Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth

Started by Mr. Haxwell, May 16, 2013, 12:59:25 PM

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Thanks for the tip. I'll start up tonight after I'm done doing some Pokedex filling in X.

Police Girl

One last tip, depending on your computer specs you might want to look into a widescreen mod. Looks nicer and such.

Also after a while running on the map gets tedious as [tornado fang] so abuse that framelimiter toggle.


I accidentally got spoiled on the majority of P3's plot, so it's been hard to care about continuing it myself.

I'm trying my damndest to avoid doing the same to Trails in the Sky at least. Without plot I find turn-based stuff too much of a hassle.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 06:20:07 AM
Good man.

You'll soon know that Junpei is awesome if maybe a little bit of a jealous twat in the first part of the game.
As well as Yukari's bitchiness/antagonism against Mitsuru, Mitsuru's aloofness and really poor communication situation when she had no reason to hide what she was hiding because 'it wasn't relevant at the time' in the first part of the game.  Granted Yukari I can understand, if a bit on the extreme and when you know Junpei's background I can understand the first mission jealousy though the later missions not so much.  Mitsuru's situation I could probably attribute to her not being really social due to her position and duty, but man I understand why Yukari called her out, even if her anger got the better of her like it usually does.

They do develop out of this over the course of the game of course, and it just shows how normal they are and I respect that but it can be still grating in the first half of the game.  And do not get me started on The Answer.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Yukari's a [sonic slicer] out and out. FES makes her worse.

Mitsuru's a great character, I seriously never went battles without her except the times where it wasn't possible.

Fuuka's nice but she doesn't really develop as much as the others.

Junpei I've already said about.

Akihiko gets better later on, but he was already kind of cool.

Ken's a [parasitic bomb], don't even use him.

Aigis is best girl and nobody can refute that.

Koromaru is a dog, so naturally he doesn't get character development.

And after you beat the game, go and read the Twitter account made by an LPer that's done as the Main Character. Its kind of funny.

FES fleshes the characters out even more.

Sakura Leic

Aigis is indeed the best character in the damn game, and Akihiko is the best male character even though he is the very definition of the 'When all you got is a Hammer' trope in terms of his drive and development, I felt he was sort of static which is not a bad thing.   Though I do regard the female route as needless and pure fanfiction I do think we see a lot more of why Akihiko is who he is in his social link route than the male route.

Ken I can understand, the poor kid has been through hell and no one would ever believe him, not to mention with the trauma he's been through can you honestly blame the kid for doing for what he was going to do even if it was utterly wrong, especially when I believe that revenge doesn't solve anything?  

Fukka is very developed in my opinion since she goes from being very passive and timid to very courageous and I would even say she's the anti Ken, despite the crap Natsuki did she protected her and they became best friends.  

Koromaru is an expy of the dog Hachiko, which I fine very heart warming and I like her very much.

And Shinji, just my god Shinji, he's basically like Wilypocalyse PB but with Zeta's attitude problem before she became Sakura's friend and her deep down protective nature.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I would be playing it right now except for some reason PCSX2 has some kind of odd flicker. Keeps on flashing all the time. Hasn't done that in any other game. Guess I have to play around with the GS.

EDIT: Oh. Found the fix. It was in the settings.

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on January 05, 2014, 07:17:12 AM
Aigis is indeed the best character in the damn game.

Good as a fighter? Check.
Has some decent buffs and skills? Check.
Excellent character development? Check.

Aigis is awesome.

Sakura Leic

Oh yeah one thing I should mention, unlike other Persona games and RPGS in general you cannot control your Party members, they are controlled by AI and do their own thing depending on the tatics you set for them.  It is a major pet peeve I have that they solved in the Portable version, but I hate that version for being gimped in a few ways since the PSP couldn't contain the entire game along with the female route.  As a result it doesn't have The Answer in that version as well, not that I care for multiple reasons.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

The problem with the PSP version is mainly that they wanted to maintain dungeon crawling and fights as they were, but because of the limitations of the PSP and the addition of a new route (Plus some added voice clips and extra music.) they reduced the social sim aspects and any area that isn't Tartarus floors to static screens, more Visual Novel esque instead.

