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Messages - Robert Oakes

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Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: September 08, 2009, 03:21:21 PM »
Its not Nakayama. Its from the guy who made those awesome Zero, Omega Zero and Zero series X figures.

That is Nakayama's artwork. He made it especially for the package of those figures. He even advertised them in his own site at one point.

"Zero" would be known as Super Rockman.

What else did you think the hair was for?

X / Re: How would you describe Sigma?
« on: August 27, 2009, 02:42:56 PM »
I personally view Sigma as a character who worked to achieve evolution in order to overcome his own weaknesses.

Sigma was the proud commander of the Maverick Hunters. Built from the latest circuit designs, Sigma was arguably the most powerful and intelligent Reploid ever created. However, Sigma encountered Zero, who not only almost killed him but also humiliated him in the process. Sigma's pride was shattered; he was supposed to be the greatest, but now there was an entirely new level.

Sigma began to harbor a desire to reach that level. He wasn't the epitome of Reploid design; he could improve, he could be better. Reploids could be better. However, he didn't know how until Dr. Cain told him about X's potential. Sigma took Cain's words to heart and started his uprising in order to see that potential unleashed.

Over the course of series, Sigma made repeated attempts to obtain X's strength, becoming more and more obssessed. But no matter what he tried or how powerful his bodies became, he continued to be defeated. Sigma started to hate X for possessing the potential that he could never have. Driven by this hatred, Sigma conducted schemes to see X destroyed. The Earth Crisis is the result of that.

Then Axl appeared. A mysterious character who could copy the DNA data of any Reploid. Sigma saw a new opportunity; by obtaining the DNA of X, Sigma could finally find the key to the evolution he long sought, but he didn't count on Axl himself thwarting his plans.

After that, Sigma began to ponder what made X so powerful, eventually remembering X's dedication to justice. Sigma's views changed; realizing that evolution wasn't about power, he determined that he needed to change the world, correcting its imperfections and steering it to what he believed to be the natural course.

To that end, the New Generation Reploids were of prime importance. Because of their newfound viral immunity, they could not become Maverick from system abnormalities. They could only become Maverick if they wanted to be. Sigma embedded his DNA on the Copy Chips to share his mentality with the New Generation Reploids, to show them the flaws of the old world. By making them his children, Sigma made sure that the New Generation Reploids would carry on his legacy if he failed again.

With the revelation that a Reploid devoid of irregularities may still turn against the world, it was proven that Reploids aren't merely tools of the humans. That despite what some may believe, Reploids possess true, independent will. This put Reploids on a new level, forever changing the nature of human and Reploid existence. This is evolution, which is what Sigma always wanted.

At least, this is how I see it.


There's a smaller version at the Mechanical Maniacs; Ranay says it has something to do with an RPG. Does Mr. Shin know anything about this?

I don't know about Rodrigo Shin but if I recall, it's a tabletop RPG adaptation of Mega Man by the late RPG magazine "Dragão Brasil." I used to have it, but my copy mysteriously vanished so I can't give more details.

Zero / Re: About Omega
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:25:17 PM »
So?  Ever use Z3's dash attack against Omega?

What's your point?

Zero / Re: About Omega
« on: July 13, 2009, 05:00:29 AM »
And I don't, as Zero was capable of far more slashes in CM.

That's silly logic. The Command Arts still follow the same principle, lunge at the enemy and slice it down.

Omega's combo hurts enough as it is in the game. Any more hits would be overkill.

Zero / Re: About Omega
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:39:41 PM »
That 7-slash attack was a street fighter reference.  He never used it in the X games.

Unless you count Zero's Command Arts.

X / Re: Why aren't copy reploids near unkillable?
« on: July 09, 2009, 07:00:17 PM »
Well, Aile most certainly existed. But his friendship with Spider was wholly fabricated by Redips. If that friendship never existed, what purpose does the ID have? It could therefore very well be the case that Redips had killed Aile and taken his form and recovered the ID card from his body.

It could also be that once Redips heard X talk about the value of this ID, he saw an opportunity to play along and gain X's trust. The ID was given to X in order to grant him access to the Governor's Precinct.

As it stands, I think there is more evidence of Aile being real than there is against it. If Redips really did impersonate Aile, it's a detail which wasn't even hinted at in the storyline.

I was specifically referring to external damage. In the Redips-Spider revelation scene, is it not the case that Redips' is heavily sparking until he transforms into Spider and back?

