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Protoman Blues · 426240

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Reply #6600 on: February 09, 2016, 11:04:34 AM
('tis fine, I expected her to be grounded eventually. Careful of her contingency plan though 8D)

(I already know what I wanna do with that. You wanna write up Irkalla's capture or d'you want me to?)

Minty found the attempt at restricting their foe's movements to be more difficult than he'd anticipated, but certainly wasn't going to stop. Xhai was still clamped around Irkalla's legs, and Minty knew they probably didn't have much time before he was forced to let go.

"Please, let this work..."

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #6601 on: February 09, 2016, 11:21:15 AM
"Get off of me you little..." Irkalla mutters, anger clearly building up in her voice. She looked skyward, judging the distance of her projectiles. If she was to be grounded, she fully intended to not make it easy for the group. As the feathers got closer, she forcibly rolled onto her back and held Xhai up as a shield.

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Reply #6602 on: February 09, 2016, 11:26:37 AM
(Wow, that set-up's perfect! Thanks!)

Not even the mass of pinions slamming into his back caused Xhai to loosen his grip. His knees started to give...

Not yet. Not 'til we win....!

His eyes grew cloudy and started to roll backwards into his head as his world exploded in pain


His artificial heart was screaming as he forced himself to maintain his hold while his allies finished their task...

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #6603 on: February 09, 2016, 12:05:42 PM
The 00Magi weaved and dodged the missiles from the W2M9, shooting some down in the process. As it did, it saw a large explosion of suits closer to the Sexstation.

"Did that Bubble Bat humping dipshit send rein-[tornado fang]ing-forcements? ADA, how many suits?" PBPB angrily asked, trying to keep her focus on the W2M9 in the process.

"Long range scan detect one Gundam type mobile suit. Data from Protoman Blues' spec sheets shows it being similar to the Crossbone Gundam, a mobile suit desig..."

"How powerful are we [tornado fang]ing talking here?" PBPB interrupted.

"It is a formidable Gundam. It's mobility and weaponry could pose a serious threat to the Sexstation and its defenses. Recommend you engage immediately." ADA responded.

"Perfect. Goddamn PERFECT!" PBPB frustratingly stated while opening communications with the Blue Noble Gundam. "Come in, Blue."

"Go ahead, Blues!" she answered.

"Another powerful Mobile Suit appeared and it's closing in on the Sexstation. If I don't stop it, all this will be for nothing. I need you to hold this thing at bay while I go face it. It seems this other frame here is our ally. Try and work together."

"Are you sure you can handle that other suit by yourself?" Blue asked.

"No choice. Good luck here." PBPB answered before closing communications. The 00Magi's GN drives hummed loudly as it flew towards the attacking Crossbone Gundam. "How are we looking on the Trans Am, ADA?"

"Trans Am currently charged only 1/4th of the way!"

"What a goddamn day. Hope Fxeni's having better luck at the I.S.S. right now." she muttered while flying to intercept.

(I'll let Fxeni handle Reaper & PBPB's introduction  8D)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #6604 on: February 09, 2016, 02:38:01 PM
"Alright-go I'll do my best." Blue turned  back toward the mobile armor, generating another plasma shield to counter the latest daka daka, pushing all power into the suit's main thrust Blue charged at the Mobile Armor transferring the plasma energy into the suit's hand as she got to melee range, the suit adjusted it's position using it's foot thrusters to stop it's charge before Blue thrust her hand forward launching the plasma energy at the armor as a projectile against it's core block.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #6605 on: February 09, 2016, 03:01:54 PM
(I'll update the W2M9 once Suppercut adds his attack.)

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #6606 on: February 10, 2016, 01:14:01 AM
A warning siren went off on the console of the Crossbone, as a part of the viewscreen targeted an incoming enemy. Reaper grins from ear to ear when he sees the suit that was incoming. He puts away the Peacock Smasher and unsheathes the Murasama Blaster, zig zagging erratically towards the 00Magi.

