceanman design that was too similar to her, so I overhauled 'im--he's a naval captain whose attacks are primarily ice-based. Design inspiration came from orcas (colour scheme), glaciers (ice shoulderpads), and seaweed (green bits).

* Roll Boss Rush Plantwoman would eventually regain her jumpsuit and gloves, while Galaxywoman has been accepted. Skullwoman feels too similar to game-Skullman to me (hence why I won't be submitting her, at least not in that form), and I dunno if or when I'll be able to submit Splashman.

* Those pens I got from Big Lots must've been sitting around for a while.

* Turns out Star Swirl had her own art too, which I missed the first time around. (Speaking of G4 pony art, it looks like there may be fewer straight-up recolours for this next wave)

* Eventually I took Ploomette's hair out of that ponytail.

* The Energy Tanks Barrels from Worlds of Power MM2 were just full of "vitamins and minerals", not pills (I think)...but either way, Rock might have a hard time getting that down. (BTW according to that book, failing to clone your robot turns them into a human. But Megaman doesn't really act or function that much differently than when he was a 'bot, so...)

* I wasn't reminded of Rhythm Wily the instant I saw Quakewoman, but hey.

* I got permission to redesign ~Carol-das-estrelas's Ranay.EXE and draw Classic Ranay for comparison. IIRC Ranay.EXE is an Auto-Navi with super mind control powers who was modeled after a princess; I gave her an axe for self-defense (since I don't think her hypnotism would work on everyone) and an alternate hat so that she wouldn't resemble Ranay Prime too strongly.

* Perhaps BN-Madotsuki would skip the Navi and just appear in the cyber world herself. Somehow.

* RS-Proto and Roll don't strike me as the types to enjoy weddings.

* Unlike Classic Kayden (or the version I drew, anyway), Kayden X was designed by ~KaitlinEXE.

* We've technically got G4 Flutter Ponies, so I'm curious as to if they'll release any Sea Ponies down the line.

Posted on: May 27, 2012, 10:33:32 PM

I dunno if anyone will fill this out, but I guess it's worth a try.

<B>You don't have to ask permission to fill this out, and you're free to use either canon characters or your own guys; just link back to the blank meme.</B>

There's already at least one MM-related meme like this (though it didn't include any alternate continuities IIRC). Oops. :/

* There's several different varieties of MM box art, so it'd be best to specify which one your BA entry was based on.

* A couple of continuities (ex: Dreamwave, Archie) weren't included since the changes made to the original designs were either minor or nonexistent.

* If your character's female, don't just strip her NAdM self bare.

Fonts (Bio-Disc and Fake Plastic) came from here:


Or Glimmer Wings, or Flutter Ponies.

I own Ploomette (though her hair's no longer in a pseudo-braid); Daisy Dreams will be coming out later this year, I think. The latter is canonically an Earth pony (I dunno whether or not Blind Bag Ploomette came out first), but I kinda like the idea of her being a GW. 'Sides, I won't have to pay out the ass for regular Daisy (she was a European exclusive).

Was observing *egophiliac's pic on pony anatomy ( ) and Daisy Dreams's official art as I drew this; I still can't draw pony profiles. :/

Posted on: May 28, 2012, 11:11:27 PM

I swear that fighter keeps changing shape.

Also, speedlines are somewhat difficult to make look good in SAI.

edit: fixed some things on Auto in the second panel. My copy of SAI takes so goddamn long to open files...

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Reply #2449 on: June 03, 2012, 06:03:02 AM
Given that speed, I would be vomiting now. @_@

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