Play FES, despite what Sakura said the AI is pretty good for the most part. I'd say play on Easy though, you get 10 free revives which is a huge help because the death of the Main character in battle will end your game immediately otherwise. Because the others can't revive you for some dumb ass reason.


Quote from: Tron on January 05, 2014, 03:38:18 AM

I haven't had the computer much to myself lately. I've been mostly using my phone, and the Skype app for that is apparently glitchy as hell.

Police Girl

Quote from: Tron on January 05, 2014, 03:38:18 AM

Am I not online on Trillian?

Huh, guess I wasn't.

I honestly forgot about it,


I don't have a Trillian account.

Is it better?

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 07:40:31 AM
The problem with the PSP version is mainly that they wanted to maintain dungeon crawling and fights as they were, but because of the limitations of the PSP and the addition of a new route (Plus some added voice clips and extra music.) they reduced the social sim aspects and any area that isn't Tartarus floors to static screens, more Visual Novel esque instead.

Play FES, despite what Sakura said the AI is pretty good for the most part. I'd say play on Easy though, you get 10 free revives which is a huge help because the death of the Main character in battle will end your game immediately otherwise. Because the others can't revive you for some dumb ass reason.
I honestly meant to say the Answer rather than FES because I forgot the name of that scenario. -u-'. But yeah FES is the definitive version.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Just met Junpei. I like this guy. Chill.

Police Girl

Quote from: Phi on January 05, 2014, 07:47:34 AM
I don't have a Trillian account.

Is it better?

I use it for skype.

Only difference is less bloat I guess.

Only issue is you get ads in your text, but that's really negligible compared to Skype popping a [tornado fang]ing ad up on the bottom all the damn time.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 05, 2014, 07:52:07 AM
Just met Junpei. I like this guy. Chill.
Yeah he is a chill dude and I like him a lot.  Just like I said he can and will get annoying later on.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

And then he'll become your bro and you'll realize why he's DA MAN.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 08:09:04 AM
And then he'll become your bro and you'll realize why he's DA MAN.
Oh yes.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


I just decided to play the role of the sleepy lazy [dark hold] myself.

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 05, 2014, 08:13:33 AM
I just decided to play the role of the sleepy lazy [dark hold] myself.
I wouldn't until your Knowledge personality stat is maxed, though your priority to max in terms of those stats should be Courage, than Charm, than Knowledge.  I recommend using a guide to help you because Persona 3 is kind of complicated.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: Junpei Iori on January 05, 2014, 08:13:33 AM
I just decided to play the role of the sleepy lazy [dark hold] myself.

That'll bite you in the ass the first time through.

Stay awake for classes, if you get sick go to the nurse, it won't make you better but it helps with Courage.

You need MAX Courage to do Fuuka's Social Link.

You need to raise Charm as well, Max charm lets you do Yukari's Social Link.

And you need to study at night/ stay up in class a lot to raise academics. You need Max to do Mitsuru's S-Link.

Also you'll need some courage and charm to do the S-Links for Moon, Tower and Devil I believe.

With regards to stats I think P4 is more complicated because of needing to raise 5 stats instead of just 3 (They add in Dilligence and Expression.)


So, we played House of the Dead, and then made some more freaks with the Mii creator.  I should make some freak Miis. 


I guess I'll take your word for it then. Probably stick at this for another twenty minutes and get back to wrapping up FE:A though.

Quote from: Quickman on January 05, 2014, 08:23:42 AM
So, we played House of the Dead

There was this dude at an arcade down at The Strip who was dual-wielding both the guns playing House of the Dead and he was utterly destroying. Don't think he got hit more than a couple times. It was sick.