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Protoman Blues · 118914

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Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #125 on: April 29, 2009, 09:24:03 AM
*Puts Lucca down on fan art to do list*

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #126 on: April 29, 2009, 09:28:35 AM
*Puts Lucca down on fan art to do list*

I'm sure many a RPMer would have no objections towards that at all.   8)

This statement still holds true, especially with your Radical Art!

Offline Rad Lionheart

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Reply #127 on: April 29, 2009, 09:39:36 AM
I had the idea a while back when I was playing CT on my DS.
But just now it reminded me to put it on a list, so I wouldn't forget it.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #128 on: April 29, 2009, 09:41:02 AM
I had the idea a while back when I was playing CT on my DS.
But just now it reminded me to put it on a list, so I wouldn't forget it.

Good to know my GoRPM can inspire even that!  8)

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Reply #129 on: April 29, 2009, 01:37:07 PM
Man, that is too hilarious. XD
I can really imagine Lou's face at hearing that song... XD

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #130 on: May 13, 2009, 10:54:14 AM
Tis my GoRPM. Read it now, it is a Gem!

In the ye old hot Sex Shack. We join PB, who’s in the back.

Protoman Blues - “Well hello there. How are you? What, you want a story too?
Here’s a tale that I shall tell.  I shall try and narrate well. 
Our tale begins with lack of fear. In the last month of the year.
A bold new member, all happy.  Came waltzing in the Oekaki.”

SuperKitsu - “SuperKitsu is my name. There are some things I shall proclaim. 
You all have been so very nice. You melt my heart like cubes of ice. 
You’ve welcomed me with open arms. You’ve shown me joy, you’ve shown me charms.”

Protoman Blues - “Speaking of charms that are quite swell, there’s something I forgot to tell. 
She had some sweet charms of her own. Most of the time, these charms were shown. 
At first, some thought her mind was gone. As her clothes were never on. 
For when the members looked at Kit, they’d see green nipples on her tit.”

SuperKitsu - “It’s true, it’s true. It can be seen.  The nipples on my tits are green. 
It must be strange, I sometimes think, to see nipples not brown or pink.
However, I am not ashamed. In fact, it means my nips are famed.
For they are neither pink, nor brown. I doubt that this will bring you down!”

Protoman Blues - “And so it is and so it was. These green nipples did cause a buzz. 
A member here, a member there. Would stop and gawk, would stop and stare.
Kit then said, to guys and girls, that she does call her green nips “swirls.”
And soon, some members would admit, that they did like green nips on tits!”

Vixy - “I would lick them while I stream.  I would lick them with whip cream. 
I just love her swirls to bits.  Yes, I love green nips on tits.”

Sub Tank - “I must say, I do approve.  That girl has nothing else to prove. 
They’ll be drawn as I see fit.  Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

ACID - “Who cares the color they consist? To hate them would be nipple-ist.
I am neither crossed nor split. Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

Sky Child - “She looks like my Draco form. But her swirls do not deform.
We’re like twins, so I’ll say it. Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

Hitomi - “I can say, men don’t deserve, her yummy nips or sexy curves.
I shall have her naughty bits. Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

M.C. Hammer - “I would like to also chime. She stops ya’ll like Hammertime!
She’s just too legit to quit. Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

Star Wolf - “I can’t let you do that, Fox. Also, those green nipples rock. 
What the heck, I just got hit.  Yes, I love green nips on tits!”

Protoman Blues - “And thus some sexy art was made, as sweet as Mango Lemonade. 
All through the town, the members cheer, HEY LOOK, A NAKED GIRL IS HERE. 
As people danced and Sky composed, Kit soon went on to wear some clothes. 
People never forgot the tale, for it was shown in such detail.
Through art and speech, plus in due time. I even made this Seuss-like rhyme. 
But who can say why this was made.  Perhaps it was for an art trade?
It’s possible I’ve lost my wits. But yeah, I love green nips on tits!”

SuperKitsu - “Either way, this has been fun, getting to talk to everyone.
I hope that I will be around, to catch you all on the rebound. 
This place has been so nice to Kit, and not just because I have tits. 
Although, I will admit with ease, I am a bit of a cocktease.
So pardon me while I go strip, while Peter goes and gets Cool Whip.”

Protoman Blues - “And that will end my Seuss-like rhyme. I hope you all tune in next time. 
What will come out of my brain stem? Just read my GoRPM!”

