Best and Worst Armors?

AquaTeamV3 · 47035

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Reply #100 on: September 14, 2009, 07:51:52 AM
Best Armor for me is X4 Armor.  I have no complains with each part even the stock buster charge part which I learned to appreciate lately.

For the worst I think is X3 Armor. The double air dash is good but the charge shot is awkward. That's why sometimes when I played X3 I just leave the buster part untouched.

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Reply #101 on: September 14, 2009, 09:27:16 AM
Personally I hold the X1 Armor as the best, mainly because I cannot stand the original X1-X6 enough to play them alot.(total possible foes made with that sentence: S*** loads.) I play MHX a lot which is why i say X1's Armor kicks ass.

I have played through them all(YAY ANNIVERSRY COLLECTION) but they just didn't have a certain charm to them. I blame X8 and all it's awsomeness for that, if only because it was 3D graphics on a 2D plane. Though i do recall most of the armors i managed to get without getting frustrated to death, I didn't play the games long enough to notice anything useful about them. Though the Hover on the Force/Fourth/Ultimate armor got me killed more the once because i kept accidentally triggering it. I did like the Shadow Armor, though.

I can hold up X7's Glide Armor as the ultimate in FAIL because of how utterly stupid it was. I don't recall the charge on the buster for it, but then again I haven't played X7 in freaking YEARS. I've long-sence given the game to Sapphire Knight so i don't even have it anymore to know how horrible it was. The Giga Crush sucked, the Glide was near-useless, i don't even remember what the Helmet did, and the buster just let you charge Boss Weapons(if it had anything else i don't remember).

The Neutral Armor is easily my favorite because of how you can customize it. I never used the Icarus or Hermes armors, i just took the parts i liked best from both sets and used them(A combonation i dubbed the "Icarmes Armor" because i felt like it) until i managed to unlock the Ultimate Armor.

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Reply #102 on: September 14, 2009, 06:54:50 PM
I would think so. unless like X3, you can get up to that by upgrades and power ups.
Well yeah. It was in the context of the MMZ doublejump, which requires a chip, so...
Played a fangame, the name of which I forget, which was easy to hate but had many cool moves for Zero (Shadow airdash, for one) and no limits whatsoever on them. [tornado fang]ing hard despite that, and not in a very good way, but the lategame flying around as invinci-Zero was pretty awesome.

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Reply #103 on: September 15, 2009, 12:09:53 AM
For once, I kinda agree with you on this one. A game should be challenging enough that it lasts a good while, while not lasting forever.
I guess. The longer the better IMO.

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Reply #104 on: September 15, 2009, 05:54:23 AM
I can hold up X7's Glide Armor as the ultimate in FAIL because of how utterly stupid it was. I don't recall the charge on the buster for it, but then again I haven't played X7 in freaking YEARS. I've long-sence given the game to Sapphire Knight so i don't even have it anymore to know how horrible it was. The Giga Crush sucked, the Glide was near-useless, i don't even remember what the Helmet did, and the buster just let you charge Boss Weapons(if it had anything else i don't remember).
Really? I thought the glide was useful...
By the way, the Buster part added homing shots to the charge shot (useless, but apparent), and the Helmet attracted nearby items I believe.

Does the X4 Black Zero count as an armor? The only thing that was useful for was cool points...>_>

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Reply #105 on: September 15, 2009, 07:13:23 AM
The homing shots rocked. They dealt extra damage, allowed multiple enemy kills much better in a 3D environment, & kept track of disappearing enemies, namely Red & Sigma. The Glide Armor rocked.

Seriously though, the X2 armor is crap. Letting go of ladders to fire is never OK. As if X is incapable of grabbing it with his other hand. That was like the stupidest bullshit ever.

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Reply #106 on: September 15, 2009, 09:12:12 AM
Glide armor was BARELY useful. the only real things the glide was good for was rescuing the God damn reploids and fighting Red. THATS IT. It lost altitude too quickly for any more usage than that.

X2 armor had Giga crush though. And Shoryuken. And one of the BEST busters in the series.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #107 on: September 15, 2009, 03:13:41 PM
Seriously though, the X2 armor is crap. Letting go of ladders to fire is never OK. As if X is incapable of grabbing it with his other hand. That was like the stupidest bullshit ever.

Yeah, but often do you actually need to fire off of a ladder in X2?  That's a pretty small con on a very large list of pros.  Heck, you fell off of ladders in MM3 when you opened the menu, but that doesn't stop the game from being awesome.

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Reply #108 on: September 15, 2009, 06:26:33 PM
X2-X3, double shot attacks make you fall off the ladder. Because you switch rapidly to the second buster. Just ask Zero.

Hell, in X3, Zero falls off the ladder just by using the saber. Doesn't stop him from being broken though.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #109 on: September 15, 2009, 10:21:30 PM
is there a point in X2 where you absolutely HAVE to climb a ladder? i can't thinmof a place with a ladder that doesn't also have walls surrounding it. not only is wall jumping faster than climbing ladders, but firing the double charge from the wall has no delay.

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Reply #110 on: September 15, 2009, 11:00:54 PM
Limitations are limitations, even if circumventable..

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Reply #111 on: September 16, 2009, 12:26:19 AM
Exactly. Over complicating things in such a manner that things stop working is retarded.

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Reply #112 on: September 16, 2009, 12:52:38 AM
You know, I don't think I can EVER recall having, or even trying, to fire from a ladder in X2.  I noticed Ultimate Buster disarming Shadow Armor's ceiling attack more than I noticed releasing a ladder for double-charges in the SNES...

