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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3050 on: July 24, 2013, 09:02:51 AM
Back at base, Domino contacted James. "I heard on the police scanner that Mewtwo and its group have gotten a police escort to Route 11.  The authorities in that area have also been alerted to Mewtwo's arrival and they talked about the possibility of using lethal force against it, should it prove to be dangerous."  She paused to look at the news and check the whereabouts of the impostor. "See if you can't... encourage it a bit.  The community will already be after it, the police are standing by, ready for it, and it's on its way to protect its little friends.  And..." she trailed off as she saw footage of a Meowth attacking the impostor. "...is that your Meowth?"

She didn't have long to dwell on that as her phone rang and she answered it. "009, go ahead."

HELPMEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Joe baww'd into the phone.

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3051 on: July 24, 2013, 09:09:05 AM
Hearing Domino disregard Meowth's involvement in the chaos prompted James to sigh with relief, but restrains the urge to push it to the forefront of his instincts, knowing Domino may still be on the line.

As he continues to drive down the opposite routes to Vermilion City, he can't help but wonder what was taking Jessie so long to get control of the Grand Rhydon.  Surely she should have at least radioed Team Rocket for information on how to override it.  He decides it wouldn't hurt to contact her radio frequency and check up on her.

But no sooner had he imputed her frequency number, a blaring, almost ear-piercing instrumental racket blared through the speakers, startling trainers and scaring away the wild Pokemon they were trying to catch.  He quickly shuts off the radio only to be met by enraged trainers glaring deathly into his soul.  Irking hysterically, he quickly hits the gas peddle, causing the truck to pick up speed and careen down the route as the more enraged trainers began chasing after him, throwing rocks and empty Pokeballs at him in protest of his inadvertent interruption.


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Reply #3052 on: July 24, 2013, 09:13:59 AM
HELPMEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Joe baww'd into the phone.

"You're what?" All Domino heard on her end was feedback.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3053 on: July 24, 2013, 09:26:48 AM
Joe calmed down slightly. "*sniff* I failed... And was caught... I'm being held custody... In Fuschia City... Please... PLEASE SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"

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Reply #3054 on: July 24, 2013, 09:47:03 AM
Domino let out a groan and accessed her computer. "Hold on, I'll post your bail..."  After a few moments, she returned to the phone. "All right, you should be good to go.  The bail was posted anonymously.  After this, you're to get out of town immediately.  Head to Route 11, but put on a disguise or something!"

As she talked, she was already digging supplies out of her bag and working to pull her blonde hair into pigtails.  Why let the other agents have all the fun?  And why should she count on them when they've screwed up enough already?  It was time to show them how things were done.  It was time to bring out Harley, from the Pokemon Institute, as she couldn't use her old alias.  Domino chuckled to herself as she looked at her reflection in her compact and adopted a thick, piercing Queens accent. "Time to impress Mistah G..."

(Domino is bored with sitting around, so she's going to get out there and have some fun!  And yes, her Harley Quinn identity is intentional.  Felt like being silly.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3055 on: July 24, 2013, 10:16:48 AM
(Oh boy. XD)

As Joe sat stunned at what Domino said, he could see another officer rushing in, and took into the ear of the main interrogator. He tsk'd under his breath, and spoke to Joe. " It seems like your one phone call counted. Now get out of my sight!"

Joe sprung to his feet and ran out of the station. He's free! And there's a new mission! Joe ran towards the PokeMart, hoping to find some nice disguises.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3056 on: July 25, 2013, 01:10:17 PM
Back in the van, Officer Jenny's radio let out a burst of static. "Fuchsia PD, go ahead."

"What's your ETA?"

"ETA is about ten minutes," Jenny responded, "traffic's been hell, over."

"Is the precious cargo present?"

"Affirmative.  Cargo has also been informed about the DPA, and it acknowledged it and says that it will keep itself under control.  Its trainers will help restrain it, over."

There was a pause before the other voice responded. "Acknowledged, but in accordance to the DPA, the usage of deadly force is left to the discretion of the defending precinct.  If we feel that the situation warrants it, we will act."

