Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth

Started by Mr. Haxwell, May 16, 2013, 12:59:25 PM

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Police Girl

Was Sky ever a mod/soldier/whatever? I mean she kinda seemed like she had a lot of influence or something.



At one point she was a mod.  And since he left, DZ's status had been removed. 

Police Girl

All this talk of modding reminds me of the time I was a mod.

It was so short-lived it wasn't even funny. It was actually pretty damn hilarious seeing as the message board I was on crashed and burned shortly after it happened, and after it came back I just never cared to post there anymore. :P


I am reminded of my admin/mod history.

And the MMC.

Good god, that place went straight to hell after I left.  Like the very night after I left.

Police Girl


Anyway the place I left sort of became a cesspool since one of the mods was a total dick to everybody. Hell, he even got banned like once or twice because of it.


Mega Man Community.

Just saying the name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.



Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Police Girl

Quote from: Quickman on June 03, 2013, 10:26:37 AM
Mega Man Community.

Just saying the name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Never heard of it.

Probably for the best.

Quote from: Reaperoid on June 03, 2013, 10:27:58 AM

you've got to be KIDDING

What happens if you cancel?


Quote from: Clefantasy on June 03, 2013, 10:25:15 AM

Anyway the place I left sort of became a cesspool since one of the mods was a total dick to everybody. Hell, he even got banned like once or twice because of it.

A mod got banned? Ironic, given that their job is to keep their site in order.

This is the only site that I've ever had a mod position. Of course, I'm not that well known on the other forums I visit.


Quote from: Clefantasy on June 03, 2013, 10:31:15 AM
What happens if you cancel?
Nothing happens, all games bring this up when i try to start them, and won't leave this prompt at all
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Police Girl

Quote from: Phi on June 03, 2013, 10:32:45 AM
A mod got banned? Ironic, given that their job is to keep their site in order.

This is the only site that I've ever had a mod position. Of course, I'm not that well known on the other forums I visit.

He was less of a mod and more of a living time-bomb, all he did was blow up at people so the head mod banned him and promoted me and another guy to his place. Then the site exploded.

Guess that's what happens when people try to put me in charge of something.

Quote from: Reaperoid on June 03, 2013, 10:33:21 AM
Nothing happens, all games bring this up when i try to start them, and won't leave this prompt at all

Damn, that sucks.


Let's just say that the MMC was a better place when the head admin, NyNe, wasn't there.  And then things got worse when he'd return, unban all the troublemakers, and reset the hacks that I was forced to employ just to get around some particularly nasty forum bugs and restrictions.  He would leave for months on end and leave me in charge, yet I would not have full access to the admin dashboard, so I was forced to actually hack the damn thing.

He didn't get along with our affiliates, and I was actually paying money toward server upkeep just to remove the damn ads from the forum, as they were showing up in posts.  The guy unbanned one troublemaker because the kid's dad had e-mailed him, using autism as an excuse for utter stupidity, until I led a crusade with the other admins to show that we--all diagnosed with autism--would not stand for such bull.

It became as drama-filled as PMM.  I'm glad to be rid of it.

Police Girl

That must be where your "Autism is not an excuse for stupidity" thing comes from I take it.

I remember when a teacher thought I had autism, my parents were appalled that she was making an assumption like that.


That's exactly where it came from.  I absolutely cannot stand it when people use it (or any disorder, for that matter) as an excuse for their poor behavior.  One's diagnosis is just that: a diagnosis.  It does not define you, nor should you allow it to define you.  You are more than a label.


Wow, Quickie. You sure have a colorful history with admins/moderators.

Can't seem to get a break.

Police Girl

Quote from: Quickman on June 03, 2013, 10:42:37 AM
That's exactly where it came from.  I absolutely cannot stand it when people use it (or any disorder, for that matter) as an excuse for their poor behavior.  One's diagnosis is just that: a diagnosis.  It does not define you, nor should you allow it to define you.  You are more than a label.
Yeah, I don't have any disorders that I know of.

I mean, I've got problems, but that's just it, they're problems, not a disorder.

That's why I'm going to get therapy, that's why I have a blog. That's why I have a facebook to post the less meaningful stuff.


Quote from: Phi on June 03, 2013, 10:49:29 AM
Wow, Quickie. You sure have a colorful history with admins/moderators.

Can't seem to get a break.

I don't try to, as I rather prefer to work together with people.  However, I tend to clash with those who feel that since they have administrative power, that they can do whatever they want.  And it's usually those who had been around for longer than I have.  Here, they are, minding their own business, when suddenly, this new upstart climbs their way to the top of the ladder and assumes a position of authority, and is followed by an entourage of those who think that their new way of doing things is the better way.

It would [acid burst] anyone off who's set in their ways.

Police Girl

I've always tried to respect those in administrative/moderating positions, even if I have issues with the person.

That being said, I don't have problems with anybody here. Everybody's good at their job and nobody's gone drunk with power.


You can't faulted for something like that.

While they may hold a higher position than you, you should be allowed to speak your mind. As long as the situation permits room for change, who are they to say otherwise? Negotiation should always be a choice.

I'd do the same thing in your shoes


Unfortunately, thinking differently has been getting me in trouble, along with picking my battles.

However, I will not just shut down and follow the cabal like a proper sheep.  I intend to inadvertently [acid burst] people off for years to come.

Police Girl

Honestly if it weren't for me speaking my mind I don't think I'd be in the same place as I am now.


Why the [tornado fang] am i playing dead space 2 this late?!
