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Messages - Suppercut ♡

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Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 29, 2016, 12:58:55 PM »
I took waaaaaaay too many pictures. But wow, going through them afterwards I couldn't help but blush and smile at how freaking adorable I was, like wow I barely even recognized myself and every pose I did just tugged on my heart, and then I'm like that's me, holy crap, I am unstoppable.

I mean while I had all the stuff on, I even tried looking not cute and I still couldn't help but smile at myself as I did them. I was oozing liters of confidence which is totally crazy for someone like me.

(I didn't actually take pictures of the not-cute things, they were mostly just spurious reactions to things like getting a perfect shot but then finding out in post that I blinked and going all ARRRGGGHHH and then looking in the mirror and going all how the crap am I doing this cute thing help)

So, without further ado~
[spoiler=most qt boy you have ever seen]

So, despite all of the insecurities and depression related to my identity and the support (or lack thereof) it's gotten, I actually managed to put myself in a full getup for once, and holy crap. I'm looking at myself, and in the vein of the thread's name, all I can think is holy frick I am fabulous and nobody can tell me otherwise.

And I'm taking waaay too many pictures XD

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:27:18 AM »
(Oh right Sinos didn't find Blue yet...Techincally.....)
(But... I did...?)
As the W2M9's energy signature dissipated from its destruction, the Bridgetframe's computers, amidst some irritating damage klaxons, played a victory theme reminiscent of a video game. Sighing, Sinos pulled up a damage report. "Well, that was not fun. Alright, where's the Blue Noble?" The response to this request was met with an error beep. Panicked, he tried again, "Uhhh, Blue Noble. Um... allied mechs in the area...?"

He looked around the field, not seeing any signs of nearby allies. "Crap..." Upon revising his search, he was able to locate Blue's actual location... which immediately caused him to panic worse. He rushed towards her and, using a yo-yo, encased her in a shield to protect her from space, rapidly returning her to the Sex Station as fast as his flight thrusters could.

(Theoretically he could fling that yo-yo for the Sex Station and turn around if Peebs could use help. But it's up to you~)

^ He's right you know. 8D

"2 of 132 people found this review helpful"

I'm so done XD
Steam had the right idea with introducing a "funny" rating for reviews. I'd rate those reviews funny in a heartbeat.
Freaking movie is named DEADPOOL, not HAPPY BUNNY MAN THE MOVIE! If you can't recognize how [tornado fang]ing metal this guy's name is, you need to re-evaluate your own intelligence.

IRON MAN, hey that sounds super. :)
CAPTAIN AMERICA, patriotically super! :)
SPIDER MAN, da na na na na na na na super!!! :)
AVENGERS, the ultimate super super! :)
DEADPOOL? Dead? Pool? Something sounds a bit different from these "super" movies, I think... :\

The three new guys in my shop are all akin to immature high school boys and most of the shop is transphobic as hell and expressed opinions against concepts similar to my identity as a femboy. Which is great because I'm going through another bout of painful depressing insecurities and I feel like I can tell practically nobody about it, not even the section chief who probably actually gives a lot of shits about me but I still have this fear I can't get rid of that any leadership knowing about my identity like that could make my life a living hell just because lol society conformation.

And I'm moving to the afternoon-to-midnight shift, so hooray for my sleep schedule getting [tornado fang]'d!


Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:44:22 AM »
Blue's condition was critical-as durable as she was normally the explosion had done some serious damage, down and arm and offline it was impossible to get a read on her as her energy signal was rather weak.
(I could just say the radar found a Blue-shaped object of some sorts which it assumed was Blue, which was just confirmed by the Bridgetframe flying close to visually identify her. :\)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 27, 2016, 10:58:52 PM »
As the W2M9's energy signature dissipated from its destruction, the Bridgetframe's computers, amidst some irritating damage klaxons, played a victory theme reminiscent of a video game. Sighing, Sinos pulled up a damage report. "Well, that was not fun. Alright, where's the Blue Noble?" The response to this request was met with an error beep. Panicked, he tried again, "Uhhh, Blue Noble. Um... allied mechs in the area...?"

