honestly, as far As i know, the only time that they all revive like its nothing, is once Weil steps into town. before that there would be maybe 1 or 2 revivals, but that was it... now with weil, every single one of his soldiers were either revived, or brainwashed. he revived Copy X, Hanumachine, Anubis Necromancess lll, and Blizzack Stagroff. thats quite a few revivals for just 1 game. and then that ice wolf dude in Z4 was also a revival. as well as, well, i dont know if it counts... his attack during his first form, where he summons the 8 G.J. (although im not quite sure about the nature of that attack)
And im pretty DAMN sure, that given enough time to do so, he also would have resurrected Omega as well. I mean, Come on. that guy was the cream of his crop. His ultimate weapon. if he could revive 4 fallen reploids just like that as part of a secret plot to take over neo arcadia, im pretty sure he would have taken the time, no matter how long, to bring back his ultimate reploid.