You know, sometimes I must admit, I think that I have lost my wit. 
But then a voice in my head says, "Just write some more you [tornado fang]ing spaz!"
And thus I think and thus I write and thus I let my mind take flight. 
I can't even stop rhyming now, so I guess I will take a bow. 
I hope you do enjoy this one.  Cause writing it was loads of fun.
So now, I say, it's time for bed. It's time to rest my sexy head.
Which head, you ask? That's up to you!  For now I bid you all adieu! 


Offline borockman

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Reply #131 on: May 13, 2009, 11:01:20 AM
That practically is the best, though I love it like the rest.  XD

Pardon my silly attempt at rhyming.

Seriously, that's one of the best GoRPM I've ever read.

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #132 on: May 13, 2009, 11:07:36 AM
After reading this, I must agree.
This GoRPM is full of glee.
Of green tits and rhyming so,
I do believe you have me sold.

Ehh, yeah, awesome. XD

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Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #133 on: May 13, 2009, 11:09:50 AM
*tears of joy* So beautiful~

I'm lesbian and bi so I admit, I do like green nips on tits~ >v<

Your creative writing as it's told, is a lovely sight to behold.

I also like to see, a cute rhyme fit for me.

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Reply #134 on: May 13, 2009, 05:25:47 PM

ILU <3 


I absolutely love the part about Peter getting cool whip! XD

they dont think it be like it is but it do

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #135 on: May 13, 2009, 05:41:06 PM
That was awesome. Seriously though, this Seuss-like rhyme is just great.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #136 on: May 13, 2009, 06:13:31 PM
Thank you all so very much.  It looks like I've still got the touch.
It just makes me smile to see, all your love and praise to me!


Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #137 on: May 13, 2009, 06:21:20 PM
I very much agree, this is so lovely to see.
That your rhyme is warming our heart, like a delicious creamy tart.
RPM needs more of this flavor, so many lovely things to savor.
Thanks PB for this post, among the best to warm my heart the most. ^.^

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Reply #138 on: May 13, 2009, 06:22:08 PM
I've still got the touch.
You got the POWWWAAHHH~

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #139 on: June 08, 2009, 06:20:20 AM
It's really simply to deduce, that this is just the strength of Seuss
But either way, I'm glad ya'll like. Perhaps next time, I'll grab the mic.
And then I'll rhyme for you out loud. Man, I'm so awesome. I'm so proud!

Posted on: May 13, 2009, 19:03:22
E3 Phone Home

At PB’s Sex Shack suddenly the phone starts ringing

Protoman Blues - “♪ Do Do, the money... Do Do, the money... ♪” *picks up phone* “Yes hello.  Yes, this is Protoman Blues.  You’ll have to speak up, I’m naked.....I know him, yes.  Uh huh.....uh huh..... Really?  How about that?  How much will it be?  Uh, yeah I’ll be right there.  Thanx.”

Quickie - *naked in the jacuzzi* “Who was that?”

Protoman Blues - *getting dressed* “LAPD.  Apparently Lou’s been arrested for something or other.  I’m gonna go bail him out.”

Quickie - “...Okay, two questions.  One, out of all people, why are you the one he’s turning to in order to bail him out?  Two, how did LAPD catch him in the first place?

Protoman Blues - *Well, to answer your first question, trust me when I say that with all the stuff Lou’s pulled over the years, I’m actually his most reliable friend.  As for the second question, well his story regarding that will be what he owes me for bailing him out! *grabs a handful of cash*  Later baby! *teleports out*

Seconds later, at the Police Station, a whistle is heard from nowhere right before PB teleports in...

Protoman Blues - *throws cash at the officer* “That should about cover it.  Keep the change.”

LAPD Officer - *opens cell* “Okay, you’re free to go!”

Protoman Blues - *greets Ninja Lou as he's walking out of his cell* “So, how was E3?”

Ninja Lou - “Look, before I tell you what happened, can we find a Jamba Juice?  I’m thirsty as hell.”

Later, at Jamba Juice...

Ninja Lou - *ordering* “Orange Berry Blitz, thanx.  You want anything?  My treat!”

Protoman Blues - “Nah, I’m good.”

Ninja Lou - “Okay, so here’s what happened.  Well, being my first time here, I was just blown away by the amount of games that were available to play.  By far, Nintendo easily had the best booth.  Sony’s was second, and Microsoft was a distant...DISTANT third.  Anyway, I thought that it was in the best interests of...RPM that I bring back some gifts.  So....I thought I’d steal some stuff.  You know, for you guys.”

Protoman Blues - “Amazing how your mind works.  Please, continue.  You were saying something about best intentions?”

