Yoshinori Ono's Hospitalization - And the Fate of Megaman?


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Reading this, there is no surprise that Inafune left now. This is morally repulsing. I had no idea things were this bad in Capcom. No wonder they're losing their good staff.

And yet I admire Ono's determination and self sacrifice. God speed my friend. Just don't overdo it physically, not that I ever take my own advice on that matter...

In either event, this interview might as well be Ono's resignation letter. I don't know whats in store for him next.

So what does this have to do with Megaman?

Street Fighter, Capcom's defining game series that originated in 1987, had struggled to maintain an audience past the mid-'90s. At one time it was king of the arcades, drawing competitors to battle it out in 60-second bursts of speed chess, dressed up as bar-room brawl pixel fights. But following the release of Street Fighter 3: Third Strike in 1999, declining sales meant Capcom decided to lay the series to rest.
"When Third Strike came out R&D didn't really consider sales back then," Ono explains. "We weren't as marketing-orientated as we are today. We just wanted to make the best game and wanted to please our most hardcore fans. That's what drove us. Obviously, in terms of sales it didn't pay, so the company couldn't invest in a sequel with a decent rationale. Not only that, but we were adamant we had made the epitome of the fighting game with Third Strike. So from the company's point of view, if the team is stating that it cannot do any better combined with a lack of sales, it's a complete story and it's time to move on."

It was this guilty conscience that inspired Ono to write a design document for a fourth entry to the Street Fighter series immediately after he was promoted to producer. "I was working on Onimusha 4 and during that time I repeatedly submitted my proposal for a new Street Fighter," he says. "The company kept telling me: 'It's a dead franchise. It doesn't make any money. We have series that make money like Resident Evil and Onimusha. Why bother with a dead franchise?'"

Whether they figured it was ruined by sales alone (ZXA sold fairly poorly), or they realized they ruined it with their little vengeance stunt on Inafune... We don't know. But I do bet top dollar that its now in the 'dead franchise' category and won't be revived until rebels in the company, like Ono and Inafune before them, takes up the torch and somehow pulls off a miracle.

I hate to say it but the chance of a Legends 3 revival looks slimmer and slimmer by the day. Capcom is truly an evil corporation now.

And to think, I once dreamed about working there. Good thing I'm just building my own business now...


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Offline Kieran

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Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 04:34:53 PM
"I hate to say it but the chance of a Legends 3 revival looks slimmer and slimmer by the day. Capcom is truly an evil corporation now."

Really, you're just now coming to that conclusion?  There's been zero chance of MML3 getting picked up again since the day Capcom pulled the plug.  [tornado fang], you could well argue that it was doomed the minute Inafune walked out the door.

The Other Side
irc.esper.net #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 07:28:08 PM
Good Lord--I don't think I can ever get angry at Ono again.

But I do bet top dollar that its now in the 'dead franchise' category and won't be revived until rebels in the company, like Ono and Inafune before them, takes up the torch and somehow pulls off a miracle.

I have a bad feeling that by the time someone tries to pull off that miracle, Capcom will be filing for Chapter 11. Not that I'd mind after reading this article...

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Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 07:31:42 PM
I wish well for Ono's family, nobody knows how lucky he actually is. Capcom is actually treating their entire staff badly, and this is sickening. First Inafune now him. Who's next to be trampled on Capcom's terrible ego horse? Personally, it should be the horse itself, as capcom thinks they're tough [parasitic bomb] with "big name console titles" these days, they have forgotten who they are.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 07:51:59 PM
Personally, it should be the horse itself, as capcom thinks they're tough [parasitic bomb] with "big name console titles" these days, they have forgotten who they are.

Agreed. Hopefully, if this does indeed to turn out to be Ono's registration letter, he'll be able to find a company that doesn't treat its employees like tools.

Also--I'll admit I don't know exactly how business works, but it seems to me that Capcom doesn't bother to research exactly how some of their games sell poorly, instead chucking the whole series directly into the bin and, in most cases, never looking back.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 08:17:08 PM
i'm surprised you've all neglected to mention this little bit

"I feel like December's a good time. It also gives us time to focus on Street Fighter's 25th anniversary which is in August. But yeah, we'll most likely have something to say about the anniversary in December. But as to what it is, we're still discussing that. We had a meeting not long ago... very much happening inside those walls." - Capcom community manager Brett Elston

not much and probably not relevant to this thread but still

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Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 09:24:58 PM
Well, considering the immense negative input Capcom's been throwing out, it might end up being a swing and a miss with the fans being (mostly) cynical and all.

