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Reply #350 on: April 23, 2013, 04:44:49 PM
(I also like to think that Mew and Mewtwo have a very thin layer of fur.)
(Mew I can still imagine... Mewtwo... Through all that science and gene-splicing... NAKED MOLE RAT!!)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #351 on: April 23, 2013, 04:49:33 PM
(What is that? That freaky thing! [Yes, that's right, it's the naked mole rat!])

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Reply #352 on: April 23, 2013, 04:54:34 PM
(Ahhh Rufus... Making naked mole rats cute. 8D)

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Reply #353 on: April 23, 2013, 05:36:20 PM
(I'd take Perry over Rufus)

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Reply #354 on: April 23, 2013, 05:42:21 PM
(Go pat Pyro's then. 8D)

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Reply #355 on: April 23, 2013, 05:52:31 PM
(Does his platypus fight crime?)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #356 on: April 23, 2013, 05:55:37 PM
(It breaks the laws of physics does that count.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #357 on: April 23, 2013, 05:56:59 PM
(Good enough for me. Although now I'm afraid to pet it...)

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Reply #358 on: April 23, 2013, 06:14:25 PM
Pyro headed off to Professor Oak's quarters and saw that the door was locked when he jiggled the knob. With his curiosity peaked, he pressed his ear against the door to hear a strange noise. It was not the Professor talking, more like guttural noises like grunts and moans with the creak of bed springs in the background. While Pyro tried to make sense of it, Mr. Spook slipped out of his Pokeball and slid under the crack in his two-dimensional form. The Shadow Pokemon sneakily unlocked the door and opened it. Pyro's eyes widened and his jaw hung slack. The Professor's granddaughter, Daisy, came around with a tray, two cups, and a steaming teapot.

"I thought we could have tea this," her voice trailed off when she caught a glimpse him and dropped the tray, "Grandpa!"

Then the mailman came, then the gardener, and then his non-union Mexican counterpart Professor Roble who cried out "Aye Crumba!" Even George Takei stopped by and joined in the shocked and judgmental gazes and added to the chorus with a stunned, "Oh my!"

Professor Oak stood there clad in a Clefairy costume, jumping on the bed with Red's mother who was dressed as a Jigglypuff. His dark secret was laid to bare, Professor Oak was... A FURRY!


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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #359 on: April 23, 2013, 06:32:20 PM
(Do I even want to know what was in the package?)

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Reply #360 on: April 23, 2013, 06:43:14 PM
(I sure as heck do not want to know.)

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #361 on: April 23, 2013, 07:15:48 PM
(And this is why I miss Pyro in Wilypolcaypse, he's the greatest troll in the universe and doesn't even realize it.)

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Reply #362 on: April 24, 2013, 06:54:11 AM
(Now I must ask Professor Oak... Do you even YIFF?)


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #363 on: April 24, 2013, 06:57:53 AM

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Reply #364 on: April 24, 2013, 07:02:36 AM

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #365 on: April 24, 2013, 07:04:00 AM

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Reply #366 on: April 24, 2013, 09:04:00 AM
Meanwhile, in Viridian City...

It was late in the evening when the phone rang, dragging Giovanni from his drunken stupor.  He had been splayed over his desk, head in a puddle of drool, and his teeth tasted like a petroleum spill.  He smacked his lips and blearily stared at the phone as if he had absolutely no idea what the device even was.  After a cough, a few swallows of whatever was left in the bottle to wash the taste of stale alcohol and cigarettes down his throat, he cleared his throat and answered the phone, trying his hardest to control the groggy slur in his voice.  "Yes?"

"Sir, if you have a moment, you should come back to the compound," the voice on the other end was hushed.

"Why?  Have you found that brat?"  The day finally sunk in as the alcohol began to fade from his brain.  "I do not have the time, nor the patience to deal with such shenanigans.  Do you realize how much his actions had cost us?  We have been set back at least a month!  If you find that lunatic, have him... disposed of.  Immediately!  He is a threat!  I will not have such flagrant breaches of security in my midst!  And have you cleaned up my office?  I demand a full reset of our security systems, Protocol 4!"

"Sir!" the woman's voice interrupted before dropping once more in volume, "Sir, it would be best if you return at your earliest convenience.  This is not a secure line and I refuse to discuss this any more than I should."

Giovanni caught the hint as he sat up straighter.  "I'm on my way."  He hung up, pulled himself to his feet, and went to the bathroom to make himself look presentable.  After a quick shower, shave, and a fresh change of clothes, Giovanni stopped in his home office once more, slipping a flask into his pocket.  He then walked quickly outside, got into his car, and drove to his gym.

Offline Pyro

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Reply #367 on: April 25, 2013, 02:09:53 AM
 (This makes me so happy! I dealt a setback to Team Rocket. On another note, it appears we have a Mewtwo/Giovanni subplot. Am I in the ballpark?

