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Reply #1700 on: June 12, 2013, 03:23:43 PM
"Sensing" Ahrzayl following behind him, Dr. Wily II slowed down a bit, allowing the young Agent to catch up to him. He knew the agent has plenty of questions, but this agent... Somehow... She just feels different from the rest.

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Reply #1701 on: June 12, 2013, 09:34:24 PM
Unnoticed, Domino followed a distance behind, pausing to pull out her comlink. "Giovanni, what's your ETA?  We have a project meeting in about ten minutes."

There was a pause before Giovanni's voice crackled over the comlink.  "I'm on my way, shouldn't be longer than a few minutes.  I just got in the door."

"Good," Domino replied, walking back to the chamber to peer inside before resuming her trailing of Wily and Ahrzayl, "I had given the gist of Mewtwo's history to Agent Ahrzayl, before handing her off to Wily.  I'm on my way to the lab now, to make sure their conversation goes as it should.  I've already contacted the AC-065-Σ project leaders for the meeting, and they'll be bringing 019 from the Gamma Project for a demonstration."

"Excellent, excellent," Giovanni sounded pleased.  "I just got into the elevator and am on my way.  What's the status on Mewtwo?"

"Dehydrated, sir," Domino replied, "Wily examined it, and I had Ahrzayl fetch it some food and drink.  By this evening, it should be fine, but we'll know for sure when the tests come back.  If need be, I can have Wily administer IV fluids."

There was a pause before Giovanni responded. "That won't be necessary.  As long as it doesn't go on a hunger strike, we won't need to intervene.  Let's concentrate on the project at hand, before we move onto future plans."

"Right.  Over and out," Domino closed the connection, put the comlink in her pocket, and increased her stride so as to catch up with Wily and Ahrzayl.  However, she remained quiet.  She wanted to listen in on their discussion.

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Reply #1702 on: June 12, 2013, 10:12:10 PM
She remained quiet as she followed the doctor. He was just an old man so she knew he wouldn't try anything funny, he wouldn't be able to get away fast enough if he tried. Perhaps he really was going to be working with Rocket again. Putting her minor doubts aside for the moment, she sped up a bit to walk along side the man.

"Er, Dr. Wily, was it?" She started. "For them having you on this top secret project, you must be pretty smart huh? I mean, you even found out the way keep Mewtwo from controlling your mind right? Why did you risk following him if you knew how dangerous he was?" She asked.

Ahrzayl kind of figured the doctor was just following the group to keep an eye on Mewtwo so he had to know the trick to handling it's powers. There was something off about the whole process but she didn't pay attention to it.

Peering out into the open room, Mewtwo could be seen. The float to the floor was as quiet as could be done. There, next to this strange pokemon, sadness and anger could be felt. Invisible and intangible, detection would be impossible for anyone watching. Examination was the only interaction needed for the moment.

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Reply #1703 on: June 12, 2013, 11:21:24 PM
Mewtwo finished eating and concentrated on inspecting the chamber.  It was completely bare, and there was a drain on the floor in one corner.  He sniffed the air and glanced up, noting three small vents set into the wall, near the ceiling.  They were far too small for him to fit through, so escape through those vents would be impossible. 

Making his way to the observation window, Mewtwo examined its seals.  The surface was flush against the wall, and he could not determine any gap between the window and its holdings.  After a moment, the window darkened to a mirrored surface, which startled Mewtwo with the sudden change.  He stared at his reflection for a moment, then moved to the door.  The only access to the room, and to his dismay, there was not a window.  If he were able to see the locks on the other side, he would be able to override them.

Mewtwo crouched in front of the door and put both hands on it.  Perhaps he could read it and determine the placement and appearance of the locking mechanism...

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Reply #1704 on: June 14, 2013, 05:33:28 AM
While the group was talking about getting back, Latios and Latias had already tethered themselves to Hierophant's torterra again. "All aboard! Next stop: the city we left from!" Latios called, pausing a moment and turning to Ho-oh. "Or do you have some means of teleporting us there?" He asked, cocking a brow (or, he would if he actually had any eyebrows).