Considering Street Fighter turning 25 may not be something to look foward to this year if Capcom screws up. Either that or they seem to be putting too much focus on one development group, which is why the others seem to rot away.

I mean, Dino Crisis was intense the first time I played it; as it was an actual survival/horror with a dash of mystery. I always loved that kinda game but I betcha they too fell for "the craze".

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Flame

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Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 10:30:04 PM
Yeah, [parasitic bomb] is pretty bad in Capcom. They've sold their soul for cash, quite literally. No longer are they the company that tries its best to make good and fun games, that died somewhere around the late 90's early 2000's. Now it's all about AAA bait and profit profit profit.

Sure, they are a company and they have to make money, thats why they do what they do, but lets consider why people form videogame companies in the first place. To make games- not to make profits. You dont do it to create a moneymaking machine, you do it because you like making games, and feel you can make your living off of that love. Capcom has totally forgotten that and making games is just a mechanical process. An assembly line of products made not for the sake of making a good game and hoping it sells well, but solely for the sake of making a product they KNOW will sell well and make them a profit.

Jeez, what happened, Capcom?

My best wishes to Ono.

Also, his litle insights as to SF4's production as a redheaded stepchild really give plenty of insight as to whats currently going on with megaman. Inafune was much to megaman what Ono was to SF. That one person who loved the franchise and pushed for games.

But once Inafune left, well, Capcom got their chance to finally cancel those bothersome unprofitable projects and teach Inafune a lesson for badmouthing them.

Hope he takes care of himself, although resignation letter indeed- he knows what he's saying and he is saying it deliberately. He's probably going to either wait for the right moment, or eventually just leave once he cant stand it any longer, like Inafune.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #8 on: June 13, 2012, 04:57:32 AM
Jeez I'm crying a bit after reading that, I can understand not wanting to continue a series if it doesn't make money but not helping someone make a game because of that?  Are these guys really blind to what they're doing to these people if after a game is produced and some people are either leaving or freaking hospitalized?  Not to mention working them to the bone even after they get out?

I don't understand much of the inner workings of a gaming company nor the work policies of places outside of the US but if Capcom really is that morally corrupt to not let people rest to produce a game or covering press conferences then honestly the employees should riot or something even if it costs them their job.  Okay that's a bit much but this is a serious problem, those guys don't seem to get that in order to get things done right you need to take a break every now and then and that constantly working at it will lead to a train wreck. 

I don't really care about Megaman Legends 3 at all and I'm still optimistic that someday another Megaman game will come, but it's not going to happen if Capcom keeps destroying their employees physically and mentally until they're sick of it and leave or have health problems. I have been annoyed with the past offenses they have done but they had some business logic behind them, but now I am fully disgusted with Capcom and they owe Ono a formal apology, but I know he's not going to get it.  Before this I didn't know much about Ono besides his name but he has my respect and I hope he gets better.

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Reply #9 on: June 13, 2012, 05:32:21 AM
Also--I'll admit I don't know exactly how business works, but it seems to me that Capcom doesn't bother to research exactly how some of their games sell poorly, instead chucking the whole series directly into the bin and, in most cases, never looking back.

aka the Breath of Fire and Darkstalker series as well, among many others  ;O;

From fledging gamers and smart businessmen creating the third-party company to help revive the gaming industry and start the wheels that created various video game foundations and standards, to shrewd businessmen looking for profit first and quality-- well, maybe later. The developers are all probably pressured badly or overworked if this article's any sign to tell by. Kind of like how EA and Activision have both also fallen into a similar rut of being terrible companies after their humble beginnings.

The only way any of these companies are gonna start changing soon is through failure or an economic crisis, really; if things sell well, they're just gonna keep pushing what sells out to make more money. Series' storylines and gameplay styles have been butchered and dramatically altered to accommodate modern action-loving audiences (good god, poor Resident Evil / Biohazard), games that don't sell well have gotten axed (although Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is a surprising revival; here's hoping the same happens for Megaman somewhere down the line), and the industry's changed so that anyone can jump right in with simplified explanations, linear lines, and otherwise while simultaneously homogenizing and making so many games similar to hit a general crowd instead of niche audiences. It's really something we can't do much about ourselves, petitions and boycotts not really leaving marks on anything other than possibly the developers.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #10 on: June 13, 2012, 05:47:07 AM
aka the Breath of Fire and Darkstalker series as well, among many others ;O;

I actually had BoF in mind when I wrote that. I wonder--did Capcom even TRY to understand why BoF V tanked?

and otherwise while simultaneously homogenizing and making so many games similar to hit a general crowd instead of niche audiences.

