[spoiler]I saw that hate, too. They're both demonized for no reason. Yes, Lapis has a reason for her behavior, but that reason doesn't excuse it. She needs to chill. Yes, Peridot is annoying and her attempts to befriend Lapis really backfired because she doesn't know what she's doing. She needs to relax. They're both flawed.
Sometimes, though, I really hate the fandom. This is the same type of [parasitic bomb] as when people were saying that Pearl was abusive. And the same type of people who demonize Yellow Pearl while sanctifying Blue Pearl. We know precisely nothing about Yellow and Blue Pearls!
These are also the same type who attack the autistic Peridot/Pearl headcanons, mainly because seeing autism in those two is stupid, that people who have that headcanon are stupid, and that autistics are stupid. That really rubbed me the wrong way.[/spoiler]