Internal or external, it's still damage. And while Redips does display some recovery after transforming, I still don't think this should be attributed to the copy ability since, as I said, we have Axl as a reference. Redips could have used a Sub Tank for all we know...

I really wonder about that ability... I'm inclined to believe it's not a Copy Chip based ability, otherwise, that would spoil his cover, but why else would both Axl and Spider have the same ability? Maybe because of their similar stealth orientated origins?

I suppose that's a possibility.

X / Re: Why aren't copy reploids near unkillable?
« on: July 09, 2009, 06:10:24 PM »
Well, Redips is an interesting case study here. The battle with X, confrontation with Jango, hurting his arm saving Zero, sacrificing his life (faked, but in a facility only Incentas can freely teleport?..) And his miraculous recovery from damage by revealing his Spider form. He takes a lot of damage in his attempt to trick the Hunters. According to one of Capcom's concepts, he even copied wheel-chair bound Aile and ripped a card from his own body... (anybody still have the explanation for the multiple explanations revolving around Spider-Redips?)

But, I can't really conclude anything myself here, I've barely even fought the Cadres. >.>

But you're the only one who can browse sourcebooks and read Japanese!

I'm inclined to believe the Aile we met was the real character. A Reploid soldier from New Hope mentions that Aile looked up to Chief R like a father after he was taken in, and Chief R is taken aback when X informs him of Aile's sacrifice.

There is also the fact that a New Generation Reploid reverts upon death, and yet the ID given to X continues to exist...

And I don't believe that Redips recovered any internal damage simply for using his copy ability. He seems able to move again, but if Axl doesn't recover damage using his own ability, why would Redips be any different? If we assume that Hyper Modes have any value in the storyline, we could theorize that Redips used Trickstar to escape Gimialla Mine (which works exactly like Axl's Stealth Mode, early hint?), but I'll admit I can't explain how Redips could repair his arm unsuspected.

X / Re: Why aren't copy reploids near unkillable?
« on: July 08, 2009, 09:26:30 PM »
Ever hear of automatic repairs? look into it. Copy Chip Reploids have these built in, so transformation is like a teeny bandage to them.

Axl doesn't recover energy when he uses his copy ability.

No evidence whatsoever. They are still machines. While by the time of ZX humans and Repliroids are considered equal, there's no mentioning whether or not Repliroids can consume and digest regular food. From what I recall, the only part about "equality" considering Repliroids is that they have finite lifespans like human beings. Then again, ZX has interracial couples with kids, so who knows. Anything's possible with SCIENCE.

Grey can refill the lifebar with food items, if that counts.

X / Re: Sigma Virus
« on: June 15, 2009, 04:57:47 PM »
But I thought Zero originally had the Zero Virus within himself, not the Sigma Virus.  The latter was made when Zero accidentally infected Sigma, if X4 is anything to go by...

The virus had no known name when Zero was the carrier. However, since it's the same virus which became the Sigma Virus, it's still referred to as the Sigma Virus to denote the relation.

The Zero Virus is a more potent version of the Sigma Virus created during the Earth Crisis (X5). This is a new strain, not necessarily the same as the virus which Zero was originally infected with.

When Wily made the virus and inserted into Zero to make him and any reploid he comes in contact with turn Maverick, it didn't have a specific name; it was just called "virus".

Sigma Virus wasn't known until after Sigma started his rebellion, using the virus within himself to strengthen their negative thoughts and give them a reason to rebel against humans.

Both Zero and the virus were created before Reploids even existed. The original purpose of the virus wasn't to infect other machines, but to give Zero the power and drive to accomplish his mission: destroy Dr. Light's greatest creation.

The Sigma Virus became known when Doppler revealed its existence to X. The virus affects Reploids to varying degrees and Sigma may cause different effects with it. Reploids may be driven to follow Sigma's will or simply go haywire as the line between logic and emotion is blurred by the virus.


As for how it got spread, I can't comment until someone can verify on when Zero actually started roaming around.

The virus was spread when Sigma started using it to infect other Reploids and machines.

Rockman Series / Re: Nice one!
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:20:22 PM »
I'm aware. It's still amusing.

Rockman Series / Re: Nice one!
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:16:38 PM »
I remember when "Blues" was pronounced as "Bruce" in the Japanese version of Battle & Chase.

Proto Man = Batman?

X / Re: What Do YOU Think is Under Vile's Helmet
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:30:43 PM »
Vile has a chip on his shoulders.


ZX / Re: Is this possible?
« on: May 01, 2009, 05:44:28 PM »
I'm not quite sure about Z. You'd expect the legendary heroes to be strong, but X and Z were frowned upon by Prometheus.