As much as I hate to say it, catering only/mostly to niche audiences, at least in this console generation, probably won't sustain your company; I think it's a better bet for indie developers. If we saw a more even balance of general and niche, though, that'd be great.

I've said something like this before, but--Capcom seems to only care about Street Fighter and Resident Evil at the moment (maybe Ace Attorney), not realizing that they can't focus exclusively on those games forever. If they completely give up on series after ONE unprofitable entry, and they don't have much luck with other IPs...what then?

Offline Flame

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Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 08:22:14 AM
A riot is unlikely due to the Japan just is. Capcom will probably tank before they learn anything. And even then they probably wouldnt. They might lay off workers and overwork their remaining ones at lower wages and cut any product that doesnt sell. and Just try and copy AAA game designs and ideas.

But they will lose many of their prominent workers the longer things go unchecked.

Who knows. The likes of Inti Creates and Inafune's own company, might eventually just plain overtake Capcom in the market, touting pretty much the same spirit and passion for the job that Capcom itself used to hold.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 08:30:24 AM
A riot is unlikely due to the Japan just is. Capcom will probably tank before they learn anything. And even then they probably wouldnt. They might lay off workers and overwork their remaining ones at lower wages and cut any product that doesnt sell. and Just try and copy AAA game designs and ideas.

But they will lose many of their prominent workers the longer things go unchecked.

Who knows. The likes of Inti Creates and Inafune's own company, might eventually just plain overtake Capcom in the market, touting pretty much the same spirit and passion for the job that Capcom itself used to hold.
Maybe if Capcom goes far enough under they'll allow Inafune to take MegaMan back just to try and stay afloat. XD

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Reply #13 on: June 13, 2012, 08:37:26 AM
I doubt they would eat their pride like that. They would sooner go under and blame the fans than allow the guy who publicly burned them and the entire Japanese Game industry hotter than a fire in a lumberyard and quit to help them. They are more likely to keep having Inti make their Megaman games, and while im ok with that since Inti knows what it's doing, it wouldnt actually help the actual problem.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


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Reply #14 on: June 13, 2012, 08:43:28 AM
Megaman is dead, guys.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #15 on: June 13, 2012, 08:56:09 AM
i like how the most you've posted lately is in threads just to say that exact line.

over and over again

have some creativity

mix it up a bit

repetition is your enemy

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


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Reply #16 on: June 13, 2012, 09:23:01 AM
i like how the most you've posted lately is in threads just to say that exact line.

over and over again

have some creativity

mix it up a bit

repetition is your enemy

What are you talking about? The last time I said anything of the sort was February.

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Reply #17 on: June 13, 2012, 09:30:57 AM
what am I talking about?

no seriously i have no clue

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Reply #18 on: June 13, 2012, 09:36:53 AM
Megaman is dead, guys.

No [parasitic bomb], broseph.

what am I talking about?

no seriously i have no clue

Smooth, Mirby. Real smooth.

To be a bit ontopic in my post.

Capcom is a [spoiler]Candlesniffing Fuckfence, and can go climb a wall of dicks.[/spoiler]

Offline Kieran

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Reply #19 on: June 13, 2012, 07:13:05 PM
Seriously, why are any of you surprised that the only thing Capcom cares about is money?  This isn't a new thing.  Even back in the early days, that's all the upper management thought about.  What with their company-wide policy that 90% of games in development had to be sequels to games that were already selling well, and their refusal of most new IPs their employees submitted for development.

The Other Side
irc.esper.net #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

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Reply #20 on: June 13, 2012, 07:30:32 PM
As much as I hate to say it, catering only/mostly to niche audiences, at least in this console generation, probably won't sustain your company; I think it's a better bet for indie developers. If we saw a more even balance of general and niche, though, that'd be great.

That goes without saying, although I guess I didn't imply it well. The industry's a business, after all; it's just so aggravating that everything has to be the next AAA seller or else it gets dumped to the cutting room floor, as we all [sonic slicer] and moan about constantly. Indies lack IPs and advertising they can do much with or attract attention via, or generally don't get the profit they (sometimes) deserve. And companies like EA and Activision want to get their hands on the Indie devs and extort some profit out of them like the greedy bastards they usually are. With how disappointing the latest E3 was last week, it's pretty blatant that the companies, aside from Nintendo (and even them to an extent), are just trying to get every last buck they can out of consumers with useless [parasitic bomb] you don't need. The industry is really in a pothole.  B(

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Reply #21 on: June 13, 2012, 09:00:53 PM
Seriously, why are any of you surprised that the only thing Capcom cares about is money?
Blocking continuation of our favourite series is one thing and could simply be accepted as business sense, but treating your employees poorly can't be justified.

