Let's Speculate About Ryusei no Rockman 3DS

xnamkcor · 18130

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on: November 14, 2010, 02:36:25 AM
Return of the side view.
Acceptable Graphics
Full 3D or stereoscopic 2D.

That's all I can think of. I haven't played RnR much beyond just past Cygnus.

Offline Acid

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Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 02:38:03 AM
I didn't even know there was a RnR game coming to the 3DS. Or is it just assumption? Or wishful thinking?

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 02:40:29 AM
I checked PRC and TMMN and no mention of RnR 3D. So, I'm guessing wishful thinking.

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Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 02:41:04 AM
I didn't even know there was a RnR game coming to the 3DS. Or is it just assumption? Or wishful thinking?

Yeah, an answer to this would be nice. I'm already too excited about the 3DS. The last thing I need is false hope about an RnR3DS game.  :'(

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Reply #4 on: November 14, 2010, 02:58:32 AM
You'll know when I know. You'll probably know before me.

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Reply #5 on: November 14, 2010, 03:49:36 AM
Acceptable Graphics

What is this.

I doubt they'd have an RnR game on 3DS, ever. I mean, didn't the series do quite badly, or something like that? I mean, I really loved RnR, but even I still consider the whole thing to be a big capitalist slap in the face.

Maybe not that bad but something around those lines.

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Reply #6 on: November 14, 2010, 03:53:14 AM
Just say:

"It did not live up to Capcom's financial expectations" or some other shmu

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Reply #7 on: November 14, 2010, 04:52:30 AM
I didnt mind it so much. I like 1 and 3 best though. though 3 has that issue that wasnt present in the other 2, of when an enemy moves, there is a second where they are not on the field. (which causes a few rages when you waste a giga chip when you happen to catch an enemy in that split second)

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #8 on: November 14, 2010, 06:15:46 AM
Is there really anything they can do for a 4th game?  I mean Geo found his dad already and there really aren't any recuring bad guys, heck 2 of the bad guys turned good at the end and I'm pretty danm sure King is dead.  

The first game was okay, as far as first games go and set up for some pretty intresting stuff but still had some problems but it's normal for first games though I wish Geo's mug shot didn't make him look emo all the time.  

The 2nd sucked balls in my opinion in terms of story, I didn't even bother getting it so please correct me if I get things wrong.   Geo turns emo again at the worst of times and doesn't get that Sonia betrayed him to protect him until Luna points it out.  More importantly since when did Sonia have an unexplained special power that allows her to get though mazes and talk to strange EM lifeforms that no one else can understand I mean does it have to do with sound waves or something?  It would have been better if she was held prisoner or brainwashed insted of working with the bad guys to protect Geo I mean he can handle himself I'm sure.  Luna is still a [sonic slicer] for not understanding Zack's feelings and why is Loch Mess in Netopia I mean isn't Netopia suposed to represent a city in America or America itself?  More importantly what idiot go into a submarine?  What idiot chief makes a fat idiot with amnesia a god and then takes the advice of said idiot to brag about how good their beef is to promote commerce?

Solo might of been better if he was a secret boss in the first game and didn't bring up the whole ancient civilization of Mu stuff.  I mean the game series is supposed to be about space not ancient high tech civilizations that were in the sky.  Solo should just be a guy who was persecuted for being able to see EM waves without a device and hates bonds because he thinks everyone will hate him for his power, simple as that.  He should of also have a little sister or something to show he's not all bad and he should of had Laplace with him in that game instead of the next game for some unknown reason I mean where did he even come from?

Not to mention that the bad guy in that game just wanted revenge on the entire world because her boyfriend died in a war by reviving an ancient civilization and dropping it on the world and then using the technology to bring back said dead boyfriend does that really make sense?  They didn't have anything to do with Mu she just researched it, what led her to believe it had the power to revive her boyfriend with it's ancient technology it just doesn't make a lick of sense.  Did she have some kind of 10 year period or something?  Heck how old is she, she must be pretty old to wear so much make up all the time. I wish I didn't have to count this game as cannon because Mu and the OOparts just makes me want to hurl.  

Story wasn't the only problem the mug shots looked pretty bad, I could of sworn that Geo looks like some kind of monkey and I don't think they changed some of the mug shots from the first game.  And oh the punctuation mistakes, the freaking punctuation mistakes.  Why did they put the commas like that why, it burns my eyes!

Now 3 was the best in my eyes but it still has some problems that really don't make sense.  The first is when does this game take place after 2, they never explain this and the kids are still 10 years old and in the fifth grade Geo should of at least turned 11.  

The second problem is Ace, granted he is a awesome character, but the others shouldn't have some kind of hero worship of him I mean sure he's a cool adult figure but that doesn't demand hero worship.  And why did he introduce himself as A. C. Eos, I mean is Arthur such an embarassing name, does he really need to keep his first name a secret since he's in the Satella Police?  How did he escape Dealer in the first place if he wasn't strong enough to save Jack and Tia, how long did he and Tia date in the first place?  How come Jack never mentions it since he has a sister complex?  

