TeaOfJay's Wordy Art Topic

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Reply #300 on: August 25, 2009, 03:23:48 AM
...It's bad this gave me the urge to read it, isn't it..?

I'm warning you now, it actually physically hurts to read it.

Oh right, while I'm here I might as well say a few things.

- I have no idea if I'm going to continue the RPM Adventures crossover scripts. I think at the time the only joke I really wanted to make was the "big guns" joke... And well, I made it within two scripts. Who knows. Maybe something will happen here that will make me laugh as hard as the "big guns" joke did when I thought of it.

- Although I'm not expecting anything, I'm still accepting questions for "Ask RPG Adventures". Essentially, you send me a PM with a question you want to ask any of the characters that have appeared in the RPG Adventures scripts, and I post their responses here.

Posted on: August 15, 2009, 01:53:37 AM
This was indeed based off a true story. I didn't change the names of those involved because I'm a lazy bastard.

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Reply #301 on: August 25, 2009, 03:47:41 AM
By Blaze version you mean this I assume 8D

Heh, at least be glad you didn't get something like this XD

I've actually seen this one in stores, I wonder if anyone ever bought it.

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Reply #302 on: August 25, 2009, 03:59:54 AM
By Blaze version you mean this I assume 8D

Yeah, it's not like I tried very hard to hide what I was talking about. I just changed the names to something RPG Adventures related so I could post some content into this topic. So if no one ended up figuring it out I would have been very surprised.

Quote from: Taiyo
Heh, at least be glad you didn't get something like this XD

I've actually seen this one in stores, I wonder if anyone ever bought it.

Now I have to wonder if that Chaos Black Version actually works. And if you actually have it.

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Reply #303 on: August 25, 2009, 04:04:20 AM
Oh, no, I just found the picture in the same page as the FR one.  I got it from here:

Honestly, I'm amazed that I've actually seen a number of those games in there in stores.

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Reply #304 on: August 25, 2009, 04:05:16 AM
I have to say that looks quite official for a pokedumb like me.

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Reply #305 on: August 26, 2009, 03:29:22 PM
Pokemon Diamond (And Jade!)! 8D

Ahem, well, at else things worked out good in the end. :3

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Reply #306 on: September 26, 2009, 04:04:46 AM
So right now Gamestop and Rooster Teeth Productions (the guys who make Red Vs Blue) are having a contest. The contest involves sending in your idea for a PSA(Public Service Announcement) that could actually be made by the RvB team. Is this awesome? To me it is, since I actually have a chance at winning.

For those of you interested (and for those of you who are not, screw you I'm posting it anyways) here's the PSA idea that I entered.

After having a righteous ass kicking delivered by Sargent Johnson (with eye lasers!) the Red Vs Blue Squad decided to have a strategy meeting. Sarge's plan is purely suicidal... For Griff. Griff objects to this idea while Simmons kisses up to Sarge as usual. Sarge menacingly points his shotgun at Griff as a way to threaten him to go with his plan, when the shotgun goes off accidentally killing Griff. Sarge is happy at first, but then mourns the death of Griff saying that he'll never get to kill him again. Simmons blames the accident on the new suit, neither Church or Sarge is buying it. Just as Sarge finally admits that he was wrong to have treated Griff the way he did, Griff respawns next to Sarge remarking that they kicked him out of the afterlife. At first the group is shocked to see Griff alive again; after the shock wears off the group begin peppering Griff with questions as to how he came back from the dead. After getting less than average answers, Sarge asks for another "Volunteer." After a quick "Not it" Simmons reluctantly accepts the mission of dying. Sarge shoots Simmons with his shotgun. Church complains about how he wanted to kill Simmons. Sarge replies that Church couldn't hide the side of a barn even if he were directly in front of it. Seconds later Simmons respawns raving about some awe inspiring experience he had. Something about world peace and talking dogs and nonsense like that. Sarge and Church are disappointed since Simmons' answer made little sense. Church then complains that when he died things didn't work out like this. Sarge remarks about how he just found his next volunteer. Church slow backs away, making up some excuse as to why he can't die yet. The PSA ends with Church running off in another direction, fading to the credits. Seconds later, a gunshot is heard. Sarge celebrates his kill, Simmons congratulates Sarge on his shot, and Griff is amazed Sarge got the kill from that range with a shotgun.

(I should have a new RPG Adventures soon, I promise!)

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Reply #307 on: September 26, 2009, 04:39:46 AM
Well, sounds like fun XD

I can't say how much of a chance you have without comparing it with other entries, but good luck there. What's the prize anyways?

I also made something you should like that I have yet to post =P

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Reply #308 on: September 26, 2009, 04:52:59 AM
I also made something you should like that I have yet to post =P
On a scale of one to ten, just how relevant to my interests is it? I'm just curious.

Hopefully I have some decent chances of winning, since apparently I supposed to send in a script and the online entry form thingy said to just send in an idea. Besides, I doubt I could actually write a RvB script and make it funny. I like the characters and all but I don't think I would be able to do them justice like the Rooster Teeth team can (no, it's not sucking up.)

As for the prizes, I have no idea. I'm just assuming that it's ODST/RvB related.

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Reply #309 on: September 26, 2009, 05:06:00 AM
Hmm, well free stuff is free stuff, so that's good I guess.

On a scale of one to ten, just how relevant to my interests is it? I'm just curious.

Not exactly sure, but you'll see later today, it's what comes on my "to post" list after singing xD

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Reply #310 on: September 26, 2009, 07:22:40 AM
Hmm... That entry sounds fun... XD
And good luck!

