You quit? You haven't even begun to try! Man up, get the game and play it.
This is the era of the internet, shouldn't be hard to get it through whatever means. Doing just that, you can get your oh so important dash button by mapping select to instead a more appropriate button.
You have no excuse, PB, and you know it.
Oh, I own the game. Both of the Xtreme's, actually. I bought it the first day it came out. I own it for collection purposes, and nothing more. Just like X7 & the Mega Man PC games.
As for mapping the button to select, I tried it in Xtreme 1, and 100% hated it, probably as much as I hate double-tap dashing. This is how I prefer to play X series games...
...I need to shave. Anyway, notice my freakish, claw like finger lovingly hovering over the A Dash button, while the thumb blissfully manages both the Jump & Buster buttons. The L & R buttons are quickly accessible for weapon switching, preferably the L button. This is the way I play on the PS1 as well, and I've never had a problem with it. The same goes with the PSP games as well.
This is why I hold to my position that, for ME, the Xtreme series games were a system too early. Had this been a GBA game, I probably could've made the L or R button a Dash Button. I'm not very good at conforming. I'm quite stubborn, as you can tell by my moronic reason for never playing X7. So, in regards to the dashing, this...
Xtreme2 dash commands are as follows:
-double-tap forward
-jump (midair) and sucks hard. It's not the way I enjoy playing X series games, games in a series, for which I have the SNES & PS1 games for. LoL, by my logic, not playing 1 game due to me hating the controls is not that big of a loss, considering I have 7 other X games I can play on the SNES & PS/PS2. 8, if you count Maverick Hunter X!
but I never played Command after touching it once because of the controls.
Hey, how about that! Not touching a game due to the controls.