Ninja Lou - “Well...yeah.  I wanted to get all the demos, but I’ve never seen anything like it.  I mean, those booth babes....[tornado fang]...”

Protoman Blues - “Wait, the booth babes?”

Ninja Lou - “The most advanced security force I’ve ever come across.  Trained in every known martial art, armed & unarmed combat, with tech far beyond any I’ve ever seen before.  Not to mention their rockin’ tits.  Before I even tried anything, someone tried to run off with a PSP Go! and....well his own dick was in his mouth before he even left Sony’s area.”

Protoman Blues - “How’d the PSP Go! handle anyway?”

Ninja Lou - “Very nice, actually!  Anyway, I knew I was going to need some help on this one, so I called in a favor from Carmen Sandiego.  We did a job together a while back on a rare pair of Katanas.  The sex was incredible!”

Protoman Blues - “Fascinating.”

Ninja Lou - “So, she was there with me the next day, and we had managed to come up with a plan to get out with everything.  That night, we had sex.”

Protoman Blues - “Man, she’s just a horny little thief, isn’t she?”

Ninja Lou - “SHE’S. A. WHORE.  When I woke up the next morning, I found a PSP Go! lying on me, not to mention being surrounding by at least 40 LA Cops.”

Protoman Blues - “So? That shouldn’t have been a problem for you.”

Ninja Lou - “I was...a little tied up at the time...”

Protoman Blues - “How’d you get ti...”

Ninja Lou - “It’s best that you don’t ask.  Anyway, I got a note from her in prison.  Turns out, someone wanted my Shurikens for some reason, and they hired her to get them from me.  [tornado fang]ing [sonic slicer].”

Protoman Blues - “Oh you’re just upset that she’s a better thief than you are!”

Ninja Lou - *grabs Orange Berry Blitz* “.....Shut up!”

Protoman Blues - *walking out of Jamba Juice* “So, good trip over all?”

Ninja Lou - “Oh yeah.  Can’t wait to come back next year!”

PB and Ninja Lou teleport away.  Meanwhile, at Dr. Wily II’s lab...

Carmen Sandiego - *hands Shurikens to Dr. Wily II* “Pleasure doing business with you.”  *jumps onto rope and her plane flies off*

Asena - “Looks like everything is going according to plan!”

Dr. Wily II - “Yes, my darling.  Everything is!” *laughs maniacally as he begins working on a secret new Robot Master*

Hurray for free time.  Now that I'm done with my internship & my classes this semester, I hope to write more of these.  LoL, hopefully some of you are still interested.   8)

Anyway, here we have my version of what Ninja Lou told me about how his trip to E3 was.  Granted, I altered some things around, but not much!  Also, what is Dr. Wily II up to anyway?  Hmmmmmm, looks like we've got another mystery on our hands!  XD

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Reply #140 on: June 08, 2009, 06:41:22 AM
Haha. That an E3 Trip to remember. Great way to up my spirits!


I want some Jamba juice now.

When was the last time I poked you guys...

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Reply #141 on: June 08, 2009, 07:08:08 AM
Man, I love these so much. Bravo PB. XD

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Reply #142 on: June 08, 2009, 07:18:03 AM
Huh I never took Ninja Lou as a theif.  Did he try to get me a Golden Sun DS demo?

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Reply #143 on: June 08, 2009, 07:45:39 AM

It's always DWII fault isn't it!?

I think he wanted to create Ninjalou man.

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Reply #144 on: June 08, 2009, 10:48:23 AM
Aww, how nice of Lou in wanting to steal all the stuff for us?
Plus hiring Carmen Sandiego? Awesome sauce. XD

But what I REALLY love, is that ending...
Man, I even surprised myself! 8D

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Reply #145 on: August 01, 2009, 11:00:09 PM
Super Plagiaristic Bastard

One evening, a meeting is being held at Vixy’s Game Corner...

Protoman Blues - “Thank you all for coming at this hour.  I’ve called you all here for something very important.”

Ninja Lou - “What’s going on?  Are we under attack from the Evil Mirror Universe again?”

Vixy - “Is Sparkvernia preparing to invade?

Hitomi Agada - “Are you out of Mango Lemonade?”

Asena - “Bad dream?”

Wanderer - “Your Wii is broken?”


Protoman Blues - “Well, after thinking long and hard about this, I’ve decided to make my own game series.” 

Asena - “.......I’m going back to bed.”

Jericho - “Hang on, Asena.  For all we know, this could be good.”

Ninja Lou - “No.  No it won’t.”