Then there's Acid, Joker, and the Ace and Joker programs.  How did Ace get Acid in the first place and why does he look so different from Joker since they're brothers?  Since both Acid and Joker control Noise with with the Ace and Joker the programs, why did King say that Ace stole the programs since Acid never mentioned being kidnaped and he didn't mention that Joker was a Wizard in any point of the game, heck Ace didn't know they had the same power and were related.  When did Joker join Dealer, Ace mention he knows about Joker and that he joined recently, when did they meet and when did Ace escape?  On another note how does Goodall know about Joker did she create Joker and Acid?  When exactly were they created Wizards are new technology, were they the first Wizards or something?  How is Joker able to turn Humans into EM beings I though only real EM beings like Omega-Xis could do that, why did whoever create him gave him that power?

Then there's Dealer and it's members, specificly King.  King is a very strange yet typical cheesey bad guy and is just an enigma.  First of all you can't really tell if he's ever serious even if he says he's serious, if anything he reminds me of the Joker in Batman no pun intended.  I mean does that mean that Ace is Batman, I mean he sure looks a little like him if you stretch that far enough and hates King with every fiber of his being.  And why is his laugh 'Ho ho ho' I mean that laugh should be used for Santa Claus or evil female characters.   It's mentioned that he's a scientist but he makes Heartless do all the work to find out who's controling Meteor G, I mean is he so lazy that he has to use Heartless and orphens do all his work for him?  Sure he has a public persona to maintain but he could at least do some hacking he's clearly capable of it since he was able to broadcast himself all over the world.  How was he able to escape the Noise world was he able to turn into and EM being or something?  It would make sense since he was able to get to Meteor G somehow.

Heartless also has some strange moments too.  How was she able to pull King into the Noise world for one with just snapping her fingers?  Why does she wear that revealing dress all the time, I mean I know King's a pervert but there are children present after all.  What is her real name since Geo's mom mentioned she has many names?  Her character seems very off and hastily put together to me.

Also what country did Jack and Tia come from since it's never mention.  They mentioned that it's a small country, they were the prince and princess of it, it had very advance technology but was blown up by neighboring countries.  I'm pretty sure it was Creamland since it was a small country, it was a monarchy, and it was never mentioned ever in the series it's the only guess I got.

Now for some strange things in Dealer and stuff.  Why did all the agents except Joker wear purple, I mean purple is cool and all but does every main bad guy have to wear it?  Did Ace wear purple too?  Why is there no suit of Heart card they could of used, I mean it could of been used on Sonia or Luna to brainwash them or something, I don't know why I keep mentioning Sonia being brainwashed but this just bugs me.  Why is the Spade card used on the first boss when it's the strongest suit?  Granted Spade Strong doesn't have much of a ring to it but it doesn't make sense.  Where did Geo contact the Satella police with the coordinates to the Dealer base and how was he able to describe it since he didn't know where he was and they couldn't track the coordiantes.  How did they show up so fast?  And most importantly did they move the base since Ace didn't know where it was?

Sorry this thing is all messed up and filled with questions but the point is that the entire series is filled with unanwsered plot holes, plus some that I didn't mention but this is messed up enough as is.  The seires didn't really do that well and it had a conclusive end so I don't think there will be a 4th game or even a side game.

I didnt mind it so much. I like 1 and 3 best though. though 3 has that issue that wasnt present in the other 2, of when an enemy moves, there is a second where they are not on the field. (which causes a few rages when you waste a giga chip when you happen to catch an enemy in that split second)
Oh yeah I forgot about that.  That pissed me off, especially against Acid Ace and Joker.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Hiryu

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Reply #9 on: November 14, 2010, 07:20:36 PM
Yea, I thought they pretty much dropped the series after the 3rd one.

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Reply #10 on: November 14, 2010, 09:22:05 PM
Damn Sakura, XD

Yeah. SF 2 was meh. I really didnt like it much. Though Rouge Berzerker form was cool.

Another thing I thought was actually a very big flaw with 2, was that certain doors in the alternate universe REQUIRE you to have high link power, basically meaning you HAVE to friend someone.

Not everyone has friends who play that game though. >_> which means for me to ever 100% the game, I would have to artificially up my link power through hacks or cheats, because I dont know 5 people with that game.

Then there was the ridiculous name change... Shinobi to ninja I can buy...But what the [tornado fang] was wrong with "Berzerker"? oh, because "Zerker" makes much more sense? and Dinosaur to Saurian? :\

Also, is it just me, or is the random encounter rate too high?

Actually, another problem i can count on SF3, is the sheer amount of panel breaking attacks. Every boss seems to have at least one, and a few enemies i think do as well. I have to stick to Cygnus noise just to avoid getting cornered.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #11 on: November 14, 2010, 09:40:25 PM
Damn Sakura, XD

Yeah. SF 2 was meh. I really didnt like it much. Though Rouge Berzerker form was cool.

Another thing I thought was actually a very big flaw with 2, was that certain doors in the alternate universe REQUIRE you to have high link power, basically meaning you HAVE to friend someone.

Not everyone has friends who play that game though. >_> which means for me to ever 100% the game, I would have to artificially up my link power through hacks or cheats, because I dont know 5 people with that game.