Bad guys generally tend to underestimate the good guys. Prometheus looking down upon the Biometals doesn't mean they are truly inferior.

After all, the ultimate Mega Man was still defeated by what was regarded as an inferior (or incomplete) copy.

Rockman Series / Re: Writer question.
« on: April 23, 2009, 12:43:42 AM »
I've a feeling I shouldn't get involved, but I may as well share some thoughts.

Nonsense.  I can very well expect it to give closure.  Especially since it's plot thread (Wily) wasn't picked up in X7.  Their lack of planning caused that plot thread to atrophy.  It's similar to how they expected a Legends 3.

If a game wasn't intended to deliver closure, I don't see why it should. And I don't think it's fair to blame one game for the shortcomings of the sequels.

In other words, the problems aren't X-centric and he's just tagging along for the ride.  I don't really know why he's even in X6.  Same problem as in X7, X7 is just worse.

Aside from being the hero who could save the day, X, along with Zero, are what drove Gate in his quest to create the greatest Reploid. As two highly advanced Reploids who couldn't be completely analyzed, Gate believed the ultimate Reploid had to be too complex to analyze, and he strived for this goal. Gate's story is completely rooted in the existence of both X and Zero.

Shoulda called it "Megaman X: Alia's quest".  Same problem I have with X7.  At least Zero is more concretely connected to the series; he has Wily ... plus he's been in the game since X1.  Alia has had one game to her name.  If they had to develop a sub characeter, why not go with X?

Personally, I thought X demonstrated maturity and determination in dialogue and cutscenes which he hadn't shown in the previous games. In my opinion, X7 was a step back in this regard.

Yeah, Sigma's evil.  Been there, done that.  No new points here, except that he's back .... again.  This time with more typos than ever before.  They should have taken this opportunity to make a new villain, but instead they choose the same old one.  Except this time we had an epic battle in X5.

Since X5 doesn't clarify why Sigma would have a conclusive demise, it seemed only natural that he would return. However, X6 gives it a twist by reintroducing Sigma in a weakened state, showing us how much his defeat in the previous game affected him.

This also allowed Gate to retain his role as the antagonist in the game, since Sigma was in no condition to do anything and was unleashed as a last ditch effort resulted from Gate's stubborn refusal to accept defeat.

As for the original question... I won't deny that the series has its flaws, but I think the writing has improved with the more recent games (X8, CM, MHX). I don't know if there could be a better writer for the series at this point, but I'm optimistic that the series will continue to improve if we see a X9.

ZX / Rockman ZX: Battle & Chase...
« on: April 01, 2009, 06:01:15 PM »
... Is a game I wouldn't mind seeing, since I enjoyed the original one.

But for now, I content myself with the concepts that Sigehiro made for this year's April Fools prank. The post was changed since (and I don't have the original text, unfortunately), but the artwork is still up (at the time of this post). I thought someone else would've noticed it, which is why I didn't mention it sooner. That said, I really like these designs and I wouldn't mind if Capcom or Inticreates did something similar.

Giro & Aile
Vent & Model ZX
Prometheus & Pandora
Grey & Model A
Atlas & Model F
Queenbee, Argoyle & Urgoyle
??? & Fistleo (I really have no idea of who the former is supposed to be)

Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:58:25 PM »
I forgot about this thread.

I don't see the scene's drama being about anything other than Wily having attained a very powerful robot. The scene is not so much about GutsMan the character being kidnapped as it is about the power of GutsMan being obtained by Wily for his new nefarious plan.

I disagree, I think there is drama in Mega Man being unable to stop Wily from taking one of his siblings for evil intent once again (which would add further reason to his outburst at the end of the game).

That goes both ways, Wily should have needed neither a copy nor the original to begin with if you're going to reason that he chould have just made an entirely new robot. That he opted instead to take the GutsMan from the robot museum is just Wily taking several shortcuts to save time and effort.

I question the logic in saving time and effort by going out of your way to steal a museum replica, since it could've been made of clay for all we know. The only reason it could be worth for Wily to even bother breaking into the museum to take the robot would be if it was either the original or a functional copy (and it would be a total waste to built one just to put it up for display).

As for GutsMan;

He resents GutsMan G. Also,

It's a copy.

Although I consider Mega Man Network a reliable site, this is inconsistent with their Guts Man page where they state Guts Dozer and Guts Man G as rebuilt versions of Guts Man. The statement of Guts Man resenting Guts Man G could be interpreted as an experience which he regrets, so... which source confirms it's a copy? If it's official, then it's official (even if there is lack of internal logic to it).