Ho-oh simply shook his head. "I may have powers beyond the comprehension of most, but teleportation is an ability that belongs to psychic types only." He said, crossing his arms. "And providing a ride is out of the question, as I am nowhere near as fast as the two of you." He said, sighing. "However, I CAN provide you folks a way to contact me in case of emergency..." Ho-oh paused, looking at Pyro. "On second thought, scratch that. You already have a way to do that. Two, actually."

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Reply #1705 on: June 14, 2013, 06:16:35 AM
Hierophant looks towards Ho-oh while holding the flap of his magical duffel bag open and letting Ryo, Posu and Nega to hop in, wondering what he meant by there being another that can contact him.


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Reply #1706 on: June 14, 2013, 06:27:18 AM
Sakura finished changing her clothes with Xuangzang flying behind her.

"Are we almost ready to go?" Sakura asked.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1707 on: June 14, 2013, 08:46:51 AM
(Commandeering Wily and Ahrzayl for some single-post plot progression...)

Back in an undisclosed location...

Giovanni sat back in his chair, looking over the assembled techs and agents.  He was seated at the far end of the conference table, the other personnel on each side, and a video screen secured to the wall at the opposite end.  The screen was divided into four quadrants, each with a field agent checking in on a secured connection, locations posted in the corner of each section.  The Saffron City agent was obviously dealing with atmospheric interference, as the video quality was choppy and poor, with occasional breaks.  Domino had already introduced the assembled members, mainly for the benefit of the newest inductees to the project; Agent Ahrzayl and Dr. Wily II.

"--carried out your orders," the Saffron City agent, Stetson continued, "though we ran into some trouble with securing entry to the woman's apartment.  I did manage to get one--*ksht*--one of my Pokemon in there, though.  Got some information, but not much.  All I could get were a few documents, but my Sableye's camera got lots of pictures before he had to get out of there.  Christ, that chick can draw, lemme tell you..."

"When will you be able to transfer the data to us?" Domino interrupted.  "The woman's art ability isn't relevant."

"It is when you see what she draws!  Y'know your Pokemon clone?  It's been living there!"

Giovanni flattened his lips into a thin line.  So, Mewtwo had been living right under his damn nose this entire time?

"Just send the data as soon as possible," Domino nodded.

"Yes ma'am--*ksht*--connection's not too stable, so I'll get on it when the weather clears," Stetson's image flickered into static for a moment before returning to its choppy framerate.

Another member, Dr. Yeung leaned forward, resting his arms on the table.  "So, Giovanni... what are your plans for Mewtwo?  We can't just keep drugging it, just because it won't listen.  You won't get its best performance that way.  We need to control it, not sedate it."

"I know that!" Giovanni snapped. "Right now, that beast would sooner bite my face off than listen to me.  What have you got for me?"

"Well, Jonas is getting 019 right now, he'll be back shortly," Yeung leaned back in his chair. "You should be pleased with the results."

Domino looked to Giovanni. "The Gamma Project was a step up from AC-065-Σ.  You know how it's not mobile?"

At the mention of the Alakazam, Wily spoke up. "Indeed.  While the brain-jacking was a success, we couldn't make it portable.  It required far too much equipment to remain viable."

Giovanni nodded, picturing that pitiful creature, wired to machines and fed through tubes.  The Alakazam's limbs had atrophied severely, and it was no longer capable of supporting its own weight.  "It's useless for battle if it can't be moved."

"Until now," Yeung smirked as the door to the room opened, another scientist, Jonas, entering, a Ratata under one arm.  The Ratata had a metal skullcap of wires and probes, connected to a backpack.  It sniffed the air when it was placed on the floor, the occupants turning to look at the creature.

