That said... I recall the effects of Lumine's attack on Axl being visually hinted at by Axl's white form, which sports Lumine's color scheme and removes the "X" scar from Axl's face. Whether it's possession or infection (unlikely due to Axl's viral immunity), I'd certainly like to see the matter resolved in the sequel. I just hope that Lumine doesn't literally become the next Sigma from that point, returning again and again and again...
Odds are X9 will actually have Axl blowing up, and taking Lumine out with him, and then lead into the Elf wars (or that's how it would effectively go).
Quite an idea...What DID happen to him? Also, It leads me to ask...did Wily make Sigma?
No, Dr. Light made X, Wily ripped off Light's plan and made Zero (or so goes the more commonly accepted answer), and when X was discovered by Dr. Cain (I believe), that's when Reploids started being made. Sigma was made just like any other Reploid, but was made to be the leader of the Maverick Hunters before he himself became infected. How is anyone's guess, there are a lot of theories about this, but Dr. Cain was the one who made Sigma in the long run.
Or if you like some serious irony, then we can blame Dr. Light as the big bad guy since he started this with Mega Man X