"Then, why haven't you opened fire, yet?!" Jenny was aghast.  "Clearly, it's causing damage and falls under DPA jurisdiction!"

"We have!  Bullets go right through it!  We haven't even slowed it down!"  There was a pause before the other party continued. "If your cargo can take down our target, all the more better.  We're just shooting at Kleenex, here!"

"I'll hit the lights, then, see if I can't clear some of this traffic," Jenny nodded, "Sirens?"

"Nix.  We don't want it knowing that you're coming."

"Acknowledged, over and out," Jenny reached above her and switched on the lights, then proceeded to hit the gas. "If you guys aren't buckled in, shame on you and get buckled up."

Quickie nodded and checked her seatbelt, then leaned over to help Mewtwo figure his out. "Buckled up."

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Reply #3057 on: July 25, 2013, 01:52:00 PM
"Aww, and miss the fun part?" Taylor said sarcastically, buckling her team in before doing the same with herself.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3058 on: July 25, 2013, 09:31:18 PM
Not wanting to get left behind, Merrick quickly flattened his card onto Quickie's backpack with the picture facing up to continue watching the situation from his temporary holding spot.


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Reply #3059 on: July 26, 2013, 03:19:36 AM
Dr. Wily II buckled up just as the jeep went into full throttle. Grabbing onto whatever as bolted down, the rest of the journey felt like a roller-coaster ride.

Joe emerged from the PokeMart a changed man. Quite literally, as he was no longer a Youngster... He's a full-fledged Fisherman now. Grabbing some roller skates, Joe began on his way towards Route 11.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3060 on: July 26, 2013, 03:41:52 AM
(Roller skates. XD)

As Jenny drove, the swathe of destruction became more and more evident.  And the traffic became worse as a result, with people leaving town, heading down detours, turning around, stopping to gawk, rubber-neckers not watching the road, and overtaxed emergency crews trying to get a handle on the situation.  Flaggers were directing traffic and stopping drivers, trying to prevent entry into the borough.  Jenny's vehicle was stopped by an officer, and rather than pull out any ID, Jenny leaned to the side and jerked a thumb over her shoulder.  The checkpoint officer looked into the back of the vehicle, his eyes widened, and he flagged Jenny through. "You can get right up to the roadblock, but that's it.  We have the street blocked off completely."

"That's all the farther I need to go," Jenny nodded and put the van back into gear, making her way down the street to the roadblock.  Once she stopped, she pulled the emergency brake and picked up her radio. "Arrived at the drop point.  Letting Mewtwo out right now."  She popped the locks and looked over her shoulder. "Get out there and get this under control.  But, remember what I said.  If you go overboard, we are authorized to bring you down.  Try to keep the collateral damage to a minimum."

Mewtwo nodded, fumbling with the seatbelt.  After untangling himself from it, he opened the door and jumped out, following the trail of destruction to its source.

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Reply #3061 on: July 26, 2013, 03:59:52 AM
(I can't think of any other way for Joe to less conspicuous. XD And bikes are so darn expensive! XD)

Dr. Wily II slowly unbuckled his seatbelt, and hopped out. Though feeling a bit queasy, he managed to catch up to Mewtwo, and said... "Remember our promise. We will be here to support you."

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3062 on: July 26, 2013, 04:18:28 AM
Quickie jumped out of the van, shrugged her bag onto her shoulders and ran to catch up. "Don't let your emotions get the better of you.  None of us want to see the cops shoot you.  Seriously."

Mewtwo nodded again, noting that several of the police officers intermingled with the emergency crews were already staring at him, and a few had drawn their sidearms.  Though, none were actually trained on him.  Not yet, anyway.  But, the cops were a minor concern.  His focus was on finding that impostor and destroying it, and freeing his clones from its control. 

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Reply #3063 on: July 26, 2013, 04:20:14 AM
Sensing Mewtwo somewhere on the other side of Vermilion City, Carr stops and snaps his head towards the destruction he and the Pokemon who fell under his possession had caused.