He looked around the field, not seeing any signs of nearby allies. "Crap..." Upon revising his search, he was able to locate Blue's actual location... which immediately caused him to panic worse. He rushed towards her and, using a yo-yo, encased her in a shield to protect her from space, rapidly returning her to the Sex Station as fast as his flight thrusters could.

(Theoretically he could fling that yo-yo for the Sex Station and turn around if Peebs could use help. But it's up to you~)

Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:21:30 AM »
With her hands shoved in her lap and a blush on her face, Caetlynn glared over at Florence in irritation. "May I ask you don't do that again? You know, lest you wake up with an eldritch critter of sorts in your bed attempting to cure your future hangovers."

Turning her attention to the group, she started, "So, if the shard is there, what kind of resistance do you think we'll be getting? You all seem to be a..." She looked around the table briefly, before continuing, "...rather well-armed troupe, so I'm assuming we've had our difficulties before."

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:02:18 AM »
(Wow, really sorry I got away from this...)

While delivering True Combo, Sinos quickly snatched the spent yo-yo from underneath the W2M9 before being shunted away by the shattered field. "Alright," Sinos started, "One more attack should finish him ooooohhhhhhh..."

The immense array of firepower intimidated Sinos at first, but shaking his head he quickly readied both devices and started swinging them around with their shields active. The tractor beams that linked them to the suit didn't really damage the missiles that did cross them, but it still messed with their tracking functions enough to cause them to completely miss their mark, with a few shots ending up going for the opponent and dealing some minor damage. Upon seeing the rest pass by with the Blue Noble taking care of them, he turned to face the W2M9 with an intimidating look... as intimidating as a nun-trap-boy mecha could possibly be, I guess.

"So... It's just you and me."

After a brief staredown, with both yo-yos in hand charged and ready, he brought up the buzzsaws on both and quickly shot them out, aiming for the core of the system and applying the thrusters to keep sawing through its armor continuously. "Dual Terrarian!"

For you, sacrifice a picture of Aile for your allegiance.
His Aile-gience.


I think I created a cult

you're so scary, you're an absolute



Roleplay / Re: The Mana-Verse
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:30:12 AM »
(Isn't that basically how Wilypocalypse runs? I'm cool with it.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 10, 2016, 04:28:38 AM »
"Hey! Thanks for that shot, mister, uhhhh..." Sinos quickly ran a scan on the Blue Noble, as he had probably only met the Sexstation folks very briefly. "...Blue! Right, thanks, Blue. Okay, time for the followup..." With his on-hand yo-yo fully charged back up, he let it loose a bit while attached to its tractor beam rope. With the flip of a control, the yo-yo gained a small plasma ring around it, composed of a similar material to, say, a beam saber, but spinning around it like a saw. The Bridgetframe flew straight over with the yo-yo operating in beam saw mode in tow, and before the machine could react, the unattended yo-yo's thrusters kicked on in a split second, ramming upwards into the underside of the engine, boosting it upwards and delaying its re-stabilization long enough for the custom frame to be in position above it to bring the razor yo-yo slamming down on it as it came up to it. "True Combo!"

Okay it seems that I can convert to OGG for free and it is smaller than WMA.  This is getting weird.
It's only marginally bigger than MP3s, actually.

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:17:42 AM »

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: February 10, 2016, 01:53:16 AM »
"Okay, let's dance!" Sinos boosted off perpendicularly to the missiles' trajectory, crossing the 00Magi and the Blue Noble in an attempt to draw the attention of the projectiles targeting them. Flying until the missiles started to catch up to him, the Bridgetframe turned and threw the idle yo-yo behind him, calling its shield up as it flew. With the missiles concentrated at least somewhat into a line, the shielded yo-yo rolled through a small cluster of the missiles, which caused a chain reaction clearing a sizeable mass of the attack. Thinking fast, he recalled it quickly, then launched a yo-yo at high speed, aiming for far below the W2M9, seemingly missing it completely. He then waited for his other yo-yo to charge up while hoping the W2M9 wouldn't notice the other yo-yo's placement.