Jonas nodded, opening his laptop and sitting it onto the table.  He sat down before it and booted up a program.  "You'll find this interesting.  We mapped 019's brain, and thanks to AC-065-Σ, the placement of the probes wasn't as difficult.  Now, check this out," he hooked the computer up to a video feed, displaying his screen to the room, "you'll like this."  He tapped a few directional buttons.  Immediately, the Ratata moved in those directions.  Jonas then tapped a "reward" button.  "See?  We have probes implanted in the pleasure centers, so we reward it by stimulating those areas of the brain."

Giovanni's eyes widened at the display.  "How do you control it like that?"

"The probes stimulate parts of the brain corresponding with nerve bundles on 019's face," Yeung explained, "For example, if we want it to turn to its right, we'd stimulate those nerves.  019 would feel a tingling sensation on that side of its face and naturally turn right.  We immediately reward it by stimulating the pleasure center."  He sat back in his chair.  "019 has done wonderfully in maze exercises, and we were able to navigate it through a tunnel, blind."

As Wily listened to the discussion, he could not help but notice a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach.  He looked to Ahrzayl, who seemed similarly unnerved, though more from unfamiliarity than nagging concern.  Obviously, she was not aware of this level of Team Rocket activities.  A field agent thrust into a classified position.

Domino smiled in satisfaction as Jonas gave another demonstration.  "So you see, we have this creature under our complete control.  All it took was a little bit of... creative surgery."

"And the microprocessors have gotten smaller, so we can augment other Pokemon similarly, with less equipment," Yeung nodded.  He looked to Wily.  "You've missed quite a bit since you left, Wily.  We've made some incredible advances."

Giovanni looked from the Ratata, to Domino, then to Yeung.  "What else can you control with this?  I don't need Pokemon that just run mazes!"

"Oh, we can do more than that," Yeung nodded, "that was just a demonstration.  We've had success in battle with 019.  And with our prior research with mapping AC-065-Σ's brain, we can target the precise areas for stimulation, while removing any resistance."

Domino nodded and looked to Giovanni. "You wouldn't need to control Mewtwo with drugs."

A chill crawled up Wily's spine, enveloping his head like a hood.  He was right.  They wanted to do this exact procedure to Mewtwo and strip him of any free will.

Yeung fixed Wily in his gaze.  "We're glad you're back, Wily.  You know more about AC-065-Σ than anyone.  We'd love for you to head Project Upsilon."  He smiled.

Domino nodded to Wily.  "You're able to handle Mewtwo, as well."

Wily swallowed.

"As I said when you came back," Giovanni sneered, "you will be compensated.  So, I trust that you will do this for me."

Wily dropped his gaze to the table in silence.

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Reply #1708 on: June 14, 2013, 05:00:52 PM

Things have really turned for the worst. Pokemon Science had evolved into something horrific. Seeing the results of Dr. Yeung's research, and the impending implications on Mewtwo has turned his gut upside down, and tied his tongue in complete knots. And he had a hand in all this. However, heading this so-called... Project Upsilon... He'll get unlimited access to the Alakazam... There's no other choice. Some minutes has past after Giovanni's sneer...

"... I'm impressed at how much technology has advanced... When can I start?"

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Reply #1709 on: June 14, 2013, 10:40:14 PM
Yeung sat back in his chair. "Well, as soon as you're able.  We'll get you reacquainted with AC-065-Σ, then we can begin the project in earnest."

"The thing is," Jonas spoke up, "we may have mapped AC-065-Σ and 019's brains, but we can't just use the same information on Mewtwo."

"Exactly," Yeung nodded, "we need to first map its brain, and see what areas are stimulated by what.  Functional MRIs, mostly.  But, since it won't obey anyone, that's where you come in.  For those tests, we need it to be fully awake and aware, able to receive commands."

Domino also chimed in.  "Since our protocol requires at least two handlers for when Mewtwo is outside of its pen, then we need you to work with it and Ahrzayl, to get it to trust her enough for her to be able to handle it."

