"Well, whatever the case, you should still take it easy on the way to the transporter room," Hajime said as he escorts her back to said location and waits for her to get on the nine-way transpads encircling one area of the room with the ninth being in the middle.
"No time. People are in danger and the Fox-Boy might summon something else. He seemed to like me when we were web swinging, so I've got the best chance of talking some sense into him. The others can meet me. So, as I said before, ENERGIZE!!" Spider-Blues demanded.
Hierophant compresses his lips a bit before sighing in reluctance, "Alright...if you insist...."
He looks over to Ittetsu, "Have the teleporter set for the First Municipal Bank. Make sure to teleport him outside so he doesn't get caught in the crossfire before he has a chance to attack."
Ittetsu nods as he puts in the coordinates, causing the telpeorter in the ships belly to glow and warp Spider-Blues and the quickly arriving Arche down to the entrance of the Bank. Once the gone, he turns to the slightly flustered Hierophant.
"Even if he is right, and this has happened before, I don't trust that the boy will easily listen to him if there's someone more threatening or manipulative pulling the strings. I think it's best if you send some help if the others don't come after him soon."
"Not yet," Hierophant said, "As much as he needs help, we can't send the heroes down too quickly, especially if they're still recovering from their own experience with that fox-child's earlier rampage. We'll just wait until they find a reason to get involved and send them to other coordinates around the Bank so they can at least stand guard in case anymore troublemakers try to hamper the situation."
Ittetsu nods as they continue to watch the situation down at the bank. Hierophant decides it's best to broadcast it to the lounge to see who else would be interested in getting involved, keeping the communication open in the lounge in case he needs to share this plan with the rest of the heroes itching to get involved.