Anybody who pledged enough for their name in the credits should've gotten a thing by now to put your name in.
They specifically state this:
If you chose "Yes", please enter your name below. 18 characters max, and please use the following characters only to prevent text corruption: alphabet (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and certain symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + ' [ ] { } ; : < > , . / ?). In addition, please refrain from posting contact info (email address, friend code, etc.), references to other IPs (other games, anime, etc.), or any words/phrases considered indecent or related to indecent subject matter. Failure to comply will result in only your Mighty No. appearing in the staff roll.
(Good thing Touko Clefant isn't a reference to any other IP ever.)
Also they've apparently decided that wallpapers are worth $5, you can now buy Wallpapers of Mighty No.1 and No.2. This goes towards further stretch goals obviously.