This is all wonderful information, but I've always wondered something: where exactly did Signas come from? Was he built by Dr. Cain or Cain Labs at some point prior to X5, or was he built by some 3rd party and has nothing to do with Cain/Cain Labs?
Well, you can throw away the notion that "Cain Labs" build him, because Cain Labs doesn't exist in the RockmanX games.
As for Signas' creator, like with so many Reploids, we don't know we built him. It's not considered relevant, really.
Here's one of his profiles:
Feeling responsible for the many needless deaths resulting from judging the
Colonel as an Irregular and starting the Repliforce Great War, the previous
Irregular Hunter General has resigned.
Urgently, Signas was chosen for the duty. Not intended to be a warrior, Signas
was designed with the latest repliroid advances and possesses the most
precise CPU in existence. Because of his calm judgement and quick thinking,
he was selected to the position of General.