Megagirl R / ロックガール R (Official Wip Thread)

Started by Gatuca, December 28, 2008, 12:16:54 AM

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Nice tileset, so far. owob

Also, good luck with that Photoshop problem. :chant:


Now, currently finishing some details with the looping of the ground tiles, and again, thanks to Mr Nebula Black for allow me to use his Lava Tiles

now currently im only making screens to give you an idea of what the level will look like

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Wow. :O This all looks magnificent! 0v0 Good job on that (even though the lava tiles were technically not done by you)!

Once Manic finally gets around to doing Volcano Woman's dancing sprites, I will definitely let you know.




AND YES, there's discoloration and different gamma hues when comparing these last 2 tile-sets i be posted[/spoiler]

well i guess now i have to work on the other ones

[spoiler]Damn, now i know why most people do fake screens 1st, cause its a pain in the butt to load all the tiles for screens, the fact that with MMF2 you have to cut all the tiles and load them in 16x16 and then manually organize them, crap, is there an option to load a tile selection swatch on MF2?[/spoiler]

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I have to say that it's the best update for VW's tileset yet! I like the Metall Daddy cameo. :D

By the way, do you know about this?


(i can't talk)


one big question?

can someone let a hand for the soundtrack, aim so sorry, but i COMPLETELY suck at famitracker, i cant came up with decent melodies, and aim sure keviiiiiiiinnnnn has his reasons for not listening to all people

(i made him a couple of request months ago and since then, he has forgotten)

and tell me the truth, what's more easy to use, FL studio or Famitracker?
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If I'm not mistaken, Famitracker is easier to use, as doing system limitation-accurate chiptunes with FL Studio requires a plug-in (such as Chipsounds).

As for someone helping you with the soundtrack, I'll ask Mexican and see if he'll happily contribute. ;)

Edit: Then again, he may be too busy at the moment. :\

I'll see if I can get a good enough chiptune musician to help.


I guess I can help out with he OST, but as Kudos said, I'm really busy at the moment. Not only am I working on the Megaman TT soundtrack, and a remix album, I'm working on an original chiptune album, to be possibly published by ROFLtrax. anyhow, I would be happy to help, but as far as a full OST goes, I probably wouldn't be able to do that for awhile.


well, kind of thinking, most likely the OST for my Game will be multicontrtibution, in other words, it's not going to be composed by a sole guy

i guess you have no problem for composing 3 songs right?

Volcano Woman, Gelato and Opera Woman

im not asking you for a full OST if you cant, sorry man, is just that i really lost my patience while triying to do something on famitracker
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Blaze Yeager

I Like this game so far...and i'm being nice.
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
| |


Alright, the composer I've asked (goniochromism) isn't interested in helping, but he did suggest something.

You could look for composers on the Famitracker forums. There might be some people that will be willing to help there.

However, since this game's OST will be multicontributional, don't forget to ask the local Famitracker chiptune composers on Youtube, as well (though, I'm certain that you're already doing that)!


Quote from: Diaburn on April 01, 2010, 01:23:18 AM
I Like this game so far...and i'm being nice.

Mh...............................OK :\

Quote from: MexicanSunflower on March 31, 2010, 09:24:56 PM
I guess I can help out with he OST, but as Kudos said, I'm really busy at the moment. Not only am I working on the Megaman TT soundtrack, and a remix album, I'm working on an original chiptune album, to be possibly published by ROFLtrax. anyhow, I would be happy to help, but as far as a full OST goes, I probably wouldn't be able to do that for awhile.

Thanks Flower

and for the meantime...............


Posted on: April 01, 2010, 02:35:07 AM
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Very nice mugshots there. :3

I am wondering about the purpose of the bottom ones, though (e.g. Cowgirl Roll, electrified Roll).


I might have a clue.  8D
[spoiler]Mugshots in weapon menu while switching weapons, maybe?[/spoiler]
But whatever use they might have, they look really good. I personally find Roll in a space suit with that fishbowl over her head quite amusing.  XD


Nice guess, but Cadmium has a better idea:

Every time that a boss is beaten, her mugshot would be replaced by a thematic one of Roll's, as seen above.

The helmet-less one may be for the "book of hairstyles" thing, methinks.

As for the "Megaman Roll" one...Unlockable Mega Man? *shrug* I don't know.


actually, that idea could work, except that the fact that when you beat all 8, the center avatar will be Virtual man, then, then a waltz battle, the wily logo for 4 stages, and then............................

ow wow wow wow, i dint pay attention to kudos reply so, yeah i can put them!

[spoiler]togh im not sure if by the way that n-mario is programming the engine, t will allows backtracking, i mean, go back to beaten stages, even tough you beaten the primary 8, and then trigger the events for the cutscenes and next levels[/spoiler]

tough to be honest, i did the mugshots more for amusement but i can come up with a decent idea to incorporate them, and the megaman one, that was was just to fill up

[spoiler]but im working on the megaman ones, that will be different from the usuall MM3-5-9-10 ones[/spoiler]
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Glad to hear it, then! 8)

By the way, you might want to fix those spoilers of yours...'>.>


Today's Update...........

but wait, that's screen is really old, well........................


I tried my best with the mugshots, and my only guide were some draws i made on a paper, so Zan, you think it's badly made, since in total are 15 colors.[/spoiler]
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Not bad on the newest mugshot screen you made.  Though I find it to be better if you put the bosses names underneath the images.
"The fact that I myself do not understand what my paintings mean while I am painting them does not imply that they are meaningless." - Salvador Dali
"Do not be afraid of perfection - you will never attain it." - Salvador Dali



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Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Quotesince in total are 15 colors.

It's not how many colors you have, it's how you use them.


Though, it might take some time for me to get used to the background color choice, that new stage select looks decent enough. My favorite portraits have to be Perfume's, Moon's, Tai Chi's and Feather's. owo

Quote from: CadmiumRED on April 11, 2010, 06:44:56 AMThough I find it to be better if you put the bosses names underneath the images.

I agree, rather. One musn't forget that the majority of MM games, had the bosses' names shown underneath their pictures, on the stage select.