I REALLY need a job now. A friend brought over Manhunt 2 and it magically sprung my PS2 into life. All I need now is a memory card, Ratchet and Clank, and a controller that doesn't have "Chinese Knockoff" written all over it...
Posted on: June 20, 2013, 10:11:03 PM
And the problems I have with trying to find a programming job is thus: firstly, I can't just search up a programming job because I barely even know C++. The languages I'm great with are GML and Lua, though I have a bit of Java experience. Secondly, I can't even find someone on the Game Maker Community forum because the Game Maker version I use is partially obsolete, and the new version is whorishly priced. Which means I would need a job to get it. Which I can't because college and high school kids took all of the great jobs now.