Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth

Started by Mr. Haxwell, May 16, 2013, 12:59:25 PM

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Police Girl

I love how I can follow a guide until it tells me that I needed to have some item to initiate something, and I was supposed to get the item a different day but the guide just left that information out.

Or when I follow a guide and things still don't work out the same way. Gotta love that.


I wonder if we'll get enough snow for me to use my snow blades...

Police Girl

I wonder if the roads are gonna get shittier again anytime soon.

Its been below zero for the past few days so that was fun.


Figures I wear my crappy falling-apart sneakers.  I need a decent pair of sneakers...

Police Girl

[tornado fang] THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE

[tornado fang] STRENGTH, [tornado fang] THAT WHOLE BATTLE.

I should not have to [tornado fang]ing use a revive because of literal luck-based bullshit screwing me up the ass.


Police Girl


Persona 3.

The bosses of October's Full moon are Fortune and Strength, Fortune isn't attackable until Strength is dead because the game wants you to see its stupid gimmick attack called Wheel of Fortune, which causes a wheel (With random things on it from strength/defense buffs/debuffs, status ailments, and attacks) to appear and spin, the player controls when it stops but naturally it won't ever really stop where you want it to. And if it hits a red area of the wheel you get affected/hit by whatever attack/ailment comes up or the enemy gets a buff/you get a debuff. Party-wide distress or fear is murder as critical hits happen more often, when you get critted you fall over, getting back up wastes your turn but if you're affected by fear you might just lose your turn anyway to fear paralysis, said turn consists of just the player character as your partners are all AI without any options to manually control them (Something not added until P4 and then added back to the PSP release of 3). And when your player character is killed the game just throws its arms up in the air and goes "All is lost" and you lose basically because while your teammates just go unconscious when they get killed you apparently go and die or something so that ends the game.

I'm playing on beginner because I've resolved that I'm utterly incompetent at Atlus RPGs, at least to the point where I'll get my ass handed to me if I play at a difficulty that doesn't give me 10 free revives (The other difficulties don't even have them, you can't buy them or anything, they're just for people who suck.). But I reiterate, [tornado fang]ing Beginner and I got completely wiped by this stupid bullshit. I've only had one other boss [acid burst] me off this much and that was a [tornado fang]ing TABLE.

And this genius forgot to save on 10/03 (I can't save on the day of the full moon because that would actually be useful.) so now I have to waste my time doing 9/26 through 10/02 again just to get back to where I was, and on top of that I need to make sure not to forget to grab the [tornado fang]ing oil because I know I will if I get complacent.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just a little aggravated by the game pretty much screwing me over and I don't really have it in me to repeat the last week or so of social link stuff because its literally not very fun doing it twice in a row because of forgetting to save.

Sakura Leic

The reason you can't save on the Full Moon is because if you can't win you would be locked out of winning the game, they let you save the day before so that way you can grind at Tartarus if you need to.  It's also great because if you train the day before a full moon your teammates will never get tired so you can grind as much as you need without consequence.  That's good design.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Yeah, I guess that's good design.

But only having one save point wasn't! Which is why they fixed that in P3P, too bad P3P isn't worth the time unless you want to play as FeMC.

And its not that I'm underleveled or anything (Unless 47 is underleveled for October, somehow with the [acid burst] poor EXP gains I get I don't think it is.), the bastard is an unfair piece of [parasitic bomb]. I'd gladly be able to prepare and like buff my team and stuff, that is if I could, I don't ever seem to know which personas I'm currently carrying on me have buffs/debuffs or not. And grinding at tartarus sounds fun, open up Monad and I'll grind there oh no wait that's not till later I have to waste time finding enemies worth wasting my time fighting just to get any decent EXP gains, and even then that really depends on if I get shuffle time, and even if I get shuffle time if there's no 5/6 Wands out in the deck I don't really get that great of EXP, and even if those are there if the game decides to do the shuffle where it puts a few cards together, shuffles, and disperses them out I can't really find the right card afterwards unless I get lucky.

Lots of luck involved. Not sure how to think of that.


Severa's goddamn suicidal.
For [tornado fang]'s sake if you're unarmed stop rushing into combat.
And your little friend can stop attacking your escorts too.
[tornado fang].

On another note I'm recovering from a cold so there's that.

Police Girl

Quote from: Sandy Claws on December 08, 2013, 10:43:59 AM
Severa's goddamn suicidal.
For [tornado fang]'s sake if you're unarmed stop rushing into combat.
And your little friend can stop attacking your escorts too.
[tornado fang].

On another note I'm recovering from a cold so there's that.

Bring some high mobility/galeforce units to cover Severa's side.

Of course I played on normal so that might not be viable on harder difficulties.


I cringed at that Nintendo VGX announcement... That was painful to watch.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Police Girl

Quote from: Flame on December 08, 2013, 08:08:21 PM
I cringed at that Nintendo VGX announcement... That was painful to watch.

What was it? Just confirmation that Cranky Kong is the fourth DKC:TF character?

Sakura Leic

Not doing anything today since I'm still recovering and my mom doesn't have a lot of money so if we went to see my brother we would probably only go to Chipoltle or something.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Of course I forget the oil. And of course I get so [tornado fang]ing stingy about saving that I can't get it now.

[tornado fang].


Quote from: Clefant on December 08, 2013, 08:30:41 PM
What was it? Just confirmation that Cranky Kong is the fourth DKC:TF character?
pretty much

Cranky and "we have some gameplay to show", and yeah. Thats it. Geoff was like, "isnt there more? Any Metroid game?"

Then again, Reggie WAS wearing a Metroid pin, so possibly confirmed Metroid game in the works. Remember Iwata with the Bannanas.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Police Girl


Mind Charge + Agidyne = Total victory.


*takes a look at mm art request thread*
You're welcome, Flame. No need to thank me.


Just got home and finished shoveling.  Time to relax and get cozy.

Sakura Leic

Internet on my end seems slow and slightly unresponsive, especially Youtube.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Reading the megaman thread on Sonic Retro is painful, people there have no problems with shitty fan-games and hell some people think those people should be making official games.

I don't get them sometimes.

Sakura Leic

Looking up the official art for some of the minor characters of the Oracle games is interesting.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Quote from: Clefant on December 09, 2013, 02:31:16 AM
Reading the megaman thread on Sonic Retro is painful, people there have no problems with shitty fan-games and hell some people think those people should be making official games.

I don't get them sometimes.

Why are you even on Sonic Retro in the first place?


I'm running on fumes.  I finally decided to eat dinner, I'm exhausted from today (just tiring, and the extra-long and very boring sermon didn't help matters, nor did my cousin's birthday party or her ultrasonic squeal that makes ears bleed and heads explode), achy from shoveling, cold, and wanting nothing more than to curl up with Mabel and sleeeeeeeep.

Which I plan to do just that shortly.