Offline Kieran

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Reply #22 on: June 14, 2012, 12:36:22 AM
That's a pretty common problem among game developers, really.  Granted, this is an extreme case, but it's nothing I haven't heard before.

Really, Ono's best bet would be to get the [tornado fang] out of there before it happens again.

The Other Side
irc.esper.net #theotherside

Commander Shepard: *stares blankly at a video of scantily clad asari dancers* ...What kind of hotel is this?
Liara T'Soni: It is a luxury resort with an... exotic edge.  Azure is slang for a part of the asari body in some places on Illium.
Shepard: Where?
Liara: The lower reaches, near the bottom.
Shepard: I meant, "where on the asari body?"
Liara: So did I.

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Reply #23 on: June 14, 2012, 02:29:55 AM
(although Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is a surprising revival; here's hoping the same happens for Megaman somewhere down the line)


Bomberman: ACT ZERO, Sonic '06, and Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Tell me those were good "revivals".

This AAA trend's a lot of bull, as I stopped caring about it as the first person shooters poured in when games like Goldeneye and doom showed up. A lot of people screamed against skylanders, but I didin't care for the designs and played the [tornado fang]ing thing anyway, as it turned out to be a unique experince for me on all three consoles.

But yeah, when game companies peak, they come crashing down and not care before it's too late and attempt to rebuild (see: SEGA).

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #24 on: June 14, 2012, 03:59:51 AM
As a general rule of business: Loss is an eventuality.  Your consumers will always grow old, die, move on to other things, throw temper tantrums and leave, etc.  You cannot "coast" on only what you've already done, ever.  You MUST at some point take risks and expand your audience (without necessarily alienating/boring your existing audience; see MM Universe).  It's the only way a business stays alive in the longterm.

Unfortunately, failure to understand that is not something that any particular sales reception will fix.  Success encourages one to keep milking whatever worked and failure will simply add one more franchise to the "dead" pile.  I've posted this in the Legends3 facebook page quite often, but it is Capcom's attitude that has to change, and just because an empty wallet is the just consequence of their actions doesn't mean that they'll necessarily learn anything from it.

I want to believe that the kind of outside pressure that got SF4 going can happen to Legends 3.  God knows we've been pestering them long enough, on every avenue possible, and if they have *ANY* delusions of salvaging their relationship with Mega Man's fanbase, I don't see how else they intend to do it.  But again, even if by some chance that does happen, it will be a short-lived victory if their mentality does not change.  We all want Legends 3; we probably don't want a Legends cash-cow.

And yeah, it's sad to see game companies discard an entire franchise after one dud.  Even Nintendo's guilty of this to some extent with the whole localizing Fire Emblem thing (although they are thankfully gearing up for another shot on 3DS, but I REALLY wish we could have played Heroes of Light and Shadow, even if Shadow Dragon did blow).

i'm surprised you've all neglected to mention this little bit

not much and probably not relevant to this thread but still
That's exactly what I'm talking about with Capcom being out of options with the fanbase.  Since L3's cancellation, 11 months ago, Sven's been (rightfully so) beating us over the head with how long a game turnaround time is.  So now we're six months from December and they're still talking?

They waited until the last minute and now they don't have time to put together anything decent.  So option one, they can bank on a special event and merchandising.  Which will be seen as wholly inadequate since we really have no shortage of merchandise.  Option two, they revive or repurpose an already existing game.  Option three, announce a game that is clearly not ready.  That's going to be a problem, because satisfaction with the audience after such an announcement banks on the audience's patience and good faith, something Capcom utterly destroyed with the Mega Man fanbase in 2011.

The optimistic solution is Capcom getting the L3 Prototype out there (although I've often stated that as a matter of timing, they blew an opportunity in the cancellation that may be impossible to recover even if it is revived).  Will they?  Probably not.  They will probably try one of the other two options, and then scratch their heads wondering why we the ingrates are either not satisfied without actual games, or why we expect their new game to be cancelled/badly done.  Such a game, BTW, likely WILL be cancelled or badly done since Capcom has lost enough faith in the franchise that they'll half-ass it in an effort to simply shut us up, and then whether the franchise dies before or after said game's release, Capcom gets to blame us again.

God, I hope I'm wrong...

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