"Domino will provide training, should that beast be uncooperative," Giovanni said, somewhat distracted as he flipped through some files on his computer.  "Huh.  I put notes in here saying that I wanted to mass-produce it.  I forgot all about that!"

Yeung shook his head. "We'd need more genetic material from Mew in order to be able to do that.  We can't just take samples from Mewtwo and make more.  You know what they say about a copy of a copy... it doesn't turn out quite as sharp."

"Plus, clones are prone to abnormal gene expression, and since Mewtwo escaped before it could be studied, then we don't have any records of it," Jonas nodded.  "I mean, we have records of past projects, and many of them died.  Lung infections, mostly.  They also had joint problems, one was blind, several needed to be on restrictive diets, and the ones that died from infection were due to them aspirating food and drink into their lungs."  

Yeung nodded.  "Shortened lifespans, too.  And it only gets worse the more you recombine the DNA.  If you looked at Mewtwo's genome, it's a huge mess.  Really, from what I've read on it, what little records survived, it's a miracle it's still alive.  And healthy."

Giovanni nodded slowly. "So that's why we've never pursued that..."

"That, and it blew up the lab when it escaped," Domino said matter-of-factly.

Giovanni nodded again and thought for a moment.  He sat back in his chair and inhaled through his nose, a slow hiss that echoed in the room.  Across the table, on the monitor, the Saffron City connection dissolved into a burst of static, before the screen went black, the solemn words "SIGNAL LOST" set in the very center.

Domino merely glanced over at the screen. "So much for Stetson."  She tapped a few controls, bringing up a new screen in its place, this one a wide-angle view of the chamber in which Mewtwo was kept.

Giovanni sat up straighter. "You weren't watching it?!"

Domino turned her computer screen to Giovanni. "I was, I just didn't have a video feed."

"What is it doing at the door?  Get it away from there!"

Domino nodded, tapped some keys, and in the video feed, Mewtwo leapt backward from the door and looked around.  He eventually moved to another corner and curled up on the floor.

"So, as I was saying," Giovanni settled in his chair again, "How soon can we start?"

"As soon as we're able, sir," Yeung nodded.  "We can start mapping Mewtwo's brain immediately, so long as Wily can keep it docile."

"Also," Domino cut in, "find out what triggers its Recover ability.  I don't think it has much conscious control over it, and that could be a problem when you guys start working on it."

"We can do that with an fMRI," Jonas nodded.  "We just need to make sure that it obeys Wily enough to work with it.  Don't want it overpowering us and making a mess of the place."

Giovanni frowned at the thought of more of his money going to clean up Mewtwo's apocalyptic messes.  "Just get on this as soon as possible.  I have plans for that beast.  I need it in top condition--and obedient--should our next mission succeed."

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Reply #1710 on: June 14, 2013, 10:52:00 PM
Sakura finished changing her clothes with Xuangzang flying behind her.

"Are we almost ready to go?" Sakura asked.

Hierophant and Synthis climb onto Genbu's back, finding Pyro had used some of the Escape Rope to strap a tire swing onto one of his branches, swinging back and forth much to the irritation of the usually docile Torterra.

"It kinda looks that way...." he mutters nervously while almost slumping forward and scratching his chin.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 10:56:38 PM by Quickman »


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Reply #1711 on: June 14, 2013, 10:58:09 PM
(Since the storyline is currently split, I'm going to try and remember to quote the previous post, should other stuff unrelated to that portion of the story happen between posts.)

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Reply #1712 on: June 15, 2013, 06:42:37 AM
Dr. Wily II cringed at the thought of Team Rocket probing into Mewtwo's brain. More so at what Giovanni has planned for Mewtwo. However, there's nothing he can do for the moment, he just had to bide for more time.

