Michelle Gazepis, the voice actress who played Iris in MMX4

BossPlaya · 1587

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There is so little information about her on the web, and I haven?t been able to find many pictures of her either. All I could find out about her is that she is from Australia, and aside from her work on X4 and MM8 (where she plays Roll) is that she had a part in the live action Andromedia, she played Jenny Burtory in Bloody Road II, and she had a small part in Shenmue II (and I have no idea who she plays in it). I could have sworn she also played Rebecca Chambers in the original Resident Evil, but I was wrong. She also had another live action role in some Ultraman spinoff which again I know nothing about. Her background and her resume are shrudded in so much mystery. There?s a profile for a Michelle Gazepis on Linkedin that says they are from Australia, and that they are a director at some place called MGH Corporation. I looked up MGH on Google, all I could find was the Massachusetts General Hospital, nothing more. Why is this woman?s work shedded in so much mystery? And you?d think there?d would be at least one way to try and reach out to her being that it is 2020 at all. From what I understand, she resides in Southeast Asia if I am not mistaken, which is also where she does much of her work. I?d really like to get in touch with her and ask her some things. Is there someplace else I should be looking?