"It was only a matter of time...." he mutters to himself before turning to face his clones and using his telepathy to keep up with the farce, "Listen closely, my friends.  I sense an impostor heading this way, scheming to do me away and manipulate you into doing his biding.  I implore you to take him down, but do not kill him.  His strong psychic powers will be of great use to our crusade."

The possessed clones roared their respected languages before turning to try and confront the "impostor" only to be bombarded by the remaining clones that haven't fallen under Carr's transformed spell, using their own abilities to try and snap their friends and family out of their blinded stupor.

Hearing faintly "impostor" and sensing Mewtwo and the other trainers on the other side of the city, Hierophant looks towards Nurse Joy, who was tending to Excalibur and the Pokemon that had been further injured by his inadvertent collision with the roof.

"Keep an eye on the clones, and have the Chanseys tend to them if they fall," he said, "I'm going to go check up on some new arrivals that might help with the fiasco."

Nurse Joy nods worriedly, "Be careful!  There may still be some confused Pokemon and citizens that might mistake you for an accomplice and attack you along the way!"

Hierophant nods as he makes his way towards the entrance to Route 11 to see who had watched the news and what they were planning to do upon arrival.


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Reply #3064 on: July 26, 2013, 01:07:04 PM
Taylor hopped out of the back of the van with her team, ready to aid however they were able.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #3065 on: July 26, 2013, 10:20:38 PM
In the distance, Mewtwo could see the clones fighting and he immediately flew to them in order to end the battle.  With careful precision, he weaved a low-power Psywave between the squabbling clones, sending them each sprawling backwards.  He could take the opportunity to reverse the brainwashing, but that was not his primary concern.

Ahead, Mewtwo spotted the impostor, glowing translucent copy of himself.  The copy that had perverted his values and twisted the minds of his fellow clones.  Rage boiled up inside of him and he took flight again, forming a weapon in his hands.  Landing just behind Carr, Mewtwo reared back and swung the giant psychic spoon in a level arch, with every intent to cleave the copy in two. "This ends here!"

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Reply #3066 on: July 26, 2013, 10:28:28 PM
Carr neither flinches or cringes at the oncoming spoon.  He merely stares at it as his eyes glow a jade green, causing it to stop in its tracks and rebound back towards the thrower.

"How disappointing that the very clone that I took form in doesn't remember a thing about his own powers and abilities...." he telepathically scorns while turning his still glowing eyes towards Mewtwo, causing a similar jade glow to outline his body and attempt to restrain him.


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Reply #3067 on: July 26, 2013, 10:34:01 PM
The spoon dissipated and Mewtwo refocused his powers on countering the attack.  He needed to get in close.  Gritting his teeth, he forced his body to move and threw a right hook to Carr's face.  "I will not permit you to harm my friends for your fruitless crusade!"

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Reply #3068 on: July 26, 2013, 10:45:49 PM
Carr meagerly eyes the oncoming punch, his eyes still glowing as it stops the move from coming any closer to his face.

"How pitiful that a property of Team Rocket has been allowed to taint itself with such nonsense as associating loyalty with friendship," he chuffs irritably, "I shall make sure that glaring flaw is corrected once I have penetrated your conscience and retool it to obey the one true desire that I will reawaken Team Rocket to once I have dethroned their stale leader."

His eyes glowed brighter as he tries to drill his psychic energy deeper into Mewtwo's soul, attempting to find those "flaws" and ebb them out of existence.


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Reply #3069 on: July 26, 2013, 10:53:07 PM
Mewtwo tightly shut his eyes for a brief moment, a physical manifestation of him shutting his mind to external psychic stimuli.  For a moment, he idly wondered if Carr was referring to Shadow Pokemon, as he had uncovered in his perusal of the data discs that Wily carried with him.  But, right now was neither the time nor the place to concern himself with what he read to be rather horrific experiments. 

Refocusing his power, he channeled the energy into an explosive combination of Disable and a Barrier to prevent any additional attacks toward himself.  The Disable he focused toward Carr, just needing to distract him long enough to get in closer...