Then there was the ridiculous name change... Shinobi to ninja I can buy...But what the [tornado fang] was wrong with "Berzerker"? oh, because "Zerker" makes much more sense? and Dinosaur to Saurian? :\

Also, is it just me, or is the random encounter rate too high?

Actually, another problem i can count on SF3, is the sheer amount of panel breaking attacks. Every boss seems to have at least one, and a few enemies i think do as well. I have to stick to Cygnus noise just to avoid getting cornered.
Like I said I never played 2, but I did watch a playthrough.   All those things must've suck big time especially the encounter rate.  I also agree with the stupid translation of the titles Saurian didn't seem all that bad but Zerker really?

And I forgot to mention something obvious in 3 how can there be a 4th game if every single person in the entire world knows he's Megaman now?

I also never noticed that many panal breaking moves in 3, but it's been a while since I played.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #12 on: November 14, 2010, 10:11:16 PM
Another thing I thought was actually a very big flaw with 2, was that certain doors in the alternate universe REQUIRE you to have high link power, basically meaning you HAVE to friend someone.

Not everyone has friends who play that game though. >_> which means for me to ever 100% the game, I would have to artificially up my link power through hacks or cheats, because I dont know 5 people with that game.

You need 100,000 zenny and a Spirit Fury ** for 100% completition? And don't you have wi-fi? It's not like your brothers need to be people you actually know.

Yeah, the encounter rate is kinda high and was a pain in the ass when traveling the sky wave.

Also, no, can't say I had much problems with panel breaking attacks during my 3 playthroughs of 3 *shrugs*

Oh, and damn Sakura, that's A LOT of nitpicking XD

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Reply #13 on: November 14, 2010, 10:14:13 PM
You need 100,000 zenny and a Spirit Fury ** for 100% completition? And don't you have wi-fi? It's not like your brothers need to be people you actually know.

Yeah, the encounter rate is kinda high and was a pain in the ass when traveling the sky wave.

Also, no, can't say I had much problems with panel breaking attacks during my 3 playthroughs of 3 *shrugs*

Oh, and damn Sakura, that's A LOT of nitpicking XD
I know I couldn't help it and now it's really messy.  Do you think I should of used spoiler tags?

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #14 on: November 14, 2010, 10:19:44 PM
Nah, I'm sure RPM is quite used to walls of text by now.

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Reply #15 on: November 14, 2010, 10:21:07 PM
Wow, by reading Sakura's post I got even less interested in the series :P

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 10:22:52 PM
Wow, by reading Sakura's post I got even less interested in the series :P
You should at least play 3.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #17 on: November 14, 2010, 10:34:16 PM
I'm not sure...there is really nothing that draws me towards Starforce. Battle Network atleast had all the classic series cameos and whatnot. I played the games mostly because of that and rather enjoyed it (Especially thanks to the battle system which was different from most RPGs) but after I finished the games, I really don't feel like replaying them (Especially 3 which seemed to go on forever).

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Reply #18 on: November 14, 2010, 10:40:25 PM
I'm not sure...there is really nothing that draws me towards Starforce. Battle Network atleast had all the classic series cameos and whatnot. I played the games mostly because of that and rather enjoyed it (Especially thanks to the battle system which was different from most RPGs) but after I finished the games, I really don't feel like replaying them (Especially 3 which seemed to go on forever).
Yeah there is that, Starforce really didn't have much in terms of nostalgia.

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Reply #19 on: November 14, 2010, 10:46:02 PM
As I said, I'm not a big fan of RPGs so if I have to play one said RPG must have something special (Mother 3 and SMB Superstar saga are the only RPGs I ever finished) . The BN series had the nostalgia factor and the curiosity to see the redesings of old characters.

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Reply #20 on: November 15, 2010, 12:13:57 AM
1 and 3 are the best.  at least play those 2. At least rent them.

It's not like your brothers need to be people you actually know.

let me rephrase, I dont know ANYONE, friend or whatever, who ever played 2 while I was still in High School.

And i dont remember if you could friend random people over the wifi battle connection.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #21 on: November 15, 2010, 12:23:57 AM
You could've just asked around the GFaqs' MMSF2 dating site message board. Or the Undersquare's, or any Megaman site's really.

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Reply #22 on: November 15, 2010, 05:14:41 AM
For some reason, I didnt think of that, actually. :B

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #23 on: November 15, 2010, 06:43:44 PM
And I forgot to mention something obvious in 3 how can there be a 4th game if every single person in the entire world knows he's Megaman now?

This would stop him from saving the world again, how?

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Reply #24 on: November 15, 2010, 10:15:50 PM
I just thought RnR never did well because, like I said, capitalism. Maybe. I mean, after following every bit of it's progress from Protodude's, I just don't think there was a market for hobby style games anymore.

It was like, as soon as EXE has ended, it was as if they expected the fans to buy all three versions of the first game, along with all three-ish versions of the new accessories, along with all the compatible card merchandise, despite the fact that they'd just created a completely new franchise installment with all new characters and battle style which as many people have mentioned, maybe wasn't the best compared to the original side view.

That being said I originally expected something along the lines of Network Transmission to appear on the Wii.