(I figured Catch and Release would take a turn or two to recharge, as it literally expels all the energy stored inside the yo-yo. Next up he'll use the out-of-place yo-yo to combo into using the other yo-yo, just like Bridget would, only IN SPACE. Figure it would work at least once.)

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 10, 2016, 12:47:08 AM »
[spoiler]...Can I volunteer in tying the ribbon? '>.>[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Sure, if you have $300 to blow to fly yourself down here in the dryest heat imaginable and drive probably about one to two hours from the nearest airport to my dorms to do so... ;O;[/spoiler]

Apron ribbons are way cuter if tied from the side, personally. Though from my own maid outfit experiences i'm pretty sure those strings are too small to be tied in such a way.

Perhaps, tie it like you're wearing the apron backwards, and then spin it across your body after tying it?
...That is a brilliant idea!

But it's still a good excuse to get a close friend in my room while I'm dressed up to pretend like I can't do it. :P
[spoiler]I just have to MAKE a close friend... -u-'[/spoiler]

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:42:18 AM »
[spoiler]No Moe Moe Kyun pose? I AM DISAPPOINT MEIDO[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I knowwwwwwww. ;O;
By the time I remembered to do that pose (as well as so many other things I should have done, such as wear cat ears and my arm warmers or a cute desk pose of some sort) I had already started deconstructing the outfit because I was super hungry. I definitely have to do it all again, not only did it feel pretty liberating to finally have it but I really missed out on a lot of things I could have done!
Sadly though, I cannot for the life of me tie a ribbon in the apron behind my back. Suppose if I got someone else to help, it could open up so many opportunities~!
...I just have to find someone I'm comfortable with and who is comfortable with me...[/spoiler]

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 05:47:34 AM »
So that means you are no longer Soda Knight?
brb making Soda Knight fangame

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 05:25:55 AM »
whose waifu am I? O^O

in the meantime I have two quarters on my desk. I am officially kicked out of the Order of No Quarter. 8D

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:58:30 AM »
[spoiler=warning may contain 2muchmoe4u]


Forum Games / Re: Add a caption to the previous poster's avatar, ROUND TWO!
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:50:48 AM »
"What is this, bottomless or something?"
ORIGINAL SEZ (do not steal)
Unperfect lifeforms, there's nothing more satisfactory than receiving contact from your soulmate, but if someone tries to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, KILL THEM

I don't think I can do that without paying money, besides it'd probably have the same results as FLAC.
Believe it or not, but I can actually use my (free) video converter to batch convert MP3 to OGG. And it actually has smaller filesize, which is why I usually use it in all my gam...


I went to compare filesizes.

The OGGs are bigger.

My life is a lie. :o

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:36:07 AM »
um '>.>

I have pictures of me in a maid outfit

I'm not sure if I should post them

(None of them are explicit or even suggestive at all, unless you count, like, "suggestive of violence" as part of that, because I took this one picture in a sort of gun pose because at the time I still planned on playing Counter-Strike while dressed up, which isn't happening now...)

Go chill out at Black Mesa, Supps.

New phone came today. HTC One M8. About time I got a proper upgrade from the shitty knockoff chinese brand i've been using past year and a half.
Oh hey, how convenient. I've had a new phone for about a week and a half. Droid Maxx 2. I also started testing out my GM:S Android export and ohmygodIhatetheandroidsdk but I got it to work after five hours of my life I will never get back!

*dude tells me to convert all my music into FLAC format*

*amount of data goes from 11.4 GB to 54.4 GB*

.......Yeah not going to do that.............
Bruh, OGG master race. 8B

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