Fan Game Statuses

Started by The Legendary Rud, December 24, 2012, 08:33:26 PM

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The Legendary Rud

I realize this may sound like a really strange topic, and it may be too difficult to tell,  but I am dying to know the statuses of every fan game out there. I tried to sift through each thread myself but it's still kind of hard to determine.

I'm sure someone out there knows! Even educated guesses would be cool!

I'll start off: Mega Man Perfect Harmony is 50% and active, on it's 5th beta.
Also thinking of maybe making a new 4p fan game series that's truer to the classic using a new engine!
But that  one is 0% XD


Mega Man Battle Network Chrono X is around 65% and released it's fourth demo, so it's active at best.

Fun Fact: I was a temporary enemy designer for two elemental viruses. One of them was a virus that dumped magma on the player's side of the feild, turing it to lava panels and another wood-based one that shot needles from it's mouth, which also acted as teeth to serve as a replacement for the aging Spikey virus.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Sakura Leic

Return of Touhou Mother is on it's second Beta currently.  Don't know how much more they have to go, but I'm sure they're still working on it.

EDIT: Oh wait is it just Megaman fan games?
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

The Legendary Rud

Well, I suppose anything similar or somehow related. :D

Here's a few more obvious ones:

Street Fighter x Mega Man is 100% (and official!)
Super Danny 2 is 100%
Mega Man Dr. Wily's Return is 100%

Sakura Leic

It's not though, it's a Mother fan game with Touhou characters and a RPG.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Hard Hat 3: 100%, game already available to download.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Guys, Guys, i think he IS referring to all the projects that started or in some way or another were announced here:

Mega Girl R (Mine)- Just working on the Assets (sprites, tiles, concepts, music) but no programming at all (we don't have an Engine yet, and MEX my programmer, he promised one but got sidetrack by his commercial projects), tough on a positive note, we have been liking how the project has been evolving.

Mega Man TT - Sadly............Cancelled, but Tesserex Engine is still in Developing and close to be completed.

Megaman 72 - Fogottten?.

Megaman F - Still in Development.

Megaman Maximun - Still in Development. [spoiler]But Hfbn2 released a playable stage in his DA[/spoiler]

Megaman Dissonance - Cancelled and turned into a Sprite Comic

Megaman Hollow Fate - Abandoned?, Cancelled?........i really dont know, it just dissapeared.

Megaman + (Megaman Plus) - Same as Mine, but is coming nicely and it has got a nice reworking.

Here's My Facebook Account, Join the Megagirl R project

if you want to know my skype account, send me a PM

Joseph Collins

>_>  <_<

[spoiler]Mega Man Christmas Carol Remix is well on its way to being finished.  Maybe.[/spoiler]

But you didn't hear it from me.

The Legendary Rud

Woah, cool! Thanks Gatuca! That answers a lot! I will check your stuff out later!

Are there any more?
(And I suppose other Doujin games are cool, but lets try to keep it Mega Man.)
: D

Yoku Man

By my estimates "Mega Man Unlimited" is about 95% complete. The last 5% is mainly menus and bugfixes. I would guess it'll release in either January or February.

Joseph Collins

Oh, hey.  I forgot to mention this two days ago, but Mega Man Christmas Carol Remix has been released.  It's 100% finished and only a tiny hair glitchy!  Check out this wild spin on Dickens if you haven't already!


Quote from: Gatuca on December 25, 2012, 06:02:59 AM
Guys, Guys, i think he IS referring to all the projects that started or in some way or another were announced here:

Mega Girl R (Mine)- Just working on the Assets (sprites, tiles, concepts, music) but no programming at all (we don't have an Engine yet, and MEX my programmer, he promised one but got sidetrack by his commercial projects), tough on a positive note, we have been liking how the project has been evolving.

ya know, I'm actually quite happy to hear this :3

good to see it is still alive
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PM
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PM
Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

The Legendary Rud

Nice! Let's keep this going! What else is there??

There are a few more on the front page of rockmanpm, does anyone know about them maybe?


Welp, I can honestly say that Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen is slated to be for a December 2013 release. Hopefully before Dec 17 which would put it still within the 25th anniversary of Mega Man!  owob


Well, since I mentioned the game, I might as well pop the official trailer link in here as well:
Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen - Official Trailer
Deciding not to make an official thread for this yet since it is not finished. But hopefully it'll generate some interest. As for the obvious question: "What? No custom art, robot masters?!" Well, at the time of creation, we asked around for good sprite artists to help us, but no one was interested. So now, towards the end of production, people are willing to help us and now we're like: "We could have used that help 3 years ago when things weren't set in stone as they are now." So...I made do with the resources available, and actually centered the story around that fact actually. So it all worked out in the end.


Quote from: Darkflamewolf on October 16, 2013, 02:32:25 PM
Well, since I mentioned the game, I might as well pop the official trailer link in here as well:
As for the obvious question: "What? No custom art, robot masters?!" Well, at the time of creation, we asked around for good sprite artists to help us, but no one was interested.
So was this project planned to have new robot masters? That would be cool. But if you were looking for sprite artists, where did you seek for help exactly? I only know Spriters Inc & Spriters Resource where you could find or at least that is what I'm thinking.


Yes, it was planned to have new robot masters, but as it stands, it is a bit late for that now. Regardless, I think I switched up the robot master's AI patterns so that feel fresh and new again. So facing off against old robot masters won't be the same like last time. So Toad Man....isn't really a push over anymore. Is he Minus Infinity crazy? Probably not, but he at least puts up a fair fight now at least.

Posted on: October 16, 2013, 08:24:35 PM
Going to post an update here on "Revenge of the Fallen," Due to real life constraints and happenings, I am sad to say the original release date of Dec 2013 isn't going to happen. So we're taking the time to finish up what we have left to do, deal with our real life issues, and hopefully polish it up some and expecting an early 2014 release. No month or date pinned down yet.


I'd like to add Mega Man RPG Prototype to the list.  While it's fully playable and feels like a complete game, it's technically only about 10% complete(!).  The game aims to have all classic series robot-masters in the game and playable, and so far it's only got about 30 of the 124 complete.  A lot of of the mechanics are complete, as are a lot of the robots and abilities and battle fields, but looking at how much we have left... just wow.  So yeah, only about 10%.  :P

EDIT:  After reading the response to this thread, I wonder if I should post the game here at all.  The idea of making something different than run-jump-shoot appears to offend people on this board to the point where they'll write it off altogether if it's not a clone of the NES games.  :S  Oh well, I did what I could to shake up the classic formula and try something new and if someone likes it, awesome, if everyone else doesn't, then they're entitled to their opinion.  :|


I hope I am not necro bumping this thread.
I have counted the days since the latest post, and it wasn't 30 days...
...anyway, I'm basically posting there, because I would like to know, whenever Gatuca's project MegaGirl R is disconitnued or not.
This project really showed potential (just like how MegaMan Unlimited did)...


Update on Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. Its basically good to go. We're just giving ourselves another week of playtesting JUST TO BE SURE all bugs are ironed out. But its fully finished and fully playable. Release date this coming week! Look to this new trailer for details!
Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen Pre-Launch Trailer