PBPB lets loose the 00Magi's GN Bits, tracking down the Crossbone as it flits back and forth through space. The Crossbone fires its Vulcans at the GN Bits as they approach, effortlessly knocking them off course. The Murasama's beams fire up and flash in a blinding light towards the 00Magi, which are barely blocked by the GN Staff. The suits are locked together as the Crossbone aggressively boosts towards the 00Magi, trying to pierce through the GN Staff.

"Well well well... the bunny has come out to play!" Reaper says over the comm link with a giant grin, hoping to throw PBPB off.

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Reply #6607 on: February 10, 2016, 01:31:52 AM
The 00Magi fights off the Crossbone before turning and firing it beams at it, which the Crossbone easily dodges. The two suits once again fly towards one another and clash, the eyes lighting up as they do.

"Amazing." PBPB replies. "I'm legit shocked you're not a [tornado fang]ing robot master like "Boner Man" or one of his other idiotic contraptions. Have we met? You sound familiar!"

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #6608 on: February 10, 2016, 01:49:00 AM
"I see you still have that trademark wit of yours!" Reaper replies with a chuckle, deciding to drag this out a bit longer. "I do believe we have met before, in a sense..."

The Crossbone breaks off from the 00Magi and quickly boosts away, switching back to the Peacock Smasher and firing a volley. The 00Magi swiftly dodges the blasts and boosts forward, firing at point blank range. These blasts are blocked with a Beam Shield, and the Crossbone retaliates with a swing of the Murasama.

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Reply #6609 on: February 10, 2016, 01:53:16 AM
"Okay, let's dance!" Sinos boosted off perpendicularly to the missiles' trajectory, crossing the 00Magi and the Blue Noble in an attempt to draw the attention of the projectiles targeting them. Flying until the missiles started to catch up to him, the Bridgetframe turned and threw the idle yo-yo behind him, calling its shield up as it flew. With the missiles concentrated at least somewhat into a line, the shielded yo-yo rolled through a small cluster of the missiles, which caused a chain reaction clearing a sizeable mass of the attack. Thinking fast, he recalled it quickly, then launched a yo-yo at high speed, aiming for far below the W2M9, seemingly missing it completely. He then waited for his other yo-yo to charge up while hoping the W2M9 wouldn't notice the other yo-yo's placement.

(I figured Catch and Release would take a turn or two to recharge, as it literally expels all the energy stored inside the yo-yo. Next up he'll use the out-of-place yo-yo to combo into using the other yo-yo, just like Bridget would, only IN SPACE. Figure it would work at least once.)


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #6610 on: February 10, 2016, 03:03:59 AM
The W2M9 reeled back again, its energy shield barely withstanding the concentrated plasma energy from the Blue Noble. Still trying to stabilize itself, the W2M9 failed to notice the yo-yo that was below it.

(Ending soon...)

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Reply #6611 on: February 10, 2016, 04:28:38 AM
"Hey! Thanks for that shot, mister, uhhhh..." Sinos quickly ran a scan on the Blue Noble, as he had probably only met the Sexstation folks very briefly. "...Blue! Right, thanks, Blue. Okay, time for the followup..." With his on-hand yo-yo fully charged back up, he let it loose a bit while attached to its tractor beam rope. With the flip of a control, the yo-yo gained a small plasma ring around it, composed of a similar material to, say, a beam saber, but spinning around it like a saw. The Bridgetframe flew straight over with the yo-yo operating in beam saw mode in tow, and before the machine could react, the unattended yo-yo's thrusters kicked on in a split second, ramming upwards into the underside of the engine, boosting it upwards and delaying its re-stabilization long enough for the custom frame to be in position above it to bring the razor yo-yo slamming down on it as it came up to it. "True Combo!"