"Well, if there's nothing more to add, I would like to see the Alaka... I mean AC-065-Σ. Ahrzayl, if you would accompany me as well?" Dr. Wily II bowed, and began to make his way out.

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Reply #1713 on: June 15, 2013, 08:08:28 AM
Sakura finished changing her clothes with Xuangzang flying behind her.

"Are we almost ready to go?" Sakura asked.

Sapph got onto Genbu's back, along with everyone else. Darkrai nodded and sank back into his shadow. "Seems like it."

Ho-oh nodded to the group. "Well then, I wish you all luck. I have some other things to tend to to prepare for what's ahead." He said, dissolving into a rainbow fireball  that shot up into the sky and reformed into the majestic bird that Ho-oh was, who then flew away.

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Reply #1714 on: June 15, 2013, 08:10:09 AM
"Okay let's go then!" Sakura said as she got on the Torterra.

"I hope Pyro doesn't fall off that swing." Xuangzang remarked as he perched on the tree.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1715 on: June 15, 2013, 10:29:46 AM
Dr. Wily II cringed at the thought of Team Rocket probing into Mewtwo's brain. More so at what Giovanni has planned for Mewtwo. However, there's nothing he can do for the moment, he just had to bide for more time.

"Well, if there's nothing more to add, I would like to see the Alaka... I mean AC-065-Σ. Ahrzayl, if you would accompany me as well?" Dr. Wily II bowed, and began to make his way out.

Jonas stood as well, disconnecting the video feed and closing his laptop. "I'll take you two over, I need to put 019 back anyway."  He put his computer in its case, slung it over one shoulder, then bent and scooped the Ratata under his arm.  He led Wily and Ahrzayl out of the conference room and down the hall.  Jonas walked with a cheerful jaunt, being quite young, obviously a new hire.  "You guys are gonna get a real kick out of working with us."  He looked over his shoulder.  "I started working here three months ago.  Used to be a civilian subcontractor for the DoD.  I studied cybernetics in college, minor in neuroscience.  Been learning a lot about genetics since I've been here and Giovanni's funding my major in bioinformatics."

Jonas turned a corner and walked down another hall. "Domino usually heads down the other way, but my lab is connected to the main lab, so we can get in through there a lot quicker."  He stopped at a door and fumbled for a moment with his keycard.  Swiping it, he juggled the Ratata to his other arm, scanned his right thumb, then keyed in the proper code.  There was a series of clicks and a buzz as a green light blinked on.  Jonas opened the door and held it ajar with his back, allowing Wily and Ahrzayl to pass.  "This door slams shut like nobody's business, so make sure you're not dragging anything behind you.  You'll have to ask the boss for keys to my lab.  Usually, you'd go in through the main lab."

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Reply #1716 on: June 15, 2013, 10:34:22 AM
"Okay let's go then!" Sakura said as she got on the Torterra.

"I hope Pyro doesn't fall off that swing." Xuangzang remarked as he perched on the tree.

Latios and Latias nodded before flying back to Stone Town, not quite having the same sense of urgency as before, but they were still going a bit faster this time.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:36:44 AM by Quickman »

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Reply #1717 on: June 15, 2013, 10:45:19 AM
Ahrzayl's head was still hurting from all the techno babble that was dished out at the meeting. She hadn't even seen this part of the base in all the time she'd worked for Rocket. Scratching her head, she followed. That thing that was on the Ratata's head made her think. She wouldn't want that done to Froslyn, nooo way. And taking a away a pokemon's freedom like THAT, it just seemed- BAM! The door slammed behind Ahrzayl causing her to almost jump out of her boots. Recovering, she started to wonder where Froslynn ran off to.

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Reply #1718 on: June 15, 2013, 11:34:10 AM
"That's what you think now... Wait till Giovanni twists your inventions into weapons of mass destruction..." Dr. Wily II thought to himself with regards to what Jonas said, although he saw the same fire in the young scientist as he did those many years ago. Hearing the metal door slammed loudly behind him snapped him out.

