Banjo-Kazooie and old Rareware fans unite, because some of the old devs from before Microsoft ran them into the ground got together to form
Playtonic Games and start up their own title; Yooka-Laylee, a spiritual successor to the good ol' bear and bird duo. Like a lot of games lately,
they went to Kickstarter to help fund the game but unlike most actually had a game basis to work with rather than simply a concept. A sample video is available on the site, alongside two song samples from Grant Kirkhope and David Wise.
Unlike when I posted Mighty No. 9 almost two years ago to see if people wanted to support it, though, here's the thing; yesterday the Kickstarter began, and around 40 minutes or less the game already met its goal of 270k in US dollars. They've pretty much broken all the primary stretch goals in a single day, when Grant was expecting, say, a week for the base funding to go through. Since there was no topic otherwise for this, I figured I might as well post it to spread the info around.
And also this.