Oh, and I hope DWII is ready for a show down on Cinnabar. 8))

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Reply #368 on: April 25, 2013, 05:53:41 AM
(Well... you did cause Giovanni to fall off the wagon, hard.  The man's vengeful.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #369 on: April 25, 2013, 10:30:14 AM
"So you were going to tell us about Lt. PB and Karen, Quickie?" Sakura asked.

"Haha ahhh yes. The Dazzle Master and the Dark Mistress. Boy those two are a pair." Quickie laughed. "It all started about three years after PB and I met. We were in the Johto region around the Indigo Plateau. PB was practicing posing with his newly caught Magnemite, his Jolteon and his now evolved Electabuzz while I was drawing their silliness."


Magnemite then spun around and used a combination of electricity and the light on the sun off his steel to shine.

"Ohhhh that's adorable, Souly!" Young Quickie said while working on drawing Magnemite's pose!


"You know it, PB!" Young Quickie smiled while drawing.

"GETTING WHAT, EXACTLY?!" a voice behind Quickie yelled out.

"EEEEEP!" Young Quickie yelped out as her sketch pad flew out of her hand and was caught by a silver haired girl. "You think after travelling with PB these past years would get me use to be startled by someone yelli." she thought to herself before being startled again.

"WHO DARES INTERRUPT MY LIGHT SHOW OF AWESOMICITY?" Young PB yelled out while running up behind Quickie.

"A LIGHT SHOW? HA! Foolish trainer. The light cannot compare to the darkness! PERHAPS YOU NEED TO BE TAUGHT THIS LESSON BY THE TWILIGHT GRIP OF THE DARK MISTRESS, KAREN!" she yelled out in response.

"Um, can I have my art book back plea..." Young Quickie muttered out before being interrupted again.


"AGREED! LET'S SEE WHO SHALL REIGN SUPREME!" Karen arrogantly yells back while handing Young Quickie back her artbook!

"Sheeeesh. Another one." Quickie rolled her eyes while putting away her sketch pad. "Okay, lets get this show on the road. BEGIN!"

"TIME TO SHOW THIS WITCH OUR SPARK, PIZAZZLE BOLT!! GO!!" Young PB dramatically pointed as he sent out his Jolteon.

"GAZE INTO THE DARKNESS AND DESPAIR, MORTAL! GO OBSIDIA!!!" Karen dramatically pointed as an Umbreon appeared from out of her Pokeball.

"And it was one of the most incredible, and egotistical, Pokemon battles I had ever seen. Both Karen and PB would not let up. Jolteon & Umbreon battled for what seemed like days, even though it was just a couple hours."

"HOURS? Their one battle took HOURS?" Sakura shockingly asked.

"Yeah. They just would not quit. Both of them used their entire supply of Full Heals and Full Restores during the battle. In the end, it would wind up being a draw. Both Pokemon had exhausted all of their moves and they finally just collapsed. The two of them were both breathing heavily from the fight. And it was that day that I saw a look from PB that I had never seen before. I saw the same look in Karen's eyes as well. The two of them had fallen in love. Or lust. It was bizarre to say the least. I mean, we're talking about two extremely arrogant people here. Even I cannot explain it, but the passion that they felt in defeating one another morphed into passion for each other in general." Quickie smiled while reminiscing.

"Oh my god, it was love at first fight! That sounds like Lt. PB alright!" Sakura laughed.

"Indeed it was." Quickie responded. "They both share the same values, just in different ways. Both of them believe in winning with the Pokemon you love rather than just the best. While PB expresses it with his love of Electric Pokemon, Karen expresses it with her Dark Pokemon. Haha, and again, the arrogance."

"So what happened after the battle?" Sakura pondered.

Quickie just winked at Sakura as she remembered what happened next.

"So you want to be a member of the Elite Four, huh?" Young Quickie said while she saw Young PB's arms wrapped around Karen.

"Yes. Trainers today seem to go for power over love, and I want to show the best of the best that love will triumph over power in any battle!" Karen responded. "I have been disgusted by what I see from Pokemon trainers these days. At least, until I met you two. You two are the epitome of love & Pokemon training. Quickie, your art is inspiring. I understand now why this chump hangs out with you all the time. You capture Pokemon in a way I never even dreamed possible. I will treasure these drawings of my dear, dark Pokemon forever."

"It was my pleasure, Karen!" Young Quickie blushed while responding.

"And I shall treasure the Pokebeating this chump gave you this day!!" Young PB egotistically said while kissing Karen's cheek before she shoved him away!

"HA! THAT WAS LUCK. YOU'RE PATHETIC COMPARED TO ME!!!" Karen got up and yelled.

"THEN PROVE IT, DARK MISTRESS!!" Young PB yelled back.

"...here we go!" Young Quickie sighed and smiled.