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Reply #3070 on: July 26, 2013, 11:02:53 PM
A powerful snap disengages Carr's glowing eyes, causing him to flinch as he struggles to regain his composure and attempt a second penetration only to find he could barely reattain his glowing eyes.

"You...." he seethed before attempting to use his own Disable to disengage Mewtwo's barrier so he can try again once he manages to ward off the restricting powers cast upon him.


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Reply #3071 on: July 26, 2013, 11:17:54 PM
The distraction was enough for Mewtwo as he lunged at Carr, grabbing at his throat with one hand, the other hand going for the card on his forehead.  Mewtwo's gaze was locked on the card and he focused his power on it, attempting to lift the edges just enough for him to grab it.  The effort was the equivalent of forcefully jamming a psychic wedge beneath the card's edge.

He knew that he could not keep the Barrier up, but it did not concern him.  He just needed it up for that moment. 

As he launched his attack, his mind began to wander again, this time to the welfare of his clones.  He only caused a distraction in their battling and he did not have time to undo the mind-control.  Once this fight with Carr was over, Mewtwo planned to immediately attend to his clones.  He just needed to eliminate the impostor that had the audacity to brainwash his friends.

A low growl escaped his throat as his rage increased.  This abomination must be stopped at all costs.

Back at the rendezvous point, Quickie saw Mewtwo fighting in the distance and ran to catch up to him.  There were four Poke Balls on her belt, four additional allies.  They would provide the edge that Mewtwo needed against an opponent that was virtually an exact replica of himself.

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Reply #3072 on: July 26, 2013, 11:42:28 PM
No matter how strong Mewtwo's psychic powers were, the card refused to budge.

"You're wasting your PP," Carr chuckles amidst the strangling, "I am the only one who decides when the cards can be released from my body.  They are practically my tattoos to do as I see fit."

Seeing Quickie make a run towards the fight, Hierophant quickly follows after her.

"Hold on!" he calls out, "Before you get involved, there may be an easier way of stopping this fight before it gets worse!"


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Reply #3073 on: July 27, 2013, 12:08:46 AM
Quickie stops and looks to Heirophant, noting that police officers were creating a rough perimeter around Mewtwo and Carr. "How?  I have four Pokemon, so we may be able to give Mewtwo an additional edge, but I really don't like how the police are handling this.  On our way over, they told us point-blank that they would open fire, should Mewtwo get out of hand!"  She looked to the fight and saw Mewtwo grappling with Carr, reaching for the other's throat. "He's not thinking clearly and hasn't been on the ride over..."

While grappling with Carr, Mewtwo heeded his words and ceased the attempt to remove the card by force. "If I cannot remove it, then I shall destroy it."  He pushed Carr away from him and stepped backward, bringing his hands together in front of him, forming a Shadow Ball between them.  Concentrating, he channeled more energy than needed into that Shadow Ball and fired it at Carr, aiming for the card.  Taking flight and following the trajectory of the Shadow Ball, Mewtwo brought up a Barrier directly in front of him, on a collision course with Carr. "Or, I will destroy you, for harming my friends!"

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Reply #3074 on: July 27, 2013, 12:29:17 AM
"You remember what Carr did when he last had Tarot Skitty?" Hierophant asked, "All you have to do is get somewhere it can see the cards, and let its yowl rip them off his body.  Since Carr hasn't fully acquainted with the Transform ability, not only would ripping Yan-Yan off revert him back to his original form, but it should reverse the brainwashing effects he put onto the clones following him."

"But that still wouldn't stop Mewtwo from taking his vengeance out on Carr for even attempting to take his form and brainwashing the clones he released into the wild," Merrick retorts, "Not to mention those clones might get upset and attack him without considering the consequences."

The Fool card yowls in fright of what he was hearing, but Carr meagerly throws up his own barrier to deflect the oncoming Shadow Ball.

"As unbreakable as these cards are, they're still prone to illegal shut down and long reboots, and I'd rather not suffer any chain-reacting effects along the way," he sneers.