Personally I hold the X1 Armor as the best, mainly because I cannot stand the original X1-X6 enough to play them alot.(total possible foes made with that sentence: S*** loads.) I play MHX a lot which is why i say X1's Armor kicks ass.
Oh, the cruel irony of that statement.  MHX's buster is so gimped compared to the SNES...

I don't recall the charge on the buster for it, but then again I haven't played X7 in freaking YEARS.
Understandable considering that the "main" shot is unchanged.  What it does is add three smaller seeker-shots around your blast.  Very small, and thus easy to miss.  The main blast carried over from unarmored is so ridiculously powerful as-is that you don't notice the upgrade all that much.

i don't even remember what the Helmet did
Lets you grab power-ups from a SLIGHTLY longer distance.  Pretty worthless.

Does the X4 Black Zero count as an armor? The only thing that was useful for was cool points...>_>
Black Zero period does not count as an armor as per Light's own statement in X5.  A palette-swap, whether it pertains to an enhancement or not, is not an armor, otherwise we get into X's special weapons, Z2's forms, and Z3/4's Body Chips.

Heck, you fell off of ladders in MM3 when you opened the menu, but that doesn't stop the game from being awesome.
No, the ridiculous lag time when firing an enhanced buster shot took care of that.
(foolishly misread the quote)

X3 was awesome when it was new, nobody cared, and all the oddities about it (multiple Ride Armors, capsules beyond the basic four, Zero) were actually fresh.  These days it hasn't aged so well IMHO, although it does retain a few strong points.

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Reply #113 on: September 16, 2009, 12:54:54 AM
X3 was awesome when it was new, nobody cared, and all the oddities about it (multiple Ride Armors, capsules beyond the basic four, Zero) were actually fresh.  These days it hasn't aged so well IMHO, although it does retain a few strong points.

Like the best Zero theme in all of MegaMan!   8D

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Reply #114 on: September 16, 2009, 12:58:39 AM
A palette-swap, whether it pertains to an enhancement or not, is not an armor,
Sure it is.  It's armor in the exact same shape as the wearer's body.  8D

No, the ridiculous lag time when firing an enhanced buster shot took care of that.
Enhanced buster shot?  In Mega Man 3?   o~O   Wait, which game are you referring to now?

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Reply #115 on: September 16, 2009, 01:02:07 AM
I apologize, I misread the post.

Like the best Zero theme in all of MegaMan!   8D

I don't know how anyone can even pick a "best Zero theme" these days, with how many badass ones there are.  But just off the top of my head I'd say that X2's and X5's are both much higher up there than X3's.

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Reply #116 on: September 16, 2009, 01:06:15 AM
X5's theme is X vs. ZERO, and therefore doesn't count.  Unless of course, you mean X5's Opening Stage Zero theme, which is by far his worst opening theme!   8)

X2's is good, but too short, repetitive and not as heroic!  X3 IS THE BEST!   8)

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Reply #117 on: September 16, 2009, 02:09:18 AM
X5,s Zero openign theme was pretty good, but coming from X4, made it sound bad.

X4 and X3 for me. X4 is pretty damn bad ass for Zero. likewise, X's best themes, (not counting the highwas from X1 because that is automatic win already) are his... actually, I cant think of a theme X has had that WASNT good.
although imagine a MHX3?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #118 on: September 16, 2009, 03:16:25 AM
I was thinking once that if I ever made a Let's Play video of Hugo 2: Whodunit, I would start dubbing Zero's entrance music from X3 onto it after gaining control of Penelope.

(Now I wish I had been able to get further in that game, as I read some spoilers for it just now, and I found out there's a Doctor Who reference in it.)

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Reply #119 on: September 16, 2009, 08:31:04 AM
The only ladder in X2 where I can possibly think of the double charge shot being remotely a problem is in Morph Moth's stage right before the X-Hunter's room, mainly due to the position of the wall next to it. Otherwise, bitching about the double charge shot dropping you off the ladder is kind of pointless, as others have noted.

The intro stage music in X3 was probably the game's strongest point musically, both (I guess you could consider it)X's and Zero's themes. Most of the other songs in that game paled in comparison, especially the Boss and Doppler's Boss themes. Man those hurt.

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Reply #120 on: September 16, 2009, 02:25:11 PM
Still, it'd have been nice to have Ultimate Armor and Black Zero in the same file.

That's easy. Grab the upgrade with one character, drop into a pit until all your lives are gone, return to stage select, take the other character and do the level again with the other.

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Reply #121 on: September 16, 2009, 03:22:19 PM
X5's theme is X vs. ZERO, and therefore doesn't count.  Unless of course, you mean X5's Opening Stage Zero theme, which is by far his worst opening theme!   8)

X2's is good, but too short, repetitive and not as heroic!  X3 IS THE BEST!   8)

X5 Zero's opening, when it starts of is kick ass, but I'll admit I didn't like the rest of it.
Also which X3 are you talking about? bVd

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Reply #122 on: September 16, 2009, 04:53:44 PM
That's easy. Grab the upgrade with one character, drop into a pit until all your lives are gone, return to stage select, take the other character and do the level again with the other.

That's a different game, Saber.

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Reply #123 on: September 16, 2009, 04:56:57 PM
That's a different game, Saber.

He was talking about X5 the sentence before that. Or my eyes are broken...

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Reply #124 on: September 16, 2009, 07:03:37 PM
Also which X3 are you talking about? bVd

The SNES X3, of course!  XD