"Keys, right. I'll inform Domino about it later." Dr. Wily II said, looking around to see that Ahrzayl had indeed followed along, although she seemed to be a bit distracted. "Back on topic. Where is my... Prized creation."

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Reply #1719 on: June 15, 2013, 09:22:51 PM
"Okay let's go then!" Sakura said as she got on the Torterra.

"I hope Pyro doesn't fall off that swing." Xuangzang remarked as he perched on the tree.

Considering the mystery surrounding him, I don't think he's even affected by any sort of gravity," Hierophant mutters.


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Reply #1720 on: June 16, 2013, 08:47:59 AM
"That's what you think now... Wait till Giovanni twists your inventions into weapons of mass destruction..." Dr. Wily II thought to himself with regards to what Jonas said, although he saw the same fire in the young scientist as he did those many years ago. Hearing the metal door slammed loudly behind him snapped him out.

"Keys, right. I'll inform Domino about it later." Dr. Wily II said, looking around to see that Ahrzayl had indeed followed along, although she seemed to be a bit distracted. "Back on topic. Where is my... Prized creation."

Jonas gave a nod and busied himself with putting the Ratata back in its pen, before sitting his laptop bag on his desk.  "Yeah, the thing about that...  I'll go get you some gear..."  He stepped into an adjacent room, returning after a few moments with a stack of coveralls.  He handed one to Wily, another to Ahrzayl, and instructed them to wear the suits while he donned his.  After securing the hood, he put on his goggles, covered his nose and mouth with a white mask, and then pulled on a pair of rubber gloves.  "We keep the main lab sterile, so once we get in there, you'll have to go through decontamination before you see AC-065-Σ."  He checked a clock mounted on the wall.  "The meeting should be wrapping up, soon, so when Yeung gets back, we can discuss prepping Mewtwo for an MRI."

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Reply #1721 on: June 16, 2013, 08:57:57 AM
"Sterile... Ehhh..." Dr. Wily II said softly. That's one option he can try, although having to go through decontamination first before seeing the Alakazam... That could be a problem. Putting on the gear that Jonas provided, as well as the facemask, Dr. Wily II coughed in reflex upon hearing the MRI for Mewtwo.

"I see. Let's have a quick look before Dr. Yeung returns then."

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Reply #1722 on: June 16, 2013, 09:09:55 AM
She was handed some overalls. The pink haired girl kind of just stared at the outfit.

"Do I really have to wear this?" Ahrzayl blurted out.

As if looming over her, surrounded in the fiery pits of hell, both Wily and Jonas looked back at her. Not a few seconds later, she was sporting those overalls.

"Sheesh." She added as she stepped with the two to decontamination. Why would they be going to see some Alakazam all the way down here?

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Reply #1723 on: June 16, 2013, 09:20:24 AM
"We have lots of sensitive equipment in here, so keeping dust down is a priority," Jonas nodded as he led them through the main lab, "The lab is climate-controlled, with its own air supply.  It gets chilly working in here, sometimes."  He nodded to another lab tech.  "Hey, Eddie.  019 is back in its pen.  My computer's in my lab, you need any of today's data?"

"Yeah," Eddie nodded, not looking up from his work, "just toss it on a cd and give it to me when you have time.  Showing the new guys around?"

"Yeah, they just started with our team," Jonas walked through the lab and to a chamber at the end.  "There's AC-065-Σ.  Still alive and kicking.  We had to shut down recently, got an attack from the other end, so it's only being used when needed.  Don't really want Mewtwo striking back, you know?  AC-065-Σ is pretty sensitive equipment--and valuable.  The boss would have our heads, should anything happen to it, hence why we need to find other ways to better control Mewtwo, rather than by proxy."

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Reply #1724 on: June 16, 2013, 09:27:02 AM
Don't really want Mewtwo striking back, you know?
(I see what you did there. 8D)