X / Re: X9: Will it ever be?
« on: March 12, 2009, 01:06:39 AM »
I never said it was X9. I'm simply stating that it's a better place to discuss something like that.

So the X series branch of this forum is less appropriate for such discussion because there is another fansite for it? It's fine if you want to discuss it there, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it here too.

That said... I recall the effects of Lumine's attack on Axl being visually hinted at by Axl's white form, which sports Lumine's color scheme and removes the "X" scar from Axl's face. Whether it's possession or infection (unlikely due to Axl's viral immunity), I'd certainly like to see the matter resolved in the sequel. I just hope that Lumine doesn't literally become the next Sigma from that point, returning again and again and again...

I'd also like to see Axl's origins addressed. Honestly, the mysterious background does nothing for the character if nothing ever comes out of it. Although X8 revealed that Axl is the new-gen prototype, it didn't explain anything about the creation process, and what happened to him before he joined Red.

And let's not forget...

X / Re: X9: Will it ever be?
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:27:06 PM »
What are you? An idiot?

That was uncalled for, Lumine's effeminate looks allow for that mistake to be made. It's the same reason I thought Zero was female back when I first played X1.

And what's this? On the front page of RPM you say? Gasp!

That only says that fans want a sequel, it doesn't guarantee that Capcom will make the game. But there is always hope as long as fan interest is there and Capcom doesn't bring the series to a close.

Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:04:43 PM »
Again, who says the ones in the museum are the real things? They just seem to be mindless display robots. GutsMan couldn't even move when Wily took him. (Which emphasized CutMan and WoodMan can't be from there; who would transport them?) Going from there, either the R9 bosses already have a copy in the museum, long before they were initially scrapped, or individuality is put on the back-burner by the new robot law so much that they care don't care about immortalizing robots which will be replaced by newer robots which will be replaced by newer robots.

Although it would be reasonable for the robots in the museum to be non-functional copies, the event in MM7 suggests that Capcom intended for those to be the deactivated originals. Otherwise, why would Wily need to steal a simple display replica? Not only that cheapens the impact of the scene, it makes no sense; Wily stole the real article long before that, and even created new machines based on the design (Guts Dozer). He should've been perfectly capable of creating Guts Man G as an entirely new robot with such experience.

As for Cut Man and Wood Man, I vaguely recall reading in a site (Rockman Robot Centre?) that the two were also stolen from the museum, just before Guts Man (explaining their presence in MM8). If someone else can confirm that...

Original / Re: Quick Question
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:25:38 PM »
What about Megaman? He robot too X(

He is also the super fighting robot who saved the world at least a dozen times.

ZX / Re: ZX:AF.
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:37:49 AM »
Is there a link to the full site available? I'd enjoy browsing a whole lot of 'what if(s)'.

Here is the archived page at Sigehiro's site. Clicking the first picture takes you to the Flash site. Aside from what looks like a final boss concept, there isn't much that RPM hasn't gotten a hold of.

It always looked weird, how their helmets were colored differently...

I'm guessing the slightly different designs are meant to convey the idea that those aren't the real Biometals. Their Biometals in AF are replicas (hence "RH", "RF", etc). I thought it was a fun twist.

On a side note, here is a little sketch of the small4 drawn by Sigehiro a little while ago.

Zero / Re: Can someone explain something to me?
« on: January 21, 2009, 03:00:10 AM »
They put his human body in an armor that would regenerate him. It took a century for Dr. Vile to turn completely into machine.

Being dumped halfway across the planet into a wasteland without light or nature, filled with merciless mechaniloids. is you're idea of something a dying man that's driven insane by pain can get up from? He'd have to crawl across the roughest of terrain, get past the largest oceans, to in one hundred years make his way back to his old lab to ease his suffering. Sure, he DID, but would you expect that? His PRISON is the world itself. Neo Arcadia being the high tech society it is has many ways to surveyl Vile's whereabouts and activities at any given time. But the utopia that is Neo Arcadia is ruled by the kind X, and the punishment of Dr. Vile did not happen through official channels. Even with the passing of the mortal humans that sentenced Vile, never can the immortal ruler of Neo Arcadia know of this massive cover up of history, the sin they commited to punish the greatest sin they themselves helped cause.

Were the circumstances of Weil's exile detailed in official resources? The games reveal the regenerative armor, digitized memories, the "world with no light or nature" and the illegality of the procedure, but further details were left to the imagination.

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