"So why didn't they stay together if they loved one another?" Sakura asked Quickie.

"Because they both had dreams they wanted to fulfill. Sometimes your dreams and what you want out of life can get in the way. Karen wanted to be an Elite 4 member. PB wanted to be an Electric Pokemon master and eventually open up that gym. They loved each other not to get in the way of their dreams, as they knew they would if they remained together. Once they've done what they've wanted to do, perhaps they'll be together. Maybe not. Who knows what could happen." Quickie said while looking at Mewtwo and smiling.

"Well now I understand why Lt. PB rushed out of the restaurant." Sakura stated.

"Of course. PB never misses a chance to have a Pokemon battle with Karen. Hahaha" Quickie laughed.

"Wait, they're battling right now?" Sakura said puzzled.

"Oh yeah. That's always the pattern with those two. First comes the Pokemon battle, then the mushy stuff!" Quickie said while pointing out her window. "They're probably on the hotel roof right now duking it out!"

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Reply #370 on: April 25, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
Sapph listened to Quickie's story about the history between PB and Karen, then turned to look out the window when she pointed out that they'd probably still be fighting on the roof. "Well, that would explain the flashes of lightning that have been coming from that direction. Hope they don't accidentally cause a power-outage."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #371 on: April 25, 2013, 10:54:23 AM
Quickie looked over.  "Hm... good point.  That would be pretty bad.  The cops don't necessarily like the rolling blackout battles."  She looked to Mewtwo.  "Mind giving them some cloud cover?"

Mewtwo didn't even open his eyes.  He raised his hand and worked on summoning a small storm, all the while still curled nose-to-tail on the floor.

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Reply #372 on: April 25, 2013, 02:27:20 PM
(Someone needs to like... Take a photo of Mewtwo in that curled up pose... XD)

(This makes me so happy! I dealt a setback to Team Rocket. On another note, it appears we have a Mewtwo/Giovanni subplot. Am I in the ballpark?

Oh, and I hope DWII is ready for a show down on Cinnabar. 8))
(YOU'RE ON... Just don't make it too short and hax me into another dimension. >.>)

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Reply #373 on: April 25, 2013, 04:25:44 PM
"ARGH!" Professor Oak yelled out in equal measures of shock and shame as his face turned a deep crimson. He instinctively covered his face and kept on scream, "Don't look at me! DON'T LOOK AT ME!"
Daisy began wail loudly as her grandfather was clearly not the man she thought he was. The mailman and gardener raucously laughed and nearly busted their collective guts doing so. Professor Roble dropped to his knees and prayed to Arceus in Spanish for Oak's condemned soul while George Takei gave Professor Oak a flirty eyebrow lift. Pyro, on the other hand, simply stared at him blankly and the Professor's angry glare focused on him like a pair of twin lasers. One could almost hear his teeth grinding as Pyro pulled out his platypus.

"Pet my platypus?" the boy asked innocuously.

Every vein on Professor Oak's forehead bulged before he erupted like a long-dormant volcano. Moments later, the front door to his laboratory opened and he booted Pyro out; the trainer flew in an arc with his monotreme behind him before he landed on the dirt road on the other side of his front gate.

"AND STAY OUT YOU RUFFIAN!" Oak yelled at Pyro before slamming the door.

"But I have a parcel for you from Viridian, Professor Smokes-a-lot!" Pyro called out as he up the parcel and waved it around.

The front door opened and Professor Oak (forgetting that he was still wearing the Clefairy costume) ran out and greedily snatched it from him, "Give me that."

Then the professor noticed that the neighbors were all staring him and the old lady across the street let out a gasp before she fainted. Pyro took advantage of this awkward moment to pick up his platypus and run away as fast as he could. Professor Oak let loose a raw and guttural scream that could be hurt all the way to Cinnabar (Pyro has that effect on people) and even created something of a psychic cry as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Pyro came screeching to a halt when he arrived on the beach where his destination lay to the south.

He turned to the direction of Oak's lab, "Maybe he doesn't like platypuses."

The trainer shrugged and pulled a Pokeball from his belt, "Time to rock, Memphis!"

His Empoleon (complete like Elvis-like pompadour)  popped out of its Pokeball and gyrated its hips while singing in a deep baritone before it plopped onto the waves on its stomach. Pyro spun around at high speed and was clad in only in a pair of swimming trunks when he came to a stop. He jumped on Memphis' back and pointed in the direction of Cinnabar and looked to Loki on his shoulder. (And oddly enough, the Zorua was wearing a colorful Hawaiian shirt.)

"Everybody's going surfing," he sang out, "Surfing USA!"

(So, did Mewtwo sense that disturbance in the Force? 8))

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Reply #374 on: April 25, 2013, 04:31:36 PM
(Well [parasitic bomb]. XD *slow applause*)

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