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Reply #6612 on: February 10, 2016, 06:53:20 AM
"I see you still have that trademark wit of yours!" Reaper replies with a chuckle, deciding to drag this out a bit longer. "I do believe we have met before, in a sense..."

The Crossbone breaks off from the 00Magi and quickly boosts away, switching back to the Peacock Smasher and firing a volley. The 00Magi swiftly dodges the blasts and boosts forward, firing at point blank range. These blasts are blocked with a Beam Shield, and the Crossbone retaliates with a swing of the Murasama.

The 00Magi dodged the Murasama and kicked the Crossbone away with its foot. It then fired beams from the GN Shields and the Crossbone easily dodged them. PBPB noticed the patterns of the Crossbone Gundam's movement while dodging her shots. She flashes back to when she sparred with Fxeni in the Fxescythe Zeta and the movements are near exact. The 00Magi flies towards the Crossbone as it fired its vulcans at the 00Magi, which manages to clip the 00Magi's shoulder a bit.

"The wit comes with the genes I'm afraid! Speaking of genes, you wouldn't happen to be related to my sexni Fxeni would you?" PBPB playfully asked. "Your fighting styles are verrrry similar!"

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #6613 on: February 11, 2016, 01:11:28 AM
The 00Magi dodged the Murasama and kicked the Crossbone away with its foot. It then fired beams from the GN Shields and the Crossbone easily dodged them. PBPB noticed the patterns of the Crossbone Gundam's movement while dodging her shots. She flashes back to when she sparred with Fxeni in the Fxescythe Zeta and the movements are near exact. The 00Magi flies towards the Crossbone as it fired its vulcans at the 00Magi, which manages to clip the 00Magi's shoulder a bit.

"The wit comes with the genes I'm afraid! Speaking of genes, you wouldn't happen to be related to my sexni Fxeni would you?" PBPB playfully asked. "Your fighting styles are verrrry similar!"

"I suppose it could be put that way," Reaper answered in a somewhat lighter tone as their weapons clashed. He was actually enjoying himself, for what seems like the first time in forever... this went unnoticed to him. The Crossbone darted off and fired a volley, damaging GN Bits in the process.

"You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you? I have a score to settle with him," Reaper asked as the Crossbone's Murasama barely missed its mark.

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Reply #6614 on: February 11, 2016, 04:30:11 AM
"I suppose it could be put that way," Reaper answered in a somewhat lighter tone as their weapons clashed. He was actually enjoying himself, for what seems like the first time in forever... this went unnoticed to him. The Crossbone darted off and fired a volley, damaging GN Bits in the process.

"You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you? I have a score to settle with him," Reaper asked as the Crossbone's Murasama barely missed its mark.

"Awwww, what's the matter baby? Did he hurt your feelings?" PBPB snidely remarked as she continued firing at the Crossbone. "Maybe we can meet over dinner and I can make it alllll better?"

"Pardon me, but what are you doing?" ADA asked.

"Stalling. Whoever this person is, he's Fxeni. The fighting styles are too similar."

"How can this be?" ADA asked again.

"Hey, I'm a bunny-girl clone of PB. Anything's possible. Either way, having Fxeni's abilities and fighting skills makes him even more dangerous. I'm not sure I can beat him, BUT..."

The 00Magi fires a couple of shots, one slightly off the mark of the first shot. The Crossbone dodges the one shot but by dodging, the other shot hits the shoulder of the mobile suit.

"...at least I have the experience of sparring with Fxeni to help out a bit!"

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Reply #6615 on: February 11, 2016, 12:17:36 PM
Oh dear, this is like one huge rpm fanfiction.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6616 on: February 11, 2016, 06:30:29 PM
(Well that kind of is how most roleplays are.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #6617 on: February 11, 2016, 09:09:19 PM
Oh dear, this is like one huge rpm fanfiction.