Vixy - “So, what’s it about?”

Protoman Blues - “Well I don’t want to give anything away yet.  I brought the prototype with me here tonight, but I can’t release it yet, due to...well, a little legal trouble.”

Ninja Lou - *thinks about it for a second* “ didn’t do what I think you did...”

Wanderer - “What legal troubles?”

Protoman Blues - “Well, apparently they claim that I’m ripping off another game franchise...or three.  I don’t know.  If you ask me, it’s all a bunch of hogwash and poppycock.”

Ninja Lou - *whispers to Hitomi* “If he unveils what I think he’s going to, we have to hurt him.”

Hitomi Agada - *whispers back to Ninja Lou* “You say that about everything he does.”

Jericho - *whispers to Lou* “Why are we whispering?”

Asena - *whispers to Jericho* “What?”

Jericho - “I said why are we whispering?”

Protoman Blues - “Whispering?”

Jericho - *pauses* “...Sorry.”

Vixy - “Well don’t keep us in suspense, PB.  Show us the game!”

Protoman Blues - “Very well.  I give you, the next big game franchise...”  *takes covers off arcade machine* “SUPER PB BROS.”

Everyone simple stares in awe and somewhat disgust.  Jericho almost vomits in his mouth

Asena - “....NOW, I’m going to bed.” *Asena disappears*

Vixy - “...Um, honey...”

Protoman Blues - “I know, I know.  You’re impressed, but please, let me finish.  Super PB Bros. is loosely based on me, PB.  He has to save Princess Portobello from the clutches of the evil General Goopa, general of the Goopa Troopas.  Here, lemme play a little bit of the game for you.”

Before PB can start playing, two Katanas, one blue Beam Saber, and five Magic Missiles destroy the arcade machine

Ninja Lou - “GET HIM, WANDA!”

Wanderer - *yells out* "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

All of them rush PB and tie him up.  Later, they take him to the shoreline and tie him to a makeshift raft.

Protoman Blues - “But guys, you didn’t even play it yet.”

Hitomi kicks the raft and sends it out to sea.  Vixy blows PB a kiss, then walks off with the rest.

Protoman Blues - *yells out from the ocean* "I WROTE THE THEMMEEE!"

LoL, I think I'm getting worse and worse at updating these.  I don't know if I'm getting worse and worse at comedy because of it.  Haha, I'll let you guys be the judge.  Either way, this GoRPM is a homage to a former member, who managed to make me laugh, and laugh hard, at his idea for a game series.  It inspired me to actually write lyrics so that Super PB Bros. would have a theme for you all to sing along too.  Well, I hope to keep writing as well.  Just keep me away from anime, games, or simply threaten me, and hopefully I won't stop.   Either way, here are the lyrics to Super PB. Bros.  Enjoy!  8)

Super PB Bros. by Protoman Blues

♪ Play Super PB Brothers and I guarantee you’ll have a good time
Money goes towards making more sequels of Super PB Brothers

If you’re looking to have a good time tonight
Have I got a game just for you!
It’s a challenge for anyone to beat this.
Yes it’s true.

No this game doesn’t rip off any others
That’s a filthy lie & untrue
Even this song is truly original
PB too!

You’ll fight Moobahs and Goopa Troopas.  And some Bort Bullets too.
Super PB Brothers is the best.

Play Super PB Brothers and I guarantee you’ll have a good time
Money goes towards making more sequels of Super PB Brothers

I don’t know what the big deal is.  Why are the lawyers getting on my case?
They must think I’ve copied some game.  But that’s just crazy, I know.
PB’s an Italian robot who is a plumber and a two-tailed fox.
If that sounds like someone you know, then you’re just totally wrong.

You’ll fight Moobahs and Goopa Troopas.  And some Bort Bullets too.
Super PB Brothers is the best.

I’m sick of these accusations.  Super PB Brothers’ still getting made.
I’ll take this to court if I must.  That’s right, I’m going to sue! ♪

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Reply #146 on: August 01, 2009, 11:22:06 PM
This probably made me laugh more than it should have, due to where you obviously got the idea.

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Reply #147 on: August 01, 2009, 11:34:32 PM
We are setting you adwift fwiend...

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Reply #148 on: August 01, 2009, 11:55:25 PM
Yay I'm in, and with the villains !
Why did we steal Lou's shuriken? We could have him side with us directly XD

Did you put the link for sung version?

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Reply #149 on: August 02, 2009, 12:24:01 AM
But of course I put the link for me singing!   8D