Arche watched in disbelief as Omega Joe intercepted his attacks with ease. He has fought many a foe in his past, and most times, his Spinning Omni Slash technique proved to be near-impossible to counter. But here was Omega Joe, being one of the few to gain the upper hand.
"Crap, so energy slash techniques are no good... and close-range seems to be suicidal," He bit his nail and tried to strategize on how to get in a good hit on this guy.
Meanwhile, at the van, Phi noticed a sudden burst of commotion coming from outside, along with a lot of yelling; more yelling then when they were fighting the Zero Joes. She opened the door and looked outside, immediately noticing the Crimson-clad Omega Joe.
She was slightly agitated that she couldn't help them out; certainly not with simple arrows. Perhaps she needed an upgrade or an extra weapon.
Arche reached into a small pouch he carried on his waist, attached to his armor. He fished around a bit until he finally pulled out a small bottle with a mysterious transparent liquid inside.
"Well, here goes nothing..." He poured about half of the liquid onto his katana blades, drenching them. Afterwards, he put the bottle back into his pouch and tightened his grip on the swords.
"How about we heat things up," Arche repeatedly grinded his blades against the floor until a spark ignited the liquid and enveloped the blades in bright blue flames.
"I call this the Exorcist technique!" Arche lunged forward and slammed the blades against the ground, creating a sudden explosion that sent an enormous azure fireball at Omega Joe.
(Poor Phi and her weak weapon...)