(Lol, oh yes, my dear Asena! Alllllll a product of my insanity! 8D)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6618 on: February 11, 2016, 09:29:18 PM
(Yeah this is essentially a huge GoRPM/borockman RPM series deconstructed to hell and back and borockman nowhere to be seen.....there is a Borock-bot though.   Speaking of which I really should come up with a reason why Borock-bot looks like borockman.......)

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Reply #6619 on: February 12, 2016, 12:35:11 AM
"Awwww, what's the matter baby? Did he hurt your feelings?" PBPB snidely remarked as she continued firing at the Crossbone. "Maybe we can meet over dinner and I can make it alllll better?"

"Pardon me, but what are you doing?" ADA asked.

"Stalling. Whoever this person is, he's Fxeni. The fighting styles are too similar."

"How can this be?" ADA asked again.

"Hey, I'm a bunny-girl clone of PB. Anything's possible. Either way, having Fxeni's abilities and fighting skills makes him even more dangerous. I'm not sure I can beat him, BUT..."

The 00Magi fires a couple of shots, one slightly off the mark of the first shot. The Crossbone dodges the one shot but by dodging, the other shot hits the shoulder of the mobile suit.

"...at least I have the experience of sparring with Fxeni to help out a bit!"

Reaper's eyes flitted over the console, ensuring that the shoulder would still be functional when he needed it. It was still intact, so he sighed in relief. He eyed the Sexstation in the background. No more games.

"No time for that I'm afraid; Lots of things to destroy," Reaper replied as he backed off and aimed the Peacock Smasher at the Sexstation. He grins, and fires all barrels at once.

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Reply #6620 on: February 12, 2016, 12:51:42 AM
(Blue, do you want to add a finisher of your own to the W2M9?)

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Reply #6621 on: February 12, 2016, 01:19:21 AM
((Nah need to sortie a few more times before I get any finishers  8D))

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Reply #6622 on: February 12, 2016, 01:38:33 AM
(Alrighty then. XD)

The beam buzzsaw connected with the W2M9's shield, ripples radiating from the point of impact and beam sparks were flying. The W2M9 roared as it continued to struggle in righting itself. The shield grew weaker with the continuous sawing, until it shattered and the yo-yo sliced the capsule top of the W2M9. The resulting explosion blasted the Bridgetframe away.

... However, when the smoke cleared, the W2M9 was still intact... Well... Mostly intact. The capsule top was no longer there, and there is a hole of sorts where the capsule top used to be, with sparks sparkling away. Angered, the W2M9 let loose its whole arsenal of missiles, lasers, homing shots and energy blasts.

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Reply #6623 on: February 12, 2016, 04:20:33 AM
Reaper's eyes flitted over the console, ensuring that the shoulder would still be functional when he needed it. It was still intact, so he sighed in relief. He eyed the Sexstation in the background. No more games.

"No time for that I'm afraid; Lots of things to destroy," Reaper replied as he backed off and aimed the Peacock Smasher at the Sexstation. He grins, and fires all barrels at once.

As she saw the Crossbone targeting its Peacock Smasher at the Sexstation, PBPB's eyes lit up. Without hesitation, the GN Bits flew in between the Crossbone and the Sexstation. Before the blast could reach it, the GN Bits created an energy shield to block the incredible blast.

As PBPB was focused on protecting the Sexstation, she didn't notice the Murasama targeting the 00Magi. It fired a blast directly at the cockpit. The alarms went off with her eyes still glowing. At the last second, the 00Magi was able to slightly move, letting the beam hit its GN Shield, knocking the 00Magi back quite a bit.

"Mmmmmm I guess we're done with the foreplay then huh?" PBPB quipped in response.

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Reply #6624 on: February 13, 2016, 01:50:20 AM
"I'm afraid so; after I finish up here I still have him to hunt down. Lets get this over with, shall we?" Reaper replied as the Peacock Smasher is discarded, its barrels worn down from the blast. He pulled out a Beam Zanber in the now emptied hand and ignited it, boosting towards the 00Magi with multiple slashes of each weapon.