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Reply #311 on: October 31, 2009, 07:08:17 AM
I just read the rules again. The winner gets picked by Rooster Teeth, but apparently the finalist list that Rooster Teeth gets to pick from is going to be picked by the sponsor of the contest.
The sponsor in this case being Gamestop.
I don't know if this means I'll have more of a chance at winning or less.
All I know is that it royally sucks unless Rooster Teeth outright says that they'll be picking both the finalists and the winner.

Also that it seems to take almost $5,000 to make a machinima. Holy [parasitic bomb].

Posted on: September 25, 2009, 11:37:03 PM
Holy hell, I haven't posted in here for a while.

But I update with the RPG Adventures Halloween Special! Cameo in the next RPG Adventures to whoever can guess the costumes.


Author: Alright, is the punch ready?

Hero: Punch is prepared and unspiked.

Author: Snacks?

Hero: Snacks are ready and delicious... Or so says the chef.

Author: ...How about the background check on the chef?

Hero: He's clean.

The Author sighs in relief.

Author: Has all the precautions been made so that Thief doesn't steal everyone's wallets?

The Author and Hero turn to see Thief in a cage, dressed up as a yellow bird.

Thief: Is this really necessary?

Author and Hero: Yes.

Thief: B-but... I tat I tay a putty tat.

Author: Good impression, but you aren't getting out.

Thief mumbles expletives that would be censored as soon as I wrote them.

Author: Alright then, now that's settled let's welcome th-

Player: Hold on a minute!

Author: Huh?

The Author and Hero turn to see Hero, LazyMan, and several other characters that The Author has made that hasn't made an appearance yet.

Author: What is it now?

Player: We demand our spots in this Halloween special!

Several of the characters behind Player yell in agreement.

LazyMan: Speak for yourself. I'm just here for the food.

Suddenly a red haired young man pushes his way out from the crowd.

Ken Baron: And when the hell are you going to write my book?!

Author: It'll get done when it- Hey wait a minute. Player?

Player: Yeah?

Author: Why are you leading this rebellion? We're the same person!

Player: It's simple really, it's because SHUT THE HELL UP!

Author: Fine, you can appear at the party. On one condition.

Player: And that is?

Author: You have to wear a costume.

Player: Deal.

-A Half Hour Later, at the actual party-

Hero: Waaaah! I'm sad because a girl I just met recently got killed by some long haired guy!

Ken: This one's not sure he's supposed to sound like that.

Hero: Yeah, but that's what he sounds like to me. Nice replica sword, by the way.

Ken: Replica?

LazyMan: These snacks could be better. They taste too much like blood.

Edwardo: Hey, it's hard cooking with blood!

LazyMan: You'd think someone like you would know how to do it.

Edwardo: Hey! Don't make me go Raging Demon on your ass!

Player: So, I've covered wars, ya know?

Author: Yes, you've mentioned this about twenty times.

Player: Just thought you'd like to know.

Thief: I tat I tay a putty tat on your chest!

Player: You tat right, Thief.

Player: How's the costume feel, Author?

Author: It's hot as hell and hard to move in.

Later the group left the party to go Trick or Treating. But due to an accident that no one shall ever mention again, the group was barred from Trick or Treating ever again.

Player: Hey, I said I was sorry!

Ken: I've seen some messed up things in my life, and that has to take the cake.

Author: Way to make me look bad, [Bumpity-Boom!].

Player looks at Hero and Thief for sympathy.

Thief: I don't even want to steal from you anymore.

Hero: You make me sick...

Player slumps and sits in a corner as the party continues after the incident.

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Reply #312 on: October 31, 2009, 07:27:11 AM
Let's see... Thief as Tweety, Ken as Sephiroth, Hero as Cloud (I think...)
The rest... Darn, no idea. XD

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Offline TeaOfJay

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Reply #313 on: October 31, 2009, 07:30:19 AM
Of the three you guessed, everyone is right except for Ken.

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Reply #314 on: October 31, 2009, 07:40:01 AM
Replica swords... Too many characters with swords! >0<

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Reply #315 on: October 31, 2009, 07:41:36 AM
Hint on Ken: Look at what color his hair is, his name, and the way he talks during the party.

I think that's the only hint I'm going to give.

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Reply #316 on: October 31, 2009, 07:46:47 AM
Hmm... Red hair...
Hang on... Kenshin?

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Reply #317 on: October 31, 2009, 08:26:45 AM
You are correct, sir.

Now let's see if someone can guess all of them. I left subtle hints in the character's speech.

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Reply #318 on: October 31, 2009, 04:18:06 PM
XD I wonder what Player did that now everyone hates him.

Oh, and:
Hero: Cloud
Ken: Kenshin (nice touch making him say "this one" ;P)
Thief: Tweety
Edwardo: Akuma
Player: Frank West (hmm, does this have something to do with the "accident"? XD)
Lazyman: himself
Author: is he even wearing a costume?

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Reply #319 on: October 31, 2009, 04:21:43 PM
Author seems so...
He did say it's hard to move in and is hot as hell... Why does this sound so familiar...

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Reply #320 on: October 31, 2009, 07:01:28 PM
Author is indeed wearing a costume.

And since I think I was to vague in the original script, I'll give you another hint in Author's costume.

Hint: Think Mecha.

Other than that, Taiyo got everything right.

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Reply #321 on: October 31, 2009, 07:03:07 PM
Gurren Lagan related?

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Reply #322 on: October 31, 2009, 07:04:29 PM
No, but the mecha that Author is dressed as does have to combine.

Also, look at what Thief says to Author about his costume.

Offline borockman

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Reply #323 on: November 01, 2009, 12:05:30 AM
Putty cat on chest... don't tell me! GaoGaiGar!

Anyway glad to see more story here!

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Reply #324 on: November 01, 2009, 05:37:14 AM
Oh hey, Borockman got the costume for Author right.

...Although to be fair, all three of you will get a cameo in a future RPG Adventures.

So congrats.